4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSLAY, FEBRUA 4 emo ED The Cente CHAS. R. KURTZ & PROP CIRCULATION, OVER 1800, Telephone Call 1183 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $l 3 COUNTY COMMITTEE FOR F Ww Harry Albert How I N Krumrine, State Cs Henry Wilcox, P'hi 1. C Reriek Bn Tohn Ishies . Henry Heato Milesburg Tos I, Nef Ko And DF Poorman Milesburs Wm Hippie Pine Glenn Ino A Rupp Oak Hall N J MeCloskey Romola WH Fry Pine Grove Mills Sam Harpster Jr Gatesburg Geo Weavel Penns Cave Jas (" Condo Penn Hall Mil Penning Wi Wm K r ok t Matilda pecs on our bor men F. EK Taylor, W. |. Conley, 1 Oscar Wetzel. They -— an energetic, busting As a tax collector nceded that he has been successful. That is the y don't seem to hat Here is a state some explanation Tug one ison why Hugh 8S. Taylo should be re-ele Jdsthat h ted tax collector in this boro in the place. This is one of the most im- portant offices in the borough and the tax | | payer should consider well how he votes ————— We hear that another cut was made in the the quarries, near town. lime these workmen at the Last fall men marched in the republican Now wages ol same parade and shouted for McKinley, they are reaping their reward is that confidence? - Tur politicians are now quarreling at Harrisburg over the prospect of a fat | : contract in rebuilding the state capitol generally named for a That will just double that amount when finished $5,000,000 isthe price new structure Here is an opportunity for some chaps to | capture a nice wad. - - - Sometime Tuesday night robbers broke | into the post office at Clearfield, blew open the safe, and stole between nine and ten tiundred dollars worth of stamps and two bundred and fifty dollars in cash. A hole had been drilled in the safe and fill ed with powder, and the safe door was blown clear off its hinges. The authori. ties have no clue as yet as to who the theives were, ¢ has been an efficient man | Where | mean | ARRISBURG LETTER | Probabilit ofa Record Breaking | Legislative Session, | SOME IMPORTANT NEW MEASURES, One of These Proposes to Permit Grape Growers to Manufacture ond Sell Wine, The Heavy Damands of the Norristown Insane Asylum, (Special Corr spond ex Feb The wpitol Harrl the on Tuesday of last w KD a to state busi A vigorou pretense of carrying on legislation as though had been made by both read in place and mittee, meatings burg, tion state « bulldings atop and virile ther branches Is were reported out of com but thet tte were no commi ontinuous and succe ture, the connected gency of tention. The this eve but will adjo furthe will don inauguratior The ly as pos to the « ot Talk of an Excise Commission, Ff 1) has numbe iitentiaries Citizens Only on Fablie Warks., any work any ipal cor arr's bill also desig nates elght hours as a legal day's work. Although eight hours, under this bill, shall constitute a legal day's Ia | bor, it is provided that the working- | men shall receive the full wages paid throughout the city and state It pro- | hibits the employment, absolutely, of | allens and provides for the removal from office of any offending official | Not only this, but an additional fine | of not lesa than $200 or more than $100 shall be imposed upon the gulity efMcial. Every farmer throughout the state is | interested in a bill presented by Colonel KE. P. Gould, of Erie. Colonel Gould comes | from a grape growing district. His cone stituents are noted for the quality and | quantity of thelr Concord grapes. His | bill is intended to permit growers of shall be employe the state or by poration. Mr. F | of their own ralsing which are not first | class or marketable, and sell sald wine to | Hoonsod dealers, without taking out or | paying a license. The bill is a radical | change in the law of 1801. Under this new act It Is proposed to permit growers of | grapes to manufacture wine from grapes of thelr own raising which are not mar ketable, and sell such wine In quantities | of not less than one quart without taking out a license, provided that such wine is not drank upon the promises where sold. In other words, any raiser of grapes can quart to his neighbors, provided the wine is not drank on the promises, Norristown Asylum’'s Many Wants, In view of the recent scandal at Norris town, growing out of the mysterious death of the lusana convict McCue, the re quests of that