< THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, OCTOBER 13, 189s. HAPPENINGS IN BELLEFONTE Local Events Briefly Few Lines PERSONALS, SOCIAL Told in a ~Movements of our People—What the Local Scribe Saw Worthy of Mention—A Week's Local News in a Few Words, -Darkest America’ at the house to-morrow evening ""McDoodles Fl opera house, ats’ on Tuesday 15th. —George W. Thomas is on the again after an extended illness. Albert Hoy, of Providence, R. 1, 13 home on a visit to his mother, Mrs, Louisa Hoy. to Phila. studies in the ~FEdward Harris returned delphia, to Hahneman Medical college, resume his — Apples, potatoes, and squashes are the chief these pumpkins products brought to curb market -The civil service examination for A srry oloavk t the Bellefonte carriers and clerks at the Bellefonte has been postponed until Oct., postoihce 22nd. —- Will Kell Pa., spent se in Bellefonte Harry ~-Owing to continue 1 W. J. Stewart, church at P his charge. Mrs, Atke line of ladies wraps ter season. another column. —J. N. Cassanova, of Philipsburg, | gone to Cuba to oversee his tobacco} tations, of which he hasmany and have been omitted and 13 | song well selections were propriate for the Joseph Ceaders has old Hale p lers resider roperty, oun Al past week it was street, torn down and Mr. home in it legheny during the It is a most desirable location Ceader will place. ~Mr. Jolin, friends an modaern Frank Stinekechler Newton, Kansas, d rel Stinekechler i of atives i » butcher business here ing been going west he bas en. 1 has grown quite The attra minstrel be ] good lav will wnedicine, entertainme —{Ju Satur a tus High School foot b am had with the Academy team, on 2 the first half meadow. h ad the works fonte scored These two eor at Alt tied them in t teams will ooua, at an earl -On Friday evenin foot ball elevens went over tains in Baum's hack to play the burg High School team. Our boys did the best they il y had The and by a score of heavy team did { they did | game even Landlord D wood, has su the P office is being recovered and strengthen ed this When pleted the repairs at the court house will The tly remodeled and here. of county schools will bave his desk that room The county formerly rented a room on the second floor of Criders Exchange for that official. The District Attorney's office in the future will not be in the court house, hee « nlt ir rithanotar ne Ani in olthonotary 1] this job is com we ek. be about finished arbitration roON was recen after the uperintendent in ~Last Saturday the Nittany Gun club entertained the ers who are embraced in their game preserve. The club house, at was thrown open to them and over a hundred accepted the jovitation. An elaborate dinner was served by Mr. Peck that did honor to the occasion. Many prominent members of the club were present to help make guests at home. Several very Rod & property own al dependance between the farmer, and the business and professional men, the others assistance and patronage, It proved a most delightful affair for all | who took the occasion to be present, next Wednesaay evening ; Hecla, 1183. —Our Telephone call 1s suli ~*Waragraph' in the opera house It will he an interesting production, Fred Blair who 1s with typhoid fever wasvery low during the past week, | but now is 1mproving EVENTS | What has Transpired During the Past Week | —Audrews’ Opera Company will be at Bellefoute, Thur8day October 27th. This will be a fine i ion them that you saw me'' is becoming popular as ‘‘shakiog the plum tree’ on Ouavs account | daughter it Wednesday in thn of Mr. and Mrs W. Jackson surance of a similar positi has the min the lar which he will accept after Company B is mustered out - Nearly low who can scare up an old 11 be out in the woods on Saturday morning after game stories wiil ing before Hannah Captured night of the week Hannah was fp : v lad ¢ Mouda t for Foreign Demand tor Wheat in Northern complete Prosped and Central Russia are a failure and in South Russia the barvestis far below the average. Prices are bound to advance, as experts predict that the supplies are wholly inadequate to meet the require. ments, Chances are for our farmers profiting by this. Married. On Wednesday October sth, Robert A, | Milier, of Benner twp, and Miss Ada F ' Jaminson, were married at Centre Hall, {by Rev. S. FP . Christine, of the terian church, Presby . SINCE John A. Daley got his * ‘poke’ in | the public trough at Washington, he has | been anxiously by smacking his mouth for another chance for more ‘Fap.” It pays better you know than cultivating the land out in Curtin township—not as 4 { bard work and more in it, interesting talks | were delivered that bore upon the mutu- | Brrr SrRRLE i is exceedingly sorry that he did not consult Editor Harter before | circulating his position. Hereafter he! bringing out the fact that each needed will be careful not to make such a griev- ous error, DALEY, the legislative Sphinx, has not | spoken, IN THE COURT HOUSE Gathered from Various Gffices. Lega! Intelligence MARRIAGH LICENSES | Aundiew Onder, Shoe t Aunie Lyeso, { John E. Kuhn, t Ema V, Wowmer, § Jos. McCully, . 