THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 14, SOS. CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT s Gathered From Various Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE The New What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note—The Local Happenings of Every Community Will be Gladly Published —Send the News, We will Publish it ROMOLA H. P. Robb makes flying trig IVILEC, Welch and ct Haven, ullock, of Beech Creek, Romola family spent Sunds spent Haven, Gun. 1 oie LOCK Wm wood Harvey, of iday at the home of i S000 T¢ tin Lucas, rued home on Monday Jimmie ly ill with ty port hospital can be expected, a him on the streets of | Wm. » Poorman who has | phot 1 fever, ¢ 18 yecovers came hospital. ul four weeks acar. Al Brickley n Williamsport i a misfortune at while loading logs on pe from the tongs , falling on Mr. ley's right shoulder. His shoulder badly broken and never have free frye of Or 8 ie that crushed use of hisarm SO nay MARRIE! 113¢ iS , Ha en, Miller Lock - 1 her J. W. Sharg ut at this writing he Rumor has men will soon Mrs. Ed Neff and children, of Chicago, visited friends at this place last week. Miss Smith, lefoute, the home of her uncle, Mr Miss Widney Kansas week at the home of Mrs. John Hoy, Walter Harter has from North Bend, where working Mrs. Edward Dovle, of Renovo, this place. Mr. Rachau, Shersley spent this place. Mr. and daughter spent at Centre Hall Miss Kate Condo Sunday visiting 1 Bellefonte, FF. B. Hoy has returned h iforma here g school v. Rowley, of Yor vangelical church on at this place, last week. Ed Smith and family, of Beech Creek ire visiting at the home of Mrs father, Mr. Samuel Aley Mr and Mrs Lock Haven, visited over home of Mr. Mike Zeigler Prof. ]. Colter Hockenberry, of Chester, visited last week at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Hoy, Sr. Mrs. N. H. Vearick met with a very serious accident on the 4, while picking cherries she fell from a tree about ten feet. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Krumrine Bros. Bellefonte 1 Darents at : parent 1 } proving that ome of our young take to himself a wife of Bel is visitin Alvin Pifer visited 4 r, of Sr home been returned he had and Master friend Leathers are visit is at 4 lona, and Sunday with of Sa Samu frie nds at little friends Mrs. Al Spade and Sunday visiting pent Normal, w in enain w Smith's loose and children, of Sunday at the LEMONT, J. E. Lenker's house is about ready for weatherboarding. A festival will he held at this place on the 29 and 30 of July. Robt, Moore and family, of Philips. burg, are visiting friends at this place. John X. Lucas, of this place, was called to Lock Haven by the death of his sister, The Central Pa. Telephone Co, is now Srecting the poles for the new telephone last | NITTANY. Lew Robb was hole 3 several days last week, Cherries season, Mr, Arthur Young has gone to Potter county to work again, Miss Grace Beck led Christian Endeay or ou Sunday evening, Mr. woods for John Tolbert spent Sunday many friends at this place. are plenty is from the Noah Yearick nome a few days rest, with his Don't forget lical church, Mr. of State College, was ruest , over the Dr, dav | Beck Havm The to be. N¢ were the guests of his Robb, on Sunday Miss Lill foute, preaching in the Evan. ge on sunday afternoon, the ith spent Sun John Brant, Ol Jolt 1 Beck's family , of State College, at the pleasant home of about over, thought 1d harvest is what it was grain is ison Robb and family ian Rearick, guest of Mis recently. was the a few days We ympany > her out 1 wonde Bertha LL tern r whether on Sunday af ou anywhere, have Miss again, aft n Lock Ha te that Os brot her of falli 1 which has |! fey Ol 1 of her misfortune ATIN, t deal ROCK VIEW th avi thanks were le way uests rep W. Eby through Mi Haymaking is a ers are rapi aughter made iin county last week thing of the past, diy finishing up hare and est. am Cuisewite Aarousburg, were guests at N. W, Kl on Sunday. Mrs. Samuel Williams onfined a severe attack of pneumonia. We her a Seedy recovery, -M Wolf and daughter turned from an extended is and other western stat Crauger . ut took in the picnic at Hee on the Fourt th 1 and Luther Weaver were t * quite a number of others had gone to Spring Mills WOLFF'S STORE Our farmers are done Hauling in will be next J. R. Wolfe, from Bellwood, looking after business affairs, A handsome new yard fence adorns J, K. Hosterman’s residence on Main St. Huckleberries are very scarce in this section and are only worth four cents a quart, B. F. Smith and family, from Williams. port are at present visiting friends in this section. James Neese, at this place, is on the sick list at this writing. Hope he may $001 recover, Farmers intending to erect wire fence after harvest will do well to call on and rices from W. H. Zeigler. Mr. elgler represents the Chandlee Fence Co,, at Washington, D. C. and offers wire at cost, being Pittsburg prices. Give him an order and be convinced. barvesting is here line through here this | with | wish | Miss | o Mil | MADISONBURG Most of the farmers about doue harvesting. D. Clayton Garis started Saturday on a fishing tour through Bald Eagle valley Mrs. of Millheim, ed her of this place | week. Miss | spent Sunday | place. Grant Shafi parents. Hel day morning