THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. 3 Aims and Purposes of the Co-op- erative Commonwealth. TO INVADE WASHINGTON STATE. Eugene V, Debs Declares the Social Wi Tax Syndicates and Ont of the wealth and Establish the Utopia. Domooraey Landsharks Commons Chicago, June 22.--At night of the directors of the Social Democracy of America the following officers were elected: E V. Debs, chairman; Sylvester Kellher, secretary; James Hogan, vice president; William E. Burns, general organizer. The di- rectors who choge these officers were themselves elected at the meeting In the afternoon. They are: E. V. Sylvester Kellher, James Hogan, Will- iam E. Burns and Leroy Goodwin, The salary of the officers was placed at $10 per month At th Mr. Deb plained at id purposes of the « a meeting last Debs, vesterday length perative His Answer t fessor Haten I'he ne Hawallan Trea Lone Train Robber June the Nashvil holdup on raliroad bet we Nashvl One mar oR cording to reg $2,000 to $4.00 ber boarded When a n the pen the It the Is sup; train ir utes red the mess which was don money the rd When the its speed he Jumped off And The were at out CAr the securing pulled the slackened made hin ence not disturbed train passengers Alleged Murderer Captured, Kingston, N. Y June 22 Ji Decker, the murderer of Wi iam Gardiner farmer who found in his cornfield near town of Plattekill, Ulster county Bunday, was arrested yesterday, and is now in jail here Stolen goods found In his possession have been identified and the chain of evidence connecting him with the crime 2 sald to be plete seph alleged the was the lant dead oom Thermometer Dropped to 50 Degrees, Bolivar, N. Y., June 23. There was a pronounced frost in this vicinity Monday night, the thermometer drop ping to 30 degrees Beans and other tender garden truck were withered, and many of the gardens are being planted over. The damage to frult was not serious. { ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, Pa., June 22.-The first break in the strike at the Reading fron works occurred yesterday, when the company was enabled to resume at its plate mill with 100 men. 1,300 are still lying idle 21 the miles Reading, Pittsburg, June who worked In Harmarville, 16 terday shot his five times himself Karns is dead and Karns Jealously was cause, Frank Karns, glue works near from here, yes wife and Mrs the once is dying Reading, Pa., Jun Dr. Percy L Archer, Mrs. Mayme BEB. and Samuel L Snyder have been acquitted of charges of arson and conspiracy to defraud the Berks County Mutual Fire Insurance company The jury reached a verdict after seven ballots County Banknecht, the prosecutor, to pay the costs. Pa., June 21 A nume- drunken Hungarians engaged in in Luzerne Borough vesterday Michael Riddle had his skull two p is directed Wilkesbarre, ber of a fight morning fractured Peter a heav) head to the « Easton the Fau in laces, Selly Is charge n the arrested ar unfortung sand men general feht knocked split Umpire |} teeth | ette arrived hy sumed his position took Bmink's piace Harrisburg, June 0 torney General J. P Interesting statement condition of the finances. He savas there Is a deficit of E00 In the state treasury, and that it is the duty of every citizen interested in the wel fare of the commonwealth to recognize the fact and help to provide the rem edy If the state should apply every dollar In the treasury to the payment of appropriations hereafter made and now there would still defict. ency of $1.500000 in the common sehool fund, §1.000.000 on account of quarterly payments provided for In the general appropriation act, 3500000 to the city of Philadelphia, and over 1500.000 to other Insthutions and counties, mak- ing a total deficit of more than $3.0500,. #00 badly this while time and as Westlake eputy Al Elkin gave out an Inst night on the glate due be a | | i | } Nearly | THIRD RAIL SYSTEM. { INTERESTING FEATURES OF THE EX- PERIMENT AT HARTFORD. | Rew York, New Haven and Hartford Rall | tracted widespread road Trae It May Lead To, A Adopts Eleotrie How the System Operates For Loeal What Cars innovation which has at interest has been mado by the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, which is now radical | running regular local trains by the third | rail eleotrie system between Hartford | and New Britain, Conn, Detective | | New { tened A. | #ystem | my opinion, however, There are two sections on the third rail road, the first from Berlin to New Britain, 814 miles, and the second from Britain to Hartford, 934 miles. The rails are 8834 pounds to the yard, specially rolled in the form of a flat- They are laid in blocks of wood resting in the ties, not fastened, but holding by their own weight. Each rail is bonded to the next to make a continuous circuit by two coy 12 inches long and 4 inches w to the rail by eight bolts and nuts return of the 18 by a he third per bands ide, bolted The current to the power hous d y ol IVY copper band rail. Atal at thir rail system York, New Ha reported to he ing with steam roads mes Hi eventually be d uld not when the day o ny thi this sountr SURROSts motives might Just as the « Com ting upon remarks, Colonel H. G The Railroad Gazette 0 ‘Mr. Clark occupies a peculiar posi tion, which should always be consider ed in reading what he has to say about the use of electricity in railroading His railroad system is probably more vulnerable to the competition of paral lel trolley lines than any other great in the United States. He has therefore very wisely planned to mak use of electricity upon those portions of his lines where it be advanta geously employed This, however, in volves more than the flmple question of the cost of doing the work, It is complicated by the necessity in his ter ritory of giving people the kind of serv loo that they can get from the electric street rallways—that is, a service which is best rendered by providing small and vory frequent transportation units, In considering the present state of the art, the day when iscarded I Mlageooaches were President Clark's Prout, editor of sau mel can steam locomotives will be discarded is | not yet in sight. Noone can yet foresee it It ds still a fit (undisputed by » great majority of competent students) that much the largest portion of