2 FH Ek CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA CTOLER 15, I RX, REDSKINS SUBDUED. General Baoos' 8 Little Force Con= quers the Hostiles. SIX OF OUR SOLDIERS KILLED, Story of the Battle as Told by a Nowss- he Fought With Great Bravery, Though Fired on W paper Correspondent Troops From Ambush, Oct, 8 J. C. Beaton, men troops on Minneapolis of the battle anding he say 1 i Hint DaADOT aper i ma ion of troubie nysell made wp ( to Walker on the Bad General on 10 walling steamer 1H y Hately for some ti and mut to reconnoiter, It r to nt learn that our the situation, the attended to Colo com- which proved to n the battle were killed and eleven five civilians slightly The dead soldiers, who survived the battles before Santi- ago to be slain by murderous Indians, are Major Millville Wilkinson, Sergeant Edward John William Butler Swallenstock and Al- ix soldi : wonnde while were wounds ad lowe, Olmstead, John fred Zoe General Bacon without = scratch He arrived yesterday and sent the following dispatch to the war department at Washington “Arrived here noon with my de- tachment in good condition, The kill- ed and badly wounded have been ship- to Fort Snelling The Indians have been badly whipped and left the country adjacent to the fight. En route here other Chippewa bands dis- played white flags along the lake shore Have been In danger ~f massacre and need no reinforcements Colonel Harbach's coming was good in sending out boats.” OR( aped here at ped no Assistant Secretary £ Fidler Married. New York, Oct. 12.-Thomas Wilber Cridler, third assistant secretary of state, and Mise E. Muriel Telleschaw were married at the Hotel Buckingham yosterday. Mr. and Mrs. Cridler salled for Europe today on board the Ameri. can line steamer St. Louis. After a short tour abroad they will take wp their parmanent residence in Washing» ton. | Will Be GI MRS. BOTKIN’S EXTRADITION. filer Lawyers Secure Another Delay Yor the Acoeused Woman, San Francisco, Oct, 12.-The warrant for the extradition of Mrs. Cordelia Botkin for the murder of Mrs, John P, Duneing and her sister, Mrs. Joshua Deane, of Dover, Del, was placed in Chief of Pollet hands yesterday To prevent the extradition of the ace cused woman her attorneys went be- fore Hawley, of the United States di wrt, to apply for a writ of h arpu Judge Hawley re- fuse y entert plea, saying that too muct me Wa being wasted In f1 ) wotics, and suggested th the Lees’ ain the THE HOSTILE INDIANS an Opportunity Wanted. ven render Prisoners oloredd Cavalrymen a 4im One two fa Laughlin Bryan's Regiment Washington, Oct partmer vill conf The to the war de modified request « OVernos veorab In rela tion to raska regiments, sernor H y suggested that the num ber In « of the First and uced to a mini. thus allowing a charges fron th regi- ments Keen both regiments in t} sory braska is nt Mar n he Thir Colonel Bryan's sweksonville IY . mpany Third regimen be re mun “1 soldiers number sentenced For Pension Frand, 12 Mary Allen, of aged 60, an actress, who for some time was leading lady In Joe Jefferson's "Rip Van Winkle” 20m- pany, was yesterday sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and to be Imprisoned for three months, Her sister, Amanda Grierson, was sentenced to serve a year in the same jall. Both were convicted of making false affidavits in a pension claim for Mrs. Grierson, upon which she drew a pension as a widow after she had remarried Cincinnat Oct Covington, Ky The New Emperor of China, London, Oct, 12.-The empresa dow. ager of China and the Imperial clan according to a special dispatch from Bhanghal