PJ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9%, 1887. Especially Good Spirits, RESTORATION OF 0ONFIDENGE, | | home is | propose The Head of the Agricultural Depart- hat Is Jts Anticipation of Bet. Predicts Hig Wheat, ment Declares Justified in the Country ter Timos thor Wil ultural tim ecretary AKT Mrat cial attentio Must ie for the Ritter Decldes to Accept, amseport, Pa, Bept. L-~Walter E of this city, has decided to ac the nomination for auditor gen- tendered him by the Democratic state convention. He made this an nouncement yesterday This decision was arrived at after a thorough con sideration of the matter and consulta tion with hia friends throughout the state Will Ritter cept eral The Champion High Diver, WwW. Clarke world’s high dive record yes by Jumping off the Halstead street Jift structure was raised to an elevation of 165 feet above the Chicago river, The diver was taken out of the water without Injury and placed under arrest by the police Chie Hapt i (George broke terday ARO, the afternoon railing of the bridge when the Left a Fortune on a Train. Ban Antonio, Tex., Sept. 8. Customs mspectors at Laredo have found an un- cinimed grip on a train containing $200 #00 worth of dlamonds, jewelry and other valuables, | League Secretary Wilson Fowd Them in | | the barn GUBERNATORIAL BOOMS the Convention of Pennsylvania Republican Leaguers, Williamsport, Pa., Sept, §,~The State of Republican clubs holds its convention here today. The greatest interest centers in the various gubernatorial booms, In compliance with the recently expressed wishes of Attorney General McCormick, whose in this city, his friends do not to be demonstrative with his gubernatorial boom. There are some gshouters here for the booms of ex- Mayor Stuart and A. B. Widener, of P hil vdelphia, Congressm William 3 lI of Scranton, ex-Ci man Leisenring of Luzerne and Con seman William A. Stone f Alle © he Senator 8 MeCarrell, Harris preside sennti } on paign of The ont isting At annual An ngre: Bre ny ' " ure, pro hand pus} NEWS, r HH ITEMS OF STATE ver the plans of the Philade 1 that of Harding & Go srk, and prepare a report to the Tie | to the matter uged In mak- irawing and other chnicall~ ties. The prospects are that at its next nesting the mmission will either se lect one of plans recommended vy the experts or reject the experts port and agree upon an architect who shall make a plan to meet the wishes of a majority f the « ners Erie, Pa Bent. 4A tended by sensational features, occurred in Greenfield county five ago, has just reported to the police of this city. Monday night last Volney Bull and his son Thurman, wealthy farmers, were In the former's barn when two men entered and asked permission to sleep In the barn. While the two men were talking to the elder Bull three more men, who wore masks came in, and drawing revolvers ordered Bull and his son to give up thelr money. The old man made some resistance, and was knocked down and badly beaten. The farmer and hig son were then bound, and three robbers watched them while the other two entered Bull's houvse and searched It thoroughly, but finding little money they returned to Then they placed the men in different barns and threatened to cre- mate them unless money was forth. roming. On the old man promising to pay $600 the fire was extinguished. The robbers then took one of Bull's teams and drove away, saying they would return for the money. Nn as nmissi robbery at which days been KLONDIKE'S DANGERS, Another Official Warning Sent Out From Washington. THE SITUATION I8 APPALLING, Letter of a Governs Alaska the Mad According to the ment OMelal Now In Rush Gold For tae Stopped at Once, department t lowing letter ment offic t th tire that vithheld ervice an From N¢ direct The cams vill and carrry Bix sthit n A to tart al 3 : feng and of provisions snd will through the Strait { jistance of more The port News Va elr M and Page YOAr 8 supply vie Pata. Magellan than 20. Now Jan. allao nail Ronia COYering a vegse] will stop at Rio Valparals 000 miles Bermuda ntes 14 Fran Han For Michael, The five mile pro. nal bicycle race here yesterday was won hy Jimmy Michael. Time by miles: First mile, 2.15 45, second mile 0.24 4-5; third mile, 6.47 2-5; fourth mile, 5.08 3-0, Nfth mile, 11 mins, 3-56 secs, A W. Porter, of Newton, Mass, wan sec. ond, and G. H. Knight, of Housatonle, Mass, third, New York's Prohibition Nominees, New York, Sept. 7.