2 Hk NTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, I’A.. FEBRUARY 16, |» WAR INVESTIGATORS. Their Report Rebukes Charges of Corrupt Practices. MILES CHARGES NOT SUSTAINED. soldiers Was «d the onditton., ' the Commins ine ( Ares isfled Were 1 sioners that No Chem leads miss hi PAYS : The had samples of refrigerat i examined BY Roverns f acid 1 vered nt expert y traces m pos sible for Impure me th government inspectors the packing houses, and proceeds In view of the | the co pass Acts above set of the opinion no refrigerated beef furnished by tractors and issued to the troops dur ing the war with Spain was subjected or treated with any chemicals hy the contractors or those in their employ." To Be Admiral Dewey, Washington, Feb. 14. ~The senate has passed a blll creating the office of ad- miral of the navy Hear Admiral Dewey, it is understood, will be named for the office, wrth that con mmission EX.-TREASURER HAYWOOD DYING. Physicians Declare Ho Can Live : n Fow Days Longer, Harrisburg, Feb, 16 Stewart of the treasury department, recely telegran fron Mi Redres. ast evening told Wave Strikes Mexion Mex ! y. | i" har struck th f Vera planters to coffees oD § L : } Aantati the me to n dor ants Itian injur fer young casional \L y A y fruit rtimnat na iq One + planter is thal the an 1 growers and cattle ™ planters x11 amour ident Maz has heey ith the gt 0. Pres his bed two days » hae President In Boston Boston, Feb, 18 Pregident McKin Jey and party left Washington for Bos ton last evening over the Pennsylvania road, and arrived in Boston this fore noon. The party consists of the presi. dent, Secretaries Alger, Long and Bliss, Postmaster General Smith, Represent. ative Grosvenor, Mr, Porter and Mr, Cortelyon, secretaries to the president; Major Hopkins and Mr, Thorin, one of the White House doorkeepers, but | | 4h na Iarge | tobacco | of LN yd) | Crew of the Ste: uner William Law- rence Landed at Savannah, THEIR TERRIBLE BUFFERINGS, Foot nnd | ! Were Hou ] REMEMBERING THE MAING TROOPS OFF FOR MANILA. Fransport Sheridan Leaves New Yori Long Voyage IL The I"'nited ney dan | Manila An far supple ent 4 ready to The of the whi wed to this city fth day hy Aan snl] tw delay in the tro . Of One | geard Nn their way f the Twe Jersey City go on board the other two battalions of as well as the Third battalion of the Heventeenth Infantry, did not arrive until today. The troops were brought aver from Jersey City and marched on board of the transport as soon as they arrived, and shortly after that the Bheridan salled away There are 1.017 persons In all on board the Bheridan, Including the crew, the soldiers, officers and their families and several nurses, The cabin passengers number % italion infantry and ready but the regiment, wan in yesterday fo transport that A WEEK'S NEWE CONDENSED. Feb, freezing to de orth Friday, 10, Cattle nun Texan The cold wave ha tru south a Florida \ 1 crog mre ath In bers in n Vent THE PRODUCE MARKETS w! red) westlert nearby AY In better NEIL, Bu ey tat Indie 1281 Tv 126) Letty box Whinky finished for tobt New 1%. } ined stags, BWL2 bulls, § firm goods In ing lols York, Fel igher, cows ym to choles wives veals rn calves, MM. Bheep half a ear unsaid MOLI. prime higher at MOG4® East Liberty, Pa steady. extra, BB common, BLDG. Hogs slow and lower; extra heavy and prime mediums, $4106 5; henry Yorkers, MOL. leht do. BAG ples, B79; roughs, 5000 Bheop steady. cholce wethers, $04 80 common, ROHL, choles lambs, 86.208 £8, common to good, HEL IE; veal calves, fule 13.3 1 higher ordinary lambs, Inmbe {to good Hogs went firm sheep Feb. 15 Le LO Cuttie about prime, 5 G5 0 inrge LEGAL NOTICEN “Al h Ski] BARGAINS. WANTS. ET¢ A MONLY TO LOAN amount in n ) fro "$500 t $1000 and any number ans d imited Br deed | avg Ww. GALER MORRISON on St Bellefonte, Pa PROFESSIONAL CARDS UWER & OR VIS, An oral Fra German and ) ORVIS 1} ni 4 ris K a) FORTNEY & WALKER W. Barrison Walker Ofe= in Woodring building house Prowapt attention to ness WETZR) Attorney at law fers Kxehange Npecinl atte pRUrYeving and engineering Ry orney at (Hy ction aw . n of Nelletonte mptly attended 5. DD GETTIO., Attorney at Rullding. English and business promptly atier Aw n Franer German Legal ied to WILLIAM Crnders Legal RUNKL) Exebhange business pro Attorney at English and German mpLiy attended t W. OC REINLE pPposite eq Attorney at law it house, Consultation man and Eaglish n building in Ger C. MEYER Exehange and English ness Crider's German all busi Attorney at law n Ex district attorney Prompt attention to JOHN MM. KEICHLINE Justice of the Peace opposite Court house Attorney at law and In operas house bloe Re JAMES W_ ALEXANDER, At'ornry al law High street, near court house. Practices in all Lhe courts WILLIAM J. SINGER Tempe Court butiding floor Attorpey at law in room No, 21, fourth JOHNSTON, Attorney at law —~Ofioe wh Collections and legal basi J. K Temple Court ness. x. n APANGLER ik Attorney 4 al law court house. Distriet attorney D* GRORGE N KLUMP, Physician and Sur tour oa. igh street e 1, Ofee hours: Pam Litedp.m, Al p.m . Bellefonte, Pa. | JSThasite the i Ofes In | i \ NIQTIAS REVI ¥A0X © JYASNI L.NXOQ =. Www WoW. ~N £ NI ‘ 7 i. - 0 i ™ lig IE IE TEI I IY ‘ THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE -{BELZER Si= MEAT MARKET 4 PORK and MUTTON PHILIP B I VAD R W. H. MU SSER UNION BATRA FE INS, 0 Half the charm of a photographic out ing is Jost if one carries along several ds of glass plates and holders and has every moment flled with anxiety for their safety. KODAKS use non-breakable film cartridges which weigh ounces where plates weigh pounds, KODAKS $5.00 to $35.00, EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N. Y. Agent for Centre county, GEORGE T. BUSH, Bush Arcade, « BELLEFONTE, PA Who keeps a full line of Cameras and all photographic supplies on hand all the time, Talking Machines of all sorts for sale poun -i age v by mad Caveats, and Trade Marka aittinad anal} all Pat ent buvnesm conducted for Mosrmave PEER, wa Orree ad ® Iwas EO 44307 [Alp VA gi remote (rom Washingion, tend model, draw ag or shote, with thom, We ads, ¥ charge, Owe or oi due ull A Pawn tt lag C.A.SNOW& CO. Ors Parent Ormce, Waskinaron, D.C.