2 THE CEN VI RE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER ~ a" 7, 1847. GRORGES ACCEPTANCE of Nomiostion For Mayor of Greater New York. AN ENTHUSIASTIO GATHERING. Various Nomina- Mr. Only Candidate In Accepting the tions Tendered Him George De~ ¢lared Himself the of True Jeffersonian Democracy. New York, Oct, 6 George cepted the greater New last night. and before that he acce years ago. In Henry rg womination f York was In many of the pted the nomination 1886 he received votes. It the greatest outy of the people seen in this city the present campaign, The doors w : opened at 7:15, and in less than two ninutes every seat in the big hall was occupied and the as far the police permitted, were crowded. Hun- dreds were turned away during the next 15 minutes, and by 8 o'clock sev- eral thousand, “unable to gain admis gion, assembled outside and held open air meetings in the plaza, which were addressed by several local speakers Henry rge's appearance before the meeting was the signal for an out! of cheering that lasted three minut Jerome O'Neill, of the Central } sided. In h Chit uagiens and han Union hall people 11 688. 000 at ‘ooper same It sami uring during was aisles, as Ged or Hng plats is 0} ago er I YAS Over Mr. George Hate » for 26 minutes ily after the « the meeting journed, and the crowd quickly quitted the hall, many of the most enthusiast| climbed the tables t the platform and took turns in shaking the hand of Mr orge. Antl- «Gambling Amendme mt Carried, Trenton, Oct. 6.-The official returns of last week's election have been re. ceived at the office of the secretary of state from 12 of the 21 counties. The figures, so far as received, confirm the statement that the anti-gambling amendment ia carried by a small ma- jority, and that the ad interim appoint ment amendment Is badly Governor Griggs appointed Voorhees, Johnson, Btokes, Kuhl to act as a state canvassing board, “nd to go over the figures on the 10th inst ul mclusion speech was declar quietly but not | over press Ce beaten Appalling ( wins ity n « hinns, Taroma, Wash., Oct, 5.-~The steamer Victoria brings news of the most dis astrous floods that have visited China for many years. Sixty villages near Tung Chow, containing over 50.000 in habitants, have been destroyed by floods, and the reople drowned or forced to flee. There Is no means of | finding out how many thousands have been drowned, but the number is on timated by Chinese authorities at 16, $00 to 20,000, | a leader In temperance work. Senators | Gould and | ; tucky DEATH OF NEAL DOW. For Seventy Years He Was a Leader in Temperance Work, Portland, Me, Oct, 4.—~Neal Dow, the veteran Prohibitionist, died at 3:8 o'clock Saturday afternoon, It was on the 20th of last March that the whole temperance world celebrated the 934 birthday of General Neal Dow, | For half a century previous he had held | wm unique place in the public eye, and he had been His first for 70 years of his long life NEAL DOW went in this direction ed the tow n Me where he ym ringing the old town at 11 4 o'clock for the citizens take a drink He has ever Ie implacabl wr of drink, and HH I / moven was when he Portia: abstain induc nd, fr and Workmen and Seven Seriously Fwo Killed in} ing Forty ured, x Gas Kills Thres A hea Exploding Mine Wilkesbarr Pa t. 6 f gas in Parr which thre names munds, miner Eddy, driver Richards, rie ed, Isaa Ed aged 65, widower ree aged single driver Ix aged two children r the t mun Ce 99 Sw fr Aft yo, wife an or sev lies were taker is was bad The Deadly Gasoline Stove, (et, # By th« A$ Hy expioni of fe nd floor of pers the injured and Mr M. N. Kurtz Mise Clara Lennie was badly ut the face and body. Lennie was preparing luncheon when the explosion occurred, the burning fluld completely enveloping her. Miss Lennie hastily wrapped her mother in a cloak to extinguish the flames, and then picked up the blazing stove, car ried it to a window and threw it into the court below. It struck Mrs. Kurtz, who was looking up to ascertain the cause of the excitement, and in an in. stant she, too, was enveloped in flames, Hunter Yor Minister to