> CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. THE INVASION OF CUBA A Large Fleet Will Soon Land ['roops at Santiago SEVERAL LAND ENGAGEMENTS The Spanish Fleet is Sull Bottled Up at San- The Landing of Troops Will be the No Important News tiago Next Important Step During the Past Week. There has been no important develop- ment during the past week in the war situation. Our fleets | eade f al strict blockade of all C jus is still the harbor at Santiago ervera’s squadron unable to escape and evidently afraid to tempt. A n he were sac umber of our boats an These in lled by of marines was affected. were attacked by Spanish forces d the night and res: in some losses Spies were landed they made acare- and found ful inspection that Cervera's that there is nom point. The impo 1 was the sailing of a portion of the army from Tampa, Florida, go and Porto Rico soon as they veyed across to take will some of th ana wa ite without fi mt point out hands off. The war news of ind on pages 2 at ¢ past day will 1 lowing cond go SPANIARDS KILLED Dashing Attack Spaniards with water. One Americn wa two Cubans were k were wounded The Spanish loss i men killed. Fifteen | been discovered. TROOPS FOR DEWEY ey The second San Francisco, fleet of transports laden with troops for the Philippines weighed anchor about 1 o'clock and is now on its way to Manila. This force with the give 6000 +# 260 y who are enroute will Dewey a supporti ng over well-armed, well-equipped and well.seasoned soldiers. It is expected that the expedition which sailed to-day will arrive at Manila about July 4. ———— _— Havana Can Fight Hard from Kingst ““H. M. from Havana A Chronicle ial dated June 14, says has Robinson, the correspondent, St € be Phil that ned to make a just arrived savs the Spaniards are determi desperate defense of Havana, which has now been rendered practically impreg- nable from the sea by a mile and a half of batteries on either side, with twelve six-inch guns. he channel has been thoroughly mined.” The garrison is con- fident and in excellent spirits, Iutense misery exists there. The price { The Spanish of flour per barrel is $30. i ships Purissima and Conception are to start to-day with £75,000 worth of meat and vegetables aboard, professedly clear- ing for French Island,’ but really going to Cienfuegos to send provisions to Blanco. Hospitals are crowded, and people and horses are dying in the streets for want of food." - - —-— - > Germany 8 Position, The state department at Washington | has received no information to indicate | that Germany contemplates interfering with the United States in Asiatic waters. Should Germany make such a move she will be interrogated as to its meaning, A r——— —— For Annexation, On Wednesday a vote was taken in gt against, The large complete surprise. COMPLEXITY OF BATTLESHIPS Mechanical Do Nearly all the Fine Work Except the Thinking, Appliances 1 the Towa it may almost be said that othing is done by hand except the open. nd closing of throttles and pressing ing g of electric buttons. Her guns are loaded, trained, and fired, her ammuaition hoist. ed, her turrets turned, her torpedoes mechanisms of themselves—are tubed and hig ejected, the ship steered, her boats hoisted out and the interior lighted and ventilated, t ed, he great searchlights operat. and even orders transmitie Ir conning : i t } * corresponding 10 ] ta lted ». i beef shows a fall and pounds in months of 18 of 35 per cent r the year, canned beef from the 10 of 124 pound months in WHEAT GOING DOWN A gla a decided slum in : About jump and at m market shows the wheat a mouth ago it was on a Any places in this county it was as high as $1.45 per bushel, but dronped t I cents, ince then has Most of thos it 0 who had wheat over, sold when the highest points was at ghest and ie sO that there is jitt by this 1 reaped a nice profit, left in Centre county graneries time ie cause of the rise a A caused by famine abroad in last year's " nt slump can easily be explained scarcity crops naturally caused a shortage in the world's supply and an followed. Then the ucrease in price course of young Leiter, of Chicago, who bought up and | held all that he could, caused ‘a corner” | in wheat and gave another uunuatural advance, The latest crop reports from abroad | are to the effect that no such failure as last year will occur and the supply at | home this year also will be larger than | | usual. { dropped causing Leiter's failure at Chi. cago, and he no longer is able to control | | the market, | & large crop this season with the proba. bilit ti th the House for the annexation of Hawali | " y ofa still further drop which resulted: 209 for annexation [and majority was a This caused a reaction, and st Conservative men look for in prices. Lerren's big corner in wheat is busted and Lis financial career is about com. pleted, BELLEFONTE, PA, DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION The Proceedings and Ticket Nominated, GEO. ENDORSED A. JENKS A Large Turnout From all Section County —R How the Youu Othices mging Resolutions Stood for 1 burg, were W. U. Irvin of Halves Dunlap, chosen hen appointe rman 1 lowing committee MM Henr ML Dempsey, Ru Th on resol uti Quistion, y Heaton, John Smith, Gregg: J Miles; Jac. W. Meyer, Pen on credentials Krumrine, H. tee | State College ; . Orndorf, Haines ; P. Kelley, Saov Hess, Harris next step was candidates for Congress. Geo. T, of Bellefoute, made an enthusiastic presenting Spangler, vhose bn dress in » name of Col LI made by acclamation, wi