’ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, ERRIBLE EXPERIENCE Sailors of the Steamer Mastiff Adrift on an Too Floe, VESSEL ORUSHED BY ICEBERGS, The Men Spent Fortys-elght Hours on the Ice, and Some Were Made Insane by the Sufferings They Endured, Several May Lose Limbs, St. John's, N. F., March 30.--The steamer Mastiff was crushed in an ice floe off Gross Island on March 15, and the bottom was torn out of her by the bergs, The crew, with boats and pro- visions, left the ship and escaped on the ice floe, where they spent 48 hours, nearly every man being frost bitten, mest of them severely, There were 185 men in the Mastiffs crew. The ice broke up the first night, and a large party of men was plunged into the water. All escaped with their lives, but their misery was greatly increased by thelr misfortune, The ond night 12 went insane, but by great exertions on the part of the #ptain and the of ficers these unfortunates were kept under « 1 and employed in variou tasks, Shelte were m turned boats for t seriously fr | would have been res uring Be( ontr rs Family Religlon. Insane ver ywoldsvil ¢ Buncoed Postmaster Must Pay. Trent United Alleged Crooked Banker Arrested. Philadelphi March ir the } COMmMpar Peopls another of C Chestnut which Singerly charged w statements currency a hearing missioner Ed ashi Murderea In Texas, March Family Angelo, Te family named Les mother and tw been murdered Rock. A man states that in evening called house and asked to be all all night. They were denied modations Later in the night he awoke to find two men in the hi and as he ran he was fired upon them. An ax was the weapon used killing the Lees, San XA small ry ranch near Paint the al part « on a who the men ERAve Arn early the Les 1 to stay RCCOM two at Wed YU 84 by in Ohlo Miners Wil Strike, Massillon, O., March 20.-The joint conference of committees representing the coal operators of sub-district No. 34 of district No. 6 ended at midnight without a satisfactory adjustment be ing reached, and as a result the miners’ officials have issued orders that no work shall be done unless the operators concede the points demanded. These orders affect 2.500 miners In nine coun- ties. The operators refused to grant the Saturday half holiday or the hour noon demanded by the men. Seven Flood Fatalities. Greensburg, Ind., March 30.-The loss from the flood in this county will reach $150,000. The fatalities are larger than at first reported. Three members of the Walters family, in the Tanners creek bottoms, are missing, and afarm- hand, Albert Phillips, was a victim in the cloudburst at Moscow. Claude Shane was drowned at Westport, and Jate reports indicate loss of life on Fiat Rock, below Bt, Paul, at the junction of Conn's creek, where two members of one family perished. Maryland Legisinture Deadlocked, Annapolis, Md, March 30.-/The Mary - land general assembly is in. a snarl over the question of reorganizing the police force of Baltimore, which bids falr to block all legislation during the balance of the session, which has but pix moire days to run, The se Yun terday rejected a proposition f the house to go into joint convention on the subject, and then put upon its pas- sage a bill providing for a bi-partisan board of four to be appointed by the f the | I otte | by : A WEST CHESTER MYSTERY Mother and Hor Little son With Thelr Throats Cut, West Chester, Pa., March 30.-Mrs. Isabel Ridgway, aged 28 years, her son Charles, aged 0 years, were found dead In bed yesterday at the home of Charles Harley, near Dut- ton's Mills, in East Goshen Their throats were cut, the heads be- ing nearly sev «td from the bodles The weapon ua was evidently a butcher knife, which was found close by the bed The dead mother and child found by Harley, who sald that the deed was probably committed while he was harnessing a horse, According to statements the woman was to mother. She housekeeper for Harley, and had lived in the house for about three Harley was getting the horse to take her to Mal vern, where was to take the train for Philadelphia, to remain ab weeks, She is sald to have woman ended closely to her duties as housekeeper, and was of a retiring Harley is a married man, bu ved with his fr some Some are of the opine fon that man committed sulelde after gu t 1ild’s throat, The authorities, however, are making an Found the about wos Vers ready she been a wife Wile | Investigat A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. I'harsdav, March 21. ¥ I E Spanis y March 28, Monday, Ireland, Tuesday. RE" March 30, ndition es that ex- niy awaiting ed that Hill, Ont., Frederica oys, aged and 8 wild hogs while going to hamlet near Gran. killed school a0. purchased in Belleville, and were Wednesday, March The torpedo Germany has been named the Somers. The public funeral of Lieutenant Jen. kina, who lost his life in the aster, took place at Pittsburg today. The wreck of the scheonsar Julia new