THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1897 MINERS AND OPERATORS i to Ef- In Conference Endeavoring fect an Agreement, MANY OPPOSED TO UNITORMITY. I'he the Representative® of the Mines st I'he Miners Labor Leaders at Wheeling and Pittsburg Awnlting the Ontcome. Pittsburg inies’ mine district were repr werator's uniformity The operators wl and th owning tmoreland field were river operators held a this aft river mines Wi Th not pres: meet juested t rganizations furth the plas with shall be « : wed In last night's appes United rkers ar rk Arranges yetem tl Whee inxiety i new parted In the re ling A gion Miners Out Altooms na re miners the Governor's Mine July 28 hundred it Hastings have gone out on strike | the operators of the Mitchell and Sterling mines re fused to accept resolutions adopted by the miners at their meeting held on Baturday night The Mitchell mines do not pay the district price. The Sterling mine pays the district price, but Superintendent Nicholson Is noxious to the men because he has been deducting from thelr wages the price of one car out of every five. The men at Nicholson's mine are preparing fo go to headquarters with thelr griev. ances. Belleving that Superintendent Nicholson is operating the mines for the Bterling Coal company, of which Governor Hastings is president, they have decided that they will place thelr grievances before the povernor, with the hope that he will take steps to have the matter remedied. nt Fiv ofr Ine OC RIRe ob Officers | DR. SWALLOW'S leplies fu An Open ernor LAW Departmoent Deeldes It Ops Midolght, July 24, NEW TARIFF fe Lotter to Gove | 1 ronstrs Hastings’ Challenge, orntive bill Metho of the t hi irace midnight nt lowing tele “Le tariff law leCretars toms furniture on ong MLV th gta oJ that the iavits | they : 3. for, Also the afi rts that they would satisfactorily for for $105,004 man Dr. Sw Wi i examined that i throughout three prices, and I know 1 { that floating In which whale i Captain that It iY have |} r Ahi Ra this unty ! Americans the Lowest the all London Ju . In Hvis Bidders the h mmaons Hamilton | retary ’ i ! in reply t n question why } dia railway owned by had pur chased 7.71 tons pile from the Maryland Steel con f Baltimore, sald that the British bid £5.675 higher than the America tender wing « i flered from Trainmen the LE witern the storm as un tions of New have seri the Huntingdon | Farmers who ha who have not had | house It, will lose | ow raliroads report precedented The hall in » i not totally ulned county peach crog cut their gran. but an opportunity to heavily usly, If ans lowest Sarcasm on Annexation London, July 2 The Daily Chronl cle this morning rays, with reference to the question of the annexation of Hawail by the United States: “In the present state of feeling in the United Btatee, Japan's dignified protest might as well be addressed to the Palle of Niagara." 24.-The old Sugar | Lahigh Valley Conl has been Alled with water for the past twenty Years, was successfully tapped Thursday night This work has been In progress many months, and its completion Is regard ed ax a marvel of engineering skill A shaft was first punk; then a bore hole was driven 1285 feet, which pierced the barrier, as Indicated. The drawing off of the water will take sev. eral months, as there are several hun. dred acres of water there. It gives the mine a natural drainage and re. cinime one of the most valuable cole Herien in this region, Hazelton, Pa, Jul 1oaf mine of the company, which Torpedo Bont Delivered, Washington, July 8 The torpedo boat Foote was yesterday delivered to the government at the Norfolk navy- yard by the representatives of the builders, the Columbian Iron whrke, of Baltimore, Bhe will immediately be put in commission, | automatic was | BLIN SOAP ITH MARTHY, dnys wi ol i] % and walk t it It to proceed at al speed. When Billy Bow from his visit trepid with the ited Billy a day or twe and asked him how he liked of the fron hors *" ‘Bah, he } twist of his prominent pr get out of their cal the train and perm rat { returned CO hin even legs be had over sion sOOTH upon Otomnoty fier | traveiin iG, Ww boscis, horse wid wheels no good! Big heap no good! | | Me on horse better than tw Run way ap smart. In. "wee Now Oricans all time. White jun heap better man | Huh! | Times Democrat He Walked Par Too Par. In a hotel in Berlin there is a night watchman who did not take kindly to the system adopted a few years ago requiring bim to go through the hotel at certain hours and touch an eleotrio button fixed up in varioos places, After much thought he fixed up an arrangement on several of the buttons so that they would report at certain hours. Soon the button sys tem got po out of order that the mane agement abolished it, It was found necessary to keep watoh iz some way on the gentleman, how. ever, and finally a pedometer was given him to oarry on his rounds which vould register every step be took. All went well the first two nights thereafter, but on the moming following the third night the old man was misting. On search being made hoe was found sound asleep in the engine room, and the pe. dometer #0 attached to the piston rod of the engine that with every stroke it reg. istered a step. It had been traveling all night, and when taken off it registered 213 miles «Berlin Gazette, “THE SOVEREIGN REMED Dr. Greene’s Nervura is the True Of Medicines. More Powerful Than the Most Absolute Mon- arch, for it Creates Health and Strength. Dr. Greene’s Nervura the Greatest Cure Known to Man. DR. GREENE'S CATHARTIC PILLS 1"'k1} PERFECT PII. OR CONSTIPATION, TORPID LIVER {D BILIOUSNESS. E LIVER AND BOWELS i® return | ith an upward OTHE L 1 } perations 8 AFTER ALL YEARS As wel A HE CURE LIYE For more that catarrh cold oontinua could eat only bread } nilk Tried 11fler a ent doctors, to my misery. but got | Por worse and wor | went to Salim have for treatment. and today | am as strong as | trouble, alro enlarged tonsil Over, can eal anyid g. don’t take any more | tinually taking cold : con dly sreathe ai eold, and consider myself cured of this terrible fhe. thelr constitutions Became undermined disease. Jous MH. Kavrrsays, Mattawanna Pa After a short course of treatment with Dr. Salm hey have almost entirely recovered from thelr miserable disease. J F. Haunison, Bellefonte RS FAIL k with nm al . i A : AND M1 vents I ave Kad a ba pee of OFF BREAD an ne another v h and gene bile Townk i . ball yoars | han f W stoma SHAXNRD GROW Fa ARE OF CATANNN AND THY ry Bis than suffer ne hres years ng trom rt a ren Lhraoat Were ooh soe Di bees 1 hey CATARRN AXD EYE THROU HLS » For more than 5 years | have had a very bad case of eve trouble and eatarth. The eyes con tinuall got sore and grew weaker and weaker. | g 1 always took eold. Dr. Salm cared me CLERYRLAND KivsunLy Witnessed by A J. Kimbely MeVeyton, Mifflin county, Pa DONE GOOD WORE SU Frese Frog 3 or 15 years 1 have suffered very 1 with Bervous, Inward and sar trouble, and my con dition grew worse and worse. | tried a halt dozen dortors, and piles of patent medicines 1a Ro Avail. 1 went to Dr. Salm. and, thanks to his knowledge as a physician. | consider my I had a very bad ease of eatarth and SOre eyes sell entirely cured hose pains, which came for more than & years, and SUhseqianti) It gave | every month, and the fearful nervous prostes me a world of trouble. 1 was obliged to see | Hon resulting therefrom, has entirely left me Dr, Salm ; under his treatment the change is | | fee] happy once more, Mus. W Jon wonderfully rapid. My friends are astonished i New Florence, Pa Mecases of Women, such as have baffied the skill of other physicians and remedies quickly cured. Ail Eye Operations successfully performed. Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, pain jess and certain cure for Impotence, Jost manhood, Spermaterrhne, losses, weak and nervous de itity also for Jrostatiis, varicocele and all private diseases whether from improdent habits of youth or sexual funetions, speedily and permanently eured. New mothod Eleetroysis, Epilipsy of fits scientifically treated and positively cured by a never falling od Examination and Consultation Froe to Everybody. ENT BOO FREE, “The Medical Adviser,” a short history rivate diseases, A young an dr REE those Rte mp ma Yo Oa tive sent to a one free on application, Address, Dr. Salm, 0 x TH, umbus, Ohio. Enclose a Jeent stamp for postage. Corrected Dates of the Doctor's engagements for 1997 Town. Hotel a June. July. . Ost. Nov, Bellefonte, Brockerhoff, Saturday, 19 10 5 . 930 97 Howard, Syracuse, Monday, 21 19 16 13 PROM 16 CLOCK A. M., UNTIL 2 O°CLOCK P. M TEARS Dee, 3H 5.8 '§ ~ g@ Our Advertisement will Appear Twice Before Each Visit,