\ For $1.50 2 you can get two papers The Centre Democrat and either the Cinein nati Enquirer, or Pitts burg Post MOST NEWSLEAST MONEY CHAS. R. KURTZ Ed. and Prop. INFORMATION FOR THE GAZETTE Why County Commissioners Were Assessed as Farmers A NEST FULL OF REPUBLICANS Who Were Assessed Same as Lom. Goodhart Mud Batteries at Work Again—A Few More Pointed Questions that Remain Un- that laterest Tax. answered—Matters payers Last week the Gazette turned its mud batteries on George I. Goodhart, of Pot- ter township, one of the former me atic board of county to of the democr missioners. The object was besmirch, and belittle that gentleman in t attention from order to of the the present republican boar Editor Harter W distract public notorious short some 1 Qa Of comm . To show how far as a Cs had his of office as follows Andrew Gregg “farmer.’ H. C. Campbell, “farmer.” John C. Hend —~*‘farmer. John Decker, “farmer.” {All the above were John Wolf, Miles “farmer.” A. J. Greist, “Merchant {The above wer at the their actu as COMMISH al chance. Mr ned his re amy, a polit When maints Goodhart was Goodhart Gazette Messrs and Decker~ lican commissioner, as guilty'of the same Ais0 Campbell, Henderson, o HH cach one a Greg former repub- offence, and include Messrs Greist, Wolf, Feidler and a whole host of other decent, citizens, now retired to pri respectable vale a set of official Ia the of Messrs and Adams, mer life, scamps ase hant un upon ass up their | to Bellel« and th their not x only : 1 Good he chang from “commis sioner.” The next year it was "farmer of “nothing'’ as the Gazette As the law instead states allows a man 10 be assessed with only one occupation and Mr. Goodhart had to pay his county tax ot: his real and personal farm property assess him also as a as a ‘farmer,’ to “commissioner” occupation contrary to law and directly contrary to If Mr. on two occupations eve- compelled him to pay two laxes This would be all former Good. | hart should pay ry man in Centre interests, precedents county, of diversihied could be asessed on a score of or Editor Harter ne any i thought ition er gave this question He to vilify h An €xX-Oemocrali thoial, uant ton he the hase mot! word The censure of Mo for at tendicg the appeals is likewise unfound- ed. The count lic advertisement, invite all who desire to attend this meeting. Mr. Goodhart therefore had a right to appear and pre- | sent his case. The increase of the coun. ty tax, by the present Republican Board, from 3 to 3'4 mills, was laid before the appeals were field, so that when demo crats are accused of causing the increase sideration gation CO had an opportunity The malig. ol Aaricie at once displays e that is inspired in eyery | Goodhart commissioners, by pub. | amount has already the Harter must in taxes, by attending the appeals, Gazette contradicts itself, think his in the com. republican pets missioners office a set of **Dough-heads”’ that any one can work. Again, if some assessors did lower val uations, in certain districts, why don't this board, like the last democratic board, display enough back bone and manly courage to raise the same where it ought to be and thus equalize the assessment Instead, they are playing the baby act, afraid of their shadows, working for a The Gazette's abuse of dem- the mighty weak defence for a set of incom- In the past month the re-election. ocrats for attending appeals is a petent officials. Gazette has vilified auditors Frank Hess, and G. G. Fink; unnecessarily abused James Cornelly ; hurled insults at Messrs Adams and Goodhart ; branded Editors Meek and Kurtz as a set of thieves ; gave : made an unrea- Cr .——— How She Expressed Herself cantly visted the experience thn perfect beautiful time! rt was 50 converted, you know More of McKinley's Prosperity Renovo News sop ne vesterday The or nd the bell was of 6 o'clock, as formerly of two hours time was in the nature surprise to the employes, as there was no an, in rayrstaenel pie vious ins Grog ped Work in this dep would be gi has been for some time artment, greater reducti ympany, re. deral govern. f bituminous coal Key West, Fla. Key West is the ‘t as coal nited States Navy arest to Caba. The coal will be ship- 1 at the rate of 10,000 tons a day. i Wrong Stery Mr, Jerry Chapman, of Marsh Creek, was io town last week and denied the story that he captured out of season last fall and sold them, as was reported at that time. He says al though wild turkeys are plenty all around him he would not be guilty of capturing them out of season. .