THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, al LR LLEFONTE, I’A., FEBRUARY G, 18bY. 3 THE CAPTURE OF ILOILO, Ganeral Miller's Forces Occupy the Capital of Panay Island. NO LOSS ON THE AMERICAN SIDE. The fore Fire Evacuntion, Rebels Set the Extingulshoed tire Chine to the Town Hee but Our T'roops I'he Ens stroyed the Flames se Section I Iwo Mons SKIRMISH ES NHebels Hepulsed sand In a Subn \unin Near M A gunix INK Colonel "Otte rrived fron lHollo Tuesday with disp Miller to patches om General dis after reconnois General Otis hese tate Miller or in force to ascertain the enemy's Major ennesasen that on Sunday General dered a cance battalion regiment position Cheatham's uf the marched beyond the enemy. and returned to lloilo, Keller's battalion of the Eighteenth United States Infantry, with two Hotchkiss guns and one Gatling gun, marched towards Jaro. Midway be- tween llollo and Jaro this battalion encountered a large body of the enemy, occupying both sides of the road, who met the advance of the American troops with a severe and well directed fire. The rebels were quickly repulsed and our troops raised the Stars and Stripes over the town of Jaro, which had been deserted, spoke the Disabled Hulgaria, isle of Wight, Feb. 16.--The British steamer Koordistan, Captain Simpson, from Savannah on Jan. 24 for Bremen, passed here yesterday and signaled that she spoke the disabled Hamburg American line steamer Bul. garia In longitude 43 west he 414 eot mention the date the steamer was dgnaled, volunteer FF Co Molo without finding | OUT OF THE Trammell Greadunliy SNOWDRIFTS. Resuming After a Loss of Twenty Mitons, New York, Feb, 16