= THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1807. CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT THE, ath | | Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What our Army of Alert and At 4 o'clock’ and 4 minutes last Saturday afternoon the “Wilson Tariff Bill” passed into history and the new “Dingley Bill” went into effect. The friends of the Wilson bill say that it lowered the prices of all kinds ol goods, to the benefit of the customers and the opponents of the bill agree that | they are right as far as lowering are concerned, Correspondents see The community will be observe worthy of note local Happenings of every gladly Published—Send the news we will Publish it MILESBURG NOTES prices i rived hd Miss Annie Oswalt ar Ne ¥ y 2 NT from Philipsburg N ( ) W | H EN > C. C. Boggs arrived home from Phila : delphia on Friday. Jesse Jodon of Philinsburg of his son, John, of this place Rev. Hinoy left on Tuesday for Brush 4 , : ’ valley to attend a camp meeting day has been bought since the pas H. D. Loveland and wife spent Sun sage of the Wilson bill, The prices | day with Mrs. John Confer and family ] derartnient ' Theodore Lipton, of Renovo, is v " ingin a cr down to “~o we waut every person Centre county to know that (thanks to our in is a gues! ntire stock immense sales) our entire to ing his mother who is ly condition Mrs. Ernest Eddy a guest of her and family. George Gray left on Sa Are unacie, ion and purpose « vance prices 1.11 y ganton 10 1 BLL Agro Bierly of that place Dr. £ Il arrive ngton, D. ( ht and family visit his aure ANOTHER CUT_» Aristo, 1 Se inet Photos 99 CTS PER 1-2 DOZEN t Carbos 00 PER DOZEN NORMAL SCHOLARSHIP whet | | with the late , at Lock | ed the servi ing young tre County 0000000000000 000000000000 amp vv il The Centre Democrat, | THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1847 HUBLERSBURG ITEMS Rain! Miss Mary Gentzel | at present Mrs. Julia | Blanchard last week Miss Maggie Bergstresser, of Renova, our town over Sunday Brown J | was visiting in | Mrs. Mowery and Mrs. Whitman are ! | attending the Brushvalley campmeeting Some of our farmers expect to com. mence cutting oats the latter part of the week Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spangler, of | Centre Hall, were the guests of Fred | Yocum'’s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Snavely, of near Centre Hall, were the guests of his sister, Mrs. John Gentzel over Sunday. Most of our farmers ave done hauling in their wheat crop, which is the best they have had for a number of years Mr. 8. P. Hockman and daughter, of Farmers Mills, and Mr, and Mrs. Christ Robb, of Blanchard, were the guests of Julia Brown on Sunday. The Reformed congregation, of this place, held their harvest services on Sun. day. Rev. Runkle preached an interest. ing sermon to a crowded house. A Svccrss (~The festival of the Key- stone League of Christien Endeavor was a success socially and financially, The proceeds amounted to about $42. Hoy Bro’s who are becoming quite popular as musicians, furnished the music for the evening. > 2 {SCHOLARSHIP COUPON | Name Cut this out, fill in name of some de- serving young lady or gentleman and gend it to this office, where it will be counted. If held over thirty days will. not be counted, 00000000000000000000000000 THR COUNT. Violette Wolf, Centre Hall.......... Ida M. Showers, Zion.......... WEEKLY COUNT. The following is a list of the votes cast daring the past week: —Ida Show. ers, 276 ; Violetta Wolf, 388; We hereby certify that the gbove is a correct statement of the numb of votes cast in the Scholarship Contest up to date. | ing at the residence of Prof. ‘George C. Wu. T. Rove, ! Butz, on Beaver Avenue. W. HArrisow WALKER. | Rev. R. W. Illingsworth was about Bellefonte, Pa. July 29, 1897. town greeting his many friends a few KLE" Moo STATE COLLEGE { Dr. John F, Harter is absent this week, in Millheim, on a business trip. Mr. Paul Butz, of New Castle, is visit. The News Gathered From Various | days ago. The Rev. is as jovial as of old. Albert Wasson, of Tyrone, was in town on Tuesday. Mr, Wasson still re- tains a good share of his Centre County trade, The Sauertown and the West Chicago sections of State College band, did some fine playing for our citizens the other evening, Geo. I. Potter, Robert Hunter, Graut Hoover and Mr, Spiglemyre, insurance agents from Bellefonte, were looking up business in town the past few days, Mr, Chas I*. Harrison and bride have returned from their Canpadian bridal tour, and were serenaded