—— - Enterprising The Sunbury board of trade is raising $10,000 to secure a brush factory for its Four thousand dollars of the been subscribed. Bellefonte business men should cooper. ate in this kind of public enterprise. Our town will go to sleep gradually if we don’t get a hustle on, ——— Married, At the residence of the bride's mother at Snow Shoe Intersection, by Rev, J. H. Zeigler, on March 4th, A, D. 18¢8, Mr. Harry V. Kellerman, of Milesburg, to Miss Florence B. Estright of Snow Show Intersection, Pa. town -——— Fire ot Tyrone. On last Friday evening fire destroyed three barns at Tyrone, owned by D. G. Owens, Chas. Wooden and Mr, Stuart. All the property was insured. Several horses were burned, 15 wild turkeys | BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1808. BLUFFED A BLUFFER A New Method of Collecting Tax- es From Beats. THE TAX COLLECTOR AHEAD How James M. Lucas Got Taxes From a Young Man—Other Tax Should do the Profuse Promises Became Collectors Same Tiresome. Mr. James M collector, of Boggs t Lucas is the present ywuship, anc an active and alert san for his age bad occasion to pay our sanctum recently aud related the many tryin cidents of a tax collector's life one event that Young man in t A man who won't pay 1 to jail,” and up towards marched the your the view of cluded to of the slow customers the same n he will be able to fill the iil in a short time Death of Mrs. Mary Mallory iday, March 4th, Mrs. Mary Mallory died at the home of her son H B. Mallory Pa were brought to her former home, Bellefonte for interment Her On Fr Altoona, The remains in age was 6g years She leaves 1g children H Altoona Mallory, r. of Osceola Mallory Mrs. Mallory's husband preceede to the grave a Very im 1 her umber of years ago pressive, and solemn services d good woman, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Heverly were held over all that remained of this on Spring street, on Monday Dr. Wm laurie of the Presbyterian church and Rev. Dr. W. A. Stephens of the Metho- afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev, dist church had charge of the services. | | A large concourse of friends attended | these last sad ceremonies. Interment | was made in the Union cemetery, . .— Church Dedication, The stew United Evangelical church, | just completed at | dedicated on next Sunday, March 20th. | Among those who are expected fo par ticipate in the services are Bishop Stam- | ford, of Harrisburg; Dr. A. E. Gobble, | of New Berlin; Rev. C. H. Goodling, of | Bellefonte; J. J. Lohr, of Millheim; and { their pastor, W. W. Rhoades, of Cen- | tre Hall. The structure is a commodious, | new frame building, conveniently ar | ranged and a handsome house of wor- | ship. .—— . More Quail for Hecla, The Nittany Valley Rod and Gun club last week received 1,000 wild quail from Iowa. The quail were turned loose in the woods of the reserve at Hecla park. Ae. a i Commissioner's Clerk Died, At Clearfield Sunday, Howard Read, clerk to the county commissioners, died from the effects of an operation. He was 26 years old. Linden Hall, will be | ONE YEAR OF MCKINLEY During the Presidential campaign, New York World was one.of Major Kinley’'s pronounced supporters ] trong eal Friday the following rial peared in its columns McK He was inley “One year ago March 4, My was inaugurated as President elected by Democratic voles in Demo cratic States as a suppose d choice of the lesser evil, “With every desire tot Mr, personal qualities * fair, and recog - nizing freely McKinley's admirable with the full ¢ purpose, furthermore, of sustaining him to the ut termost in every ng that he may protect the honor in the Spanish-Cuban it must Le ad obligations Yesest mi tration thus far There have pointments been H epubiican government good Bout ws ed i! duty, ang it praseworiy has bank ment twenty feet tiedly scrambli his life as the engine and is the engineer's name led on him Perry Cole Adam Blaze, the fireman, rex some slight ivjuries ‘he engin Jetely wrecked, — Reporter . o— A Rip in His Face week one day Skip was Hall, 1 ANG was Centre wood shed 1g broke a sudden droy Look and be : ing wire nail caught his a big gash in the up; 1 oer lip it required On the upper lif to sew up the gash. Besides tearing face he banged his knee and hobbl along with quite a limp for several Reporter Died at Philipsburg James McKernan, an ex justice of the peace, of Philipsburg, and whose first wife was Miss Annie Keller, of Lock Haven, died at his home Wednesday | niglit of briglii's disease. He was 57 | years old. The surviving children of his first marriage are as follows: Mrs. L. | A. Stannert, of Leadville, Col; Annie, | John and Alice at home. His present | wife and one child also survive. A Sentenced to the Penitentiary. Elmer BE. letterman was brocght be. | fore Judge Mayer at Emporium last week {on the charge of bigamy. It will be re. membered that Letterman married Miss Bertha Fulton, an estimable young woman, of Sinnemahoning, on Thanks. giving, and had a wife living at Lemont, | this county. Letterman pleaded guilty | | and was sentenced to two years in be | | western pegitentiary. .——— Enlarging an Orphan's Home, 0dd Fellows orphans” home, at Sunbury Sunbury at their bid of $2,715. There will be two additions--one 16x42 and the other 35x40 feet, both two stories high. They must be completed by July 1. The capacity of the home will be fif- ty orphans, after these additions are erected. The contract for the addition to the | has been awarded to Simpsons Bro's., of i i : | 1 During the yen 1807, there te were printed 102.617 complet 2 copies of Tue Cexrre Dexo gin, CHAT, or 200 each week, al lowing for misprints, our 3 al averag TT freula Li Was aver 4 2 000 COPIES PER WEEK VOL POST OFFICE KOTES OUR BORO COUNCIL {req t0 he Beftetonte and confirmed Apr following May be took Organization of the New Council on Monday. partmeut, publican offi THE COMMITTEES APPOINTED | #s A. Bayard, Captai Editor T. H, Harter W. W. Montgomery follows New Officers Sworn In foro Officials Whe Were Retained A Report Paid and Expenditures No New Appointments — on our Financial Swuanding fonds During the Year Keports ) : p ¢ last session of Lhe oid coun on Monday mor: Net Students issue mention the arrest of several bos lege is the name « a thousand population a » College is an and our exchanges do not Not one of t were students at the college ] Qs know the he boys arrested Jon Be —— Lucky Find ley H. Goodling W. Hemey Sechrist Bellefente Milesburg Howard] Nittany —H. T. Searle Rebershburg WW, H. Stover Centre Hall -W. W. Rhoads Spring Mills—-W. M Millheim-J. J. Lohr Sugar Valley, | Milimout-D, P Buffalo J. Shambaugh New Berlin—J. 1 Penns Creck Middlebury McClurej Port Trevor lewistonn Patter On Wednesday C. P. loveland, of lock Haven, drove to Beliefonte, and in the evening he missed his purse contain. ing about $40. Early this Thursday momming be arose and drove back over his route. Down near Curting Works he | found his purse lying in the road and several buggy wheels had passed over it Nothing was missing, and it evidently lay there unnoticed for a day. — A —— Brown rarret sChia tier shuilz ‘Are You Gotng to Move? Many of our subscribers will this spring and will move want their papers changed in many cases to a new office. eph { In that case, notify us at once and be Koonte | sure to state former address as well as where you want your paper sent in the | future. Remember this and you will : § § {| avoid confusion and delay. i —— Lyon SON Kails The Bald B R. R. Co. are putting down new ral whole length | of the road, Passengers on the cars can | Deputies Acquitted. notice traveling over the road just where | The trial of Sheriff James Martin and the new track is finished as it rides mach | his deputies, at Wilkesbarre was conclud- smoother than the old track. [ed on Wednesday moreing by the jury i returning a verdict of not guilty. An ex. tended account of the closing scenes of this trial will be found on page 2 of this issue, vie Valles gs the Recovering. Ex Commissioner John Wolf, of Re. bersburg, has almost recovered from the sisi i ——— recent paralytic stroke he had about two | The CreTRE DEMOCRAT and the Cin months ago, but not fully. cinnatt Jegwirer for $1.50 a year.