THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE . PA, THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY BE RACKET” RRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sect HAPPENINGS ions IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note~The Local Happenings of Every Community Will be Gladly Published—Send the News, We will NO LITTLE JACK HORNER Sat Publish it, in the Eating his famous pie, He put ] tr his And oulled out a pl im And said to The corner SPRING MILLS. thumb vy ) Evid Everyt store 1 than The well, ' such LEGAL NOTICI No-To Bae for Fifty Cents WOODWARD . " pens samuel having above y cation having nora are hereby ed to anne power house Common Pleas on th Ay « pri i a next, and then and tl “" ny why Mr. Howard Miller and wife, of the sald Anna Twirm iid pot! | " Hebhersbhury the § AY . from the bonds of matrimony + TH ure. h ho “is of Mr, the said Alton Twite Miller's mother, on § aay prayer of the petition fled on Quite a number of our young folks at tended the meetings at Paradise church, at Millheim, on Saturday and Sunday evenings { electric mirth eshow en du were tered re Hing Ma eo t CRONISTE] January 22, 18s Slo it AL ESTATE AT PUBLIC BALF Rr" : 4 Our violinists, who furnish the music for the “hops,” have not gone out on duty since those sly fellows (7) at Aaronsburg stole their buggy. want to watch as well as play. Estate of Johanna M Hunter, Inte of the bot of Btste College, Pa. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Contre county, there will be exposed to pub lis sale, on the premises, at 2:90 p, m., on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1508 An undivided hall-interest, being the deeed ent's interest in the following Real Estate, at State College: HOUSE AND LOT, ronting on College avenue 100 feet, extend " Jack So alle 7y feet, therson erected a | Re re oy fing house and out Befiaun will be ann ONN A. Humen, an R is Is a desirable home, Orvis, Bower & Orvis, Att'ys, The Homliest Man In Bellefonte as well as the handsomest, | and others are mvited to call on any | druggist and get a free trial bottle of | Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs | a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute cougus, asthma, bronchitis and print, oy Price 25 aud 50 cents, tf, ys, next time you | askd for an explaination of the word HOWARD, Mrs. W. H. poor health the Dr. L. R, Hensyl health the past month, is ag about long has been in ast few weeks ver who has! Ain able t be sO in held Saturday Llacas & night, : ial, last The Hall, on attended, Mr. Reuben Luca home from Will day evening The Misses were visiting their home Saturday. The Musical, tian Chapple was a grand succe Mr. J. L. Syracuse House ing court Lois Was and lmsport, Jenkins Mr. HT of on given in on last Friday i nan us at this pla week, a last week ad y Sadie ] ongest aust She has on of Mt % ta ing her many friends vddie Messin Une of our young ' is only I here me.’ The Colyer young frequently in Pe them back Miss Nancy Vonada, was visiting her friend, on Sunday. Mr. J. E. on March s, implements, A pair of twins came to the home of J. W. Smith, on last Tuesday. They are very much pleased. The scribe to the Centre Democrat has ner’ of Spring Mills, | Miss Sadie Condo, Shires expects to have sale 1808, of his farm stock and “helgrimite.’ he definition for it, is a winged insect. But this is no winged in- sect, It is a curiosity that seach School and thinks he is smart. Speakin grammar, he must have learned al he fprisuts 1 when he waa trying to catch avers, ~THR CANIRE DEMOCRAT and week. wen in poor Bro's well NITTANY ITEMS 4 Fine levy iL 18 sleighing at present McCaleb is all a girl this time Grandpag Peck, p time, is slowly smile wd | been ill has improving ara Emerick has spending the win ter who | some Miss Cl home | port. Mr. al days John Shield last and wife week, vi spent sev because lforl a J i ¢ again, | returned | 1 £ at Lock Fling Creek, | girls every winter t suit to give them a sled ride, ly Pittsburg sf, ove year for $1 so. iting Iriend Mile Mr shure arg Henry Mowery, in Mrs were vening. . and of Fisl day ¢ Hiram Long had t Shaffer's s it Lore ast » Says is a girl rungivg his ition on ful from ali horou R gh 1 1 Know it tine I Lhe 4 tH Or not. larence Brady pre in the Chnstian ch ing He expects to retum to Indianapolis, Ind., this week, up his work with his congregation wife expects to remain at home Mr thie sermon ch on Sunday morn His awhile N. H. Johaston remembers the He always makes it Last Sat. urday afternoon sled and gathered them up. have had thirty or forty. Ry the noise they made they certainly enjoyed it Tey Gramm 0! Try Gram 0! to take little | FLORIDA. Royal makes the food pure, The wholesome and delicious, to Jacks | Florida, next H ' ‘ Yeonsyivani (aliroad tour onville, all two weeks will elphia by Pal 5 Tu kets ace Car nreion ti portation, Pullman accommodations (one berth), and mea in both dire tions while be New York, $5 ial train, | will Canandaiy Wilkesh and at pr points Fort Absolutely Pure What One Customer Said sist Show You Hood’ a Sai rsaparilla Pills Hood’s RE aaa \RE SHOWING THE RRECT STYLE - FAUBLE’S, ALLEGHENY BELLEFONTE STREET, PENNA. ke took his team and | He must | Ask your grocer to-day to show you a | package of Grain.O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The child. ren may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but ii is made from pure grains, and the .aost delicate stomach receives it without distress, JX the price of coffee, Hoi and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers,