IY "HAPPENINGS THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1897. CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections IN CEXTRE CO Alert worthy of Correspondents see The local ity will be What our Army of and observe note every commun Happenings of gladly Published Send the news we will Publish it WALLACE Some ol out the surface Spring croj olin Alton, Hancock, is The home gladdened daughter Mr. Corn years was g returned home where main for a few days FUNERAL The funeral \ months old son of James Walker largely attended. Interment took it the Messiah's char ] VICCS Were over 4 Miss N alley 5 Miss Milles < GAYS worki of the ch: after + grave tl of Miss Ella Lau had been visiting ] ty 16 urnea home at icionte t Womens b NA ames on the ised AT. » nugiber of 3 ars by : Walker purchases dol! lonated itt person that shall be sleeping t " ich a number of names cannot fail ENTERTAINMENT week, our schools tainme * pupi ut go 1 uf Of Lhe SChox 1} : le . ot ac Ss hool Gest the tion of the were made chiefly their out reproved the uch ground themse thorou me (441 the fa rou ht The f with the doubt quite a numb on buckwheat Mrs moved RENOwW!H A house ton, who I roperty « Mr Aca left this schools, for B will attend wo n Bennett and 1 3] } the Close aner oomsburg, Pa the success go with the young men Mr (rove day , where they May ma tate Nor moved to Chestnut Shirk’'s farm, on Thur Israel Free onW.T Rumor has it that another wedding is to come off soon, How is it Billy, the writers wishes, go with you SCroorn REPonrT!: report of the The following is a Wallace Run school No. 4 for the sixth and last month ending March 26, 1897. Whole number of dif. ferent scholars belonging to school dur. ingtermgo. Whole number in attendance during month male 27, female 20, total 47. Those not missing a day in two years are Sadie Freil, Lizzie Walker, Claud Poorman, Willis Heaton. Those not missing a day during last term are Tacey Lucas, Ada Hancock, Lulu Lucas, Sadie Freil, Lizzie Walker, Earl Kelley, Willis Heaton, James Fetzer and Claud Poorman. Those not missing a day dur. ing last month are Tacey Lucas, Rhoda VY. Kelley, Ada Hancock, Lulu Lucas, Myra Lucas, Edoa Poorman, Lulu Fetzer, Flora Poorman, Sadie Freil, { Saliie B. Hancock, Lizzie Walker, Lloyd Heaton, Earl Kelley, Willis Heaton, James Fetzer, Allison Freeze, Claud Poorman, Carl Poorman. Visitors dur ing month were Jas. 8S. Lucas, John Crock, anda number of citizens on the last day. Souvino OAK HALL of Bellefonte Sun vena M sttern at A. T morning, daved with here was Rover ors re 2 fH Arrival Monday Cnr trair Sour Le of a certain yo smith to conduct has been the desire Central City black a soup house, and he finally started one on a large scale Fri day evening. There being a full house soups of various kinds were dished out Some of the guests were very fond of the beverage, one in particular filling himself to the brim, thereby making himse!f uncomfortable during the bal ance of the evening. Oxe or THe Guests ng FILLMORE HAPPENINGS Cyrus Huey met with a misfortune on Saturday, He went out to chop wood and accidentally put the pit of the axe in the cap of his knee, It will lay him up for sometime, Kyle McFarlane is shipping a car load of potatoes this week, Mr. Foster Young and wife went to housekeeping again. Foster looks hap. py now, | Mr. James Musser bas fu about clos. ‘ed out for the season with his Cyclone Seeder. He sold 212 since August. thinks some men talk just for the name. not talk much. Especially when a man orders a seeder and will not take it when delivered. Mr. FE. ¥. Kellerman and wife spent Sunday with H. C. Huey Since confidence has been restored the the Bible should be changed lays thou shalt do nothing-—on the ) i aws of ‘SIX « seven! even eal 1 rest, sof ger put np some Hine w duey Hov at Pl the m with the i When coo , COTE 1 al IRC NITTANY NOTES wh been then was a sad affair the bovs and hope Cl to share the enjoymer Last week a Mis wer ted in this ywanch clevated Frank noar Ia Y RCV | as of Shaffer, of holy resale of ¢ where the id him the bon wedlock has been rr the tress of oling in th ome other calithumpiar Our school, taught by of hublersburg, ast Tuesday, | teacher and pupils getting along nicely | doring the term. It 18 the desire on the part of the pupiis that be returns at the opening of the next term John Holmes and John Butler.of Walk- er, attended 8. Shower's sale last week, the latter spending considerable time sizing up the widows in this locality W. A. Markle, closed LINDEN HALL Andrew Gettig started for Lock Haven, on Friday, where he expects to attend a term of school, Mrs, Tamma Keller trip to Bellefonte on Wednesday. J. K. P. still offers to bet on Fits, Fred Harman is engaged in skiding | paperwood, on Nittany mountain. MovING (~The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bible regret that they are about to move from this place to Spruce. town, Wm. Gross moved from State College He Wonder how it is with Jim, as he does 1¢ $ 14 t 4 ‘ \f M \f ‘ \f « Af « ¥ t J : \q ‘ v € v 1 ¥ ‘ \i $ ¥ ‘ ¥ ‘ 4 M \{ ‘ \ N ' ‘ v A » A » A » A Aw > made a business | P00CH00P00C0000000000000POP00000000000000OPORPOIORD dav, Harvey Searson and family, of Oak Hall, were visitors at the home of James Searson on Sunday. Many trying their luck. Robert Corl, who ha to house of John Comming’s, on Thurs. | | | i fishermen will » of our S001 He been housed up | days with ible te around Chas rim ol a few again Moore schoo GROVE ITEMS BG Bg Ba Ag Ag a my a SOME _» NTERESTING FACTS »OOIN MERCHANT -:- TAILORING 1) Pasian 4 QAAVI ALE , ! = BES BY BE BY BI BE BPI BI BDI DEI BEY DE DI BE RIDE RE BI RIE RE BE DER Lh A TEE a TT SE EE aE 4 00000000000 0000000000000Y GARRET CLEANING a AND Feather - Renovating By Improved Machinery aTwtaw PRICES: A | Carpets Three nia per ) ard “a wdteon Will eall for and deliver all carpets in Bellefonte, We pay freight one way on all orders Shipped Here. ate | have erected a new building and equipped it with a patent power car pet cleaning machine and guarantee all my work, -> "tHe Call on or address, PETER MENDIS, PF. 0, Box 4%. BELLEFONTE, PA. 00000000000 RNNS PHILADELPHIA BRANCH “TEMPLE COURT_» ILI EPONTH PLA 000000046060 F59900000000060000000000090 A i at 3 i 3 : : ; 3 3 | 3 3 » INTERESTING. Shbbbdbbbibid \didddadaddaddsddadiiddddddaddidadasdadididaddsdiddsiddadadidasat d C0000 000000000 000000000000 000000004000 000 000 0040000000014 | - WINTER STOCK. Save Money ao A LL LE Sh Big Reductions a -Ntttonn Must Make Room Carry RATT (yoods n «2 JIVVV en CO0000000000 S. LEWIN, Manager, BELLEFONTE, PENNA