THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THU RSDAY, JUNE 24, 1807 HAPPENINGS IN BE LLE FONT E. tives in Philadelphia, Local Events Briefly Told in a Few Lines. EVE PERSONALS, SOCIAL NTS. What has Transpired During the Past Week of People—What the saw worthy of mention Movements our Local Scribe week's local news in a few words, The Bellefonte Academy closed last week. —Mrs. Wm in Philadelphia. Dawson is visiting friends —James Knofsinger, of Pleasant Gap, paid us a call on Monday. I. Tressler and E. C. Ripka, of Lin- den Hall spent Saturday in Bellefonte. —Mrs. Anna Mayes, of Shippensburg, is visiting at the home of Wm. B. Rankin. Mr. Chas. Noll, f Clearfield, visited Mr. Noll’s and son Frederick, parents this week. —Alfred rses for Baum et sth Regiment guest ge and expects — Miss Schofiel Edward left trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic city. — Miss Miss Millie Smith departed on Tuesday for a week's Nannie mn Saturday Rosa Fox and —Mr. John H. Rishel, Jr., township, was seen on © Thursday Friday, after a long illness. and anda —Mr. Evan Goodfellow, in South America during —Mrs. Joseph Leichten and from Philadelphia, have come fonte to spend several months at the home of Mrs. Estella Lyons, her mother to Belle- illness of Mrs. Marshall's mot D he acr, Sower, of Norristown, a james Coburn He is a pleasant brother friends here last week. gentleman and paid us a short call while here. Mr. Joe Cushing, one of the C of Pa's.. efficie married "t it most ut at Joe Loose, of this best man, at tke Prof. A morning for a tri Rei Saturday irg, Han. and other points. He expects to over, make the trip on his bicvcle, if the roads | i are good. He will for several weeks. Mrs, J. G Sunday “arty UTZ, C., ‘spent in Bel guest of the Misses Benner, Some years of Washington ionte, ago the family resided in Bellefonte, and B occupied the Frank Stover home on High street, Mr. John Meyer, of Centre Hall, one of the recent graduates of Franklin & Marshall college, paid us a short call on Friday. He has not made any definite arrangements as law to becoming a student, in town, as previously stated Prof. James Beliefonte Academy, of f the accompanied Hughes, 0 by Satur. After his his daughter Miss Otalie, left on day for a summer's vacation a brief visit Charles, he May during the summer season. Mrs. Wistar by her grand children, Morris Wood, and her neice, Miss Mary Blanchard. arrived in Bellefonteon Thurs day evening in Mrs. Morris’ private car Mrs. Morris will now occupy her summer Baltimore with son located at t will be at Cape Morris, Margarétte and accompanied home on North Allegheny street Mr, John Rupp,the jolly miller from Oak Hall, was in our town on Saturday. He says the students of the Boalsburg Academy would likely hold a reunion at that place later in the summer. The move has been started and definite action will soon be taken for that purpose, Our townsman D. F. Fortney, Esq., delivered a very interesting and able address at the Pine Grove Academy Re- union Thinking that many would like to see the same in print we give it entire. When Mr. Fortney takes an interest in anything you can depend last week, upon it being well done. ~On Thursday, of last week, Miss Mamie, daughter of landlord Keller had a startling experience. She mixed gas- oline and warm water for the purpose of This was placed on the stove, at some one's suggestion, The result was that it quickly iguited and the young lady was badly burned about the hands and wrist cleaning clothes, Mr. H. E. Noll, formerly of Millheim, now living at Lancaster, Pr., transacted business in Bellefoute on Monday. Mr, Noll was employed for some time as traveling salesman for The Safety Buggy Company of that city, promoted to the position of superinten. dent of their extensive plant, which is a | | The gathering was royally entertained. very important place, | A | Waterbury,Conn. where she Sparks Brothers’ circus to-day. —-Mr, Chas. Callaway is visiting rela- left for Altoona Wednesday where she will visit relatives, -Mrs. D, H. arrived in town on Wednesday. Bessie Musser on Hastings and daughter Helen, Don't forget the Undine picnic and jubilee, at Hecla Park on Saturday, July rd, heavy rain We had storm on Saturday. an unusually No damage was done to vegetation. —Miss Lulu, Hoy, of Altoona, is Miss May Taylor, of Dr. H. K. her friend daughter visiting —Miss Jeunie Crittendon has gone to will remain | until after Christmas, { of Col. J. He recently was | Mrs, Jack McClelland and son, of Sharpsburg, are the guests L. Spa Mrs. Claude Jones and sister Miss Armor left for Mrs Jones’ home, in Tyrone. at the home 1 or igler., Grace on Tuesday — During the past week many farmers their first t Of commenced cutting crop hay. 0 clo LN Mary the } quired examination Ex-sheriff John Spangler was town on Tuesday. He seems a stranger Spangler is looking ing good Miss Edith Holtz Semin Dame tlle, Pa., 1 s Grove ) another August 'g7 work greatly reduced Winner, ider, had his eye ~On Tuesday Lock Haven's crack bicycle r teeth cut at Hecla Park a boy from Bellefonte, style. He beat Winner is and the crowd howled Foruey Johuny Teats, in