THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MA) RAG TIME MUSIC. It Mind an Irritating Effect on Me. Monaghan and He Bounced ERGLISH IN NEW MEXICO. TWO MR. SPRINGS. MAYOR OF NEW YORK Pestifies Before the Legislative In- vestigating Committee. Are Spreading and Colnclidence Making Great Progress, American Ideas Strange in Names of the Territory Now Two Soldiers at Camp Wikor, There were two me« n of the in the Twer Wikoft, says the New York | balling from Massachusetts, is | geant of company 1, Pennsylvanian, is | pany M. Soon the Flayer, RUNNING ON Hl After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured By ek tantly sapping away the vitality. bo eliminated from the blood, can have any ¢ ffect. There 18 no uncertainty made fo r it 1s back ced ut testimony of those and now of its vir an itbreal ounsel 0 Ay ay : y ho ‘ i yd ut #3 ae lar corresponde! ad ak hpi bs rn et th “* For si SLA nate, runni him he knew Ji J ‘ iuriae:s rpet- mittee ig rl name, } n't dat . Ae cali ny i ankle, which at times caused me intense and the may ai "oO Hieable i for un long while that | lealings with ? oneyv ir ! ! I i immigr on. | ently both Springs began to get letters 'yer nd XX av her, Brid; business of twelve vears ag ) he t report of the interior depart- | mplaining t no answer } eel urns. 'Pon be sowl, "tis that stuck-uj but did me Mahoney | | mer \ hat the ii kad nag t b without the } t mended that wonderful. It disease and force the The territ of New Mexico, which was organized in 1850 and had by the federal census of 1890 a total population of 153,000, had by unenviable distinction of having a high- er ratio of illiteracy the population than any other civil division in the United States, ber of white inhabitants ix fco over the age of 10 years, ory Beven o'clock mass was just out at Xavier's, and the congregation was dis | persing gradually from before the broad door of the church, members of it going home in groups of three or four, conversing on the way of the minor events of the day. On the cor- ner of New and Sycamore streets Mrs, resides on Lock street, ame eth infantry $4 amp One, HE REBUKES AN INSINUATION, the same census the fn ser while the other, a | When Asked by Counsel Moss If He Knew of “a Gentleman Named Wyek' Being tooms He Demanded an Inquiry, New York, May 17.-—~Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck was on the witness stand yesterday before the Mazet investiga ting committee Mayor Van Wyck gave it as his opinion that the conduct | €rac) of affairs under the new charter has higher (50 p ent.) i been remarkably satisfactory, bu a. | co th fused to express any opinion Massachu “Arrah, ing changes in the city dents of w Mex \ higher than | {na particuls and | Sure me } might prove the administra- nany other vil division of th un- | wanting wif ¢) i "rer lavin' and seru affair ds : o much timony among white KR private in coms Van rool Of the total nums- New Mex- Interested In after the {| Montauk Point Si 41 percent, | get very flattering letters negr Eighth, met Mra Callahan, who as illiterate, the In | lady living in a small Pennsylvania lives on Third Street hill. ly | town; also eXpress ackages, which | “The Le p of the mornin’ to i urns,” sald Mrs, Callal you're lool like a four with the face of ye ould man ~"m re ig! sergt ment : began Burns, who ment soon | peated, froma young | were returned the country o is or 7 per cent. Morvo atio of ugh il d at large the rat ye, Mrs. depr “Sure, the HUL= | were none the less w unexpecte same Bpring was deciding that able to charm at eicome 1 tin’ l clover, fine among the col d population New Mex- anin any ner sti orterritory. The number of Spanish-speaking resi- was low's your 1 y ana n Dinnis? phwat talk have ye woman! bone ay out, rega setts pg officer 10 the UNGE are wore about the nly by been tend to tion of the « here was Mayor occas bbin'da inan'd Dinnis, did ye say? Bad cess he's a to him, an obst] was One Ors treats no good, then tried vari onclude seemed to ge ght at poison t, and I Ma New York city heard that Mr and Mr in pool rooms “Have yo Mr. Moss Van Wyck For the roused “That is abso {: He wanted to Know Moss anything of the These things retorted the counse ‘I never had any any illegal calling anywhere world,” shouted the mayor knew that I was not interest rooms when you asked th You knew that bring it out for the pu the impression that that you bring and show that I am pool rooms anywhere with anything else of acter, and | think committee shit quest.” Sexton WAS iret lute 1 ea are not easy and he sergeant if there was Mr. Mazet sali lf had accused he admitted w Mazet a naintained tren y one else The mayor dismissed Chief lagh because he was the position, and that Police Commissioners Hamilton because they mayor said Hamlitc the casino Police Comm statement with re Chief make Dev friend, and | wanted to make him « police, ar ! od McCullagh President Yo plained the retire said that of Police M not a fit man for he haa removed Philipps and were unfit. The ckmail he gioner Sexton. In before the committee. said ference to t f Police he nol he appointment everey I wanted erey chief Deverey was Hdren Injured nine them injured are fractured; Esther broken Helen Klein, Stella Groff, skull de ankle broken; Grace Her- bert, leg broken; Susie Dapp scalp wound; Tillle Petz, scalp wounds and badly bruised about the chest: Mabel Leaver, scalp wounds; Jennie Smith. head bruised Four scholars were buried beneath the debris of brick and wooden beams. They were extricated by the teacher A Lavish Farewell Dinner. New York, May 17.-Mr. and Mrs Bradley-Martin took their formal leave of New York soclety last night at the Waldorf-Astoria. They took it In the form of a sumptuous dinner to 88 per- sone. It is sald the dinner cost $10,000 Viands, wines, music, service, all were perfect. The Bradley-Martins left this morning for Europe. n and 1, some of lo Fhe Kurtz ankie Mary Kurtz wi nlp pressed and Kui wound The Wealth of the Klondike, Washington, May 17.--Consul Brush reports to the state department from Clinton, Ont, that the washup from the Yukon this year will aggregale $19,000,000, | There per cent. of le to rend per cent a marked cha army in 18 New Me liers 1 have r the late war, ar rnished many n been afforded ™ ’ nortur ’ ’ Pi y FAITH IN PHYSICIANS. Many Men Whe De Take the Medicine Prescribed for Them Are Not ne tot neg 5 Ars 10 come him, but he generally draws the taking the medicine you 1 In A physician very rarely places any confidence in the patient following his directions unless a capable nurse is present. ‘Let me look at that prepara- tion a moment,’ is a stereotyped bed- side formula. The doctor really wants to see whether any Is missing, 1 was amused the other day at a remark of a prominent physician, who invited me to accompany him on a visit to an old citizen who is laid up with la grippe. ‘Is there any calomel in that preserip- tion 7 asked the patient while it was be- ing written. ‘Yes,'sald my friend. ‘But see here!’ protested the sick man, ‘my stomach is very intolerant of calomel!’ “Yes, 1 know,’ replied the doctor, ‘but it's"all right; you won't take it, any- how '"