THE CENTRE + ‘ DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY 1897 3 DLOCKADERS IN A BLO » Admiral Bunce's Squadron Had a | Very Stormy Voyage. FOUR SAILORS LOST THEIR LIVES Bix Were Swept Overboard from she Hate Were Another Crushed to Death and MWseveral Injured on the Marblehead. tleship Maine, and Only Three Rescued Charleston, 8. C.. Fel Bunce's blockadir this port yesterday age from Hampt three men fi gale of Friday. om gals In over! gale of to death another others eral may preser if BF Her f her CArrT issalved The Hall Pool ree. Fe dissolved yeoster cause of dis ern member that a fe offering 1 It is sated burg $21, and probab Ld duction action employ now idle Pittsbu Commutation for Philadelp} has commuted fre years in each Ln for good beha imprisonment on Francis W Kennedy, the Bpring wreckers., Francis Ken: 1 is commuted on the ground of his health, and Harry Kenne of his lesser culpability them out of prison on LS No Pardon for Wiberg. Washington, Feb, 10.--The president has denled an application for pardon in the case of Captain J. H, Wiborg, of the Horsa, He was sentenced in Phila delphia March 17, 1888, to one year and four months’ imprisonment for viola- tion of the neutrality laws, The presi. dent says he does not find that this sonvict was imprisoned under mandate the United States court, Bank Wreckers Kennedy bad Ivy's because This will June 15 | Only State Products he to structing the Harri | PENNSYLVANIA LEGIS | i The burg, Feb, § T wan Arre warrant him Willinr be wan : nn convict : who war transferre sand who died appare brutal beating Clinch was to awalt the ery eounty Altoona, tigation of the Bh hay shown that paid the Barring tive agency case reaches the » tinry pital action authoritie Fa Fe N Hr he count Bane the lonne« um of $22 on Frank ¥ convicted will trials of James Farrel, the the amount expended enormous sum of $30,000 on the derers may get a new trial, nenrly double this sum, nip Pris unt & MceBwee culating the commonwealth’ LATURE. sed In Con. New Capitol, legislature ht the bullding in he h ! of cient harging ith of Me ue enlten the hos ntly from a committed migom Avie inves Y Accounts already ney ets kn murder iM Cn BEX per Vilson murderers the anil reach From present ] Indications both of the convicted mur which may | i accept this price, IVIL SERVICE FACTS d ER CIVIL SERVICE FACTS, ng Point Annual Report, REGARDING TERURE OF The Commission Declares That Under Kx. sting Conditions Skilled Employes K and Incompetent Superiors, Long and the Navy Portfolio, Robber Killed The a red the mull the engine i Un up the train was ceeded to « car, and the mal! clerk robbers killin him other robber of registered lottors, 1 Cape the the r of whioit tantly ing al pped the do the one mail of the ™ nde in after grabhb ade good hi Uncle Sam May Manulacture Armor Plate Washingtor Feb 10, «The committee on naval affairs reached a conclusion on t} be made the result of on the mubject of committee recommend secretary of the 1 thorized to pay more than $400 ton for. armor plate, and that an propriation of $1.500.000 be made to ised In the establishment of a plant in case the manufacturers refuse to yesterd ir resu "a awn He inquiry armor plate The that shall not will avy De an per Afr 8 of the Commis! OFFICE, | | and | ther Are | ¥ | { an immense | tO | breathless | or changed in | delivered | hearers—never it hav { It was applied to coins prior | adoption of the federal currency | od at you, was it, pardner | @ senators Frequently Pianced Under Inexpervienoed | ODINDE senator GREAT SPEECHES HEARD BY FEW Bome of Them Delivered to a Very Small Number of Auditors, fact that many of the ch gave 1m It Is a Curio speeches wi mortality 174) who made them were de in con ly small uall made his g rooms Webster the Dart from the bar of the room, sons present, and hi poke to lis ther high official read of Patrick Henry’ ul display of eloquence, we parative and to s audiences, When reat argument in month college case, aside the officials in charge et many that and « When wonder Wi BOA in our mind's ey spacious room and ple lis