and have set. tiled down to the business and ’ of life le Tes picasu Through the Col. J. Calvin § with a crous cou joved YEry mu Are vers HOWARD HAPPENINGS The Some has begun wet weather is bad for farmers in this section wheat shocks are quite green which will be a great injury to the crop Dome « Foundryman John Wetzel received a | boilers and en- | gines which he repairs and makes as | couple carloads of old good as new and are ready for sale at all times, at a low figure his business. The entertainment held by the Ep worth league, in the Methodist church on last Friday evening, was & success in every particular. Those hav- ing recitations were: Susan Pletcher, Mattie Thomas, Mattie Leathers, Sallie Yearick, Rob Wharton, Blair Latshaw | Rev. Wharton made the address of wel- come, after which Rev. Latshaw made a short address. Mr. Muffly also made a few remarks on the pledge. PENN HALL. Mr. Charles E. Rhoads, from Centre Hill, spent Sunday in our midst, Constable Reuben Kline had some official business in Penn Twp. this week. Misses Mary and Rebecca Snyder, of State College, were seen on our streets this week. Prof. H. F. Bitner and sou, from Millersville, Pa., spent a few days with relatives at this place. The celebration and festival, at Green Grove, was a grand success. The pro- ceeds amountee to some $40. Samuel Gettig, from Aaronsburg, spent a few days last week with h brother-in-law, W. C. Meyer, Preparations are being made to begin building a United Evangelical church, op- posite the x road school house. John understands | Mr. W, C. Meyer has been around ing this fall, He has his outfit in first class order and guarnatees good work. is right. Lawyer M. L. Suyder, who had been Fisher, of this place, left for his home at Sunbury, on Monday morning, The rest of his family will leave the latter part of the week Quite a number of young men and boys from our neighboring town, Spring Mills, attended the festival at Green Grove last Saturday evening, Hard | says he dosen't Penn Hall any Things did not go «.’ "e had in like | more. { how about Et Mr. }] { several other Company, w 10 See Irwin, t Geo. Heaton Fetzer as home wel 1 at 1 Uuncaayoea al i 1 ats, of Mis was 8 Sadie Zimm siting at Wm Miss Grace the guest week Milesburg, rk’s last week lefonte, was and family last : ned rsd moved Mon Boric nines on Harry from this place to Scotia day Messrs Boyd and Arthur | Snow Shoe, visited at Mrs Sunday Shank, Rhues, Win. Reside and wife, of Lock Haven, were visiting their many friends at this | place last week Charles Lucas was elected school di- rector to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Daniel Boob Quite a number of our young people attended the musical fete, held at Dix Run, on Saturday and report a good suc. cess, Every once and a while Mr. takes a load of arm chairs to have them repaired. How do they get broken James? terprising merchants who has been very ill for the last two weeks, is able to be around again, DiRpi-James A. Resides, ajpen ten months, son of Kilmer and Lucy Resides, died last Tuesday night at twelve o'- clock, It'slife was very short, but sul. fered nearly all the time since it was born. The remains were laid to rest on Thursday, in the Mesiah gravehard. The funeral services were conducted by Rev, Zeigler, ZION ITEMS, Miss Alma Stine has gone to visit rela: across the mountains, Miss Mary Bridge, of Marion, is visit ing her sister, Mrs, Jacob Stein, Quite a number are on the sick list at this place. mgard spent Sunday amon friends at State College. 4 . gecing his many friends about the thresh. | Give him your crop and he will do what | visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs, Sarak L. | over | Freize | Mr. Michael Witherite, one of our en. | TROUT ELECTROCUTED A Telephone Wire Auached to Water Kills the Fish in Murray's Aquarium Pipe On Monday morning 19th, on entering his drug store, Mr. Murray, of Centre | Hall, was surprised to the “dead as a find dozen fine trout ju his aquariam mackerel.” The on which the theory acath of the fish was The gr telephone line connecting Wolf upon | caused is of by electricity. ound wire the is fastened to the water pipe whic the aquarium, and there being 2 gust Sunday nigh HOOD’'S PILLS cure Liver lis, Bil- fousness, indigestion, HMeadache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 20c. G CO CF y (JSS, Fashionable Tallo TEE ) 3 of aco bh The r ™ ¥\ L Sl LB 3 » FUNLE, TENA DLLLUI AL oadddadbartaddaniants shAAAAARALINAZ A000 tb aba aasniotbondandandesdisd A N 7 7 ONE GREAT BlG