6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 18, 1808, EVIL. Rev. Dr. Talmage Enters a Plea tor Fair Dealing. THY BRIBE Money Obtained by Fraud Sends Men Down to Perdition Monster that Mas Polsoned Some of the Brightest Minds the World Has Produced, Bribery Described as » —— — In the Range modes themse holds o cannot afford to disregard Hi xt “They rich fall into a temptation an shionest i warning that they } is Timothy 6: 9: will be a share, and into many toolish and hurtrul lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.” I'hat is the Falls which rush a multituue of souls, ly, noney me how uo what Niagara Dalle the determination to have Lell money and will tell anyhow, right or w Res it, man his he does wita and 1 you his character, and what will be his | next 1 propose to speak to-day about the Fuiious modes of getting money. In and elections, large sul of used in Dribe ry the science iI B governn often been | int 101 ster destiny in worid and the » ais City, state did our Boney ythe s trucuiency has briber had man on the other side vd At the “Thins nesses, he thinks his behalf five against the other side.” out the bag of ducats from under the Ottoman, he dashed it down at the feet of the briber, saying: “I give my decision against you" Epaminondas, offered on bribe, said: “I will do this thing if it be right, and if it be wrong, all your goods cannot persuade me.” The president of the American con gresa during the American revolution, Gen, Reed, waa offered 10,000 guineas by foreign commissioners if he would betray this country. He replied: “Gen tleman, I am » very poor man, but tell your king he is not rich enough to buy me.” But why go so far. wher, von and 1, if we move in honorable soelety, know men and women who by all the forces of earth and hell could not be bribed. They would no more be bribed than you would think of tempt- ing an angel of light to exchange Heaven for the pit. To offer a bribe is many w he poor no witness on close of the case the cad raid poor man hak not wit I shall produce in hundred witnesses Then pulling —— over | | nationad | are | Politics, from being | willainy, but it is a very poor eompli- ment to the man to whom it is offered. Meanwhile, my advice is, keep out of politics unless you are invulnerable to this style of temptation. Indeed, if naturally strong, you Nothing can stain our them even you are buttires of Lod MINI. need burt religions the grace Ww hat we old-fashioned revival’ of religion might break out in COngress gislature, and brn hlicans pi Haean x10 come nu the thority, then certaly My member that this church, [| harge aiso evil of Cire to} rents Is re ribery often ind ) begins in the home Teach them to dot not nursery is right, and cents or the There is a great difference becaus } orange whi vou will give them between rewarding virtue and maki , the profits thereof the impelling mo tive. That because “honesty is man who is honest merely the best : is already a moral bankrupt My charge is ments of life, steer clea of vou Every some time wil for compensation be offered in money, It Let reme n social posit mi bher i that there | wher t secret tr ished famous tions wl ng in mightier than th i ft} handled 1Ore money t of his right to run sn craft in a hurrienans A the sense of De laree sums and the m tegrity, Fe is not sure } have 0 own in you unseaworthy Dy man can tell weakness or strength in the presence of a bad whether he is in a »{e parents make they put their boys in banking houses and stores and opportunity How mistake place an awful when shops and factories and places of sol emn trust without discussing whether they can endure the tempta- You give the plenty of money, and have no account of it, and make the way down become very easy, and you may put upon him a pressure that he cannot stand, There are men who go into positions full of tempta tions, considering only that they are luerative positions once tion! boy I address who have trust funds. It is a compliment to you that you have been entrusted, but 1 charge you, in the presence of God and the world, be careful; be as care ful of the property of others as you are careful of your own. Above all, keep your own private account at the bank separate from your mseccount ns trustee of an extate, or trustee of an institution. That is the point at which thousands many RO of peopls make shipwrecks, They get the property of others mixed up with their own property, they put it into investment, and away it all goes, and they cannot return that which they borrowed, Then comes the explosion, and the money market | } and the pre church thunders You erty of others « 1a ke n denounce and the expidsion, rh t have no rig! xcept Tor tage, not without consen re minors ten thelr You has 1 ion, therefore olemn trust You In there may be some who have misappropriated trust funds. Put or if vou have $0 hopelessly involved them that you them back, confess the 10 wliomm you have wronged, and better better any community them bac cannot put whole thing those will sleep the nights, and you have chance for your s ul What a sad thing it would be if after vou are dead. vour administrator shou d find t from the account books, « from ouchers were that ard explorer, Highlanders, estors, famous ailing High iy aren the station where the train he : Lhe train was one mile o rom the tele the bruised was graph gtatiom tunately trait late ut and feet like the wind { up to the telegraph station, panting with almost exhaustion, she had only strength to “The bridge is down!” when she dropped id could hardly be resuscitated, The message was sent from that station to the next station, and the train halted, and that night that brave girl saved the lives of hun. dreds of passengers, and saved many homes from dessolation. But every street Is a track, and every style of business is a track, and every day ia a track, and every night is a track, and multitudes under the power of temp. tation come sweeping on and sweep. ing down toward perils raging and terrific. God help us to go out and stop the train! Let us throw some signal. Let us give some warning. Dy the throne of God let us flash some influence %o stop the downward prog. ress. Heware! Heware! The bridge is down, the chasm is deep, and the lightnings of God set all the night of sin on fire with this warning: “He that, being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” Was she flew oming deadly shout, Inecomscions Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Bheumatism often causes the most in- tense suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this a disease, and are to-day worse off than ever, Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is the only cure, be- cause it is the only remedy which ¢an reach such deep-seated diseases Af y ru \ 1 year Rhous I relieved advice I decided to ne to take it a8 A Chemist, sna pounced it free of oh better after fore ny guard the remes potash or mercury aking two bottles ' din twor The cure was pers had a touch of times exposed Lo « M. TirreLs, phia Throw aside your oil ne they ean not reach your trouble, Don't experiment with doctors—their potash and mercury to your disabil- ty and octpletely destroy 3.5.51. Blood your diges- - f 8 { 0 i a Ee. — — oh. ds sted -» NORMAL :-: SCHOu. JAMES ELDON. A. M__ Ph.D. . Principal Patronize Home Printers. They Patronize Prices Consistent and " Reasonable, at THE CENTRE py DEMOCRAT, Bellefonte, Pa. = = LEGAL NOTICES. cet it fiw Pai "TENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO wv Corner of High and Spring street, Receive Deposits; Discount Notes, J.D. SHUGGERT, Cashier, RAILROAD SCHED U LES ENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD BRANCHES of and alter May AND FP Jersey Shore Winsport ' FHILAD Atlantic C0 y NEW YORK Via Tamaqua) NEW YOK Via Phila.) Lve.a 5 ”" 1 * Dally. t+ Week Days, § 400 p. mn. Sunday Am. Sunday Philadelphia Sleeping Car attached to east bound train from Williamsport at 11.9% p.m and west bound from Philadel hiaat 20am J W.HGEPHART General Sum GARMAN'S EMPIRE HOU? MAIN STREET, TYRONE, PFA Al. S. Garman, Proprietor. Everything new, clean and inviting. Special pains will be taken to eniertain Centre county people when traveling in E. | that section.