SALE BILLS rt on from GOOD PAPE CLEAR TYP with SALE NOTES, nt LOW PRICES, Q—When Printed by THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT. ’ by CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. ar INFORMATION ~~ rop WANTED | More Items in the Commissioners Statement $0 be Explained OF INTEREST TO TAXPAYERS Many Gross Assertions of the Gazette Reviewed=Timely Comments on James Like a Padded Liabilities Omitted for Some Cornelly’'s Trial--Looks Statement Reason, When the county commissioners issued their statement recently, numerous items in it called forth general comment, The Auditors Report, 1ssued by a republican board (Messrs Wagner and Fink republi- cans, and Hess democrat), also was a spicy document cr tures of the commissioners, and made a ' iticising the expendi- number of surcharges. This paper also made a few comments that seemed to have cut deep and arous- ed the temper of some republican politi- cians, and put our contemporary, the Gazette, in a bad frame of mind. result was that, instead of ‘throwing daylight’ on our comments asit promis. : its discomitare, it Siopped over ed, in ins tte with abuse, branding everything way as a "pack of collosal lies, Mr. Fink the a cowardly republican auditor, mac : assault on James Cornelly who is not a factor in the issue, insinnat. ed that the editors of the Centre Demo- crat and the Watchman would be guilty of theft and only needed the opportunity, dragged in a lot of unnecessary praise for i whose ability questioned, and closes with a statement that in its estimation the last democratic commissioners, Goodhart and Adams, would appropriate anything in Bluff! Bragg! Bluster ! Big Head! the present commissioner's clerk or fidelity were never sight, Tet us make a brief review of the ar. ticle in question. The board of auditors were acting in their official capacity, up- on their solemn oaths, to carefully andit the accounts, and it is reasonable to sur- In the campaign th Laose mise that they did so. the Messrs mtegrit emulated two men, Wagner Gazette Fink and for ability, 7, and honor of the high gree. Now it takes a different stand work does not cal If its recent abuse and censure of the t cause their thunder. the Gazette is ris ahi at ors, it was unreliable during the cam- yaign—but that can’t be, this great politi cal organ can not err (in its own judg- ment.) Will some friend come to its res. cue in this dilemma ? Next, the democratic auditor, Frank Hess, is indirectly accused of drawing pay at 30 cents per hour, and instead of working, was riding about the county with a democratic sheriff. Part true, but not entire truth. When the auditors completed their work, it required ome day for the clerk to complete and make an official copy for record, which requir. ed the auditors signatures before filing. Had Mr. Hess gone home, mileage to Philipsburg and time would have amount. ed to abont §g. Instead, he remained in Bellefonte, one day, and thereby saved five or six dollars for the county. It was his privilege to goor do as he pleased, only so he signed the report when com- pleted. This he did. Thus a little day- light clears up a half-truth beautifully Next, the auditors are abused. Joshua Folk, a political henchman, watched the court house for §1 per night and the audi. tors could not understand why his salary should be increased, actually doubled, while atthe jail. There work, nothing more arduous or hazar- dous. Why then in the name of common sense should he be paid twice as much? The auditors could not sce the justness of this course, and surcharged the commis. sioners for the extra pay. To answer this the Gazatte belabors Mr. Fink, styles him the “Smart One,” his "Royal Nibs,"’ who is puffed up with vanity and conceit, Rather broad and humiliating language to a sensible man, is it not 7? Next, it de. clares democrats are abundant in Belle. fonte who are anxious to (Cornelly) to escape.’ Then, to justify the exhorbitant charges in the Joshua Folk watching account, the Watchman (and the Centre Democrat printed one- half) are charged with printing a book in Superior Court for James Cornelly’s Was no more appeal, at a reduced price, as though that | were almost high treason. offices did print such a book at a greatly reduced cost. Why? First, becanse James Cornelly is a poor devil without a cent to his name-~helpless and in prison, Second, because in our opinion the trial of James Cornelly was a miscarriage of justice. Hundreds of people in Belle. foute and this county take the same view, and are not slow in declaring it. To err is human, and even our courts are pot infallible. To further substantiate this idea let us say, and the facts can be produced, the money for printing this book was contributed by popular sub. “assist him | These two | scription and by some of the most promi- { ment ¢ ilizens, business men and even lead- ing REPUBLICANS in Bellefonte, share the same view, persecution of the Grit editors may not of place to recall at this point. Further, it requires very little courage to confirmed drunkard and be out 1 calla man a self-confessed criminal,” as the Gazette did, when seperated from Cornelly by alls. Such hero But the iron bars and stone w ism is never applauded. merits of James Cornelly’s conviction are not a part of the commissioners statement, we must’ go to the point. The Gazette imagines that it has with boodle, the bollmg over : nai in struck § L the head is willing to make a forfeit of £100 that it can produce two men who will audit the account for one fourth the price paid the present Republican Board. Some peopie are more apt than others we confess, Carrying out the same line of argument we declare, and would be willing to forfeit £1000 (money you know is the argument of bluffers) that two Bellefonte on be the business men in can s¢- cured who will run county commis ti stoners office better, and only pu third of the none t than the 1 ime 1 lad vo be ¢ 14 a sneak ~ | v 3 ve xt for I: for maki the double year is 1 As the Dec. Trienni placed at £5245 66 al assessment is not completed, are all the costs for pay enumerated in this account ? If not, is the amount unpaid placed in of the Also pay to assessors who are sti the column county's liabilities. i i at tending appeals over the county to com- plete the same? Should they not he ciuded ? If so, will that not make the final sum much larger ? According to the statement issued when the dembcratic board took charge by Mr brains’ ' ‘ wv : . in 18g1,and signed Strohm “who : farnished the as there was £7.661.09 due the road and OGY poor, other funds for money that bad been he misappropriated by former board a hat is what the statement says, at least, the auditors nt ut Some promine $13,701 3,701 board was You also y of the last democratic only about $113.000 last year, over their signatures, attested in the printed that it $13,701.70 and the present republican board of auditors passed avd approved all the accounts, Who is right ? Who is wrong ? It is natural to base calcu. lations on official reports, until absolute proof is furnished to the contrary. Hon. estly, between gentlemen, Brother Har | ter while we have unbounded confidence The present republican board statement was who The record of the | : | never in your integrity, we don't exactly be. | lieve all your allegations. you know, and everybody knows-—as the statement shows—that for defending this board of commissioners you oleomargarine spread thick sides of your bread. What public improvements of any ex When it is re. membered that the former board in some years paid $3000 for turnpikes, put costly metalic furniture in the Register's, Re. on both tent have they made? We know, | BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 DESPERATE HIGHWAYMEN | Attempt Rob Kohlbecker's Hotel at Milesburg to MANY SHOTS WERE FIRED Mr. Kohibecker Defies Makes a Brave Armed Men Traced to Tyrone More Shooting Takes Place Stand and Make Where Five They Their Esc pe Dangerous Desperate Characters ex) rg had a genuine sensati Thursday evening. A posse of colores men suddenly swooped down on lois Koh'becker's hotel and at the point of listening revolvers demaaded ‘money or life,” but were successfully warded off by the plucky landlord without secur- ing athing. It appears that six colored men were put off a freight train near Milesburg, on Thursday, and they came to Bellefonte LH did where they 1 some drinking. They 3 o Milesburg about ; Two of the the bar and the and demanded Mr. Kohlbeck ill stand. He made a desperate 5 3 men grabbed his watch chain 2 but he watch Three essed the keys of the cash register and caught the back of the bar. 4 : 1 : times Lhe men p it opened, but each time be mavaged to While this struggle was going on, two of the colored push it shut with his elbow, men began shooting promiscuously about the room and demanded one man to band his ax over of tol Wm came down Shit ' As soot as be opened the door he faced the EE Sok in cvolvers and High was al Ai 3 vi gen med 3 . : $1 to retreat, and he 1 80 in double quik ollowed by several more shots the : ide ed shooting on attrac the 11 \ on 10 n outside, when the un 1 guarding the entrance gave an alarm for his pals to leave as they were in danger They quickly left the room, backing out, covering everybody with their firearms and after shooting several shots outside disappeared quickly by going towards Snow Shoe Iotersection. Mr. Kohl. becker followed and shot after them several times with his Winchester but touched one of them. On their way to Wingate they stopped a young man by the name of Iddings and asked him for a match and fired several shots | at him, without striking his person. | dating him. Mr. Kohibecker had about $100 in his | cash register and the s get the | gis and the same amount in his vest pocket which would have made a nice haul had they succeeded in fntimi. Altbough an armed posse | followed the highwaymen, owing to the : | corder’s, Commissioner's and Prothono- | tary's offices, wiped out a $7,663 deficit, left a $13,701 surplus on a 3 mill basis, | and the present board has no such ex. pense but increased the millage to 3% mills, what can be said in their defense ? The harled is closing upon insult your article Messrs. Goodhart and Adams merits no defense. Their record | is before the people. have been approved and they are now | private citizens. While comment on their official record is privifeged, the as- Their official acts | : ! : : darkness, no trace could be found. Dis patches were sent along the railroad for the authorities to be on the alert. SKIRMISH AT TYRONE. Five officers proceeded to the Tyrone train yards where they expected the colored men might land from an incom. ing freight. After an bour’s search three colored men were found in an impovis. ed hut, asleep by a small fire. Officers Curtin and Anderson found them. With drawn revolvers they called upon the | men to surrender. Two held up their | hands and the third began firing at the | officer who returned the shots. In the | scramble that ensued the colored men | sault on the reputation and character of | made their escape by taking through the | private citizens is a gross breech of | woods. Many shots were fired back and journalism, MORE DAYLIGHT WANTED, After all of the Gazette's voluminous eflort and abuse, it avoids the issue. It | has failed to clear up why the commis. sioners bunched over £3000 in one item |as “sundries?” Why did they try to | hide the expenses of the sheriff contest | $425, and detective service of $1300 from {the taxpayer'seves ? It made it appear as though the commonwealth costs amounted lo over $4500, when