6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSLAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1597, TEMPEST TOSSED. Christiana Must Not Expect to Have Smooth Sailing. them. But here is another man who starts out in worldly enterprise, and he | depends upon the uncertainties of this | tosses It You Have Jesus for Your Pllot You Will | Surely Glide Into the Port of Heaven «Comfort for Weary Mariners, who their was: are battling with the through life. His text 4: 50: “And there voyage Mark were also with there arose a And the great calm.” Tiberias, Galilee, names for the same lake. No other gem ever had beautiful a setting. It lays in a scene of great luxuriance; the surrounding hills high, terraced, sloped, groved, so many hanging gardens of storm of wind tnl great wind ceased there (rennesaroet 80 beauty; the waters rumbling down be- tween rocks of gray and red limestone, flashing from the hills, and into the sea. On the shore were castles, baths, every- bounding armed towers, Roman thing attractive and beautiful; all atvles of vegetation in shorter space than in almost any other space in all the world, from the palm tree of the forest to the trees of a rigorous climate Lord had launched one wave of beauty on all the scene, and it hung and swung from rock ari hill and in pleasure boats sailing the lake, and fish their It seems as if the oleander. Roman gentlemen countrymen in smacks coming pass eacl ut and laugh own 4 nets, sir moor. ings. beautiful lake It seems as if ot Nb iples rush , and lay into Hin al we per ifts His id have Gennesaret if Che ad at a Wi ort PT vhs ' iertak Ito whateve atart J u Many reviy : pre sent lesson intever vs have ship ou in ommerese Are financinl enter cheer Do all Do it as possible. Y the on as high a plane right to be ship if yon ean y Y of a m have no un stoker in be an AM have no regiment if you can command a brigade; you have right to be of 5 boat on the coust if you no river banks can take the ocean steamer from New York to Liverpool. All can do with utmost tension of body, mind, and soul, you are bound to do; but oh! have Christ in every enterprise. Christ in every voyage, Christ in every ship. There are mon who ask God to help them at the start of great enterprises Ho has been with them in the pasty no trouble can overthrow them; the storms might come down from the top of Mt Hebron, and lash Gennesaret into foam snd iuto agony, but it could not hurt engineer or ear you He has God to help him, awhile the storm comes, and off the masts of the ship; he puts out his lifeboat; the sheriff and the auctioneer try to help him off; they can't help him off; he must go down; no Christ in the ship. Here are life, After no | young men just starting out in life In his latest sormon Rev. Dr. Talmage | holds up a beacon light to guide those | Waves on | him other little ships, and | Was a | three | Your life will be made up of sunshine and shadow. There may be in it arctic blasts or tropieal tornadoes; I know not what is before you, but 1 know if you have Christ with you be well You may seem to get along without the religion of Christ while everything goes smoothly, but after awhile, when sorrow hovers over the soul, when the all shall | waves of trial dash clear over the hur- { the ship? | ty sailing | they | boat the more delightful the wind swept ( ricane deck, and the bowsprit is shiv. ered, and the halllards are swept into the sea, and the gangway is crowded with piratical disasters oh, what would you then do without Christ in Young man, take God for your portion, God for your guide, God for your help; then all is well; all bs well for time, all shall be well forever, Blessed is that man who puts in the Lord his trust. He shall never be con- founded. But my subject also impresses me with the fact that when people start to follow Christ they must not expect smooth sailing. These disciples got into the small boats, and I have no doubt they said: ‘What a beautiful day this is! What a smooth sea! What a bright sky this is! How delightful is in this boat; and waves under the keel of the boat, why, as for the only make the motion of our littl But when 1 lown, ¢ 1 the sea was tossed that follos sauing wrath, th ng Christ » you have fo Did you eve DAV one Way, y The question was asked those nearest the throne? swWer cam “Those wi out of great tribulation ree “great flalling.” ¢ he original has it; great flai d their robes ing, pounding “and had vashed and the blood of the Lamt do not be disheartened if God, take courage You God trials and He giorious companionship wi 1 through ail these carest They had no reason Chrise was in the § been t had here societies: OOK going over the chur $ f