THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSLAY, APRIL 1 | TIARRISBURG LETTER | a 1897, The entre Aemorvat, ED HELD TO ACCOUNT. of at with warrant judgment in favor and a clause known pay 1% proved securities, torney to confess of the commonwealth, b 1 state that tories The following appears in the Bellefonte os per dally banks ghall cent per annum balances iv this latter amendment the should it a law, at 1 The whicl etoed by CHAS. R. KURTZ & PROP . * ‘ nective The Changes in the Legislative / CIRCULATION, OVER (800. Districts of the State, Telephone Call 183 i become inter O00 cent Quay the go TERMS OF county Regular Price $l If paid In ADvaxa $1.0 | | | | | SUBSCRIVTION | 1 Wl per year for ROME snd Legislature Now EDITORIAL | House Opposition to the Reform Meas. | ures Dr.Swallow's Belligerent Attitude an Minin the pe from w ® oF sls resides SIO) Cash, rr who ee of ( ot it od On months f introduce gest Number ed “limes about fy Harrisburg, March The govern | ir t {1 ¢ ani wouse durlr far recelv 2 bills, for f | the t eek and ere | now ; 2 o of that a re both houses that no introduced after April & f either hous impossibility what the y ution has taken not bein | th although convictes | publicans send in the Numbers of cou which they AL winners t "11 renerall ensure th nua gencraily « : i 8 olution 1 sl int \ ‘he 3 ) meh re s to pour hot shot Into | craig for complaining. They s: more } th» istration ley has not had an opportunity - neralship at Mexico City the that Dr. | ermission o | any legislation. Right here we want the reader to turn . or position 1 t " i i onth d - rh a 1 oS § ime bout si > back the wheel of time about six | (0 Lhe next from unsold sified. Employees ir fsanilon, are dee npetitor'e distriet 6 about 21 days alter 1 would accept vt ) Qa ’ ' v 1 | months; that will not be very dificult, lies; creation an : { n of mn » adopts hat a holiday be nity would give the ‘Ad. a warm re 1 ¢ drfing | incidents { It is not beyond the reach of the aver Prosperity’ | man's memory to re Republican, this week “For the silliest, sniveling twaddle, rs a ; Aa follows: FOR §@8 4 First Prizes, each of S100Cash - - .§ 400.00 McKinley has been president just 22 days, | state will derive, ‘ yet these papers denounce him for the | $1,500 \ Cash and Prizes given each month $3,400.00 ‘ ing the enactment of laws that will pro. | hae again been offered in the house, 17 - fice the and i n so amended th its —— wr Ce revenue suid the ex Danger of a Clash Between the Governor | Tal » 8 po 897 . 8 the oof | friend now believe it will meet w Tofal given during 12 mos, 1097, $40,600.00 moved. | executly approval It creates i w | BOAP Wrappers ns they can collect, Cut . off the tep portion of ench ; : SOAP. These (enlled “Cons | My, i pons’’) unre to be sent, postage = J on i The ’ tor's Juli nase and maddress | £9 { rewide 1 the number { oupons | = Sw " { option » Is 8 Hiro. Ady | % Cf a | Special 1 ’ ihe 16) Comnpet Wrapper (op left hand corne of the Ist J { ep Cf nf — prion ag ” tt x § Wale No.of | NAME OF DISTRICT. Rion 2 lads sds f NewYork State (outside of N.Y. Clty, Brooklyn, Long and Balen lelande), i 4. wd y trict of Columbin, | rewarded id wy The New England States, ‘ we commend the Democratic papers of u . evan PIERCE ot 20 Second 21006 pe ciALBicyoles 2,000.00 times not being better, while at the same AGREEMENT bill, SOAP ronment and A LOT] HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. RULES. wrapper; that portion contnie oH ! fully paid, enclosed with n| Next ILnrgest sent fn, te Lever with NUMBER | Next Largest Numbers ~ br District New York Clty, Brooklyn, Long Furh M Hin red Peannayly nnin, Delaware, Mary. are Lhe oelabrated Plerce Special, 0, of Bul $3,400.90 PRIZES EACH MONTH i to-day, which are slopping over with i 40 Third ‘& 2b Cold Watches - 1,000.00 ON THE NEW CAPITOL. vernot tw time their friends in congress are oppos vernor two Competitors tosave as many SUNLICHT ench of the § districts ing the heading “*SUNLIOHT | sheet of paperstating Compets | v bots / | pons fy New York, marked on outside RICT Competitor Hives in. trict in which Se Ww Each 1 nad Sinten Islands, New Jersey. fund, West Virginia and Dis , md by Geo, K.P 1 and : | endesvor Lo award the For Ly Agel, Lo a oir a :) [le BET 1... 88 Boss LEVER BROUS., Lid. New York. orcs & Oo 8 8 w | : ou and New York, Fated with Hartford The School Supply Scheme : of (lass Nickle Las Kew Depariore and w soll, Biandard Cyclumeter, snd Huot Lace Baddie i THE LEADING _ mh, Wall Paper Store. br : a 5 cn 8 iL campaign gislative Districts wa 7 2e'e"e es "s Ne le 0OC 858 2O0000C DOO0000K PREPETRRTTTRTIReTY OX ho HOOK YOOOOOOO0 ote" 4 Te'e’e als A Ra aa a ALLA] OQ add LL ARAL LALA QOOOC BELLEFONTE, OS SB SMBS SAM i 58 THE LATEST STYLES a () — | : ¢ 3 : | : Agreement on the New Capitol Assared A . G0099000000000000000000009900000000000000000000000000 00 . J ». El ah L The Philadelphia Capitol Ril, ) : : : : : h : 4 h betweer whose good to return until ¢ and leglelature has | f two Opposition to the Reform Menstires The to tak kindly to ures, as was evidenced and slashed ntil they « recognized, and Stewart bill, whica ia of the re form bills for Philadelphia, after ad ding several amendments, which great ly changes its character. The bill quiring state depositories to pay inter est on state funds passed second read | ing. but not until after a dozen amend ments were offered and defeated, Two ve, at rate of a fare and a trip. Ti unilorn, that there tions upon su bill should be venti there (oy the foolish leg ation a the billa the theater hat have been doomed A duplicate of the retalintory ance bil Introduced by Representative Voorhees in the house presented by Mr. Durham in the senate, and is on pecond reading there, Agents of fore elgn insurance companies are watching TAILORING=€ DEPARTMENT is filled newest and best S ht ¢ does not seem the reform by the Ww round kets for ho mea ay they cut ould be scarcely passed the 1 standard, is depres Mex an id standardite Npanies in number. such againet garettes weet money with ail the ings and Trouserings, MONTGOMERY & CO. ALLEGHENY STREET, more, traveling in a body on to chaw one ticket wld at eventually uit f 1 1 one it if possible. fare per capita for the round trip oy TR insurs I'he parade on this occasion will be the } grandest military demonstration since re Was tern lam veterans, United the wat Thousands of States regulars, and State militiamen will tf y organization will meetin Her - ard building, rote, at 2 o'clock Thurs day afternoon, April 8, next. It is de. be in line sired that the full committee be present at this meeting, so that the arrangements may be completed as far as possible for the ouung or reunion this year - To cure a cough or cold, in one day, | take Krumrine's Compound Syrup of refund. tf. Tar. ed. If it fails to cure, money amendments, however, prevailed in the end. They were a clause providing that the bond to be furnished by having state deposita shall have ap- banks | its progress, presumably with adverse purposes, as it would require the insur. ance commissioner (0 retaliate against states whose representatives refuse to Jeense Pennsylvania companion, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A.