institution for state ald at grapes to manufacture wine from grapes | | Ing spirit In the movement make his own wine and retail it by the | this time are peculiarly interesting. The more or less doubtful transactions uncovs ered by the Gobin invest years ago are called to mind In in the demand of the for the extensi BOCeRKOTIoN one item trustees for i of the £115,000 hospital plant and wim palace, wi nppo wd lav 80 faras know WEP eX niflcent sum of § wi for the 8 pigsty and a het the modest town how ens may | properly incl ner superb sh display nded the And yet that is umd dur unency of wi and the heat of sum There are other & vile up on the by this in triking calls m diminishing revenues of the stitution which are just as inter. esting and poculinr. Thus, the sum of $3,000 1s asked for fruit and shade troos vases and fountains. Whole farms of frult and shade trades can be purchased for this sum in rural Pennsylvania. Then there is the demand for $10,000 for n refrigerator and ice plant The items in detall follows “ro ne For the extension of the Waring sewage system, the sam ot $5.00, or go much thereof as may be DOCSESATY For the equipping and the completion of the water plant the sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as may be For two additions] ward buildings, in Hen of present frame barracks, the { $50,000, or so much there COSRATY For rebuilding the pig the sum of $10,000, or may bo necessary For fruit vases and NOCOSSATY sum o f as may be ne and shade fountains, the #0 much there vera of $10,000, De CesSsary That or so much thereof as may be the above items will attract un- usual attention from the are pledged and ref without legislators who to economy ren goes saying The Talk of Capital Removal I'he pre posed remov from Harrisburg to effect of capital was had the stirring up the siug h current of Harrisb never boen stirred before. A paid fire department A ha O81 1nteer — Mr. Wanamaker's ' H unggestion i ve 1 ap Mm in general says An evidence of Harrisburg 's good fait might be permanently demonstrated her insuring the uliding. A paid fire department will be, of course, re garded as an evidence of good faith on the part of her citizens. but if she wishes to impress upon the rest of the state her ap preciation of the honor conferred upon her by the erection of the new state Capitol In her midst, it can be most effectually done by her city officials guaranteeing the pay- ment of the premium the utmost limit of insurance that can be placed upon the proposed new Capitol The great event new Capitol b upon of the week | 1 nes day evening reception to the men of the legislature, a f of the fonture being the presence In the receiving line of 1iere eption three visiting state tives Governor Griggs of New of Maryland and Tu ox hey are Lowndes nnell of Delaware, as well as lieutenant Governor and Mrs Lyon, President Pro Tem. and Mrs Me Carrell and Speaker Boyer Chairman George Kunkel, of Judiciary general committee a bill making the wife a o ness against the husband in actions for alienating the wife s affections and in cases for action for assault and battery Senator Walter Merrick, of Toga county, has drafted an important piece of legislation which he offered when the sen- ate reconvened this morning. Its an act to provide that when evidence shows con. Jersey the house has prepared mpetent wit | elusively by the certificate of a reputable physician or the superintendent of a state | insane hospital that a man or woman is a hopeless lunatic, this shall be sufficient grounds for divorcee Senator Walton's Tasation Scheme. Senator Walton, of Greene county, has worked out a bill to reduce tax on real os tate by making properties now taxable only for state purposes subject to looal taxation, except school buildings. He has also prepared an act changing the system of paying the officials of Greene county. The senator's scheme is to pay them a fixed salary, with a reasonable sum for expenses, and require the fees of office to be covered into the county treasury. The rural members are quietly organiz- ing to prevent the proposed reduction in the school appropriation. An informal meeting will be held during the week to outline a plan of action. William C. Smith, of Bedford, who led the fight in the house two years ago for a ¢hange in the system of distributing the school fund, is » lead- He