going to founder: the ‘o perish, she ehuareh flown Oh, how affrighted bs mr Is going pee Pp ©" iniquity many good are irinmphant the in think church of Jesus Christ and of righteousness are going and are just a8 much of text don't the cnuse tao be overthrown yf righted as the wers lisciples Don't wy a ffrighted worry, over righteousness there are a great many good peo affrighted in other ey are affrighted in our day revivals, They say: "Oh! this is B strong religious gale; we are afraid tie Church of God is going to upset, and there are going to be a great many re i | people brought into the church that { are going to be of no use to it” and | bushels of wheat they are affrighted whenever they see a revival taking hold of the churches As though a ship captain with 5,000 for a cargo should say, some day, coming upon deck, “Throw overboard all the cargos” and the sallors should sey: “Why, cap tain, what do you mean? Throw over ail the cargo?’ Ob,” says the captain, “wo bave a peck of chaff that has got fato this 5,000 bushels of wheat, and the only way to get rid of the chaff is to throw all the wheat overboard.” Now, that is a great deal wiser than the talk of a great meny Christians s going | day, and | mgh iniquity were going to ! who want to throw overboard all the thousands and tens of thousands of souls who have brought in throught great awakenings, Throw all overboard because there is a peck of chaff, a quart of chaff, a pint of chaff! I say, let them stay until the last day; the Lord will divide the chaff from the wheat, Oh, that these might churches! been gales from Heaven sweep through all of Oh, for such days as Rich- ard Baxter saw in Engiand and Robert McCheyne saw in Dundee! Oh, for such days as Jonathan Edwards saw in Northampton! 1 have often heard my father tell of the fact that in the early our part of the century a revival broke out in Somerville, N. J., and some people were very much about it, They said: “Oh, you are golog to bring many people into the church at once;" and they sent down to New Brunswick to get John Livingston to stop the revival Well, there was no better soul in all the world than John Livingston the revival, they wanted him it. He stood in the pulpit on the Sab- bath, and looked over the solemn audi- tory, and he said: “This, brethren, is in reality the work of God; beware how you try to stop it.” And he was an old man, leaping heavily on bis staff—a very old man. And he lifted that staff, and let it fall very slowly through, between the fluger and the thumb, and he said: “Oh, thou impeni- tent, thou art falling now-falllng Away life, falling away from peace and Heaven, falling ss certainly as that is band hough haps And cane kept on falling through Livingston's hand, The ] tion in t agitated too began to from cane falling through falling falling certainiy, t gi very slowly.’ religion managing tirely an take can, care better t} you can, eaved Ww hen said: Hushing the tempest your property ’ 1 he re banks that I'he went away, God are treasures in Heaven. in never break the % dy the surg larkness see awrains the ng wave, screaming Cyclists’ Gray Matter in Danger, heard of the evele » be dreaded by the der and now it is ie practice may have » the brain Why? Be ises the legs, but not the bad effect CRURe § on Lt exer RIDs inti the have the brain who sid the armas much more mate reiation to eps ‘A person Uses inteliectunl scale than the person who uses his legs only.” The cyclist must therefore be careful to take a turn at dumb-bells in alternation with a turn st the whee! dangor When the Moon Looked Biue, "Ones in a blue moon” is a saying which appears to be founded on fact, A Scandinavian captain named Salve, son, in Chinese waters, was fortunate enough to see a blue moon several years ago, about the time the atmos phere was supposed to be impregnated with the dust of the Krakatoa erup- tion. The color was like that of a hedge sparrow's egg-—a pale, rather greenish blue, | €T8 He went up; he looked at | to stop | than | his hands and arms is maeh higher in the | | the sccount, an ilis brain cells are in | " I taney JUVENILE LITERATURE. Prim to the Insipidity, In France It Is Extreme of Literature in our country not having | as its atm either Instruction or ment, bat the production of AIT Ee works of | art, i# forbidden to French children, 1 | except fairy tales | mueterpleces; Perault has written d'Aulnoy and oth have followed him, The fairies of other countries may bave been more poetic, but they have never been as wit- the French, Leaving fairy tales aside, children were obliged for a long time to be satisfied with the very collection be (jut uthed by Berguin, Bouilly, Mine de Gienlis, those clever people and who know bow to coat a moral lesson with a thin layer of pictures, bitter pills are costed with sugar, In fuct, this is the French parents’ very ideal in the matter of story books, and to ple ase them the lesson must not be too well coated or hard to find, for the spirit of investigation is not Yncouraged in young readers During the past 20 years, however, the meager library at their disposal bus grown pros have contributed toward it. We need but mention Verne, whose fairy tales have, alas, almost completely dethroned those that appealed to the But neither in his of his com both Mme, ty as slight us wonderfully Celebrated Jules scientific imagination alone books, por in any of r find and American wri permit themselves te Cr i a 0 Seven-eighths of the men in this world mar- ry a woman because she is beautiful in their} eyes What a disapn ment then to fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head! I feel as if Iwould like to say to every young woman who i advance, so that you w 3 » SES 14 th new AN rginis sah, whe: Nake, sal Well, lam: said the man fr ought not to hold what the Judges do It makes no differ a part of the £vYetel -W isl Fager Vor Service In Cuba er WWoersion aesertions gend Com : : ad | Young 1 exami MOY ANT of thu PAsSCNIROTS subjected to a severe ation, and those who are unable a to establish their identity or give a sat isfactory explanation of the their are compelled to alight and to the gendarmerie, Where they are again plied with ques tions, the deserters detected in way being at one tu military This often entails considerable de in spite of the watchiulness of the officials many young soldiers fucoeced in making their way into France London Telegraph motives of Curney are conducted aii this handed over th authoritios lay, and stil Same Thing. Mrs, Tiddledewinks (from behind ber paper j-=I wonder what this means. In describing Miss Cupid's wedding the paper says she was married in the ‘ex tracting room Mr. Tiddledewinks—Her father wrote He is a dentist, you know, Mrs. Tiddledewinks— But | quite se Mr. Tiddledewinks—He probably means ‘drawing room, «Washington Times. don't Enough, “I'll pever uek another woman to marry me #0 long as I live," “"Refosod "No; accepted," —London Tit-Bits, strain on your I Their Attractiveness 11 nest Keea ls Iii NOL Dreax ALL MEN LOVE BEAUTY. Mrs. Pinkham Counsels Young Wives td Keep A [etter From a Young Wife. to be married—" Strengthen yoursel 1 NEW PRICES - UMBIA - BICYCLES THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD Redu Reduced Reduced ATR ' J - a POPE MFG. CO of A. L Crider's Exchaage Building i SHEFFER, , they now HARTFORD, CONN tFONTE, PA WANTEID] Money to Invest JES tate worth IN FIRST MOKTGAC on city or country real es » i at least double the amount of loan, Interest at six per payable quarterly or semi-annually. Bor. rowers pay all expenges and attor fees. Can secure plenty of investments at all times | neys’ first-class for any one who has money to lend. No risks to run. No uncertain speculation. Write me for further tion and I will ger you safe invest m nts, informa E. H. FAULKENDER Attornoy-at-Law. S-1.1y Hollidaysburg, Pa. Hdoeate Your Dowels With Putsyry a. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation ver, 106, Bo. freee fail, druggists refund money. R.I.P.A.N.S Packed Without Glass, EN FOR FIVE CENTS of ipwn o Tables be prepared PIHICTIONS me of whenever tatiinh pte valuside § ood, One gives relied voor wre followed wnt pesciingoe are not yet 10 be hind of sithomgh 11 ie probable that almost of will otiadn a supply when requested wer $0 do soy ut In ANY One 8 sings earton, somtatring ten tabalea, will be seni, pros sare padi, to way addres Tor five conte in stars, forentrdad bo the Ripmne Chemiond Oo. No. 30 Sproce Sb, Rew York, Until the goods ae Yor oughly introdored 10 the trade, o te appt ders will be syppdiond 8 a Poe wihdoh will silow them a falr margin of profit, vig, 1 1 Sones oar Lovrsn For €@ evmbe hoy wend) 65 comtn, 18 Gomes {38% ourternd for 86,50 Jey mond] Por 84 M0 § proms (780 esrtons for EWS 8 gros M0 eartons for Onaly with the © Ww In every ose, and Pedr hit of ex orem atges at The Buyers cont. ARMAN HOUSER, High Street, opposite the Court House, Entirely new. New Purniture, Steam Hest Eectric Light, and all the modern improve ments A. 8 &C M GARMAN, an Proprietors Evervhoay Sars So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won. derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire systetn, dispel cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and billousness. Please buy and UFR ha of C. C. C. today; 10, 25, 50 conta. and guaranteed to cure by all druggists,