THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA THURSDAY, APKIL 1 1847. THE BREAKING LEVEE. The Southern Deluge Grows Hourly to Enormous Proportions. HUNDREDS OF MILES FLOODED. Spreading Milos The Over a Devastating Waters Territory a Hundred Long and Twenty-five to Thirty-five Miles Wide, There that protects Memphis, March breaks in Mississippi One Is miles below Greenville, Mis at Way gide, which is 1.200 feet wide, one 40 miles north of Greenville, at the head of the delta, which is 1,000 feet wide and cutting rapidly as the rush- es through, and the third miles north of a point opposite Arkansas City, and at last reports a stream wide Hudson through it and flooding the « miles in the interior The river from the south Rose many are now three levee jeven the water seven ns as the was rushing ountry for break forms lale Greenvill other tion, south last break added to vasse, will tory. Four ne crossing one m They lums Doumas Fears San Fr agents | fine four Dufferin holme Lord is still some The ' mt : hered 67 wed ” re the sams advanced lision an board are Dufferir General Lee Called Back, Chicago, March 31 A special Tribune from Washington says eral Fitzhugh Lee Havana, has been notified his services will not be needed after April 15. The notice from the state department cor nominally in the form of a leave of beginning at that date, but it Is understood both by him and the department that his suc cessor will be on the ground at that time. General lee expects to co back to this country to The Gen consul general at 1 by cable that abs nce me at once Schooner Lost and Six Drowned, New York, March 21. -The schooner Charley Hastings Is belley to have foundered In Long Island sound and her crew, consisting of six men. is thought to have been drowned Bhe left Newtown creek last Wednesday with a cargo of phosphate, and should have arrived at Orient on Friday. but thus far nothing has been heard from her. Terry Brothers, to whom she was consigned, think all hands were lost Ifteen Months for Pension Frauds, New York, March 31. --Jesge CC. Han- pee, the old pension attorney of Hoe boken, N. J., and Ellenville, N. Y.. who was convicted in the criminal branch of the United Btates circuit court last week of having presented false papers in the claim of Anna HB. Hedges, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Brown to 15 months’ Imprisonment in Kings county penitentiary. ITEMS OF ETATE NEWS, Pottuville Pa.. tloepatine, aged 7 he Pottsville Injuries inflicted The little passing literally polices in dragging March 20 Veurs, Is Jogeph dying at tal from horrible by a vicious bulldog attacked while the which boy's se Two hosg fellow was a dark alley by tore off the with their maces, the dog off by nearly beat skull The dog Is still dog, alp nen succeeded Ing in its ut Maren 20 I of AY yi Mr attempting Nel olson terday sentenced » the Western pend and to pay ciemency a fine Wa isbhand and Mrs Nellis was pro 1 10 the pend collapse ROUNCe tentiary Harri Newman Car 2 h and des wering from drinking al found In a barrel a Harris 3 ath MeKe sterday, whet LE We Chartiers at and i] A the ly down : 1 for } mnkment water was carried rap! calied though made They that men could not gltrean eip, and FI swim viteousiy unable to effort to were carried who reach heroieall brother quickly rescue an his "no RAVE Away to the time The pl rushed them In Harrisburg, March 11 the erection of a new capitol building are taking definite shape. The house buildings and grounds committe ye. terday reported. re that the total cost of the proposed structure shall not exceed 51.000.000. The report gives the following figures as to the vost of statehouses, Rhode Island, $1 $00,000; Connecticut, $2.600,000; Indiana $2,000,000, Minnesota, $4,000,000; CGeor gia, $1,000,000. Among the bills passed finally was one to punish the loan gift, sale or distribution of Indecent and immoral writings, ote, and of all drugs for criminal purposes, and one punishing the sending of anonymous communications of a libelous, defam- story, scurrilous or opprobrious nature, The bill to establish a