IW AL I : CIRCULA OS OVER I ai N 0. CHAS LEGISLATORS AT STATE COLLEGE Pleased With the Institu- ton. Highly STUDENTS HAVE SOME SPORT Manage to get in the Private Cars and Help Themselves to Sarsaparilla and Soft Drinks Difference of Opinion as to what they secured--A practical joke too good to Keep quiet” Friday about the State Legislature College for the purpose of insg They arrived ng and were shown all the mstitution. even: features delegation and fort and Ccomumuiittee showing made by the away with when they a bit of students. in charge of always are curl committees are which m A crow caused a commotion at the the they trait to attract mn were successful which While this was going on several chaps went ters, to the rear car and gained an entrance. They succeeded in carrying away, it is said, several cases of bottled beer, cigars, luxuries before they were discovered. That had a good time later, goes without say- and other legislative the boys ing, while the poor committee had to to journey a'l the way Bellefonte the next sufferings, or could quench their parched i day before they alleviated their throats. Representative assured writer that only drinks," da and such like a few bottles of such as sar , lemon We have great resg veracity, but the that leaves Harrisburg with a load of that kind of stuff on board would be a wonder of the | his And they don't, No, Robert, no member 1 is expected to stomach with insult soft stuff, eithe The Hon Monday. James Schofield was seen on He declares that there was no spirits, red-eye, bug-juice or anything of the kind on the train for the supply had exhausted before they reached That t and Foster's sweeping denial. considerable fun at Tyrone, is a very plausable expl tha The boys had more reasonable ymebody’'s expense and the stuff was quite bracing -— An 014 Railroad Surveveor Clearfield Spirit : ‘Samuel of Fleming, Centre county, was a he Methodist ference, which closed its bu field last Tuesday after a week's hard work. Mr. haps than any other man in central Penn- sylvania in the construction of the Beech M contributed so much to our developement It that railroad was a long time reaching perfec- nent lay de rate to t ines at Clear- or Brugger figured more per- and C railways, which have Creek r would seem the Beech Creek tion, for away back in 1565 Mr. Brugger surveyed the same route from Snow shoe to Beech Creek for | mivate parties in Lock Haven, Then in 1874 he surveyed on up the as far as Clearfield bridge, 82, 83 pushed to Cherry Tree and Carrol. line which the Beech Creek follows and in 1881, traced the route from town. In 1890 he Patton to Westover. His records in build. ing railroads dates back 44 years, when in 1853 he assisted in building the Bald Eagle valley road. .-—— A Big Contract. The Philadelphia Times of yesterday says that the Berwind-White Coal Mining company have recently closed a contract with the Mexican Central railroad for 100,000 tous of coal. This quantity of coal is to be moved within a year, begin. ning from April 1. The Munson Steam. ship company, it is understood, have ar- ranged with the coal company to freight the above contract from Pailadelphia to Tampico. Parties competent to judge So value place this contract at upwards of $300,000. Secured a Position, Clarance Daly, of Marsh Creek, who has been a student at the Bellefonte acad- emy all winter, bade farewell to the school and students and left for Washing. on, D,C., where he has secured Ton. tion. i tion of the por- R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. HIS GHONTSHIP SOLVED Prod uction Th that ha dell’s | some months past keeping the women home in the evenings voung men from visiting their | Jha i been discover d. Mr. Pierce . ison of New York, having heard It 1s perfectly harmless. and ghost, and disbelieving in , goblins, and long-webbed things, week to investigate the the In the daytime they viewed locality and at night took their position on the railroad track back of the lumber not long nntil they saw a swampy float towards MEN OF THI te H i ary membership The grave offence by ¢ Treasurer nga for several days at his old occupation, salesman. T is a serious offence ais the penalty is expulsion case will be disposed at next meeting and he naturally feels that his usefulness in the order has drawn to a close is the general wish of out on a star-ge | now before the house t. Stewart's bill unportant point banks which shall not and the provides for three be compelled to pay interest, by t Six, 1 gheny act recommended committee in- ae these to one in Dauphin and three in These recommendations county, two in Alle wdelphia. 11 were not ceived with favor by those who favor the payment of interest on all 1 it leposits tate « They say it allows a sys tem of favored banks, which will continue the pernicious manner of raising politi cal contributions from institutions which hope to receive the state deposits. — - Advertising Did It man must be pretty well covered with moss not to be a regalar advertiser A family down in Florida lost their child and, failing to find it after two days, put a twenty-four cent notice in the paper they prised to see an alligator on the steps he and then and the next morning were sar » where had disgorged the child alive died himself. They sold the alligator hide for six dollars, and the parents are exhibit T the value of advertising. ing the child for fifty week + dollars a is story illustrates Ward House Changes Proprietor Liveryman J. McC. Davis took charge as sole proprietor of the Ward House on Tuesday, at Tyrone, J. T. Rowley, for. met proprietor, retiring, had considerable experience in this line of business afd under its present manage. { ment there is no doubt that the Ward | House will continue to maintain its repu- | tation as one of the best hotels in this | section of the state, Colored Talent, The colored talent of Bellefonte will give a grand concert in Garman’s Opera house Thursday evening, April 8, Instru. mental duets, drills, solos, quartets, and elocution will be on the program. About 14 persons will take a part in the exercises. SAAS To cure a cough or cold in one day take Krumrine's Compound Syrup of Tar. If it fails to cure, money nd- ‘ tf. Mr. Davis has | BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL i, DR. SWALLOW WRITES AGAIN More (yovernor Healthy Gives Hastings Advice. MUST CHECK WRONG DOING. Public State How has been Scattered over Move Back alarmed by those libel Property Revolutions Never Not Minister the wards The sus fires hot shot again n for prevent. 