HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE I'A . FEERURAY I 544 SWINDLE IS ABROAD. Dr. Talmage Preaches on the Prov. alence of Crime. fave in Whe Leposed Everywhere Are Men Abused the Trust Them=The Evils of Spee ulntion. (Washingtot This, | COs this w the Heaven “Wi I'he the wor The o: and 1 bapier that their of Kensett in 20 se ! »OTS, &l they have LANES 10 Le | hina al instituten ro 1 ticated people are thereby wed to their money in or | f. wher de posit the serip there iblished di rectors, are doing nothing for the safe ty of the institution? It is a case of deception most reprehensible Many people with a surplus of money, not needed for immediate use, although it may be a little further on indispensable, are without friends competent to advise them, and they are guided solely by the character of the wen whose names are associated with the institution. When the crash came and with the overthrow of the banks went the small earnings and limited fortunes of widows and orphans and the helplessly aged, the directors stood with idiotic stare, and to the inquiry of the frenzied depositors and stock: holders who had lost their all and to the arraignment of an indignant pub lis had pothing to say except: “We thought it was all right. We did net know there was anything wrong go- fog on” It was their duty to know, They stood in a position which delud- od the people with the iden that they the) the } were carefully observant. Calling themselves directors, they did not di- rect. They had opportunity of audit- ing accounts and fnspecting the books. No time to do so? Then they had no business to accept the position, It gecms to be the pride of some moneyed men to be directors in a great many in- stitutions, and all they know is wheth- er or not they get their dividends larly, regu and theirnames are used ns decoy ducks to bring others near enough to be made gan VYhat ¢ t of all} necaded 1 rents the ast ie 10 } reinte y hot | to their charg: hey d purioin: they say Lhey « 3 borrow When a banker makes an overdraft upon his institution, he does not com init a theft; be only borrows. When the officer of a company, by flaming adver tisement In some religious paper and git certificate of stock, gets a» mull tude of country people to put does not fraudulently take their mon ey; he only borrows. When a young man with easy access to his employ er's money drawer or the confidential clerk by close propinquity to the ae- count books takes a few dollars for a Wall street excursion, he expects to put it back. Me will put it all back. He will put it all back very soon. le only borrows. Why, when you are going to do wrong pronounde erm. A word as borrow, a werd of six rs, when you ean get a shorter word more deseriptive | of the reality, a word of only five letters wAhe word steal? their | tmall sarnings to an enterprise for car | rying on some undeveloped nothing, he | There ars times when we all borrow md borrow legitimately, and borrow with the divine blessing for Christin His sermon on tho mount enjoins: him that would borrow of thee not thou away." man rightly borrows money education, “From turn A young to get his Purchasing a house and not al pay all down in cash, the rightly borrows it or tera) not K | these goods, and @ ask You to help us in taking them to the places where they belong.” 1f next Sabbath all the minis ters in America should preach sermons on the abuse of trust funds, and on the evils of purloining, and the sermons | were all blessed of God, and regulations were made that all these things should be taken to the city halls, it would not be long before every city hall in Amer makes a good place to put dishes an they fea would be crowded from eellar to cupoin Fractional Classies, Mrs. Timkins was taking her so school for the first time, and, after fm- | pressing the schoolmaster with the ne cesally of his having a thorough, good education, finished up by saying: “And be sure he learns Latin” “But, my dear madam.” schoolmaster, “Latin is a guage” “All right,” sald Mrs. Timkingg “he'll want It, He's going to be an under taker "Golden Days wid the dead lan | drawers for dish wipers and SPECIALTY FARMING. It Draws Constantly on the Fertility of the Soll Without Fermit- ting MHenovation, Specialty the gquction farming means deve ting the pro- larger part of the time to I'l Crop may wheat, corn or