+ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1808, The Centre Democrat, CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - EDITOR & PROP | Actual, average, sworn circulation, of this paper, for the past year, 1807, was OVER 2000 COPIES PER WEEK. Telephone Call nsy. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Regular Price If paid fn ADVAN $1.50 per yoar, $1.00 Special Club Rate Il he sent named pa With Ing CENTRE DEMOCRAT one year with any one of the be! at she following low rate Pittsburg Wed incinnatti Weekly wi YW rs kly Post World { Eng New York Stimesa-week EDITORIAL. Cuba should Nave 1} = recognized long ago. The 18 course of 1 ¢ measures with Such dilatory meas- thousands are lisappointed with T ¥Y and vas- Con- ! drive him to action of the Wall sire Cuba towards Spain. preserve the honor nation changers, on ret, are money pposed to the freedom of as it the the ight effect stock seem to have preside SIDENT MCKINLEY - Wi gisaster thinks f h'esrrne i BONO will nEnown « juanti what more can b weak The cn us sum is OT I ional income WILL THERE BE WAR i stam yal American McKinley's “di ith The Yue bas come to Cuba, They are 4 plomatic uw to ship accompanied If will soon by food for th t Cubans ATVing Spain doit yield at once, war be the inevitable olution of this difficul. ty. — —— The Population of the World Hubner's statistical and geographical tables, as a result of the latest investiga tions; give the povulation of the world at 1,515,000,000. This is an increase over the figures of 1846 of 23,000,000. To this increase Hurope is credited with contrib uting 5,700,000, Asia, 6,200,000; Africa, 7,500,000 ; America, 3,200,000, The United States, with its great growth, es- | timated by this authority at 2,800,000, and its present population placed at 72,- | 300,000, represents more thau 53 per cent. of the entire population of North | courage drinking among the students, 1 and South America~-a circumstance ad- | dueed as highly significant, and occur. | | principally beer, and in moderation, Of | course, college boys will sing, but they | sing well. On the days of great games ring in no other part of the earth, Strange Place to Write a Will, David Burkhart, of Belsano Cambria county, while looking over the Bible, found written on a blank page the will of his wife who died ‘ecently. The document is valuable to the husband, as it makes him heir to considerable prop- erty. THE PRINCETON One of the Show The Grill Town That Make It University Loom the Customs The Tun Was Opened Five 1 Inn Years Ago, gain to tivitie tiviti " from t} patronags ‘ has always } agement orable comment The Presbyterian Church all country Is much the licensing of the Inn to ous and fermentad liquors. of Synods and Presby well as the West Princeton University tiona yOen und which has very exercise Py teries in the East aR assuming 1 : 2 1 y » is a as mina # on and is respon this well ki the « 3 INN. Flaces of the Famous Old and Celebrated —- sell spiritu- A number ' at for own and stelry, have taken oceas- Cong A hew sensation agitation when cement unjust tory act and name. h nour Synods } & has O« Magazine, res Inn He d large library to which he has ace agreeable environments afforded by the venerable university town. He is not a graduate of Princeton, but has re ceived a degree from the university, He gives testimony as 10 the general mor al atmosphere that pervades the inn and the griil. “I came to Princeton,” he sald to me, “because | have some friends here. | came to stay a few days, but I have re- mained here almost continuously, The Inn is a delightful place, full of delight ful people, The register of the Inn will show the character of its guests, It is a book containing autographs of some of the greatest men of our land, I think I could name a hundred promin- ent men krown throughout the United States who nave been entertained here Members of the faculty eall on thelr friends here. Dr, Patton frequently drops In, “The management is careful not to en the [ t of he 'S n i unt LA 8 have never meen any strong liquor drunk by the graduates; they drink they give the college cheers and cries. There is no great amount of noise at any time, I have never been disturbed, and I have never heard of any com- plaint from other guests in the house.” HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver ils, Bil Igostion, Meadache, Easy to take, easy to operate. 250. ire the university and the | ments | lic spirited men; fourth, {| originate with themselves; { who put on | talks of locating | themsel | these classes, ISER COLUMBIA. TRIAL LIST week April Heunder. David Rothrock, Rothrock et al. Wm. Thomas vs. Thomas P Henry Asher Holler & Hawk vs. Earle C. Tuten Wm. M. Seigle vs. The Iron City Mu tual Insurance Company D.H. Bean v8. D. T Mrs. A. R. Long vs. Cyrus Gordon, P.P John oft. Cowher Hair vs, Geo, R. Boak Q. Miles vs, S. Suyder Bros, use W.1 Delmage us Dagoiel lang, et Nev bring terget al. J. Edward Mastin + ‘ Eskric Southern Tron Car Irom Co foe RE Val fine y Aeating - Men Whe do a Town Harm the town lows second, those who ran it down strangers; third, those who mistrust § those who show | no hospitality; fifth, those who hate to see others make money; sixth, those who oppose every movement which does not seventh, those a Jong face when a stranger cighth, those ublic enterprise which direct You don't belong to any of in town who oppose every § does not appear as a benefit to ves do you? - Select Sthook. | March with the label on your paper, ROLL OF HONOR, | THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE | The following persong have paid their | | subscriptions during the past mouth of | Sce that this date corresponds w- SoanEns Nov {f D. Nearhood, Rock Springs wns RE § RBI FAO Mar ~Mar Mar ¢ July Aug ~April an Dr. Ward, Bellefonte J Isaac Harpstor, Gatesburg Orrin Vall, PRIVpSDUrg oom Mrs, Busan Yonada, Madison Elen Hubler, Kebersburg Geo, W, Zerby, Mill A. H. Rachau, Madisonburg Isane Bickle, Th " J. L. Faust, Potters Mills E. smith, Penn Ha Ww Bpring eott Decker, Spring Mill Henry M JN. Erhard, Kaneville Harry Rockey, M J.D, Brown Johu Grove, Lemont Geo, Grenninger, Flem Milligen Walker, Runvill Dan Homan, Penn Cave J. A. Gettig, Fillmore Eidel, Hazel Stov burg. mn ming pept | Mar Sar YAR 820 Mills } ¥ M Mar May Mar Lingle, Spring Hesburg Buow Shoe Samuel Woy Lewis OC. Heed, ( D. Lee, 4 L. Ro oni. Gentz) ALP rs Know 8) Belly) Kes Wes ohn Ward, St sarah Piler nl Heckman rey Erte], Mad is Bitner, Bl ms Howard pi Al Madison Madis Tylersvil olte, Rebersburg Ira Hazel W. Haw Feidier Fe Feidier Feidler F. A, (G00 Gaels Weaver John IH. Zerby, Peon Hal F.J auk, Loveville 8, Martha Walker Penns tN I}, Rossman tigh Clintondale Oak Ha 8. Waite & Co G0 May RB EL. state ( Stamm E.T. Weaver H.P. Weaver Ww Stave Per Penn ( w——— tr, Pens Hall Rebersburg Hebershbure nitave we AVE Weaver Meyer LGentael ( I. Hoover, Coburn Auman, Coburn onada Ceburn rman, Feidier Aaronsbu Bower, Aan Haley, An: hin Slagle, Aaror W. lH. Bohn H. A. Gentle a 1. A. Zeigler, Bloomsburg W. J. Hauba, Renovo... wo. Adam May, Munson... W. KH. Musser, Bellefonte. Geo. F. Miller, Pine Grove Mills Mrs. J. B. Crawlord, Freeport, 111 Anthony Wise, Fillmore Henry A. White, Spring Mills I. HH. Neidigh, 3tate College J. W. Armstrong, Oak Hall... Jonas Stover, Rebersburg C.N. Meyer, Coburn KH. O. Braucht, Coburn I. W. Glasgow, Coburn NeWwilon Boob, Bellvae, Ohio | Cyrus HH. Meyer, Cobarn J. Kelly, Roland obum iyde § nsburg msburg sharg Anrons Raber ng A ten weeks session of select school | A. 4G. Keller, Gleaston, Pa build: The pur- offer increased will be held in Centre Hall school ing, beginning May 23, 1508. pose of the school is to facilities for higher education, as well as to those who are or will be- and and “review,'’ others who ready to re- come school teachers, would be interested ceive instruction, Ten or twelve courses can be given, Charges are very light, being one dollar | per course, boarding at £2.50 per week. For infor. matin address, Guo, B. SNYDER, Centre Hall, Pa. A Truthful Statement. Anexcellentand invaluable remedy, for the cure of cough, cold and hoarse- ness, is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and Mr. Jas, Hadfield, 350 West St., New York City, verifies this statement, Ie writes : “Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup is a most excellent remedy for cough, cold and hoarseness, and I take great pleasure in recommending it to all, who require such » valuable household medicine.” Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Furnished rooms and good i i | is sold everywhere for 25 cents, | Mrs, Sam Hoover, Hannah Henry Houser, Blanchard Chas. Corl. Linden Hall - Make every penny | count, A dollar sav- ed is a dollar earned. Buy one of our Men's All-wool Five Dollar Suits and you will add exactly $2.50 to your hank account. FAUBLES. GET RICH | sz Our «2 Twenty-fifth a2 Anniversary i | | Lune TrousrLus AND CoNsuMPTION CAN BE CURED. An Eminent New York Chemist Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. slocum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Cossumption (Pulmonary | Tubeyeulousis) bronchial Mog aud chest troubles, stubborn coughs caturrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all different) of his New Inscoveri y allicted reader of this paper writing His “New thousands ho eons $10 KN Y for them clentific 1 permanently 1 ders imple reatment’ has cured iy use, and duty to of lis in. JY AL Ling profess iy Lo donate 8 rial onal wonders, and Kpesrimenting beneficial lo modern + and ale is filed tories in of the adatly MU W chemist, patiently « for years, has produced results as humanity as can be claimed by genius. His assertion that ung pn pt are curable ae § great on heartfed letter and Eure in those « COnK proven by in his thousands {1 world, The dread Co means Kpeedy Bimply write Ludie American pean ired § H parts f { cort and cer vihig freq i ratory should take us proposition Dor Democrat tell the the ( entre and Be Satis 1 vor Buy Clothing that fits, that that holds together, ' ; : Keeps ite snape, fron IK CARInNe With Your = sine cus Appearance. ..... ry talon On valvd nd for Les is stylish, 7 ne neighb wr them ho i i Wa Lap Immense Stock Wall f Ie Over 50.000 rolls of ing in priee from Alyy : } io cents a single : . Ie ri * FOG aie a i gpecial care and and country. " » ] b ite Back, single i ] i | Dest irerest n the neee, ong. oJ Cents: ceiling Marvels ©. Beauty Walls ~ the (roid Tal SH WILLIAMS West Hien Street, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. | BELLEFONTE, New-Orleans Pure Map! Telia 85 a {sreen POH - » price Tubs, Pails, Wash Rub Brushes SEC HIGH STREET, Fine Table Syrups d HLER & C0 PENNA. HOME DYEING A Pleasure at Last. or No Muss. No Trouble. SO0PICLFVSIVIVIVEUOIOP0000000990000000D §/ WASHES axe DYES The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soilad Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool. Sold in Alf Colors by Crocers end Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cents; Address, THE MAYPOLE SCAP DEPGY, 127 Deane Street, New York. 00000000000000006000000000000000 MAYPOLE -S0AP- AT ONZ OPERATION .. ANY COLOR. Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses, 000000000009 003000000000000000