11 I Mary Wian, Sprivg SUOW Beuvuer Twp efonte [wp REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS V. Hale et al to 0 vagaries of the funny tuneful comedy The large presentio g this piece is a one numbering nineteen peop each of whom is an artist in his, or ve line They will occupy resp Cl stage of the Garman Opera House, Tues. day Oct. 15th Spigelmyer— Hall Invitations have been issued for wedding of Miss Lotta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spigelmyer, of to George Willard Hall, of Muncy, will place, Pa. The ceremony Wednesday evening, Oct in the Presbyterian church, take place on 26th, at 6 p.m, Mr. Hall | has been engaged in the mercantile busi. ness at Muncy for a number of years, but will locate in Bellefonte in the future, Moved to Lock Haven, Joseph Gilliland and his brother KE. I Gilltland, who for years have done a gen- eral merchandise business at Three Runs, | Clearfield county, bas located in Lock | Haven. Edward is remaining in Clear. field county to manage the farm the boys own there, HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver iiis, Bil: | lousness, Indigestion, Headache. ' Easy to take, oasy to operate. 20c. | Mrs. J. | wife | ! bound for { House Coron * | storage house | Mi the | this | HORKIBLE DEATH. Mitchell Garbrick Killed by a Tran on Monday Evening. A frightful death befel Mrs, of J. Mitchell place, on Monday evening shortly the 8 Emma, Garbrick, of this after 13 train, on the Pennsylvania road Lock Haven, went out a party the dark night of boys proceeded down track on their way home, wis a could barely When a Hale um od § BB! n ar DS | and they distinguish the road bed short distance below Gerbrich, of the 01 On 1, one boy the trac match ruck and to their head § and ad with the hapeless Bush and The b Won, Wm , wi that isher alk 10, 00x He in his own or apples this fa has bushels hards and will buy 1,000 bushels to fill is cold Bach apple is wrapped away until sold in paper and packed Fisher is one of the most successinl {fruit growers in the country Turned Up a Half Century Later This week one day » land turtle was Auvthony Garver's Hall, the which John Bruss had cut his name and year 1851. He is a brother Bruss, and little idea did found near home, west of Centre upon shell of of Samuel he have over 47 vears ago that the reptile wouid turn up alive and well at tis time tie was turned loose agdin. Attention, Dr. M. Columbus, Ohio, will Salm, of be in Bellefonte, Pa., at the New Brocker. ‘hoff House, Allegh- i» day, October 27th, r Call and sce hign, The tur. | Pries with plate holder, | Complete dovelaping | nd srinting ti, . eny stregleofi Thurs. Is your hair dry, harsh, turning grav? Is it you? For any or all of remedy in Dr. Ayer's Ha red He art, : Minn, and falling out? these Hair Vigor, ‘ nol condi se e Aer’ S Hair Vigor Opera House Atirac * BRONCHITIS onchitis generally begins with a mmon cold ; if not cure od it becomes igerons and thousands die from onchitis annually. Dr. John W, Cough Syrup, the best remedy # disease, cures it ina few days, r. Bulls COUCH SYRUP Will promptly cure Bronchitis. ip take. Doctors all druggists re small an sant t wend i Price 2¢ cis Al Simplest, Lightest Plate Camera Eastman’s No. 2 Eureka Jr. Takes pi i x 30g Ine ounces, Meniscus lens, rotary shutter, 1hree stops, view finder, socket fof tripod screw, Perfectly adapted to snapahots or time exposures and equally cone ventent as a hand or tripod camera, { tures hes; weighs but 10lg Lid Le Carningwe a7 Foveba (neon: or by mean. wd Roviade free af aponcies EASTMAN KODAK CO. ld Rochester, N. Y. What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form- ing properties. It contains Cod- Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. What Will It Bo? It will arrest loss restore to a normal infant, the child and will enrich the blood of the will stop the cou tion of the throat and lung: cure incipient consumption. make this statement because experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands ol 1 Vag gh, heal the » ™ [| th Who comes there Oh, you Aikens’ is the pla latest an LL J. ILL 1 ” id ] y ” oI I d see what's going, Golf Capes, Tailor- Made Suits, Coats, Wrappers, Capes, Kid and Mocka Gloves. All goods marked in plain figures. Come in, Mrs. Aikens is waiting for you. AIKENS' STORE, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, - Penn'a 5 1 1 3.19 3 4413 “Stopped the Street Lar A well known gentleman sald to ductor the other day Vlei get off. My wife told me 10 be sure 3 a bottle of “Celery W She has be auhiledd with sleepless and we nothing that has hel 5 {think one more b Large bottles, 0c, Sold only Bellefonte: Wm. MH. Noll F. Motz, Wordward: W J.B Griffin, Stormstown ; v fi i] ww ™ I I I i 19 ww, ” ’ noses oot stop ut and get | ne run eure her UC. M, Parish ant Gap: J.C er. Axemann i McEntire, Fillmore Bellefonte Markers, The following prices ar Maid by Spore & Co, for produce Potatoes per bushe! Unions, per bushel Eggs per dozen. Lard, per pound... Tallow, per pound Butter, per pound... (GRAIN corrected weekly by Gerberieh Hale & Co., Bellefonte, Pa.) Red wheat, old OUSheL. cousins 1 Wheat, R ia prey I , Shelled per Dushel. wns ALS new on amg y per i EE ———————