THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.. THURSDAYN, NOVEMBER 4, 1897, 3 HAPPENINGS IN BELLEFONTE, Local Events Briefly Told ina] Few Lines. PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS What has Transpired During tne Past Week | : ont | dence of his uncle, D. F. Fortney. Movements of our People—What the Local Scribe saw worthy of mention—A week's local news in a few words fight at the opera house, on Friday night, —James Reed, of Washington city, is visiting friends in Bellefonte. Marshall college came home to vote, Hick Kellerman is gradually recov- | ering from his recent attack of typhoid fever. Washington, the Charles McCafferty, of DP. election. arrived in town as usual for ‘ronister has a large number of the Sheriff of prosperity nolices in this issue Democrat. Mrs. John Boileau, of Montauna, is visiting her brother Mr, Thomas Moore, of this place. McCalmont and } arrison last Sat. Roy Walker, ¥sq., were out hunting accidentaily a wild turkey. Sam Jones and Eli two of the strong attr institute this year. The becoming decidedly attendance will be discontinued. John Bartroff has gone to organize another Course of e The Y i opula produced on canyass, House 14 man s Upera Editar Ce trustee of the T week, OU former trustee —Thomas Benner jellefonte visit among friends at this his former home. looking quite well and apparently pros pering. The wonderful YETisc pe pictures of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fi shown at Garmanos, ember sth, A bi attend. he la tine furnace, at be started this winter cheering news Lincoln, Nel ' fathet Henry Fisht Friday to Nebraska his brother Paul Mrs. Rollie Cli Kate, of Wash ‘ at the home of Mr. Henry Harri are on ] friends in the West Mr. W. H. Brant House same, gton, ID. ( Are will conduct Horses fed by meal or boarded at a low rate. Stable room for feeding. Ample room for all conveyances. Mr. Clayton Royer, son of Mr. B. N Friday A good position Royer, a well to do farmer, left for Nelson, Nebraska and he We wish the young presented him very quickly “a man every suocess possible, Ex Sheriff Spangler, Hall, town, Hast his Centre spent a few hours between trains in on Tuesday He had been out to ings, Pa., on a to Reuben B. gpangler, who superintends a large operation at that place. weeks visit son The Ladies’ Aid Society of the U. B. Church will hold a chicken and waffle supper on Saturday, 6th, in the room formerly occupied by John Q. Miles on Spring street. A cordial invitation to the public is extended to be present. Nov, «Mrs. Joseph Woodward and her little | son, Joseph Lavimer Woodward, who have been here for almost two years, left | last week, for their home in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. W. T. Speer, Mrs. Woodward's aunt, went with them as far as Pittsburg, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. El- len Furey, and Will Speer, who is one of the bookkeepers in Horne's store, | City, spent the past | cents to bold the election this fall. { don't . | ele Jamati tanta Yes John Bower student at Franklin & | © lection proclamation, blanks and many . { of these He is | | Wm, McCalmont spent Sunday at | the home of W. Harrison Walker, Esq., Salona, Pa. Mrs. iam Heinle,of this place, is | at present visiting her sister, Mrs, Sarah Kelley, at Philadelphia. — Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Malin, of place, departed Monday morning on a visit to friends at Williamsport. this —Jjobn Willlamnson, of Milroy, spent several days mm Bellefonte, at the resi- York week visiting his —Hon, James Milliken, of New Marion Milliken of this place. sister, —It cost Centre county sixteen hun. dred and twenty dollars and thirty-three This include the printing of tickets, small accounts. Mr. Geo. W. Fisher, one of the stal. wart citizens, of Moshannou, paid us a brief call on Monday. He thinks the new game laws, especially in reg selling same or hunting with dogs, will be a protection to game, and should be enforced During week Mr, Robert McKnight has beer lly home in taken lasted about one 18th, 1845, Valley, an 10 mouth and erefore 5; He has for many years and years, resided in Bellefonte followed the occupa of a teamster, He was a soldier in the late war, Deceased leaves a wife and seven he iiidren to mourn t loss of a kind and loving husband and father. Tae child. ren are: Mrs, Emily Morrison, Mrs, Mary Johnsonbaugh Mrs. Minnie Sowers, Annie, A of Bellefonte | iterment : 1 James, Johu and Lucy Confer, al Methodist church Aa Enjoyable Gathering wing Elsie Burd, Bella Minnie Wait, Annie Emmil, * Kline, Kate Sheffler, Edna Camp- leah Lingle, Clara Gentzel, Della Noll, Kate Armbruster, Sallie Gessenger and Grace Messrs, George Hazel Clyde Sheffler, Frank Cole, Loyd Smith, Joseph Gessen- Allen Weight, Samuel Calhoun per SOUS Reichard « Harvy Schaffer, oer 5 ’ Andrew Knisely, Ed Rhide, Orie Kline, and Harry Miller How It Happened we are going to have another Uncle