in fact | there was less criminal business during {the past year than formerly. This fact { should have been set out. Why was it | not ? In the estimate of liabilities, no ac- count is taken of the bills due the Hunt. fngdon Reformatory for the inmaten maintained from here during the past year. The former board always did this, But then that would have reduced the assetts. Again, there are aboot $20,000 outstanding in taxes, and on this they estimate only $400 on exonerations, i ! ! i : i i i Continued on puge 4. forth, but none of the officers were injur. ed. This being at 10 o'clock m the night the darkness enabled them to make good their escape, and since then we trace of the desperadoes has been discovered. Thus Centre county had an experience | with desperate charactors that is on an equal with the exploits of Jessie James and other daring criminals. Of course : | they were not as successful and had very narrow escapes with their lives. The pluck of Landlord Kohlbecker in defying | the efforts of five armed men and defeat. | ing them in their attempt to rob him, is worthy of highest praise. It is an exhi- | bition of nerve and pluck not found in | the average man, i Tyrone's Paper Mill, The Mortison & Cass Paper company, of Tyrone, have addressed the borough authorities of Cumberland, Md., asking for inducements to locate a plant, em- ploying 250 men, in that place. Itis | fa | were barping some time belore they i 18508. MOSHANNON M. E. CHURCH, The M. E. was dedicated Sunday 6th church, at Moshannon, Pa., Rev. W. W, Cadle preached to a large congregation The begun on Saturday evening services for the Sabbath day were with love feast at g o'clock : followed by a sermon Pa., taken by Rev. Thos. Wilcox, of Shamokin, after which wa at which time ion was the between 51 . Con - tinued and re uring full asked and amount Oo dollars, 30 through arrange- board of trustees the the ments made by the church could be dedicated to wor. ship of the Lord The church nd a frame building, the a mam seated with turday momi is in Benner township, several miles pring building at west of Bellefonte, along S 3 he Fire was discovered in the morning, and then As there about 2 o'clock was under good headway was fei old : iwasa very stone str red ¥ H] ture, probably over a bun cars oid and for the past fifty years was owned by the Reynolds estate. Some years ago it was refitted throughout with improved machinery for manufacturing flour and feed. It is likely that another mill will be crected at that point, as there is an excellent water power and a good loca tion for a mill The cause of the fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary. A sash was broken out on the lower floor to gain an entrance and doors were found unlocked RE Were Nearly Starved -. Jersey Shore citizens have found an ex. treme case of poverty in their midst. The family is that of Rev. Mr. Garner, pastor of the A. M. E Bellefonte, The Spirit savs a four cent church, formerly of bread was all that he aod his family of seven children had to sustain life for one day last week. This he di vided among his children, and ate noth. ing himself. The little ones could not sicep and about 2 o'clock at night their cries awoke him and when he inquired loaf of if they were cold they said, “No they | He left the house and made his wants known. He received some money that night and since then the citizens have taken steps to see that the family is well provided for. .-—— were bungry.”’ Enforcing the Law, The first case on record in Pennsyl. vania of a father beirg imprisoned for | fling to send his child to school oc- curred last week in Pittsburg, The man | is Andrew Nieman, of 9: Straub alley, | Troy Hill, His son Andrew, is 11 years old, and a rather unruly boy. The father had not paid the costs within the | thirty days required, and his goods were levied on. Finding nothing of value, ! the justice sent him to jail for thirty | days. Fire at Mill Hall. Sunday morning the double frame bouse at Mil! Hall, owned by Charles Armstrong and occupied by that gentle. man and Clarence Fisher, was destroyed by fire. The flames originated near the stove pipe in one of the lower rooms and -— i XP | Chambers, were noticed, Mr. Armstrong succeeded in getting nearly all his goods out, as did Mr, Fisher, IR BE Big Shipment of Wheat. About 20,000 bushels of wheat were | tie 182 each ton: Town Clerk, | Siglried | spector, H C Censer | Poor, J F MeCormiok : supervisors A G FEBRUARY ELECTIONS During the year, 1807, there wers printed 102617 complete copies of Tue Cexrny Deseo CRAY, ach week, al fowl for mispring our act BVErage nn Or 9 “ir si Lion was 2 000 COPIES PER WEEK Intellig ove Hoard Inspector Frank Diet Geo 1 Johnson Yim sehenek , ¥ J 8 Bathu perv ison Ralph Niuthan scheéne Clerk Returns from all Parts of Centre County, THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES of all the Candidates Elected Democrats Win in Bellefonte onthe B ough Ticket Very Little Interest Shown y Was weather be unfavorable was not throughout the coun ¥rom the return iy. sent to the Prothonotary office a list wa compiled of those elected If there it will be due to their man CITors, per in which election off reports, In Bellefonte | ntere oor there was contest democrats decided Eberhart os ge of Kie i Harry Irie FH Rine, R A sve ssot ? R75: 08car We assessor. J. A. Confer, School Dire tors, John Swartz, Geo, Brown, Ed. Poorman Overseer of Poor, Lewis Alkey, Super visors, FP Heverly, John Kelly : Auditor. W 8 Walters Town Clerk, C8 Lucas. W Pgudge of Ele tion, F.T. Wallace, Inspectsr, Israel Comer, Registration Assessor, A CO idding. Assessor, ME Fisher. School Directors, John Swartz, tien. Brown, Bd. Poorman. Overseer of Poor, Lewis Alkey, Supervisors, 8 P' Heverly, Chas Lucas, Auditor scott Walter, Town Clerk, US Lucas. N P-Judge W I'. Confer, Inspector, Harris Poorman, Registration Assessor, J Confer school IMrectars, Geo, Brows Ea Poorman, lrvia Harvey Overseer of Poor, Geo Derr. Supervisors, G F Heverly, S B Bathurst dt Walter, Town Clerk. CS Lucas ER P~Judge, Bimon Bathurst, Inspector, H M Johnson, Kegistration Assessor, J. H Barges Assessor, J A Confer, Boho Directors Brown, Ed Poorman, Irvin Harvey: Overseer of Poor, Lewis Alaey ; Supervisors, 4G FF Hever ly. John Kelly : Ander, Seott Walters: Town Clerk, Geo layior State College Roro~Judge, i § Pobd: In spectors. J W Williams, T T Kennedy ; Asses sor, BF Morgan : Sehool Directors, C H Fos ter. J PF Jackson: Overseas: of Poor, W ( Kine: Justice of the Peace, F Crosthwalte Apditor, J A Hunter, Council. W L Foster, A Emerich, J N Krumrine, H Corsteler, Jas. i Holmes, Jr rr. a (4 Centre Hall Boro-Judge, J H Krumbine Inspector, Jd S Boal, MB Nichards: Assessor, D H Booger ; School Directors, J 8 [auberman, UG W Ocker, Overseer of Poor, Henry Emerich, Anditor, w M Kerlin ; Council, M L. Emmerich, R D Forman, J G Dauberman ; Treasurer, G W Goodhart ; High Constable, W H Runkle Rush Assessor, Jocob M Clary: Sehool Di rectors, BR A GIL W A Borrows, J 8 Myers- Overseer of Poor, Jno. B Log: visors, I K Gorman. W E Frank ; Justice of the Peace, Johin Collins: Auditor, W Hut Harty Freeman. NP Inspectors, Klaird, EP 8 PJudge, or. BR PF Gardner; In Su Judge, Jno, Tedd ; Ferguson Assessor, W H ¥ry: School Di rectors, J H Hoy, G W Kelebline : Overseer of Arch 3; HC Campbell: Auditor, Wm E Meek Town Clerk, Wm H Roush, KF P-Judge, Levi Krebs Inspectors, H M Grenoble, J 6 Balley. WwW» Judge, J L Ellenberger: Inspectors, Henry Eider, Elias Basulite Snow Khoo Assessor, Henry Cane: School Directors F D Weaver, W Quiek | Uversesr of Poor, Pear] Bullock, Supervisors, J 6G Lueas, 4 Quick Auditor, J ¥ Lucas, W PJudge, J lus: Inspectors, Chas, Fleming, John Judge, W R Haines ; Inspector, Giunsal