» 4 A CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. SECOND WEEK OF COURT Week Unfinished Business of Last Reported [ MPORTA'T CIVIL CASES TRIED il This Week A Busy Week 10 Court 1ses Settled or Continued —Reg S. D Gettig, Es Jacob Th uel Marsh and George Chapman elman, Sam re pie vir plea non cepit and property Continued wt the conta of the defendants John FP. Harris, W. | ' Iaroh ! Gray aud Samuel Thielman, Samuel Morrell Mar ejectment, plea i Giray wv» Marsl shall and George M. Chapman Nabe Kellinger not guilty Continues] at the costa of the detendan ta Samuel Lew Arnold Kohn Rosenheim & (0 A Kohn A Rosenheim and A M trading as Kohn, and American Romenbeim Surety Summons in as sumpsit, piesa non ANT wif Voluntary non-suit entered Jenne Long VA Jeremiah Bnave iy, xen} tor of, ete., of Polly Rover deceased. sum mons in assumpsit, Hettled ples now nan m peit Jesse Long and Samuvel Long va minh Soavely, Royer, deceased ; summons in plea nou-assumpsit, Settled J. V. A. McEntire Runkle, summons in ejectment, plea not guilty Jere executor of, ete, of Polly wan pit, ™ Ierael Continued at the costs of the defendant M. D. Boyder vs. J. N. Krumrine, sum mors in assumpsit, ples non-assumpsit, Case to be submitted to arbitrators volun | Charles Miller and Prop. M he Size of Her ank'e of Dow marry within thirty days ed many affectionate letters from fair pinster recently one got which caused the greatest hilarity in the House and woman's photograph and tape measures, lobby It contained a young the latter cut to show the exact measure ments of the arm, bust and ankle of the fair candidate b— Wanted a Correction A certain paper, in an obituary of a man who had died in the community, A long procession followed the re of “print said, * mains to their last roastivg place course the family rushed to the shop” to have the “‘error’’ corrected The editor explained that he could not do it until the seven years’ back subscrip tion the deceased owed had been paid .- » Appointed Judge Advocate Col, Wilbur FF. Reeder, Ex Deputy At. torney General of Pennsylvania, has been appointed Judge Advocate with the rank of Major, on the staff of General Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, N.G, P. Col. Reeder has just retired from a saccessful term in the Attorney General's office .o-—— mm | Gur your neighbor to subscribe for | The Centre Democrat and you will tickle | ue immensely, A new subscription always gives us cause for rejoicing BELLEFONTE, PA, mm HE ACADEMY DONATES A FLAG museun Penosyivania Always Ahead A Kensas City newspaper man sass ’ that it costs five dollars to kiss a Georgia girl and fifteen dollars to kiss a Pennsyl vania widow, “Experienced men who have sampled steck in both states he adds, “say that the latter is worth the difference According to that bank. the of vania's blushing, blooming maidens KE W .-o-—— rupicy stares the man io face who steals a smack’ from one Pennsyl. He Stands Firm Hon, W.( this district, Heinle, State Senator from was in town today short time and made this office a pleas. Mr the platform upon which he, as well as that ant call Heinle stands firmly on all other Democtats, were elected of anti-Quaylsm-1L. H - -— * Active at do Democrat, The venerable Jacob leathery, of Mount Eagle, Bald Eagle valley, is one of the few men who have reached his age who is still active in life. Notwithstand. ing his 81 years he cut 5.000 hoop poles and shipped them last fall for a | | business and that there are THURSDAY, FEBRUARY BOROUGH POLITICS Will Be Raster always the first Sand moon which happens March moon happens upon a Sunday, upon or next after the 2st day of and if the ful Easter is the Sunday fler It may o of March This cur as early as the 21d the or As late as 25th of Apri year Easter falls « n April 2 -—— Telephone Company Officer Al the annual election of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply id in the company’s offices, company, he at Williamsport, last week, John 8. Furst was chosen Mr Furst, of this place » -— » of Williamsport, secretary and treasurer Furst is a son of Hou. A. O Overdone The Houtzdale Journal states on what it calls good authority that the new town | of Windbe: is over done in all lines of entirely too many miners and other workmen there for the amount of work .-—— Filing Certificates Friday, February 31, will be the last day for filing with the county commis. | Woners certificates of nomination for township and borough officers POTTERS MILLS, \ARONSBURG FING EARL Appointed Assignees established firms of A I he WMinon s ng sons and Monday Geary, Esq., and Simon Bros., of Lock Haven, evening made assign Herbert The 10 the taking of this step were felt in the year ments, B. 1 Simon being appointed assignees reverses of these firms which led 185589, when the flood entailed heavy loss. es upon the firms, The firms at that time met all their losses dollar for dol lar, and since that time have stramed every nerve to meet obligations then in curred *— Foster's Predictions ve wi cross the west of Rack tes country avuvut February 2, great cen tral valleys 4. eastern states 6 T he which have been published, will be in. great warm wave, forecasts of augurated soon after the date of this bulletin, and will effect most parts of the United States with a general thaw, Bat and be says That's like a lawyer be Agatost Whiskey for Soake Bite ' Prof lates g leonard Stojoeger, a Unite vernment expert, says that whisky, instead of being an antidote for snake bites, according tothe popular be lief, is really an aggravation of the tron ble, accelerates the circulation of the blood and hurries the poison through the veins and arteries with greater rapi This information will greatly discourage fish ermen as i dity than it would otherwise have S- For La Grippe Thomas Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash. av. corner Jacksonst., one of Chicago's oldest and most prominent druggists, recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem. { edy for la grippe, as it not only gives a about February 1 the reverse of this will | prompt and complete relief, but also occur and & great cold wave, with a gen: | counteracts any tendency of la grippe to eral fall in temperatgre, will across the continent sweep | result in pneumonia. | Potts Green, druggists, Bellefonte, Pa. For sale by F