state bureau of geology and mines was defeated, ang for 3 commending | parts of the structure. HOW TO KEEP COOL. SOME OF THE BY NATIVES METHODS EMPLOYED OF THE TROPICS. Artificial Swamps of New Gulpes “Floating Villages” India’s Subterranean Dwell. of the Syrians ings The King of Siam's Glass House, ple will only profit by example tho it is al- Just how live manages to be ‘ Pp ox ol. Be How, who « whore ways hot, comfortable, d then you will have struck the key- note, : the inhabitants of the to the natural countries of mechanical For conturies tropics have been devising ways keep cool Not only have been cooling skill of been introduced awlthy rulers of these thelr own mto but the nea h bulously wi rosources of converted SCHOMes, methods modern se as nlso by the fa sori barbarous lands The natives of New ompelled, to go ar, have who are intense heat, of the that is nly bearable, ghly jovabl n he long, Guinea, owing to the t naked during alin r most vimed to make { sun is send F TO ks of ng his is largely accounted for by with th us subterranoan flow along under the tart ts in rocks caused ¢ eruptions androds « t beneath and in, a8 It were, Syrians pass the day in quiet se “Do wn there, h earth's surface a gigantic tu heated portic | n and peaceful rest The Chin fn « backward neverthe. ugh a and unprogressive have lesa tried many experiments for keeping they have “treo dwellings.’ At Is the & Aatisiactory 14 eRe, Bia race, ool, and think solved the question by their we at method wration in y trem » by splitting and fitti y houses securely in t hese hed uv air m ng the foundati splits, foot tho direct sweep of the branches p there, a hundred in “4 in d when there is any, the Celestials ireg away the tedions summer day The tion type of architecture is more preten 8 than that displayed in the simple log cabin. The are decorated with curious designs, and the inter woven latticework of palm and bamboo which form the houses give them a de lightfully cool and airy appearance, It is an ideal and one in which the Celestial never tires of lingering. The king of Siam has a scheme on which that swarthy ruler labored for many years, and which, besides being wholly original, represents an expendi- ture of money that would make a dozen men wealthy for life. In substance, it is a mammoth glass room, measuring some 20 feet square by 15 feet high, sonstructed on the surface of a lake, into which it is submerged on hot days. With the exception of the floor, it is entirely of heavy plate glass closely fit ted into steel frames, It took over five years of steady labor to make this re. markable room, and so jealous of the secret was i's imperial inventor that | each particle of the room was manufac. tured in a different place and by work men entirely unfamiliar with the other «New York Jour. Walls nest, nal Minks Fanish Snakes, Water moceasing were formerly nu- merous in the region close to Taylor, La. In recent years they have become | soarce, while minks have increased in | numbers. Old hunters there say that the | mink is the deadly enemy of the snake, and that in a fight the quadruped al- ways comes off victorious, | bales | Pennsylvania A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, March 208. Navy Long that civil ms enforced at Thursday, the Bocretary of warned politic ruies will bx trictly ni In i went iron conference at Clevel John lockers repr positively fused duction ore Her's pentatl tO assist In in Wage re During a heavy terday in the not Jersey an earth duration was felt at In i g y Fi 4 betw 2-3 brothers He Holmes thunder thern qunks f four sed slorm yes gaction of Ney ond nervill een the neny was imes George vin fatally Friday, March 24, ed In the unlawful, intions pieture that the the UU introduc senate makes It penaltle publish It Is lant At- ates North nited Bt York ha Grant parade ror reme co urt over i ded that IPC throes March saturday, . March Wednesday, Marc? ! General Markets aware pring ®_por Khe do September Tan ‘orn corn rt Pi firm. steamer yellow for No mixed March do. April, WGN e.; do. May do. Jun« nominal Oats firm No, 2 white } No. 2 white, clipped oar white, March 4H he ) do. May, BUG Pe June, 2 Hay Arm for good timothy, HAL7G14 for large aulet family, 3550; extra beef hams, MFI; packet, dull; western steamed, $4.45. family $10.50 11 Hutter creamery. 