conferees: Chas P. 1. McDonaid, Herd, of Phil Wm. C. Heinle, pame presented and was unanimously the fol Howard ; mination was ths 1} a the following , of Beliefonte and A. B r State R OF ipsbhurg Senate, was the only Esq, chosen, with owing conlerees I.. A. Sheffer, Haines Next came selection of legislative Balser Weber, Bellefonte ; and Geo. B , Rebers burg. candidates and the first ripple of excite. ment broke. The following candidates were named and the first ballot only was necessary, to wit KR. M. Foster, State College J. HL, Wetzel, Bellefonte... we [OB A.C. Thompson, Halfmoon sessnsiee JB 18 Geo. W, Kook, Potter siustumass ssn 184 Messrs, Foster and Wetzel were de | clared the nominees, In taking this bal. lot, where ties occurred between candi dates, fractional voles were cast from | Benner and Burnside townships. | For prothonotary the greatest uncer | tainty prevailed and the excitement INOS THURSDAY JUNE 10, the declared * th ba *CCRsary aj prog rau i the moneys a 1 SCDOO.S movement | abuses { maintaining treasury, Cal YUT POSK “ of Goilars ol counties prompt r n or the pur balances the use then for corrupt it has withheld milli personal property tax | whic entitled mn State w ns rom the hh were d to the ctut mission w hose fortunate existence, tors of some political boss and 3 i ATK ite contra whose actions will be a 4 the fruit of increase of the State indebtedness Cont ling by Senate and House of Representatives legislative it exhibited A re #8 disregard of the rights of the taxpayers of the State, a shameless sub to the dictates of the party 1 a most profligate appropriation moneys to wholly unneces. if not actual unlawful purposes To the correction of these evils and the overthr of the pernicious system ol which these things are the outgrowth, the Democracy of Centre county solemly pledge their best efforts. As a political organization we recognize and affirm the right of the delegates of the party in National Convention as. sembled to declare the principles and de. fine the policies of the party on national issues, and these declarations we accepi as the doctrines of the party, and as such, binding upon its members and or. ganization, until modified or reaffirmed by a subsequent National Convention. In go far as the coming election involv. es the choice of members of congress, and, to that extont, on all questions ol national policy, we recognize and affirm the right of members of the Democratic ro a two-thirds vote both * ast SeSSi0on, Rit he , pub i¢ w | party to settle those questions for them. | grew ‘nteresting as the balloting pro. | | gressed which resulted as tollows i i 9.84 4 M. 1. Gardner, Bellefonte Sil 8834 35% aq 0 C. U, Hoffer, Philipsburg 283g 20g 384 2 ® D. R, Foreman, Potter....16 14 34 17 A. A. Metoher, Walker...l0 10 ¢ selves in their respective congressional districts, In the choice of a governor and the co | ordinate officers of the State in the com. ling election, no national policies ure at | | stake. The supreme issues are the re. demption of our State from the domina. { ontinued on page 8 OPPOSED TO CONQUEST. First Public War nL did do 18) William | LUtterance on the Ue NATIONAL HOXOR UPHELD misphere i ( versies of Eure pe a i share SCacoast, louds clear away ber ac thers turn to thou dizement and yield allegiance who clothe land-covetousuess in tractive garb of “National timents entered ny } statesmen : t he ‘ Betwixt a splendid and To judge how wid mits : at a happy land If some dream of the splendors « heterogeneous empire encit globe, we shall be content to aid in bring. ng happiness to a homogene the nment of the peo ing enduri peog of maintaining "a gover by the ns Jie, consecrate purpose ple, people and for the people ——— Death at Zion Betsy Lesh died at her home in th, with cancer Mrs Zion on Tuesday night, 7 of the stomach. She had been suffering more or less for the past year, Deceas. ed was the widow of the late Thomas Lesh, Esq., who died several years ago Her maiden name was Betsy Shaffer | and she was a vative of Elk county, They bad no children. Johu and Jacob, at Zion; and Michael, of Centre Hall, Her funeral took place from the Zion Reformed church Friday morning. Rev. Miles O. Noll, of Car. lisle, officiated. Died. In Union township, on June Sth, 18¢8, | Mrs, Elizabeth Tolbert, widow of Hiram | Tolbert, deceased; aged 3 years, 4 months and 16 days. Surviving ber | are her brothers Adam, of Peotone, 111. ; | AT 1} FROM CHICKAMALGA r pul week, having on a tour ol guard duly on Saturda n Sunday and bad intend to give you * inches of After get water o'clock an repeated, which OK 1 more or 088, regime “Rp and the worst sufferers in Taylor, also tents companies “A our company were Capt lLicutenants Jackson of Sergt. Alex ander, privates Barnes, Miller, Hazel, and Taylor, Rothrock, Ertel, Sando, Osmer and Noll and Sergt. Gettig. Some of the boys had cots and slept above the water while those who had no cots were taken in by the other boys who fared better in | the storm, so that everybody had a dry bed. The writer moved in with Sergt. | Garis. The other tents were on higher ground and their tents kept dry. The camp will soon be gotten in shape again, {this Monday morhing. In my letter | next week I will give a full account of the past week, together with an account | of the commissary, cooking, ete. 8. D. Gerric. Married. | On June 14th, 1508, at Snow Shoe Iu. | tersection, by Rev. J. Zeigler, Mr. Ed. | ward M. Burd to Miss Edith Confer, both of Boggs township, Centre county, Pa.