Tom's Cabin company this season. Salter & Martins big company ate going to play Williamsport on Nov. 11th and they will pass through Bellefonte on the 1oth and had the date open. They telegraph- ed to Max r 6 ve | 0 Manager Garman to let them give | plants and cat flowers. | white roses and white carnations, the | Bellefonte a great big Uncle Tom's show as they would have to lay off if he did not give them the date. Sooner than have them lay off for ome night, they will be here on Wednesday Nov. roth, see the big street parade at noon, gentlemen or ladies to travel for respon. | sible, established house in Pennsylvania, | Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. | Referenew, Enclose self addressed stam thisiope. Tne Dominion Company, Dept. Y cago i [in the armory last week. TOM THUMB WMDDING, The gave two very teresting entertainments ladies of the® Reformed church It was a Tom Thumb Wedding, did the pleasing part of the affair, in which the children all acting, and that was the The Bilger family of Pleasant Gap was | present and discoursed some excellent | specially i Master excellent solo and Bell orchestrial music for the event, Lee Walker was Sang an followed by Earl in a choice solo, All the were attired in full wedding proper young people prepared costumes even. The very pretty affair, After ing dress was a had the guests | orchestra played the Loghengren wed- | ding march and the bridal party ap- peared. The minister with a long black robe on and book in his band advanced, that was Master Paul Wetzel, followed by Paul Etters, Arthur in Wetzel, man, by the ushers and groomsmen, Chester Cronister, David Etters, Gerhart, John Lawrence, Ney Arthur Ward was best walked the g Joseph at kid gloves fF WoOouiQ Uree Jays make this apoeal in We argued understand that this the at Williamsport has been done case will be at scasion of in Feb. Until that time James Cor- Superior Court, ruary next, nelly will be held in the county jail Brant House Restaurant, Col. Henry the landlord of the Brant House Yeager, at this place, keeps a model hotel and knows how to look after the comfort of his added another There you can have soups, be el served at any bour of be. the day. This depa riment is in of Mr. charge James Ginter, an expert in this line 1 . + fie AUCH knows how 10 cond a hrst taurant Mr. Harry Rine ed man superintends House The wines and liquors are always kept wlio of in bar. choicest brandis stock, and his delicate mixtures are what have won for the place a large patron. Messrs Rine and Gunter are court. and obliging, cater to the public, age. cous and know how to A Society Event Friday evening the home of Mr and Mrs. F. W., Crider, on West Linn street, was the scene of a brilliant society event, The occasion was a reception in honor of the home coming of Burns Henderson Crider and his bride, formerly Miss Van Billiard, of Bethlehem; and it also mark. ed the debut of Miss May Crider into society, The rooms were tastefully and artistic. ally adorned with beautifully | sitting room in red roses and red carna- i { If you don’t go to the show, be sure and : i i | tions and the dining room in yellow ros es and yellow chrysanthemums, Played at Annapolis, On Saturday the State College foot WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY ANDACTIVE | ball team played with the Naval Acad- emy students, at Annapolis, Md. It was an unusually close and well played game. The Btate College boys were de- feated by a score of 4 to o. potted | The parlor in | . INTHE COURT HOUSE Legal Intelligence Gathered from Various Offices MARRIAGE LICENSES § Charles 8. Lucas, t Grace Quick, § Frank M. Emerick, { Dora B. Shope, Nittany ops LETTERS OF To Wm. M. Biddle Susannah Biddle, late of Patton Twp. Last will of John Witherite, dec’d, of Boggs township proven, ADMINISTRATION. upon the estate of ate REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bellefonte Cemetery Assn, to Auna C. Woodcock, dated Noy. 2, 1897; for lot of ground in Bellefonte Boro, $50, A.l. dated Sept. 14, 1866; for lot of ground in Stover et ux to Sarah A. Reiter, Penn Twp. $30 W. M. Cronister, sheriff, to Keystone State S. and 1. A dated Aug. 26, 397: for boro. $1 ) Join A. Crawford R. Blowers, dated . Harriet imerman, ball team by a score of 8 to was on the glass I was witnessed by a the game Academy team was meadow and All superior work of crowd. through the thes the evident and they played with energy and tact The first Maurice Otto and be was heartily cheer. touch down was made by Henderson made the second touch This ever de ed down, is the first time the Preps d by Cummings, Academy Eldrid wi as doing the were feate the Henderson, Otto deserve menti Hen hb Next Saturday Crson, Subs, Case ¢ will » mal L2OTrma PILES PERMANENTLY CURED Ia From 3 to & Days’ Time by the use of lo Mo. One bottle guar. anteed to cure any case of piles, regard. less of how long standing, what you have tried, or what your physician