boa! A. and | township. | LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Bome Valuable Hints About Thinning Oud | the Growlths on Country Places. A writer gave recently some valua- ble hints on landscape gardening with | reference to thinning eut the growths on & country place. He says: “The | great sin of commission which a study | | of ornamental private grounds in all | opment. made | become a | parts of our country reveals, is the fallure to cut out trees and shrubs which were always fi-placed or which dave besu rendered detrimental or su~ pesflucus by years of growth and devel- | Everywhere we goe country places, small ones eapscially, which whether viewed from the inside or the | outside, are less beautiful than they might be because thelr plantations are too crowded, A house may well be draped and shaded, but it should not | be concealed or smothered by follage. out three | i natural rows | Maine dis- | Warr has been washed ashoré on Long | Island It is believed that ‘her perished, The national senate has passed bilk appropriating $3390.000 for the In- dustrial exposition to be held in Phila- delphia. Two more bodies from the ruins of building, Chicago, thus far found. crew have been taken the burned Ayer making a total of 12 Messenger Drove Of Train Robbers, Los Angeles, Cal, March 30.Meager details have been received Fe passenger train near Grant, N, M. The train was flagged some distance from the lonely station and slowed down. The engineer, however, sus. pected the cause of the flagging, and was moving ahead when the robbers opened fire and wounded the fireman. The train was stopped and five masked men approached. Express Messenger Fowler stepped from the train and opened fire with a brace of revolvers, The robbers were unprepared for this, and fled. One of them was severely wounded by Fowler, but his comrades got him away. * Congressman Hrosians Seriously I, New York, March 30.-—Marriott Bro slus, member of congress from Lan caster county, Pa. Is seriously Hl at the home of his daughter, In Mount Vernon, N, ¥X. Charming outlooks ought not to be shut off. A fine tree ought not to be hampered in its development by oth- ers less attractive. Two or three trees of equal excellence ought not to be al- lowed to survive so long together that the beauty of all will be ruined. A shrubbery ought not to look like a rough thicket, nor should a place be so crowded with shrubberies as to look like a wilderness. Health as well as beauty demands that follage should not be tao dense in the nelghborhood of a dwelling house, for human beings, no less than plants, need the Istration of the winds sunshine of heaven. at this ownes of a or sma should 1 trees nd shrubs, ; May no free min- eAsRoOn coun greatest VE WW A Ys The Ose Mere Pletured Has a Number o Advantages that hi can make again fords a ive grou plants portunit the ing about be added | Chestuut Trees Profitable, Those grove and keep it free from depredators may find it aa profit We know one or two such groves which are only fruit, but which yield returns with no labor except for gathering the nuts better than could be got for the usual farm crops. Jut tor secure prof- itable returns the public must be ex- cluded. Men and who club the trees while the nuts are green to bring them down will disfigure and injure the trees, so that after a few years the trees will yield little or nothing Chestnut trees, if the fruit is of good quali ity are valuable property, and their fruit should be protected. There are several improved varieties of chest- nut, some of which will begin bearing when three years old These should be chosen if new plantations of chest- nuts are to be made, or scions of the new varieties should be grafted into native stock. who have a chestnut source of boys MHonrded His Wheat A Kansas farmer has late sold some wheat harvested in 1886, and which for the past 11 years has res mained unthresbed in the stack. The wheat was bright and plump, weigh- ing 60 pounds to the bushel. The | seller rented a farm, paying his rent | with other crops and leaving the wheat the | { a falr price for it, i sold, | has not paid him. i ago was higher than it has yet been | terest, | than half of this wheat when thresh- | od shows only a mass of straw with | most of the grain eaten out, of an at- | tempt to hold up the westbound Santa | {animals are taught until he could get what he thought was | He has now 12 wheat crops ready to be threshed and Of course this holding of wheat Wheat 11 years i : Aside from the loss of in- | it will be vary strange if more this year. Training Watch Dogs. Watch dogs are trained successfully in Germany by one Herr Strauss, who does. a large business. The to fly at an Intruder’s throat and a dummy tramp of wood is used for that purpose. Sometimes a real man, heavily padded, Is employed in the place of the dummy, and of course the Intrepid individual Is well paid for his services. All