elegant several races ~The School board has organized as required by law and elected D. F. Fort. President : W. B and John P. Harris, Treasurer Tuesday » time for the election of teachers Rankin Secty ; X as ney and 6 29th ion June A very pretty musical was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, on Linn street Monday evening, in honor of the Misses Oppenheimer, are visiting at the Lewin home. Miss Emma Samuel! Lewin who Oppenheimer w ho possesses a fine voice, rendered several choice selections, _— position in the Mercersburg academy as instructor in music. He expects to leave in September to begin his duties. Mr Gearhart is 4 young man active and en. Paul Gearhart has accepted a ergetic and this position will suit him ad- mirably as he possessed rare musical ability. Mr. Haag has concluded to add an. other story to his hotel on Bishop street and operaticns have commenced already. Landlord Kel frequently is unable to find room enough for all his guests. The new story will be of brick. Mr, Keller, the landlord, seems to be doing a big May prosperity smile on him ler business On Tuesday seventeen coaches were filled with Williamsport Methodists who picniced at Hecla Park. In the after. noon about five hundred of them inspect. ed our town, They smiled at our pretty girls, drank soda water and other foam. ing liquids, paraded the streets and all went away apparently pleased with their ili visit evening June 14th Mr Gotlieb Haag, one of Bellefonte’s best citizens was taken by. surprise. His numerous friends learned that it was his On Monday 68th birthday event and they gathered at | his home to properly celebrate the event, The Undine band came later and helped | to liven up the event, Mr. Haag highly appreciated the compliment of his (riends and was the jolliest one of the party. ( about the held at Thursday sociable will be this Lutheran Longer Wian's home evening. Mr. Morris Trome is at Easton, Pa., where he will be an important guest at a fashionable wedding. Mrs. hart, operation in a hospital, of of under-went Gearhart, wife Rev, Gear- rechntly a delicate Joseph, son Jacob Runkle has started a grocery store in the Aiken's block, on Allegheny street. On Tuesday evening the children in the Catholic convent, that at this place, gave a musical is deserving of high praise, the Methodist pastor of Warriors Mark, was Rev Illingsworth, eloquent in Bellefonte on Tuesday, He is a young man of more than average ability, % his matter ~Parties desiring extra copies of t issue, containing recent Pine Grove Mills acad- cmy reunion cau secure IN THE COURT HOUSE from Various Gathered abroad. They were Misses Mary Caroline Orvis Blanche Haves, an and the Hendrixson all of Bellefonte Wednes "wy Fries ing to schedule they sailed on - day, from New York aboard the land" of the famous Red Star Lin are due at Antwerp Their tr i" in mg in on July 3rd ip wil the following The be an interesting one tak points : Brussels, Waterloo, Hague, Paris, Geneva, Switzerls Rome, Naples Dresden ¢ iver Rhine, tria, Loudon and le in England at from They expect to leave the contin Southampton, on the ‘Paris’ one of the famous greyhound steamers sth. The American tourists September of twenty- They a pieasant tour party will consist six will cer. tainly have and their many friends in Bellefonte will anxious- ly await their return Reduced Rates to San Francisco The Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the Christian En to in San Francisco July 7 to 12, it will sell special announces that, deavor Convention be held tickets from all points on its system at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will be soiG jane 27 to July 2, and will permit of stop over at Denver and poiuts West. Returning, passengers must reach original starting point not later than August 17,18¢7 For specific rates, conditions, and full information apply tonearest ticket agent. Sparks Brothers’ circus will show on the island near P. R. R. siation Basket Punic On Saturday July 3rd, a basket picnic will be held at Scotia park in whichevery- Among the speakers will be Rev, Raiph 1llingsworth and Rev. R. W. Runyon, Other speak- ers have been invited and in all proba bility will be present. It will be under the auspices of the Scotia Band body 1s cordially invited, At Hecla Park The Undine Band will make things lively at Hecla Park ou Saturday July yd. They are preparing for a large turnout from Bellefonte and Lock Haven. A splendid programme of amusements will soon be issued. Races of all kinds will interest the crowd. Don't fail to attend the circut to-day | CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What our and Correspondents sce The will be Army of Alert observe worthy of note local Happenings of every community gladly Published—Send the news we will Publish it REBERSBURG Mrs. H. H. There is a ghost 1ear John Wolf's grange ing Saturday p. and Mrs. Mumma has gone see their old friends Steward M. Weber ChoOl next Miller is very sick. at the iron bridge, meeting will be on m. sit Lo dward and Mrs * the guests of Mr, are the g Jolin 3 r says , To 3s 13 atumsral igh Rebers Sh 1 xioye tl JUTH ) £0 out again in 1 nu Allis ING PARTY : ~The were out fishing f SINCSS very « report lots 2 — thing some uldn't Harry says caught a snake in his hat ies have rex They take a 1 he matures, Ward says, Yer nn 3 Some of our y ruck a to raise, they are sure to have r has been boy “everything EX Ww oti pt take a hand in Miss Mame visiting friends and relatives at this place, last week. Mame is a girl who « having a good time, 1 by all ag . of Bel Keller clionle, was "TIOYS and peat ance she enjoyed herself while here, We are always glad to have such young peo ple visit as it Eelps to liven up our town, Clarence Musser, from Spring Mi says, he “‘especially enjoyed her vi Call again Mame te | § : us, is, SOBER ITEMS L. P. Smith is doing a big business ou his lumber job Mr. C. K. Sober, of Lewisburg, was at this place on Saturday last Ben Confer went homie on Monday and intends to resume his job on Wednesday Mr. Gilbert, of Lewisburg, was here last week and framed a carload of props for Mr. Smith, Mrs, Lewis Rote went to Coburn on Saturday evening to visit friends and take in the festival. Lewis was keeping batchilors hall till Monday morning, when his wife came home again On last Tuesday, while William the son of James Immel was working corn with a young horse, the horse in some means took fright and got unmanage able for the boy. The horse then kick. ed itself lonse and ran towards the barn, | Near the barn was a post fence which she tried to jump and broke her neck. It is supposed to be one of his oest horses PA. FURNACE Sunday night a heavy shower passed over this valiey People who drive their cattle to these pasturing lands had better see to them, as some are hard on fences and will get | in trouble if they don't watch, | visiting at D. H. Kustenbander for the | benefit of ber health. She has chosen turned home from a trip to the West and { intends tospend the balance of the sum- mer at the old home, with hisaged father and sisters. The Star Ointment company the 14th, and have decided to and improved machinery mands this increase of plant is growing rapidly. SOTes, met on put in new The trade de. capacity. This Star ointment OAK HALL HAPPENINGS Knoff has erected a wre last week iland transa last week Jas. (ill Bellefonte A number Pine Grove last week, The crusher section of the country. A number of farmers he some hay ; always ahead. Mrs. Wm. Sellers among friends, at Filln Jas spent ' of our people stone at work in sur “sul AVE our patrons enjoy advantages in the choice if fabrics not of. fered « lsewhere in town. Al though we rank first, our prices are moderate Jacob Gross, The Fashionable Tailor, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. High street LEGAL NOTICE Letters testamenta Elizabeth Bartges were granted to the EN UTOR'SNGLOF ry on the estate of dec'd late of Gregg twp | undersigned, all persons having claims against sald estate are requested 10 present the same and all persons indebted 10 sald estate Are te quested to make payment without delay EE SMITH, Execntor Penn Hall, Pa Al DITOR'S NOTION In the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, Pa, in the matter of the estate of 2.7. Williams, late of Walker township, deceased The undersigned, an auditor appointed by sald Court, fo distribute the funds in the bands of Sarah Jane Williams, Exeeutrix, | of ete, of sald decadent, as appears by her final this country thinking it 'may be a benefit | [to her, We hope it may. Rev. M. Goheen, minister from India, | who returned a year ago, we see has re. | June. 3 account, to and among those legally entitied { ) ’ a 3 nw \ the purposes and duties of Miss Mary Seeger, from New York, is | hereto, will sit for pute n his appointment on Tuesday the 2th day of June, 1. 188, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the law offers of Fortney & Walker, Belle tonte, Pa. when apd where all parties interest od are required to present and prove thelr claims Reliie the u heorsighod, or be forever de tarred from coming in upon the sh and. WAN ISON WALKER Auditor, «a|¢ SHOULD ALWAYS... Jellefonte Markers GROCERIES #0 corrected per pound per pound beans per quart is , 0% (n 6&5 % Breakfast Lard, per Keg Potato Drie Markets Coburn ) ] a8 core » Prop CENTRE COMPANY. { f Hi; at tll ll ot ol of et cu atl Catan ES Er NORRIS & HYDE WO « GeneniCeDoL ¥ TRANSPOSING PIANOS. THEONLY VIANON transpose I I I I NNN nny sony a : S Ol] a Tn JETER WE MISS OHNMACHT. Ens § AY dA AA A A AS | Juba fein iene di | 4 BICYCLERS um. TTT" TTT T TS SY 2S TTT ST TTSTTYYS 000080000 riba i iil ELECTRIC LINIMENT UWAYVE- | GREEN'S PHARMACY, Besa Horse | ¢ BELLEFONTE, - - PA. TTT T9%"a09% Bi ai SE SS SE eh SE Ta A GOOD FIT as easy, exact, and perfect as possible with a shoe made to order, is what every one desires. An ill-fitting shoe 18 A constant ammoyance and a growing discomfort. The longer you have it, the less you like it. Our stock in cludes first choices in all the sizes manutactured, and up to date, nature has failed to produce any foot outside of this line. We can please you, because we show every- thing desirable for all oe cagions. There's wear here as well as beauty. on, s— MINGLE'S SHOE STORE, Bellefonte, Penn’a. a