with in Crow Jeu tening words attention his almost truth, burning jut, kened events were and to a “Could many of these speeches which quis wmrceh of in a small room LOT been here, in thi to Hosm onken the ut chapel ri! d gifted The Ward “Doliar™ Cam above thaler } Joachim 's t re as into thaler Thes that they others of i then Kalli such reputat) tha made CAlne a pattern, ws same kind, i, LOOK the assuming differ though , Hine Hing through the in other § nam word nt Ld low countries, dol lars, and mitted to reach n= ng Spain through its provinces trans the western hemisphere, when to the In coinage the word ‘dollar’ is a favorite, : being found, under various spellings, in almost every part of the globe,’ Almost Fatal, “The water wasn't soaldin she throw mkedd Ev | erott Wrestt, who had done the waiting at the gate while Dismal Dawson had | made “the play for the poke out,” the | | Worse, be | “No,' “it was «Indianapo- sald Mr, It was soapsuds | lis Journal. Dawson, The ford president of the English priv y council receives a salary of $20, 000. | reasonable in price, SP0000 0000000000000 8 0000000000400 The general belief among doctors is that consump- tion itself is very rarely inherited. But the belief is be_oming stronger that the tendency to consum tion is very generally transmitted from parent to child. If there has been consumpticn in the family, each member should take special care to prepare the system against it. Live out doors; keep the body well nour- ished ; and treat the first indication of failing health. vy CPPPVPLLPIPVIIPVBVP0 0000000000000 PPVPNPEV PRECIP PVOVIV CCPL ILVIPDV00 0000000004 | : | | =| | $ | : | of C~d-liver Oil, with Fiypophosshites, is a fat- producing food and nerve- tonic. Its use is followed by improved nutrition, richer blood, stronger nd a more healthy "e 1 te " ' the organs. > ls IOWeEaK » my SENCy | + ~44 Jhie PEAR VRFVCVVRDIPRGIVT PBR PVC D000 000000006 000200000 JUST AS GOOD IS NOT SCOTT'S EMULSION. SPPPPVVVPVBVVIRRRPVRTRRDN D2 RPP RRP VPIRVPVPTLPVRBIPNVVBPPPPVVVV P0000 000000000000 haan el EE Ean i iE ©00000000006000000000800004000000000009 STATE :-: NORMAL :-: SCHOOL conducted soboo! fur. A well nishes superior training to professional and y command g lent suoct students Graduate rood po sitions n and meet with exc i Fhe handsome new bude hundred now finished and ox first cls Arp i8, rected ling, e ' and twenty As thousand dolls cupied Ac wdations Electric light in every spring beds, wardrobes, fourteen bath Hot water on every floor, Fan system steam heat Smead system of ventilation Everything is new and convenient, Stu dents may enter at any time, Lock Haven is accessible by rail from all di rections a Cost of ont five ATH, iS mn 188 room, pew furniture, 3 : rooms Anda ood We shall be glad to correspond with any who are interested. Send for free catalogue and secure rooms for next term JAMES ELDON, A. M., Ph.D. Principal, We have the finest assortment of canned goods, evaporated fruits and fine groceries ever offered to the trade in Bellefonte. Goods in this line are fine in quality and very Sechler & Co. | 0 Tou Lika ta Read Good Howala? nough For a’l the Winter Evenings ALMOST F FREE. TOWH TOPICS, ro and po th is in ne of HED ALS ED. E. 006666 3 $ REOADS SHIPPI Lav) - ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS AND WOODLAND COALS Grain, Corn Ears. Corn, Oats, Baled Hay and Straw, KINDLING WOOD Shelled “a ir ’ ’ 1 PEP panel aLaVal. 0900090000 0000000 of Se Money est FAULK ENDER ! t-Law PENNSYLVANIA Railroad Company Personally Conduc [ours BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET ALLEGHENXY yuality of Beef, Mutton meat, s Pork, el All kinds of smoked ced ham, pork sausage, ete. If you want a nice juicy steak goto PHILIP BEEZER. RVIN HOUSE... 8. Woods Caldwell. Proprietor LOUK HANEN, PA Terms reasonable. Good srmple rooms on firs floor ARMAN HOUSE, High Street, opposite the Court Hous Entirely new. New Purniture, Steam Hea Eleatrie Light, and all the modern im ve ments AS. & OC. M. GARMA Propr LR wenlih, Wanted-An Idea LER CE Ln HR ER Xho ou oan bihinh Win wo parent}