Confer Andrew Gregp—Assessor, John H MeOool, Sehool | Diroetors, FD Hostorman, F A Yearick, Over seer of Poor, | Heckman | Pealer, | Judge of Biection, David Bartges, Inspector, A J Amdrew own Clerk, © © Finkle, Supervisors, J M Corman, Auditor, Wm Bartgea, KE Po Andrew Zettie, Registration Assessor, W Frederick, Assessor, Jo H Motool. Sehool Directors, F D Hosterman, F A Yeariek, Over. wer of Poor, C 4 Finkle, Supervisors, J M Heckman, Andrew Corman, Anditer, Win, Pealer, Town Clerk, © C Bartges. WwW. Po Judge of Kiection, John Smith, Inspector J A Strunk, Registration Assessor J John A. ool, A Yoariok arc t was shown. won Jdustios of the Peace, John I Brown ; | i | : i larue PATA Cross Hara nd Harry oowmer, Tow south Prect a Switzer, Inspectors T North Precinet i] Kelley, Inspector Henderson Boggs Twy Confer, School Brown and Lewis Alike ’ 6 ler on 4 3 ge of Eleotion George L Crust and Thos Bos idge of Kleotion John W I. Marshal and John onsolidaled A Bem 1 Mrectors John Swarts 4d Voormann, Overseer of Poor upervisors G P Heverly and John Kelly nditor W 8 Walters, Town Clerk UC Rf Lucas . West Precinot J A (ys FT Wallace, Inspector Israel Comer, Kewistration Assessor A ( 10d ings, Assessor Wm KE Fisher North Precinct-Jdodge of Election Wm P Confer, Inspector Harris Poorman, Registra thom Amvessor W HH Yarnell East Viecinct-Jdutice of mthuret, Inspector H M Jo tion Assessor J H Barger Twp onsol dated Assessor DW , Sehool Directors Wallaoe Walker and Miller, Overseer of Pe A H Vonada, Supervisors ra Bromaart J. 0 Corman Auditor 6 W Kramer ork WW Hoekman Kast Precinet Hewterman hol Middie Precinct Breog, | EL zell West Precinct H Zeller Stover Milesburg Rov Indge In ORCI ors, Len Alkens PH Haupt, School Direciors Joseph Baird, Jasper Knarr, Overseer of Poor d M Green, Justice of the Pence Win Grassmyer, Asditor J 1 Morris, Council Joseph Swires, J | Ginger, J DU Knair, £ Hugg, H Constable, John Jodon Liberty Twp Judge S K tor Wm Potts, Assessor Frederick Robb School rectors, W D Meyers, N H Jonns. ton, Overseer of Poor Jd P Linn. Supervisors Nathan James, W W Spangler, Auditor Thos Wingiloe, Clerk Geo Berryhill Half Moon Twp-Judge Jus J Fisher, In. sprctors Frank Wrye, Moos Behoos, Assessor J C Mattern, School Directors, JasJ Fisher. #4 M Way, Overseer of Foor Robt A Way, fu pervisors, DD C Harpster, Frank Fry, Avditor lsane Beck, Clerk Harry Kllenborger. Patton Twp-Judge BR XK Cronemiller, In. | wpe tors, J L Hartsook, J W Iadis, Assessor FF # Kephart, School Directors. Wm Glenn, A W Gels, Overseer of Tor B Clalr, Super. visors, EF Tate, John Johnstonbaneh. fr | Bee of the Peace H D Loe, Auditor W Bas. sor, Clerk J 1 Matern | Worth Pup Judge Wm Young, Inspeotors, Gu Avan, ' W Young, Assessor Goo R | Wiltinms, Senool Directors, DG Harshbhergey Banner Turner, Overseer Jacob Woodrin, " | Supervisors, Lavi Boose, J DW axon, J uetice of the Pence W T foover, Auoltor A E Prive, Marion Twp Judge Thee Bachtol, Inspec. tors, Had vy Strunk, Wim Moldowell, Assessor A H Spayd, School Directors, W m Corman, J W Yeriek, Overseer Geo M Harter, Sapervis. ars, Daniel Harter, WR Bartley, + ustion of the Pence RK Wilson, Aaditor Gea a homme ney Town Clevk J 8 Condo i College yf Judge Edward Sellers, In. poeta, Kd Armstrong, J A Willams, An. sono” Wm Kvarfiarg, Sohool Mirwators, Henry Ettore, W EK Grove, Overseer Peter Shalte, Supervisors, Failip Wirts, leane Armstrong, uditor Henry Thompson, Clerk Wm Thompson, Treasurer Corneline Dale, Walker Twp-Weost Precinot, Ju AL Gardwick, Inspoctors Shuman i a and dobn Workman, Middle Precinot, Judge Frank Miller, In 1 Enat'P rhwrt Decker, 8 Eieciion Simeon inson, Registra "or . Town ( ¥ H tion Worth Jadee NE DeCLOT | ns pre John K 4 and TR Pe Judge burs LU OC Saniaidd Election Kilias aod WH. Loi J Inspectors Isra dee of Election Woll and EH tH Proudfoot, In NO ow, Assessor L © Ballock, Spangler, Inepec.