14621c do Elgins, 2c imitation New York dairy, 12 1H@200.; fancy prints do, extra, wholesale, large, BI o. . small, Mise. . full skims, New York and western, fresh, spot, TLE trade, 306 WGI « bab RG rail No local ab ba | do choles Hef mens, 2.00 8s. lard Pork dull; steady, western factory, Si creamery, 1061 18%« 1% do, creamery, jobbing at BOM 22. Cheonn quiet PE 2 part skims Wade. Eggs steady 1067 10%0, PLE southern, ee East Liberty Live Stock Market, East Liberty, Pa. March 30 Cattle firm. prime, MOHE 10, feadern, £1.75604.40; bulls, stags and cows, 5.95G0.50 Hogs plow; prime medium, $24: best heavy Yorkers, 80100415; light Yorkers, HEALI0; pigs, BESGM; heavy, $41004.20; rougha, $3G3.75. Sheep steady; Ohlo fed westorna, $AGEAS: native, SEG6; com mon, 3GL60; choles lambs, §5.60004.90; veal calves, $669.50. { spring beds, wardrobes, | fourteen bath jo would make no impres- sion on the number of the germs of consumptio that exist in one affected lung. All germs are lit- tle enough, but those which cause consump- tion are very minute, Cod-liver oil won't kill them. We don’t know remedy which will. The germs float in the air can't keep and «ali from MEME N ERG N EN EN EN ENE TIENEN ET eT enn 04M EM EMEMNENEMNEM EMM ENMNEME@EME@M@EMN@MNEM EME ETL ENEMA fem ene en @eNe’ UPL Ne y+ Just as Good is not SCOTT'S EMULSION. 1 EET PLY PUP UP UP UP UI LPL PUB LOLS PUPIL PULL Pe $ 6 ‘ 6 ‘ ‘ J ‘ v & ; J . ‘, 3 hy ‘ § 7 a. ne pr py aN Ed “| STATE :-: NORMAL :-: SCHOOL HAVEN, low State dol] a ET to teach the as La , aud § uition, $1. Lo rh cents a week lucted 75 ¢ Heat, The A §4 weeks whole f thse mposed yg rofessional students. Graduates con mand good po sitions and meet with excellent success The handsome new building, erected at a cost of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, is now finished and o« cupied Accommodations first class Electric light in every room, carpets, new furniture, Hot and cold water on every floor. Fan system steam heat. Smead system of ventilation. Everything is new and convenient, Stu. dents may enter at any time, Lock Haven is accessible by rail from all di rections, We shall be glad to correspond with any who are interested. Send for free catalogue and secure rooms for next term. JAMES ELDON, A. M.. Ph.D. Principal, rooms Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and ail Pas. ent bos ness conducted fof MODERATE Frese, el ca 0rroITE VU, 8B, PATENY Orrice + a patent ja jess time than those re vom Washington, 3 fend model, drawing or photo, with descrip 1 thon, We advise, if patentable or pot, free of charge, Our foe nt due till patent is secured, A Pamesrer, © How to Obtain Patents,” with cont of aad | oh he! U. 5. and foreign countries sent free, C.A.SNOW& CO. QR PATENT ence, WaswinaTon, D.C, Wanted An Idea ¥ Who a thn hi jin ins Ww Lyprgloriiay EC ytd LEGAL NOTICE EUMPERETYS’ HOMEOPATHIC 4 ae | SPECIFIC No. Nervous Sait, Vial Weakaess $i per via Bly Bow Tork, PENNSYLVANIA Rallroad Company RET EER OO, 111 5113 YWillises Personally Conducted Tours ED. KE. RHOADS SHIPPING ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 0 @ eo o COMMISSION MERCHANT -» WN DEALER Ia wn ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS AND WOODLAND COALS Grain, Corn Ears, Shelled Corn, Oats, Baled Hay and Straw, KINDLING WOOD By the Bunch or Cord, in guanti. fies to swil Purchasers, Clean Washed Sand leits the patronage of his friends and the public at his coal yard NEARPFP.R R. STATION BELLEFONTE, mous (ALS RHOADS R-1.P.A.N.S TEN FOR FIVE CENTS, Thie mpeein! form of Tih Tabmion te prermred From the original proseription, but more aoonom. poally put up for the purpose of meting the univereal pol demand for a low poten, PIHLCTIONS Take sl mend or hed time or w you . Beallow whole, with of withoat a hes care nll ley Ry Proluoe shoe | i, 1p i Pest Fpwing diene. o matter, cone will de Respectfu y so