2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSLCAY, MARCH 4, 1897. THE NATIONS RULERS. President McKinley and His Ad- visers at Washington, 0. N. BLISS FOR THE INTERIOR, The Announcement of the Distinguished New Yorker's Acceptance of the Portfolio Expected Today Major McKinley Dines with President and Mrs, Cleveland, national going and pre 3 | Wa capite March ahi Iters the onts marations The out shington, | today incoming pres dents, and prep ceremonies marking ministrations haste and bustle, and Mr. Hobart their future home by one jous bLright days such as takes pride in, when in the mood. The entry of the two was made with little ceremony and comparatively public demonstration A large crowd had Pennsylvania ation train bearing Major M ana ‘t required the ent of po ‘ce to keep clear There was a good ment expressed ame over tie absence of cort, but as by spe the pr ties sion, with tire OO} and vice for the grand the change of ad on with feverish Major McKinley wel to of those glor Washington gO were omed slight assem st long Kinley arrive 5 of a fore the approachs deal of appoint these ped itary } 1} dis ple oy ng mil in the the n the that » have a ly, and in his had not wing Mr. Bliss The place is Mr Mr. McKinley is New Y dete rker In his « will relax no effort to that 1d alk with Mr. Platt he sald he abandoned hope of ind to accept the vacant place the secretaryship of the interior Mr Bliss has the offer under consideration, and it Is generally belleved that he will accept the portfolio before night With Mr. Bliss in the cabinet the full list of President McKinley's advisors will be as follows: Hecretary of state, John Bherman: treasury, Lyman J. Gage. war, Russell A. Alger. navy, John D. Long. Interior, Cornelius N Bliss; agriculture, James Wilson; at. eney general, Joseph McKenna; post. master general, James A. Gary iy Assanitod with an Ax, wi barre, Pa., March 3.—During a drunken row at Dallas George and John Bossert assaulted their boarding house keeper, Michael Sorber, with an ax. The man's skull was fractured, and he will die. The Bossert brothers took to the woods, but they were pur- sued by a posse of citizens and placed under arrest, | maximums w PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Leading Topless of Discussion Among the Nate's Lawmakers, Harrisburg, Feb, 26.-In the senate vesterday Mr. Vaughp reported from | the committee on congressional appor | tionment a bill to reapportion the con | gressional districts of the state. Th { bill apportions the state into 30 dis | trict doing away with the two of flees of « ressmen-at-large By the | provisions of the bill Phils iphia and Alllegheny each galing a o« isman Mr. Sproul bill to mals | a reduction of mors the Phils charges and | mum makes ong Lele NnEres introduced a 10 per wdeiphia telephone to est the of the wmximum of two cent or les in ablish charges whole the n us of change, $6 a & population | other cities additional charge each beyond is and subscribed withis from the Cities and $4 and villages of §1 the where for by ithin the rand $3 the The nrges miles month in of 100,000, towns a radi “x all with in all An per month for mile two mile two one Hmit allowed, telephones person the mile radiu 60, according to whicl 100,000 line the popu penalty for violation a fine of $5600 the bill repealing the in the borough of Ver was Kilied by a are two areto be § side of on the act In the al option law lati is house lo« nona vote of constitutional fate be brit 3 niory 5% to less than a voting. The repeail ette majority the b in fell aw Fay Both hou adjourned March pla | feet The area affected and } yards com in- sank a ia about 150 yar wide. The j i plete wreck, cluding three dwelling of 20 feet Williamsport, Pa., March 1 B. Denworth, the pension attorney, who was serving a three months’ term in jall here as a United States prison er, under conviction as a pension fee extortioner, walked out of jall on Sat- urday. Two Grand Army comrades visited Denworth In his cell. The turn- key and sheriff were temporarily ab- sent, and the sheriff's wife let them in and out, When the visitors passed out through the corridor gate Mr. Den- worth stepped out too, remarking. “I'm going to break jail." The woman thought one of the men was an officer and permitted the prisoner to walk out. He has not yet been recaptured Lancaster, Pa., Feb, 21.