CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note—The Local Happenings of Every Community Will be Gladly Published—Send the News, We will Publish it, NITTANY. Old Nittany is not dead, neither ist sleeping. Charles Emerick left on Monday to secure work for the summer, Here we are again with some of the happenings of the past few weeks. Christain Endeavor was lead by Miss Alma Pletcher last Sunday evening, We notice that Clem and Oscar hg their best girls out driving on Sunday. Wm. Webner has gone to Zion where be has secured work for the summer, Miss Hoy, Mrs. E. J. friends, spent several days at the Junc- tion. ad Peck's one of Rev Sern Endeavor this coming Si Let everybody turn out. r Robb has after several months abs few days with his mother. We are sorry to not ter Mr. Robert Tateds st ill. We hope he may Messrs Butler Walker's sports, attended the n Miss Mittie Winkleman, last we Mrs. Hattie 1 Mackeyvi her sist man. Mr. A. C. Young, of Hecla, Nittany on Friday to attend the spent Satu } and friend SOON Ie wi everal we "Miss Mittie Our b choice certainly de good work be Mr. J. W. C IT continue of the Club House SCTN "Calhaet 1 010eTE, ton Saturday night. We are med that charming young ladies will soon go to Lock Haven to be a seamstress. We are sorry Orphie to have you leave us. Our young folks had a sociable dance on last Friday evening, at the home of Mr. Horace Winkleman. All those that were present seemed to enjoy themselves, Bert Robb and sister Kate formerly of this place, but now of Bellefonte, were home over Sunday visiting their mother Mrs. Alice Robb. Bert reported a good time, iss Grace McClintick, one of Lamar’s charming young ladies, visited Miss Mittie Winkleman, last week and helped her to move. All those present at the moving report a glorious time, Arthur Brownlee, one of Macyeyville’ pleasant young gentleman, visited at hospitable home of Samuel McCale last week. Come again Arthur, as s of our girls are stuck on We noticed a yc Haven had one of ou out driving all. When one of our you on he Hock Haven ith him. C. Snavely's sale was ttended on last Friday the crowd ated between three or four hun dred people. Everything brought very good prices, cousidering these good M Kinley times. Quite a number of Lamar’s folks were seen near here on Sunday Girls you don’t need to be afraid to come on up through town as we have quite a lot of nice young sports who will certain. ly treat you with consideration. Mrs. Jessie McKibben, formerly of this place, but now of Mackeyville, was home several days last week. We are inform. ed that she will make her future home in Mackeyville, as she expects move about the 1st of April. She ed by many friends. FLITTINGS move into Mr. S the Mr move the ated Shields. Mr. William Gates will into the house vacated by Mr. McCasli Miss Mittie Winkleman has her new house in Nittany, purchased of her brother Horace Daniel Dorman ] young fo k's house | store George McCaslin house vad into has moved t house vacated by Miss Winkleman I. H. Winkleman bas moved into the house vacated by Mr. Dorman, Mr. I Winkleman has purchased the house va- cated by Mr. Dorman, aud he expects to make that his futurg home. Mr. Ben Fisher will move on a farm near Belle. fonte. Man Glantz will move into the house vacated by Mr. Fisher. Alfred Robb will move into the house vacated by Mr, Glantz. Mr. Henry Snavely will move into the house vacated by Mr, Robb. Mr. B. F. Guiser will move into Mr. Horace Winkleman’'s house. Mr, John Rine moved on the farm vacated by Mr, Snavelv Don’t Tobaceo Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netie, full of lite, nerve and vigor, take NoTo Bae, the wonder worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 0c or 81. Cure guaran. teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, Chicazo or New York SOBER No, 1, Hunting dandelion is all the go. W. E. Braucht's school closed on Wed- nesday. Eimer Walizer moved fer's house last week. H. VY. Gentzel and family spent Sun- day in Georgesvalley, Preaching at Paradise on Sunday after. noon was well attended, Sunday school, at Paradise, will be or. ganized Sunday, April 3rd, Miss Aunie Auman spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Dora Gentzel, 0. A, Jamison and E. P. Zerby made a business trip to Millbeim, on Saturday evening. Our pill peddier is still in the lana in Elias Con. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1898, "13.500 Names 152.800 Names 324.200 1826. 