are Visit. , last Carrie Auman, many friends » Bessie Bower, of Aar with her relative Fresh goat's mi! sonable pri our dairyman Rishe! ondale, | at h John Lint Sunday Independe day quietly 5 at W place, men f glo YOuug over and got g oA hilarious K. A, Miller is at sent the farm. + that he the same ] hen workin WAS » Gale Her had three right band Mattern . at home here he was f Ros yin Brooklyn, { the mathemat ate schools a hs of tl a STATE COLLEGE md is visiting at 3 Wilkesbarre, Pa Prof. | Ss. Th rnton Osmond has e, Va., for the summer {. F. L. Pattee at his old home, in Br IN T. H. Tali the sidence gone to is spending the H many were A large ny the Heaster last : I I» B. Newton, after a | ness trip to Philadelphia | Ridge Springs, Va., for his cation, S short 184 went to B summer ae Ya Khiloh's Consumptio Cure cures others fall. It is the leading Cough ( no home should be without It Pleasant to take and goes right tothe spot Hd by Krumrine Bros. Bellefonte i where ire, and FAIRBROOK AND VICINITY. Haymaking is aud harvest is here. A. M. Brown's barn Joth, Miss Kelly, of Altoona, is visiting Mr. McWilliams, of this place. A large flag was raised at Baileyville, the pole being 100 feet high. Three of our boys have gone to war namely: Daniel Kock, William Keller and John Weaver. They dre all at Chickamauga. W. E. Meek met with a serious acch dent. He was building hay, when the horse started unexpectedly throwing him over was raised the ~See Grant Hoover before you insure, off and bruising his face badly ANTRAVELLER'S TESTIMONY. What He Carried on the Cars To Take when Travelling. $00 00601 . 3 AMONG HOME DYEING A Pleasure at Last. reer] [ALTE . nn “may POLE WAS AB, \ No Trouble. ny SOAP ES ano DYES: OPERATION ANY COLOR. SO 3 { A a re re ir We oe vn a re rr VY VA PAREAATANAARIRRAARAAARARARARARARARARARA AR ARARARARANARAAARRAIRANANRIIARNAY MARARARRAARA RANE LARLY ni CET RRTYY EY Yer. » HY « w York TTUAMAARIARA ARRAS 4, ARBARIAARAIARRRRAANIPS bo - » » = = - > - - - > * 2 » ET. MANY THINK the h pe of her heart is t | LOr iy reach afl MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the system and as- | sists Nature, | that the nec-| essary change | takes place] without Nau-| sea, Headache, | Nervous or| Gloomy Fore- | boding of dan ger,and the trying hour is robbed of it3 pin and suffering, as so many | mothers have experienced Nothing but “Mother's Friend" this, Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else doe ] “Mother's Friend" is the greatest remedy ever put on the market, and all our eustor py highly W. HH. Kiva & Co., Whitewrig Tex ' T EI DTYRR OF r ners or € or i v 5 te for book bi ulor ) all Mothe drug: : 180 ors ‘ ma » \ ua The Bradfield egulator Co. AMianta, Gia. [HE PENNA, STATE (OLEGE § — Tund rs IMATED In healthful s L ndrnon mi free one of the in sin the A wt honal Cpt to Board and other ost beautiful ane heny Region oth sexes “YX Penses very LEADING DEPARTMENTS of STUDY AGRICULTURE and AGRICULTURY CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY BOTANY and HORTICULTURE CHEMISTRY. . (% HM IL ENGINEER N¢ LECTRICAL ENGIN Se IA ALE a NGIN INING ENGINEER Phin HIN Te IRY and POLITICAL SCIENCH NDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. ANGUAGE and LITERATURE; Lat, Spanish and italian, (optional) French German and English, (required Y MATHEMATION and ASTRONOMY 10. MECHANICAL ARTS; combining sho work with study, 1, MENTAL and MORAL SCIENOR 12 MILITARY scl LENCE theoretical and prae " PREPARATORY D PARTMENT, rail term opens September 12, 18%, Re pourses four years formation, address, GEO. W, ATHERTON. LL. D, president Ktate College. Contre County, Pa ho | I two gular or eatalogue or other in. 100 : MEN and - WOMEN - WANTED COME o> i] 5 At his yard Op Passenge only the Best COALS: Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw ROYAL STOCK FOOD for Horses, Cat ir AND SEE osite the P r Cial tie on US RR a E. K. RHOADS 3 Ni Sheer oaee} ->{BEEZER Si = NEA AT MARKET oorhon rie Wi keep none Hut t | : Rallefonte. Pa BEEF PORE and MUTTON kinds of Smo ked Pork Sausage, ice want a1 PHILIP GENERAL Meat, ete Juicy Steak BEEZER INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and wll WI ens LOANS. Nothing but Reliable Jointship Represented. Companies nue 8.08. § SEVIER GRANT HOOVER 1st Floor, Crider’s BELLEFONTE, . ¥ - Stone Building. PEXN'A. Ll —————— LL VT VTFIVFRR PETIT RRVVRRARIVPITRIOON LEGAL NOTICE Dyes ENOTICH C le Se —d NORMAL : : CHOU. Bis a weak as ALD State Norma ntheir sever CEES Are re JAMES ELDON, A. M_. Ph. D.. Principal, SLATE ROOFING Are you buliding If so sonsult Me Toskey ros, practical slate roofers, Lock Haven. Pa In vegand to quality durability and cost. Esti mates will be cheerfully furggshed upon appli cation. As reference, see the Reynolds armory Crider's Exchange, Garman House, and many other bulldings in this section which we sup plied with good roofs, McCLOSKEY BROS, Lock Haven, Pa. x 38. How fo Make Money! If you are out of employment and want a Mtion, paying you from 8% to $loo monthly clear above expenses by ~ king regular regular, re] ES 3 Feat Sr wh 0 1y heh in write the GLOBE CO. Lor Cesta Chestiot delphia, Mating age present Siploy ment, You ean om by which you ean make ditron with ie money easier and faster than you ever made elore In your 1ife nw