will not agree to any bill which gives less than $5,500,000 to the schools. The countrymen will also try to pass an act giving £00,000 | for township high schools. “There should be no thought of spend. tug millions of dollars for a new Capitol,” sald Mr Smith, “a half million erected | the large executive and library building, and that sum ought to be sufficient for a now state house. To rob the people In thes: hard times to bulld a gorgeous state house would be a crime that will not be excused by the voters.” ligation of two | | Hewes, Esq. PX. A th all its | { Nearly all the miu- | building of | morning, | alleged gross i gul { it seem | votes an state | | WAS ¢x peg ted, Mr. Mil THE CONTEST. xatner | I. Hunter } On Monday morning IS and Clerks, R irew, with other assistant recount of the distr in which Mr work on the ATILICE werd vo such condition of And to their utter surprise has thus far gained la number are sti the Hon and Court Howard towns ler has | FEuough thus far has developed to shov that there was not a bit of foundation for the charges and allegation The are in a pretty plight sweeping petitioner's who made those afhd They made ¢ dats that were not justifiable, and public can think of them as they Thus fa: Cronister’ + indice majority considerably a. s Eyelid Senator Cuay By virtue issued out o Centre county. wl Ter erpondd at public wale Honse, in the Borough of Bellefonte SATURDAY, MARCH &, 1 at clock 5. m real estate, to wit that certain messuage ound situate iying ar t. Rush towns! and describe IInNOn Of lot owned by Mr. Annie Seid Mme the pe of the Seibert lot and | ly direction a distance of two hundred and six feet tothe bank of Moshannon Creek thenoe down the course of the same by ita several courses and distances a distance of three hundred and nineteen feel to the corner of lot of Caleb Long: thence in an easterly direction along the line of Caleb Long a dis tance of two hundred and eighty seven feet i the line of sald pw ie alley; thence in asouth erly direction a i the line of sald alley a dis tance of fifty-seven and one half feet to the gor ner of lot of Mrs An ie Seibert and the place of beginning. being lot No. Sin Jeflrey Haves addition to Point Baa Having erected thereon § two story frame dwelling house with A one story addition and the necessary out buildings, ete : Seized taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Richard Duncan, adm'r , ele enue «No deed will be acknowledged un ti | purchase money is paid in full Sheriffs Offer W.M.CroNisTer Bellefonte, Pa, sheriff teen Feb &, 1897 SE RIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Fieri Fascias, issned out of the Court of Common Peas of Centre coun ty Pa. and to me directed, there will be expos ed to public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, Pa. on SATURDAY MARCH 8, 1% at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described real estate, to wit All that certain lot of gound situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, Centre county, Penna Pounded and described as follows: On the north by Howard street, on the east by bore property occupied by Hook and Ladder com pany, and alley, and on the south by residence of Ir. Hibler andon the west by Allegheny street. Thereon erected a two story stone house and other out bullaings Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. OC. Curtin and Elizal, Curtin, adm'rs., ete TenMs No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in fall Sheriff's OfMee WM Bellefonte, Pa. Feb, 0, 1897 CRONISTER, Kheriff UDITORS NOTICE In the Orphan’s court of Centre county In the matter of (he estate of Samuel Sankey, California, deceased, The nudersigned. having been aE eda Auditor by the sald Court to re A sohedule of distribution of the funds in The hands of C, PF. Hewes, administrator of ete, of the sald de. eedent, to and among those Jogally entitled to the same, will be at his office in Bellefonte, Pa. on Saturday, the 27 ‘ay of Februar et, at loa. m., for the duties of his appoln when and where all parties in (nterest may Ww pear and present their claims or forever be de barred from eoming in on sald fund. JW. ALEXANDER, Auditor | stomach rece } CASH J PRIZES EACH MONTH 4 ve iRGT7 igo, OBTAIN THEM. Contre COHN RY SUNLIC IMT SOAP W they ean collect. (ut off the trop 1 of ench wri Hpper, tant portion contnine. ing the § ding UBUNLICHT Fone ( called “Cou. | pons’) nre te be sent, postage fu Hy pid, enclosed ith an { sheet of paperstuting Compet. ftar’'s full name and address und the nomber of Coupons sent fn, to Lever pros, fad, New York, marked on outside Wrapp with NU MBE 14 of the HAP HY r 7; ompetitor fives in, No.of [| NAME OF DISTRICT, sinict Distric New York City, Brookivye, Long 1 wad Staten Islands, New Jersey NewYork state (outside of X.Y. Cuy, «8 Brooklyn, Long and Staten lelands), Peonnsyly unia, Delaware, Mary. fund, West Virginia nad Dis. | trict of Columbin. The New England States, s the onlabrsied Pleres Mpecial, 2d by Geo, K, Pierce & Oo, , of | i Now 2 rk, Fin sen Nickie Law ra Uysiotueter, an HOW O eft han oF od with » Flartford Now Depart re | i Hust Lace Baddie -$ 400.00 Bicyeles*2,000.00 $3,400. 09 - SONY Dots A WOMAN Loon Ga li AND GIVEN FREE FOR Sunlight mn WRAPPERS RULES, il in each of the 4 districts “war Iasi ren The 1 « petitor who sends in the Fourge wt Number oA coupons from : bet be or sie pesides W100 anh, ho send in the Numbers of oon tin which they ¥ i, receive SL Winner's dy temas 's Pierce on I 100, 06 tovnd inthe 1,000.60 | opt sin special The 10 Next Largest Nami be re triet in w! opti mal The Compe one the Last Day of ¥ neh Month a poms recived Lou Isle one tonth's e be put isto the Dex, 3. Competitors w wrappers from wneckd eon oh ern ml a hed, Employes Sonp 18 det a Abhers, 144., and their families, are do barred from roped itor's dletrict re in about 21 days aller Lad will endeavor to sward the prizes fair 1 tet of thelr ab ty and ndgment, but it is us st all who compels agrees 19 88 cept Lhe swear of Laver Beothers, 124., ss Sunal, LEVER BROS. Lid. New York. is soon realized its wonderful cases. [If cine you should have the druggist price fifty cents and one dolls For a sample bottle and ; sent free by mail, mer Democrat and send your address to Dr The propuictor iarantee the genuinene There Who are iniared by 18 Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new prepar called Grain), made of pure grains, that takes the place The most delicate ives it without distress, and from coffee It does isa liass o ation of coffee but few can tell it not cost over i as much. Child drink it with great benefit. 15cts 25¢cts, per package Try A en may and Ask for | Grain), tf Hon. P daughter Mary, and leave on the Texas, Gray Meck, wile expec. t train for they attend Editorial convention and Galveston, the evening where will pleasure trip with that body to the city | of Mexico. They will be about a month, gone " - Do you send your printing out of town? Don't do it Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and patrify in the stomach, Then follow dizziness, headache, Hoods Insoming, nervousness, and if not relieved, billions fever - or blood polsoning Wood's f S Pills stimulate the stomach, con rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness stipation, ete. 25 cents, Sold hy all druggists, The only Pills to take with Hood's sarsaparilla For fine Sweet Potatoes, Oran- berries, Mince Mest (our own make), fine Cheese, fresh Crackers, and Bis cuits, pure Cider Vinegar, sweet boiled Cider, Bradford Co. white Buckwheat Flour. Sechler & Co. National | continue on a | LEGAL NOTICI New Silks New Wash Goods they re ready and Lora t Mica ‘New Wash Silks fine Giang Wash NOTE In last week's issue the quota NEW WASH SILKS read Vsoc, "hat was made by 1 have been is due Boges & Buh! thi cti be made in this manner i an injustice to them Ep Dem i New i { and wdia Silks produced by the most THe and m for designed and skilled French artists, Sle, 8) a) ard | Choicest wash goods ever produced are shown this season Irish Dimities, 20c and 2b¢ American Dimities, 10¢ 121 | French Organdies Raye ws, 20, He Madras Ginghams, ue ghirtings—made in w DD. & J. Anderson, 45c. Wool French Challis, 25¢ and Silk Stripe Challis, 50c and Hie, New White Goods, be to £1.25 Large linens of choice American wash goods be, Ge, Se, 10¢, 12 1.3¢. Some remarkable surplus lots of all wool dress goods at 25¢ and 50¢ a yard, ~those at 25c are 40 inches wide some at the half dollar prices were 81 25-—none less than sce what extraordinary values these are, Any other goods you're interested in, write about. BOGGS & BUHL and and Organdie and 3bc. Novelties and Scotland Abc, 40¢ and All “a ol) ALLEGHMENY, PA. THo-Al {