3 so. doing (Going ratlered over Lhe state and is offices liticians, state and national all gr wwe of her Lock Haven ne 1 tthe C. } Many | ) ¢ ‘ down to see the § uction of the went rut mer Boy of Others went down 4 for a sights about that city, for they have some ex cellent attractions there we heat Those who went to the opera house and were Many of the excursionists were struggling with lock Haven fire water, and "paint ing things red.”’ Attimes itseemed as though fight, would come up and score everybody wanted to but none The Lock Haven bars must sell terrible } stuff forty-rod-lightning-bug juice, that sets a fellow’s hair on end and turns him | he don't know who Itis wrong side he is, or where he is at awful ———— Treating Proper Those unselfish men who never buy a drink except for other persons and who a drink unless some other scldom buy person buys it for them are doubtless happy since the Legislature has failed to pass the anti-treating bill. The custom of treating, which is an American institution, should be abated, but it can never be checked by legisla. tion. Popular sentiment is the weapon with which it must be fought, and if | those good people who worked so hard | for the passage of the bill start an active | social crusade against the habit they can accomplish much more. If this bill would | have passed the barrgom bum would | have lost his job and many a poor devil | gone thirsty in the future, A ——- i Have Returned, | The Lewisburg Saturday News of last week says: printed from a Centre county paper an account of an elopement from Linden Hall, of a married man named Harris with the wife of an neighbor named Kline. We are reliably informed that they have returned and are ready to be reconciled to their families, Before that occurs both deserve something else, Several weeks ago we re | atl 1807. MARRIED UP A TRE] Mini yi The arty had jusurange company in amount of msurance H been promised when an There property in this vi organization 1s effected, are much uninsured y which is not taken by other companies on account of con. tagious risks already taken which may gladly be insu the owners when We would be more liberal opportunity ofiers are informed the new company its rates to stores than other companies 1 and thereby secure the patronage of that .-—— Using His X.ravs Dr. Natt, of Williamsport, is using his new X ray apparatng with good results, A few evenings ago he turned the rays the fractured arm of Timothy Ken. nedy and made a close examination of the broken bone. The doctor also took an X-ray picture of the injured ankle of on | John C, Douty, the electrician, who was | hurt by falling into a cellar on Laurel | [ payment of $2 for every wild cat, $1 for street, through a defective sidewalk last { June and who has a suit | pending against the city. | found that the ligaments The doctor of the ankle | had been badly torn and there is a large | growth on the bone. ~~ | $200 Damage. | | The viewers appointed by the Court to appraise the damage caused by the erec- tion of the Howard water works reser. voir on Mrs, Frank's Jand made their re. port, awarding Mrs, Frank $200 damage. The reservoir is about so feet in length by 25 in breadth, and is located 150 feet from the boundary line of her tract of land, which consists of 170 acres. This was sold before the timber was cut off for $100. | wild cats, hawks, owls and weasels for damages | A GUIDE FOR WANTED Correspondents to in the news—wi publish it send will OFFICE-SEEKERS | HOW CIVIL SERVICE WORKS ungry § Many will get left Easy to Buy, Easy to Take, friend in Hood's 3 1 cm you W d of the + v4 WTI in nome of the dra ly so extensively employed ad d 1 gredient used in Hood's Pills is select They prevent the grip and are especially valu with care. will break up a colic ble to regulate the liver. They cure sick headache and indigestion asi— Provides a Bounty Representative Schofieid introduced a bill in the house which provides the pay- ing of a bounty on the destruction of The bill has passed the house and has gone | to the senate. every red or gray fox, for a mink so cents, and every large weasel or ermine, 25 cents, and for hawks 25 cents, A Rapid Increase. An official enrollment of the Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor shows the whole number of members to be 2,836,741. There are now over 47,000 societies; 231,000 of the young people connected with these organizations united with diffeient churches during the year 18¢6. Since 188g they have received the grand otal of 1,048,235 members. ~To cure a cough orcold, in one day, take Krumrine's Compound Syru Tar. Ifit fails to cure, money refund. . » The bill authorizes the | ! | . Calica a wernan sur who ; reon that death had the i resulted logging of hop The man had paid §7 for a half ton of chop ntestines with this cheap The manu. nied '} Pe : and had lost $50 from its use x chanld 3 N of it should be st facture and 1 and then there would be an increased demand for rye, oats and comm State Grange Master Leonard Rhone is investi Why we have pure food laws for the gating the matter in that State ghouldn't animals as well as for (A human beings? B. Steele, Centre county, Pa He Didn't Saw A Tenth street woman sent a tramp to saw wood for his breakfast and then went into the house to set up the lunch. She returned soon to invite him to the meal, when she found the following on the saw horse: “Just tell them that you saw me, but you didn't see me saw." Tyrone Herald. — tlh — Moves to Centre Hill ExCounty Commissioner James B., Strohm will remove to Centre Hill from Bellefonte this spring, and occupy the family homestead with his father, Jim recently purchased a farm near Centre Hill, and will give his attention entirely to his interests in this valley. ~For RENT:=A number of desirabie houses for rent. Apply to A. M. Hoover Real Estate Agent. apr 1.