CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. GROWING RESTLESS AT CHICKAMAUGA Company B are Anxious to Leave That Camp WHAT THE BOYS ARE DOING are No Pros Being Called to the Front f the Sick Lap pects oi tain Tavler has Returned-—Letter From ettig, Esq UEORGE CHICKAMAL -We are with no immediate prospect f getting Last 1 rable to lor Aur: Away. week looked fav our leaving are ana the close of the d to regimental bospital has On Thur the entire tower formed fought an woods was 8 regiment ville to board cars for after having most of their 1 loaded, the orders camp. A more disgu gever saw, but at best out of Third Kentucky instead Capt. Taylor came back Friday afternoon and is wand of the company Company about as well as can be expected porals Rothrock and Taylor, who have been in the divison hospital with typhoid fever are getting along nicely and both Sergeant Garis and the B's sick are getting along ‘Or. wre on light duty private Noll have both been taken to the division hospital since last letter, both with typhoid symptoms, but Ser. geant Garis I do not think has typhoid fever but more of an intermittent fever, Noll appears to have typhoid fever, but not fully developed. Private Rittenhouse is iu the regimental hospital with mala ria. best attention posstbie under the circum. stances. Both the division apd aegiment.- al hospitals are over crowded, but friends at home can rest assured that everything possible will be done for the men. First Sergeant Garbrick has been complaining for several days with a sprained ankle, but is on duty every Phil, would pot give up. Privates Gardner, Heaton, Shoup and Ebock, who have been complaining the past week, are all on duty again. Private Meiss, who has a very sore arm from vaccination, is on light duty now, so are Privates Jackson and Poorman agd Cor. my day. All of the boys are receiving the | v 1 ’ r( about twa iours ted toamorre ALY mouth of Keleased a Hun gariau, was found dead along e 1 Pacorski, vad near Snow A deep gash along- that he had been severed the bad been Steve Menorik yrrt vii tt eed grew tired and, shows the per Houtzdale mers an She A. Bolive: seventh Was Complimentary woman, after burying her husband, erected a monument to the whole lot. It consisted of a mar ble hand with the index finger the pointing to the sky, and on base, instead of names, dates eu were the words Seven Up''~Somerville Journal ——— One Third Goes to the Kailroads The railroads receive eight cents per pound for carrying the get cent mail, while the express companies their shipment one One-third of the postal receips, and more-—§30,080,000 go carried for to the railroads for hauling the mails. a Cannot be Used for Postage Many people are under the impression that a two cent revenue stamp will car. ry a letter, This is a mistaken idea. A number of letters dre now held at differ. ent postoffices because they are stamped with revenue stamps --— - Campmeeting Opened The campmeeting at Pine opened last evening. Presiding Crumbling delivered the sermon fifty tents are occupied. and judging by the, inter est’ manifested the meeting will be a | Success. Eider ver . -——— - Subscribe for The Centre Democrat. PORTO RICO [TS RESOURCES Which Will Our Possession [he Island Become DENSELY POPULATED ISLAND Exceeding’y sod Rice Anit Than Connecticut Tol is It is Smaller Colton Wild Fertile—Coflee CO the Staple Produ Few or Birds—Va into the United States of £2.i181.024 were of the value of §4 the 1 $1,964,85 of the trade between Philadelphia and the value "nited Ri States exported to Port co worth of goods the island for five years past, reported by Collector of the Port Thomas, shows that the importations into Philadelphia from that quarter have fallen from the value of £159.156 in 18¢s, to §7 1547 L089 In But the exports from Philadelphia to Porto Rico have been increasing every year since 18g3. Iu that year the value was $16,088. In 187 it was$75,518. The | leading articles of export from Philadel. phia to Porto Rico in 18¢7 were bitumin. ’ ous coal, crude petroleum and locomo- tives. .—-—— Tyrone Booming James C. Watts, of New York, and his partner are making arrangements to operate a corncob pipe factory in Tyrone Machinery capable of turning out ten thousand pipes a day will be placed in the buliding. The only concession asked of the town is that the rent of the build. ing for the first year be naid a -———- Married Married at Rebersburg, Pa., on July 28, 1888, by W. J. Carlig. J. P., Wm. C. Wolle, of Loganton, Clinton county, and | Sadie 8. Zgigler, of Wolfs Store, Centre | ' county The exhibit ! Dr. Hubler an have a number of apples which they have kept in a perfect state of preserva One the variety, tion from one to two years variety was picked from the tree in fall of 15g6, and 15%g7, all state of preservation the other a larger in of which are in as perfect a as though picked from the tree yesterday --— » Must Refund The borough of Lansford has for sev eral years been collecting a tax fiom farmers who sell their produce in that town. In a test case Judge Craig, of Mauch Chunk, has decided that the col lections were without warrant, and | many hundreds of dollars will be refunded to the farmers from whom the money was taken have to -——— For What They Will Fight fight a Dutch An authority says: A Russian; wiil for empire, a Turk for faith, {man for pay, a Spaniard for jealousy, Italian for German for an revenge, a home, a Frenchman for for liberty, a Scotchman for kin, Boglishman for trade, an Irishman for | fun, a Yankee for peace, anda fool for nothing. an glory, a Swiss | gL SPAIN IS HESITATING Enough The She Has tes [erms ENSIGN AND CURTIN RO K Ww asf who, patches received Ponce. and whose action OCCASION where DIRLIY a resident of Bellefonte and John 1. Cut nephew Ww and Mrs ( gratuiations a a great Mr : . received many con the General ex Lrworvernor LCartin urtiin day vesterday an greatest interest is being taken by the community at large inthe Srave actions The father nearly of their son on this oceasion General John 1 Curtin, was in all of the great battles of the Iate civil war, and saw a great deal of active service, Ensign Curtin after being thoroughly educated in the schools of Bellefonte, followed in the footsteps of his father and entered the Civ Adademy at Annapolis 1896, and He was grad ale 0 after a long cruise Newark he attended the Queen's Hrd At the end of a two years’ eraise he was on tie Tubllee as a eadet the kivn vy and transferred Wo vears of promoted 0 Ens the Wasp. He about While no ¢ | pateh has been ser | by the town venty-~four ant five feet six inch n height | age mEgratuistory dis Ensign Curtin demonstration first a svitable be i his | no doubt made R mri v1 home upon daughter dd re | wife Margaret we Lytle i an Bn, Mrs Edith Rena Schindler Kate R Fred K1 Mrs. Emma Ove na Hurtz, of Milton e College Barnes G.W aud friends present, 2 total present, 100; at dinner, supper, 7 Adjourned to meet at Se od reunion homestead the secon Of for Porte Rice Sheridan Troop, of Tyrove., has been put aboard a large vessel, Manitoba. at New Port News, and by the close of the week will be on its way to Porto Rico, to ass Miles Chen $1 in the invasion of that -— Furniture Company Assigns The Philipsburg Furniture Manufac- turing Co., has been obliged to make an assignment, with H. K. Grant as as The real difficulty seems to be a lack of capital. The plant is signee : good one - Next Demonstration When Gen. Mies takes the island of Porto Rico, Young America, in Belle. fonte, will have to celebrate the event Again in an appropriate manner. This should be a hummer