Centre Lemocy Ch wa COMPANY B AT LEXINGTON ' Moved Their Camp to a Healthier Locality DOWN IN "OLD KENTUCKY" The Bovs Are Anxious to be Mastered Out Discouraged by Unhealthy Who are Condition Camps and on the Sick List and Pleased With Their Sickness Their New Location. Caxr HAMILTON, LEXINGTON, KY August 25, "gS, Editor Auriz:—last Sunday and Monday morning was all hustle and | bustle in the Fifth regiment P. V. I. We evening t orders about five o'clock on Sunday t we would break camp on Monds going ington, the new camp established for the preparatory to vision of the First corps for the move, as po boxes were allowed a¢ had naa to be taken by the men ; belongings to be sorted out and only such as were most valuable were pac which aud blanket bags, the knapsack. Promptly at 1p mornin on Monday were taken to National cemetery, and at ly started for Louisvil Lexington, © 1 and Eastern railroads, over three lifferent railroads and by way of Knox We arriv m about four ville, Tennessee ed at Camp Hami from lLexing on at one o'clock oun Wednesday d thro Teunessee Riceville Knoxville, 1 mile after having passe gh towns in harleston, Lenoir and London, Livingstone, ichmond Coflee t away from Ross Tuesday night, and arri y on Thursday morning are now in the centre of the yus Blue Grass Region of Kentucky, I believe a very healthy place for But if | were the owner of that I allow a military camp to be estab A great omplaining, but vo doubt from such sud I do not believe would on it many of the boys the malaria contracted while at Chicka wmauga Park, and the hospita’s were rapidly filling up, until yesterday, and may again fll as the malaria and up typhoid germ sare still in a great many As stated the desire in this regiment is very stromg to be mustered in my letter of last week, out of the services, since The tents are all floor. | ed here and will necessarily help to keep the health of the men, by keeping them up off of the ground. Lieutenant | Jackson and Corporal Graham returned | on Thursday afternoon from their homes, where they had been on sick leave, both | apparently much improved, but Lieuten- | ant Jackson took sick again om Thurs. | day night, but is some better again. On Thursday forenoon Sergt. Lose received the sad intelligence that Jacob Strohm, of Tusseyville, had died, and that hie should come home, A furlough was granted at once, and he left imme. diately for home, little realizing the ac. the war is over, R. KURTZ Ed. and Prop. had befallen his wife and children. In his been detailed cident that w absence the writer has to look after the commis sary, as well as color bearer The sth Regiment camp is not over a hundred vards from the station, and only a half-mile from Bryan station and the famous Bryan will Spring. 1 try and give a short account of this famous spring in my next letter When we left Chickamauga Park, we had to leave behind our comrades, Sergt Noll and Al Garis and privates Brown, len. The three first were at Third Divi siou hospital, and the latter at Sternberg hospital; but all were improving when we left. The prospect of being able to go home on the Penusylvania hospital train cheered >, the private them up. To our utmost came here yesterday tytn rain Brown ,on board and sad intelligence that Sergt ffered a relapse, was too 1 be moved and t any as vergt (it. Garis had me and all and haa proven itleman at ¢ 2 AWAY a reas aus down Lieart to Belsena Mills ’ be he Hall say a. 1 *" fn, and TAN Now if they this portion of the program the resp nge Carry ability of the picnic will be advanced —— - Costly Lumber Fire The in the yards of S. Ii. and |. I. Kunes, near Beech Creek on Wednesday and loss by the burning of to | the neighborhood of £3,000. A of the lumber burned Wednesday Thursday nights, is estimated w in portion night and the balance on Thursday night The origin of the fire is unknown .—-—— A Had Fall Mrs. Nancy Barger, familiary known as Grandma Barger, of Curtin, aged 106 years, while out in the y . | 4 years, while ou ie yard at her resi. |. 454 leaders, showing the character of the machine and the spirit o ol, | , p . p f the men, | dates openly and unalterably opposed to | the further rule of the Quay machine dence Monday afternoon, fell and dislo. cated her hip. On account of her ex. : ~ . : treme old age the ace ident Is considered | oy bands, conducting mock religious | | mittee be directed to appoint a commit. serious. Will Purchase Lands in Cuba Williamsport capitalists have organ. zed themselve® avd will soon assume the name of the Cuba Land company. | ireat is our Diana of Pennsylvania.’ They will purchase lands in Cuba, Ex. Consul Pulaski Hyait has promised to give the undertaking bis advice and sup- port. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1, WANAMAKER SCORES QUAY at Him Political Corruption Fires a Broadside REPUBLICANS WANT REFORM Campaign of Business Men's League the Senator Begins in Earnest Relers Control of the maker to the lafamous Degrading rey The o the National League of Busine Pennsylvanis “redeem the legislature from the control of the Quay machine’’ was fired at Philadel- last Thursday, meeting fight. address nited States Cameron s 148 es nat WAS remained alla potent Poti nachine, and i } marks of epoch in Pennsylvs A New 4 tics. Destruction then settied noise. pol lessly and unseen on political leaders and the Quay machine ‘Men became articles, pieces of furn ture, in the Quay tk, with prices at. tached in plain figures, and the repuli bore this plain device : 'Buy can ticket me off with an office or money Court and became the com. rooms, corridors, Capitol of hotels rooms, close comers The whole business of electing a United States Sen. mon market place for votes ator was an arithmetical! problem and a check book. That same night the night that settled the election of United States Senator--after the vote had been taken and become a matter of record, legisla. made a procession in the streets with | exercises with mock hymns, and, kneel. {ing on the highway in mock prayers, | amid loud laughter and sacrilegious rib. aldry, raised, with bribestained hands, their altar of worship with shouting. “Did ever before in the history of any State Capitol, a Legislature and its henchmen on the night of its first meet. ing so defy public sentiment and outrage For 180K. } Aug “1 Li 1 aecency making sport in public o under the shadow That was a short night i born the day of doom ving and crin and destruction has neve an hour The processes of dis ating party maciine have steadily eventuated. It live only from day to day, and goes steadily on to an uublessed tomb deter and unfail » thi The rom the ins causes days for 1d profane orgies quickiy | 3 who dared | 4 oy 1 who thereaf st the Quay sel I» sot } iy Q Ircm begin tl iy and * State turned its 1d thu The meeting St reso ut nomi the coming State lLegisiatu » carnestly and upalterably various forms of jobbery which rgisiature disgracefuily 1 and who will elect in place of the senior from this State a $ Senator who will 6tly and just represent the people and the interest of this great Com mouwealth Kes mittee That the Execully eagne lved of this directed to officially invite all parties and enlarged be and associations desiring to unite against the Quay machine to meet for consideration of a definite plan ror the defeat of the Quay Legislative candidates “Resolved, That the mittee of the league is bereby authorized to enter into an aggressive campaign in every Legislative district in the State, to Executive Com | procure speakers and distribute literature and adopt every honorable method of | warfare in behalf of Legisiative candi “Resolved, That the Executive Com tee on finance to obtain an adequate cam paign fund for the legitimate expenses of the campal mittee, both for receipts and expendi. tures, shall be open to examination of all | contributors,” A larger meeting will be held in a few | days in this city, and the campaign to bt the Legislature will be opened at filiams Grove, near Harrisburg, on | at Gettysburg, on September oth, 10th | Blood. Sept. 1. ) , the books of which com. | i H i or 1a | JENKS DEFINES THE ISSUE (** Machine Rule Denounced by the Democratic Candidate REFORMERS SHOULD UNITE A Stirring Appeal for a Legislature Which 1nd Pass Honest Duty of Eve Will Defeat the Senator Laws—Plain ry Citizen { Brightening P cts | Lo for Democracy’s Non rospe Harmony Be tween the Factions and a Vote 1 Large gees ’ § olherwise ser of party, stop to the corruption by whicl machine disgraced and ee bow orofe profes ous State at heart, can ail sive . y fail to give his strength tosuch a 1 incorrigible yo who ROVE usa movement has frequently been charged with steal In the afternoon Mr. Jenks called uj was Bellefor Capt bail, taken ie a momiung H £1 charged robbing the money drawer in 1. C ng on aud the two They friends and it is understood that on exGovernor Pattison Saturday spent some time together are oid | in default of the ex. Brin Governor will be among those who will ton &. Co.'s store, Philipsburg, at which he was detected. He had been following the practice for several weeks, during which time he has taken about $25.00 a - Bicycle Riders Injured go on the stump to urge the Brookville man's election as Governor Before he left for his home Mr. Jenks sald he expected to have private business in such shape within the next week or ten days that he would he able to devote all his time to the campaign He did not care to express any opinion regarding the result of the election, but seemed to have confidence in the idea that all the Democrats of the State would give him loyal support. his Miss Mary Gunsallus, of Hagleville, {and Mr. Harry Border, of Pittsburg, | were both severely injured Sunday ln a | bicycle collision. The young folks were on a return trip from Mllesburg when | their wheels collided. Miss Gunsallus | bad one of her arms broken and one of .-— | Mr. Border's legs was broken. They are Buckiail Reunion, | dong as well now as can be expected. The famous Backtail veterans of the | a yet civil war will bold a regimental reusion | is Pri I lhl for the Guaranteed better than the best ' For sale at Krumrine's Pharmacy. and 11th,