may claim | Money refunded if permanent cure is not | obtained in the most severe cases in less than 5 days. After Lo-Mo and becured. Price 75¢. per bot. bottle. Sold by all first class druggists, or sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Address Harry logue, Wil. lamsport, Pa 10--g8 all others fail get Don’t Sell Game As many persons labor under the mis. taken impression that they can sell game to the consumers, it will be well to disa. of that game can be sold within the state and no game | taken out of the state under any pretext | whatever, buse them notion. No A Flag of Warning. Beware of the dry, tickling, hacking, morning cough, for it warns you that consumption lurks near. The famous Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure it. “1 bad a very bad cough, One doctor pronounced it consumption, I used Ir. Bull's Cough Syrup and was com- pletely cured; the cough left me and has never come back. Simon Smasal, 876 31st Street, Chicago, Ills.” Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup costs but 25 cents, Ask for Bull's, take only Bull's, | forenoon, I hails October, ROLL OF HONOR, have remitted the The following persons on subscription during nonth The date indicates the time which subscriptions are paid. ‘The sam should correspond with date on label May Aug ~May enn jAN Jas, Watson, Snow Shoe H. P. Robb, Rolfe, Pa W. A. Hartsock, Martha Calvin Sunday, Pa. Furnace Lidia Sunday, Pa Wm. Mayes, Mingo J. L. Walkey, Hublers W. F. Shagert, Georgetown Ira Bramgart, Wolfs Store Warren Lons! Daniel Showers Furnace, (jan NOY May {1 Nov erry, Fleming Nov Nittany Dex Geo, Armb Aug £r J Corl, § ’ . « Deg Henry McCasland, Nittany ot Mary M Allison, Howard Felix Shuey, Frank Ishler, I M Garbrick, Ella Mes G B Stover, Feidler Lawrence Hile, Pieasant Gap John A Swartz, Hublers Cyrus ; Wolfs Hellefonte College Park, M Zion State College ginger, p Hermau Bowe of Qisease ox The first way ] second treatment being compe ring the night and extraordinary eff y« RO is soon most distressing cases ] N 113 medicine you shoud have druggists fifty cents and You pamphiet, sample ti and Men Kil. The may have a both sent free by mail to Dr N. tion and send your address mer & Co., Binghamton, proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer ANTED- TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentiemen or ladies to travel for resson sible established house in Pennsylvania Monthly $5.00 and expenses. Position steady Reference Enclose addressed envelope the Don Company Chicago ts vod stami Pept. } { self non Al DITOR'S XOTICK In the Opt TE RNT in the matter of the deceased. The undersigned, an aid Court, to distribute the funds in the hands of Fred E. Gutelius, administrator of said de condent, as appears by his final account, to and among those legally eutitied thereto, will sit for the purposes and duties of his Appointment on 8aturday, November 20th at 10 o'clock in the at this office, Crider's Exchange Peilefonte, Pa. when and where all ested are required to present and « calms before the undersigned, or debarred from coming in upon the WW. HN WETZEL Auditor ntre « "a of Dr. 8, G. Gulelins auditor appointed by wire ver sald fund A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of the late George W, Jackson, of Bellefonte, having been ranted the undersigned atl persons knowing themselves indebted to sald estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement of the same and these having claims to present the same, properly authenticated, for payment, properly py Fi TIT. BREW, GEO. L. JACKSON Administrators, Merit Made and Merit Maintains the confidenos of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ifa medicine cures you when sick; if it makes nderful cures everywhere, then beyond wo all question that medicine possesses merit. Made t the tre } about Hood's Bare We know possesses merit cures, or a and That is jus saparilia, because it not « but of cases W nee or twice hundred times, thousands cures absolutely, when all of hers fall to do any good whatever, We re peat Hood's Sarsaparilla Ist National lorsement thousands €¢ Know it permanently, are fitt THE NEVERSLIP MFG CO., New Brunswick, N. J. JONES & COMPANY, Agents, Philipsburg, Pa. Markets nile ‘olatoes new per | shel wn per pound wrected weekly by Geo, W a TA WS kvwheat plaste ro “RI1IDDINGC” quite the contrary. It's on foot that vou find what a shoe is, and every foot should have the best shoe that can be given it, Our goods belong to the Ar grade. They're as easy as spelling go, as soft as down, as satisfactory as comfort, and as economical as short prices. The best shoe is that which gives your feet the most protection. Every shoe want must be met, of course, but the price condi. tions should be reasonable like this: Genuine Box and Russian Calf Balmo- rals, Eoglish bull dog toe, heavy sole, welted and stitched, waterproof and wearproof, $3.00. Mingle's Shoe Store, Bellefonte, Pa.