the | raflroad business of the United States | | oan be done at loss cont with steam lo | ocomotives than by any known means of ' olectrio propulsion, Joseph Wetzler, editor of The Elee trical Engineer, believes that the third | rail system is well adapted for long dis tances. He thinks the diffionlties of having the third rail exposed could be obviated and that the system can be used with safety | TEACHES RAILROADING. Buccessful Work of the Hallway Depart. ment of Purdue University, Quite a reputation bas been made by Purdue university with its railway de- partment, A few years ago President Sart read in the newspapers that such n department would be established at Harvard, the railroads of the country being looked to for £100,000 toward os such a department. He im- mediately went to President Ingalls of the Big Four and told him that he in tended to establish such a department nt Purdue, and that he could not ask the railroads for any money. All that he ask of the railways was that they should allow him one experienced man for a short time The president of the Big Four at once in dorsed the idea, and President Smart set about preparing for the department Since then the scope and utility have been so broadened that it has become over the country. The next provide the most per the kind offered to be tablishing would each season, known all school year will fect y of where, The # luring the course any TE a | J oomsiderod an Railway equipments, performance, inboratory Work, 1OCOIMOTIve ut next ar ' CInotive Alr Jan To Introduce the Metric System Copper Colors Green Cheese The Italian cheeses prov bacteria, the Bun remarkabie green been sup : A good Parme is produced only from milk that has reached a high degree of acid ity, and in some parts of Italy this milk is kept in copper vessels, In 20 samples of green Parmesan from various places Dr, Mariana has found from 0.4 to 1.7 grains of copper to the pound That the color is due to copper appears from the fact that made on the same principle in the south of Italy and shows no green, the milk being kept in tin lined vessels as has presence of copper cheos chees alone cheese Doors of Bullt Up Woods, The system of woodworking known af the ‘built up’ mwethod, and coming more and more said to be employed advantageously in { the manufacture of doors, the claim Ix { ing that by thus cementing together thin boards or vepcers of different woods transversely with the grain groater strength, flexibility and dura { bility are obtained than exists in an equal sized piece of any of the woods individually Dow Into yogue, is An Old Slot Machine, There is now in the British museum | & nickel in the slot machine which | dates from a period long before the birth of Christ. It is a combination of | jug and slot machine used for the dis pensation of holy water. A coin of the value of 8 drachmas dropped into the slot opened a valve which allowed a few drops of the liquid to escape. NOW THE TIME TO TAKE IT. Dr, Greene's Nervura the Remedy Abo All Others To Take in the Spring. Dr. Greene's Nervura, Grandest of Spring Medicines, Cured Senator Marcus Peck and His Wife. Take It Now and Get Well. ij) Dh. 1] Wond Ear, Nose, Evi Oper it 8 Nnocess! HE CURES AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL RYEaWm years | have ad case of done another wonder tf piece of work genera T ook i IU SHANNON, Whitest one and one hat! years | Tried differ misery. but went to see In om estarth AlN AS Sirong as it + 5 Perfor ] LIVED | For more that | catarrh, stomach a cold eontinuaily could eat © sroad and » W ent doctors get 1 of my worse and wor i for treatment jay | EVEL, ean eat j. don’t take any » cold. and consider myself cured of this terrible | disease, Joux MH. Kavrrsax, Mattawanoa, Pa OFF BREAD AXD MILK ¥ as we has A bad trouble AMF FOATARRN than three ANDEHRD got more YOAr: our Nam and throat hey were con wild hardly breathe at na became undermined rt course of treatment with Dr. Salm they have almost entirely recovored from thelr miserable disease. JF. Hannisox, Dellefonte ore fF oonstitut i EYE TROUBLE For more than 5 years | have had a very bad case of eve trouble and eatarrh. The eyes con tinuall got sore and grew weaker and weaker 1 always took cold, Dr. Salm cured me CLEVELAND KIiMBENLY Witnessed bi A.J. Kimbely MeVeyton, Mifflin county, a DONE GOOD WORK 1 had a very bad case of ~aiarth and sore eves | for more than & years, and consequently it gave me a world of trouble. | was obliged 10 see Pr. Salm; under his treatment the change is wonderfully rapid. My friends are astonished CATARRN AN SUFYRENED YOR 1D YEARS For 15 years | have suffered ve ry mach with Bervous, Inward and sar trouble, and my con dition grew worse and worse. 1 tried a halt dozen doctors, and plies of patent medicines to no Avall, 1 went to Dr. Salm. and, thanks to his knowledge as a physician. 1 consider my sell entirely cured hose pains, whieh came | every month, and the fearful nervous prosurs tion resulting therefrom, has entirely left me 1 feel happy once more Mus W Jon New Florence, Pa Diseases of Women, such as have baffed the skill of other physicians and remedies quickly cured. All Eye Operations successfully performed, Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, pain jess and certain cure for impotence, lost manhood, Spermatarrhe, losses, weak and nervous de bility : also for prostattis, varicocele and all private diseases whether from imprudent habits of youth or sexual funetions, al and permanently cured. New method Electroysis, Epilipsy or fits selentifieaiiy treated and positively cured by a wever failing method - Examination and Consultation Free to Everybody. 80 CENT BOOK FREE, “The Medical Adviser,” a short history of private diseases, ad’ vice to young and old eapecially those contemplating mare . This Book will be sent to any one free on application, Address, Dr. Salim, ¥. 0, Box 70, Oolumbus, Ohio. Enclose a Joent stamp for postage. Corrected Dates of the Doctor's engagements for 185 my Sept. Oct. Nov, Brockerhoff, Saturday, 1910" 7 4 230 $F Symcuse, Monday, 21 19 16 13 11 8 FROM 10 O'CLOCK A. M., UNTIL 2 OCLOCK®P. M Hotel i June. July. Aug. Dee 2H 6 Town Bellefonte, Howard, ————— A 350 tr Our Advertisement will Appear Twice Before Each Visit.