-Calvin Den- linger, who was released the Eastern penitentiary a few days ago, after serving a twelve year sentence for killing his wife, was locked up yes- terday on the charge of threatening to kill his first wife, whom he desertod for the woman he murdered. Denlin- ger attempted te enter the woman's home, but was refused admittance, when he proceeded to kick In the door He then wrote her a letter in which he demanded that she meet him after dark In some lonely place, and unat- tended, and sald unless she complied she would be sorry for it. The woman, who Is again married, feared he con- templated killing her, and therefore had him arrested, ¢ 1 y " ‘ rw mtoffice is almost a and other bulldings, houses, distance da wa PREF | migration bill { the | ural i her other i Or | ened i Erov : i | James | the VETOED BY CLEVELAND. The President Refuses to Sign the Immigration Bill, DECLARES IT TO BE UN-AMERIOAN, The Clause Demanding an Edvoatlonsl Qualification for Immigrants, He Says Is Contrary to Our Natural Policy Our Duty to Our Northern Neighbors Washin ast March night sent to sentatives T he the hou HY vetoing The principal message are as follows “A radical ds policy preg t hie points f ol parture from out relating to nted Er etor who except al conditi nat we have came to us those whose moral mn or history threat to natic welfare and safety A century's @ largely due to the assimil and tht « niilions of sturdy and pa triotic pled citizens, atte and ore welcomed all lands physi danger our nal ats the sue recent Tillman on Armor Plate “1 y No Statue in Butler's Memory, on, March The to erect a $50,000 equestrian General B. F. Butler, to proposition statue of be placed on grounds, was the sub Ject of hearing before the com mittee on military affairs and the state house ittee yesterday Ex-Reg resentative Thurston, of North Brides made a stirring speech in remonstrance He sald the statue would educate the youth to the idea that smartness, and not character, is honored A statue will not honor Butler; It may dishonor surselves'” he sald, state houge A ively comm Redoeod Wages for Mine Workers, Hazleton, Pa., March 3.-A cut in wages, to go into immediate effect, was announced by the Lehigh and Wilkes. barre Coal company yesterday. The bosses bear the heaviest reduction Those receiving $100 a month are re. duced to $75, and all other employes down to laborers are cut In proportion, the latter from 90 to 80 cents a day. It Is announced that the Lehigh Valley Coal company will make a similar re. duction, Expenditures Exceed Receipts, Washington, March 2.--The compar- ative monthly statement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States shows the total receipts during Febru. ary to have been 324400997, and the disbursements $28,796,006, which leaves a deficit for the month of $4,305,050 as compared with a defleit of about $680, . 000 for February, 186, Since July 1, 1896, the aggregate deficit In $48,135 441. imigration is | from stupendous | free handed | HEAD OF PEOPLE'S PARTY. Great Statesman Tells Wonderful Cures by Dr. Greene's Nervura, Is Your Blood Poor, Have You Weak Nerves, Are You Out of Order? Use Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy and Get Well. Use It. Spring the Time All Should | WM. PROFESSIONAL CARDS tT TIG ider’s Exchange RUNKLE, Attorney-at.l in Crider’s Exchange English, Practices | Offi e¢ man and the courts WM. J. SINGER, Attorney-at- law, trict attorney. Office in court house, SPANGLER & HEWES (J. L. Spangler C. P. Hewes), Attorneys-at-law,— Office in Furst building, opposite the court house, All legal promptly attended to W. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-law ‘n Woodring building, opposite the court house. Consultations in Ger. man and English, J. C. MEYER, Attorney-atlaw Office in Crider's Exchange. Ex-district attorney, German and Eoglish, Prompt attention to all business, JOHN M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-law | Office in opposite the and Justice of the Peace. Opera House block, court house, JAMES Ww. ALEXANDER, attorney. at-law--office, High street, near Court House. Practices in all the Courts. ENTRE COUN TY BANKING COMPANY. Corner of gh and Hpring street, Receive Deposits Pisoous Notes he - business | Office | CRNRXNXF OTT all Infallibl - East High WARUFACTYURED BY Yue THOMPSON DIPHTHERIA CURE CO, WILLIAMSPORT, PA, PRICE 50C. A BOTTLE THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE OCATED"n one of the most beautiful ane healthful spots in the Allegheny Region; Undenominational ; Open to both sexes; fulton free; Board and other expenses very ow LEADING DEPARTMENTS of STUDY 1 AR To 1 ee and AGRICULTUKE 2. BIOLOG y {. BUTANY 1 HORTICULTURE IEMIST 41) NGINEERING. ICAL Fa NICAL ENGI ERRING Alkorexon L ART AND DESIC a and L : ish and tal tan. (ruire. Torr and English, ed.) TRAATICH nd A ONG ¥. ANICAL ARTS; or shop * itn stud. AL and MORAL SCIENCE. 12. MI DITARY SCLENCE theoretioal and prae teal, 1 ri Auton DEPARTMENT: two otk Bye, JOS Hire ERING or other ln GEO. W, ATURBTON: LL. LL.D, De i BAITLROAD SCHEDULES JP ENNSYLVANIA BKAILROAD BHANCHES In effect on and after Nov, 16, 18% VIA. TYRONE WESTWARD arrive at pm:atl Tyrone itishurg arrive at Tyr one at Pitt surg fyrone fat 11 30 a TTT TTT NEW YORK Via Tar A NEW YORK Via Phila i RAalil ® Fi GEFHART General Supt BALD EAGLE E Tyrone Vail Bald Eagle Port Matilda Martha Julian Unionville 1 10 04 Snow Shoe Int wn Milesburg 5 Bellefonte Mllesburg zs Ld dd I YG s=sss : SODOECLVT CV CCRPRERREPRRRR BEARRIRZENE Coo oeee sn BREWSEZ BERS TRATE AE 0 OE BE EE oh eh tt a 5 BS RD 0D I BD RG BS 2 BELLEFONTER SNOW SHOR BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov, 4, Leave Bellefonte, exes t Sunda — Arrive at Snow Shoe ’ y {do od Leave Snow Shoe, except n Arriveat Bellefonte r contd uy, Hato a 2:5 Idea = Boy ere yg tof Aw | :|