27.500 NAMES NAMES 590.000 NAMES. GROWTH OF NEW Y [{ THE INCREASE ORK CITY SINCE 1780 IN BIZE IN THE ( was because he dor in sponging his feed Gregg township | cation for a | the stream along the Beaver Dam down tot of splendid fish pouds. Moving in our past. Elmer Walizer moved in E Confer’s house last Wednesday. [ wond- er why Billy went the evening before, I nt 414 public he line, 2 ing n suppose on accou of the cook. On weather outdoor account it bad Ol : amy to i in makes but work, ut gives plenty of et hing You can see them go, i y all come home the back way without anything, ! Edocate Your =owem With Cascarets. , ry y ’ i CC | Fis r Ri . : . - H ¥. PENN HALL Mr. 8.0 next Mon posi as SOTTY tO see you go, Sam Baney w day, where he tion sawyer In our last week's comunice: ticle appeared stating that Grove Union Sunday x izedwith D. A. Ertle aud A. P. Burrell as statement is spurious, ti don't boo! was Superintend As € correspon for the furth organ ? as iant assistant, wisl i . nsthie vert « ore wi Wolfe down ompanied a spring-wagon, the aud the horses became unmanageable and the wagon proceeded down embankment at Gramley's stave All the were badly This is a timely warning for our supervisors to put a railing along this emban ke nt, as this is the third accident that occurred at this place that the writer is aware of, he t m occupants thrown out and bruised, Everybody rays fo. Cascarets Candy Cathartie, the most won- derful medical discovery of the age, pleas. ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, | cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, i cure headache, fever, habitual constipation | Please buy and try a box | Bold and | and billousness, of C. C. C. today; 10, 5, 0 conta, guaranteasd to cure by all druggists, Z10X. Mrs. Tom Lesh is at present on the sick list, Many of the little folks are afflicted with whooping cough. Is this Spanish war to be an April Foul joke, after all? Miss King visited her brother, Will King, a few days last week, Alf Robb, wife and daughter, spent Sunday at the home of Fd Cole. Miss Mary Twitinyre, of Pleasant Gap, is spending a few days at the home of her i uncle, Samuel Decker, Quite a number of our'people attend. | ed the funeral of Harry Smeltzer ‘at Pleasant Gap, last Saturday, A. L. Shaffer our supervisor is busily engaged repairing bridges and making the road in better condition, Miss Ida Showers has returned from Lock Haven Normal and feels greatly bestefitted by the term of school. Di school is farby un dar Royer is hame gonga fuver es 18 eam hard a for do orlussa, Ar had en sees ie, ne 0 gahot, Dar Pige Fisher dude nix os bicycle rida vicinity is a thing of the | as | To Cure Constipation ‘ ets { a busi week Mr. and Mrs, foute spent a few « aged mother. Wil nn to Pleasant Gap w attend Harry Smeltzer Mrs. Annie Musser iamsport, are the guests r dam Stover Samuel Gettigs, This Both teachers and have a few month's re Mr. Harry Call and Miss ¢ week our ana Arne si reet Was it Bn Was greatly enjoyed 3 (S181 To Cure Constipation Forever, arets Candy Cathars lie ar 85 ses thaws § : anda inere 1s a r Pp this season »eorge Bal cycle this spring had his broken las * 10 be at work again, ' ston Ho 0 camp, t n Some moving The Methodists reorgan bath school last Sunday. elected assistant, LF. Davis has just received a lot of | new furniture, which be has on band for [sale. Any one wanting anything in that line should give him a call, zed their Mr. Eller was superintendent, T. A. Ardell Sab. MINGOVILLE. Will Zimmerman is busy building a | fence around his yard and garden, | Mr. Dorman, of Bellefonte, pail his brother-in-law a visit over Sunday. | Mrs. Treyvillian has been on the sick list the last couple weeks, with rheuma- | tism, { Mrs Johmsonbaugh visited at Mrs. | Samuel Hoy’s, of Hublersburg,'on Friday of last week, {| The Sabbath school will be reorgan- | ized next Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock. Let everybody turn out, | Mrs. Katie Neff fell the other dav and | contracted several bad bruises, She is | some better at this writing. {| Samuel Hinds has given up lumbering {and has accepted the position as fish | warden, for the Nittany Rod and Gun | Club, ! Mrs. Jno. While had a sewing party jon Thursday of last week, Neatly ail | the women in the community were in. | vited, and quite a number attended it. | Mra, McMullen, of Bellefonte, former. {ly of this place, moved back to old | Hecla on Tuesday. She says she does {not enjoy town life, as well as the | country life. Bans Yoar Bowes With Casearets, Jandy Cathartle, sure 10, 390. 18 C. ©. ©. fail. reatiath fiend ones: oC x MADISONBURG Mrs Annie Reber, of Vicksburg, is visiting here at present, Miss Ida Fisher, of Ho hlershurg, was visitng friends here ove {Sunday A number of our youn,\ peopde will at tend Prof. Hosterman's select school, at Rebersburg, which will open next Mon. day. , J. E. Kern’ met with a bad while cutting wood last week dentally which required about eight or ten €5 LO sew It up, accident He acci- It is not the wi en the memories and people without cause: four extemporaneous po § in | future, sest thing to do, to black 1 TeCoras of some will realized by the Don't you worry A BAD Acq | Penn Hall | Wolf, Alic | Mrs Jane | met with a bad a {north of Penn Hal I'he hor led and ran ohiafer out and a M ip with by 1 except bruise pros. | No-To Bae for Fifty Cents babit 800. &1 yusrantecd tobacco ure 1 strong, ood pure wrist | AXEMANS * hope | The Primary CRON IR na ww) rs do thet the youngste of our as Jessie Bex Kk. one pent a efonte, few this week Say that the last {days of March rules the next month. that is the case we will have jot ing is three S08 Tain next month. Quite a number of people from Axe { mann, attended the services held ia the | Lutheran church, at Pleasant Gap, on | Sunday afternoon. William Horner and family and George Hughes and family moved to lewistown on Tuesday where they will make their future homes. William Stuart, of Bellefonte, moved in the house vacated by Horner, That one of our young ‘'sports”’ while taking his girl out for a buggy ride, one evening, the one wheel became heated apd locked. Poor Ed had to go toa neighbor and get some grease for the wheel before he could go any farthey with his lady. You can all have them. Nota man’s suit of clothing in our entire stock but what represents a saving of Who Wants i Two Two Dollars or more Dollar Bill? See them it FAUBLES, cut a big gash in his right foot, | stitch. | if } to every purchaser, , Beware of breeding blood, if you Sarsaparilla, originating in EF Cm Ss 0 0 = = = 0 = 0 = Bl | B00 50 0 a Your blood bad? “DraAyer's hyelciam & had bolls & Bad Blood is a good thing to be rid of, because bad blood is the place of disfiguring and dangerous diseases, You ean want it. blotches, sores and ulcers, It is the the blood. § Bil over my bod have good blood, which is pure You can be rid of pimples, boils, i {ow 7 radical Barsaparilla w & blood purifier, Is By the use of Dr. Ayer’s mods | Ying: } remedy for il diseases a Sar ral er rat ad rr er LIT TI 48 recommends When 1 began One bott Bosses Crary, W Take Ayep’s Sarsaparitia EH 00000000000000000000000000000000041 caeap n Poubles the Pleasure Lok out for ea ing Tires in as nrg st and Haroess ) free « A te i ££ boo AubBli Ointments for ( tain Mercury Shaefler's Art St Sending a Smile toa Friend are th smile aga. Faces th bring back a If you on photograph of that friend would it not upon, would plest memories at we of a Prive, easire of sel ts s hing Khar Carriag art, ind. atarrh that udie faces far away lke ist to io look hao | hay ly have a good it would help at, world of Perhaps there are friends of yours whom your photograph would make just as happy~happy if you'd send it now--glad to have #t future when you may bé { perhaps in the ar away. The cost is but little to please a dozen friends. The pose, the expression, the smile, we shall take pains to catch at its very best-just as though w to be delighted by receiv. ing it. Alleghéhy streét Bellefonte, Pa. ere the friend Shaefler's Art r Studio. A Peerless Liniment. As a pain destroyer and cure for rlieumatism, Salvation Oil is the peer of all liniments, proprietor of Striebinger land, O., writes: *I rheumatism for twelve Mr. W m. H. Brown, House, Clove. suffered from years and my last attack kept me in bed, unable to walk. [I used Salvation Oil and soon was up and about. As a pain de. gtroyer this liniment has no equal.” Salvation Oil is sold ¢ oR bids verywhere for cents. Try it and be convinced, FUR SALE, A Thovenghtwed Poland year old, weighs 150 pounds, Riok Pag on or address avid, E {us FOR HATCHING: barred Plymoth , China Boar, one funranteed pure 2. WW, HOY, Walker, I's. “on full bred Hawkins sf and Black Minoveas—75 eents for a setiin condition Wegps, Goarantes « in pure stock. Edtiien a MES No. 18, Tess, JARL, DERR, Ly Pa. LEGAL NOTICE APMINISTR ATOR'S NOTiIC) Estate of Wm. Neos deceased Letters of administration on sald estate hay ing been granted to the unde rsigued, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims of demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement, to the under signed W.H Grove, Adm'r.e. ta No. 12 Coburn, a late of Fenn township, EXEC TORS NOTICE Esta'e of Frederick Zettlo, deceased. Grege township Letters testamentary upon said estate having been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves 10 be indebted to sald estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those haviag claims 10 present them for settlement J. WZETTLE, Ex'r, No. IAs, Spring Mills, Pa. (CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Applteation Will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania on Friday the 20nd day of April AD, Jem by WL Goodhart, ¥ kK Naginey, Tyson Shade, William Thompaon, Jr. James Thompson, William KE. Gheen and hers, under the Act of Assembly of the Commoh wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled “An Act to provide for Whe Incorporation and regoiation of certain cor poration, approved April 2h 1X4, and the supplemidhts hereto, for the charter of an in. tended corporation to be called “The Central Commercial Telephone Company,” the eharae ter and object whereof is to erect and mahmtam telephone Hines and leasing and putting tele. hones in private houses, masufietores snd new Jace, and charging rates of toll for the use thereof in and th 5 . of Centre, ate of