dogs, It appears, can be made into good watch dog by such instruetion, al. though St. Bernards and Russian ‘wolt bounds have proved themselves supe- rior for the purpose, Sugar Rest Lands, Lands near Watsonville, Cal., that formerly went tenantiess at $3.00 per ure I now lease for $7 per acra for cule 2 of the sugar bet, AGRICULTURAL | | soon enough, ith 1 Or | stains | trouble, NOT FOR EVERYTHING, But if you have kidoey, liver or blad. der bouble you will find Swamp-Root | People are | just the remedy you need, not apt to get apxious about their health If you are i “half sick" have well’ or you caust of your sickness? It is easy to tell by setting aside your ! urine for twenty-four settling indicates dition of the kidneys. When urine linen it is evidence of kidney Too frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pam or dull ache in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder need doctoring, hours; a sediment There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dy. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, fulfilis every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary troubles. Not only does Swamp-Root give new life and activity to the kidneys—the cause of trouble, but by treaticg the kidueys it acts as a tonic for the entire coostitution, If you need a you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and You may have a amphlet both sent m receipt of three two- cent stamps to cover postage on the Mention Tug CENTRE Di MO- CRAT and send your address to Dr. mer & Co., ugh proprietor medicine one dollar, PR tle and by mail, up ’ minle } BAIN 0 free cost of Dottie amon, . } genuinenes PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN M KEICHLING Justice of the Pease rt hots IAMES W, ALEXANDER High street. near court all the com I K TOHSSTON Femple Court fess Attorney a Cul be EK. RHOADS At his yard Opposite the P. R.R. Passenger Station, Sells only the Best Qualities "TY Wr atts she ANTHRACITE LAN id ANJA hd AND BITUMINOUS | iJ ALLAN ARR ARCRAR A Esse Tr SSREEESS ALSO ALL KINDS OF Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. ARRAN aA AA RRERR es SRESeSS Superior Screenings for Lime Burning. Builder's and Plasterers’ Sand ROYAL STOCK FOOD for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hop Melephone 1912. RLP-AN-S ri. we A ‘not quite | ever | ht that your kidneys may be the | unhealthy con. | ring Medicine It true for body to take a thorough course of is wisdom BVOrye Swift's mpeciiic of the year. and impoveris tiMs Beason h just nt The blood i% #5) ill ger IT hed, and the gystem is full be thoroughly of impurities which should eliminated, In addition and toning avoid logs eral For The Blood SSS. -- py ~ rE i LOCK HAM { '] : da ode] Re training to professiona a command good nt success rive tions and mesd andsome new building, erected at a t of one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars, i= now finished and oe upied A coon modations first class Kiecirie ght in every TOOT carpets, spring beds, wardrobes, new furniture, fourteen bath room Hot and cold water on every floor Far stem steam heat | Bmead system of ventilation, Eversthmg is new and convenient “i adents may enter al any time. Lock Haven is accessible by rail from all directions We shall be glad to earrespond with any who are interested. Send for free catalogue and secure rooms lor next term JAMES ELDON, A. M.. Ph.D... Principal, CLEVER THING TO DO: 1f you have a Brother, or Sister, Father or Mother, Son or Daugh- ter, Uncle or Aunt-—-of course you have-living mm some distant part of the country you can give them appropriate gift and one that will be appreciated by sending them Tun CENTRE DEMOCRAT one year, Costs you only $1to doit, and will keep them informed dur: jung the year about happenings in Centre county. Would that vot be the clever thing to do ? WELL! I GUESS IB. & BITE, Ja Wish You Knew exactly what eat assortinent of new ZOas are ere and how your for (7r 14 : 3 ROCKING earnestly re orders with Send Cr At us hoice Lane how you the plainest ' straightforward evidence g h ’ FOO, nall profit al this 1bmit- eps nda. nice ‘| New Novelt ty y Silk cS i (H ). HN ) y Pretty Wa h Goode BOGGS & BUHL ALLEGHENY. PA. ng is olens full- mater- Wear ARO be- n- our ar workma of k WwW ne sas Call JACOB GROSS, Fine Tailoring, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. AAAAAAAASS SAS A High Street ted for Mooenate Foes, Dum OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE U, 8, PATERY Ormice pi i bess time than Lhose TOM, ( ng or photo, with descrip. We advise, if patentable of not, Iree of Our fee nét du et t is secured, Pammsiey, = How o Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U, 5, and foreign countries t free, Address, iC.A. SNOW &CO. Ons PATENT Orrick, WASHINGTON, D.C. Sd BO YEARS EXPERIENCE te fr | pate EE A Ee 0 pons sending a sketch and Sener! hu Ty Ararat our opinion nye EE