Guatemalan, Washington, Oct, 6. I BEEZER Si< MEAT MARKET Is i : BEET, PORK and MU JTION 4 : \1 ILIPBEEZE Mutua LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BOSTON, MASS, per week PET Ween 16 weeks of 12 weeks, h term of 14 weeks, 18 only rth , and only $52.50. The cost of the whole Senior year $107.40 The Facuity of the C mal School is comp their several departments colleges are reoresented A well conducted Model nishes superior training to students. Graduates con sition s and meet with excellent success. The handsome new building, erected at a cost of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, is now finishe cupied Accommodations Electric light in every spring beds, wardrobes, fourteen bath rooms. water on every floor. Fan system steam heat. Smead system of ventilation. Everything is new and convenient, dents may enter at any time Haven is accessible by rail from all rections We shall be glad to corres; any who are interested. Send catalogue and secure rooms term, JAMES ELDON, A. M.. Ph.D. Principal, for the spr is only entral State Nor. osed of special Five ists leading Sohool professional she a hed first class. room, carpets, new furniture, Hot and cold 1: ai yond with for free for next 107 BOWEN CABLE STAY FENCE CO ll For a machine to build the cheapest strongest fence made of wire Ne royaliies, no farm righte machine easily and quickly operated By any farmer for cireainre Send all orders and inquiries to wr. BEB. SRAFFER, Dee. 1, 5 NITTANY, PA Gen’! Agent for Centre and Clinton Co's, 20 YEARS EXPERIESAOE. TRADE MARKS, DESICKS, COPYRIONTS &o. Arron seteding & sketeh and deserd ption may aici avoertaln, free, whether an invention ia prasbably patentable. Commundostions strictly emidaual, dees sgreney Tor securing patents in Amerion, Wao hare a Washington offen, Fatents taken through Muns & Vo. receive special cotice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, banuttfull flinstretod, Inpeest of Ration - SRL potant peivd MrT, gern wT fod i nix mond ha, ES ah a] oupietand wind AND Sond ON PATENTS sont fron, MUNN & co.. 1 Besadway, New Tork. in | fur. | net | f 42 weeks | |» umand good po- | 5 » and oc- | | Train Stu- | Lock | | | | $ § ¢ 1 & ¢ " § ¥ ¢ IA ILEOA. D SCHEDULES = ENSEYLVANIA KAILROAD BHANCHES in eflect on and after May 17, 15 VIA. TYRONE . AKD WESTWARD Leave Hel il 2 iefonte AM. Arnve Amat Altoona, 1.00pm : 4 m Leave Bellefonte | 05 p Arrive at Spm: st Albooua 2 8 at y Bie \ at Tyrone al Pittsburg Tyrone tisburg Tyrone gal BARTW ARI 6 4 44 LX Wa We ata TE EE] IRB RRR ERR ERR. «Nate Coll Str Bloomsde Pine Grove Mills Morning trains from Montandon Williamsport, Lock Haven nect with train No. 3 for noon trains irom Mon rone and No. 5from 1 No. 5 for Sat eee co efonte Lewisburg and Tyrone con Ktate College Alter tandon, Lewisburg, Ty wk Haven connect with ¢ College. Trains from State Oy with Penna. RK, R. trains at Bell Dad nect y excep! Sunday THE CENTRAL BAILROAD OF PENNA Time 1 Able effective Nov. 16, 18 READ DOWNS 1 No5 No Am Ip m HiT 4 | i} READ UY Nob Nod No 2 pm. Ly Ar mpm am 1348 BELLEFONTE 15 6 10 10 Nu Me 3 5 Nigh 1 E57 § aa Lion BE AS 8 Heels Park 5 Dunkles Hublersburg Suydertown ' Nittany ) Huston BF | Lamar 1935 260 Cliztondale | § 38 Sl Krider's 8id'g | 9 8 Mackeyville 1? 42| Cedar Springs | 50, Salona : 55! Mine Hany [49 a.m (p.m. pam | Ar Lv. lp 1 » 3 & Jersey hore. 35 10 20{ Arr § § Lve 130 20 #11 30{Lve | Wmsport } Arr PHILAD.. Su TO wea— CAtiantie © ity. ‘ ri YORK a Ewa Nh Phila) p ma mA ONS hE EE a I = 50 - weer — } Sadi da} 1 ddd PLO OOD PL OH - » - ay rrr SE pod 42d de In S Wo a wes WEP ERBWBWE REE fr 4 0 +5 on + ol LEY TH 10. Lveia. m. » m. tf Week Days. 5 00 p. m. Sun 1 10:0A. m, gap any Philadelphia Sleeping Car attached bound tralia from Whitame ort at 11: hes Stat and west bound from Philguelbhia ati] W,GEPHART, General Supt * Dally “ A ENTRE COUNTY BANKD Cro PANY. ANKING Corner of High and Spring street Receive Depusits Discount Notes J. SHoeenr, ashier, | IN HOUSE, Guy W. Reed Pu “RAVEN, TA Free Buss to and fro : Hiri Pd h So at trains, Excrilen all ences. A First Clnss | hotel in every TeApeOT,