2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSLAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1897. [ENDING THE TREATY Opposing the Agreement with England as Signed. SENATOR MORGAN'S OBJEOTIONS He Claims That the Treaty Should Not be Ratified Until After the Abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, as England Has Unfair Advantages, Feb, 10.~The im portant yments concerning the consideration of the arbitration treaty by the senate in executive terday were the offering of an amend ment by Senator Morgan, of Alabama providing for the abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the speech by the same senator in favor of this proposition. Morgan declared that the co ¥ hich called forth the Clayton treaty had passed away It was no longer ing on either nor use or value to might be of great Tri n ritalin Washington, most devel session yi« Senator ditions -Bulwer long nation, was | this n importand i port ation Deathbed Confession of Marder madden Death His Body Blown Shamokin, Pa... Feb. 10 ing In the Big Mountain May was instantly laborer, Charles Mutchler, fatally in Jured. The men were engaged in tunneling a cross cut, and were using dualin. In the act of tamping the hole, preparatory to firing the blast, the dualin exploded. Ma body was torn to shreds and Mutchlér was fatally in Jured. to Shreda, While ork mines Harry killed and his co two THE IMMIGRATION BILL House Agrees to the Final Conference Report on the Measure, Washington, Feb 10,~The house yesterday agreed to the final confer ence report on the immigration bill by an overwhelming majority( 217 to 33), | and passed two more pension bills over | the president's veto. The modifications of the contained in the conference an intend to be | | immigration by immigrant was read and report, which Ing required able English or which minor chil write the an er language,” and permitted wife and ren illiterate ceompany an eligible noved the main opposition but Messrs, Mahany of M f California immigrant guire o favor of the ficiaries over the wn has sveland Passed Over the President's Veto, Feb, § I"! 1 Le Will Take« World, It Is Said the President an Trip Around the Warning te Greek Warships, Our Ambassagor Danced with the OO wt Fewer Pension Agents, ns A Monster Freight Steamer, Three Friends Selzed for Piraey, in al a on hel Wr A Defeat for Woman Suffrage, Lincoln, N¢ | viding ment givis Nebrask i right to wi has been defeated lower house f the legislature | decisive vote of 56 to 6 were the principal supporters, Thivving Letter Carrier Gets nn Year, Tronton, Feb. 10.--David 8 Paul, ex. letter carrier, of Camden, who pleaded guilty In the federal court recently of embezzling three letters, was sentenced yesterday to one year's Imprisonment at hard labor, i net, owing t« ill | Redgate ' les all Cm | New York dairy | Mendy: New York Iarge, 812 A WECZK'S NEWS CONDENSED Thursday, Jan, 4 tev. J. A. Brooks, Prohibition ean- didate for the vice presidency in 1588, died in Memphis last The steamer State of Georgia, CArry- Ing a crew of 31, is an ovérdue at Hallfax, N and Is probably lost A dispatch that inn night. month from Vienna Muncaczy, the artist, | very iil in a BANG 0 mn announces Hungarian private In famou yium near Be Frank Thomson the Pennsyly day selected BUCOOe vice pres raflroad, was yop the « anin sident of ampany, President Rob ling late ores Feb, West i in McKir health of hl ison trial In New art, Bo Friday, William Loerner York for sweeths mbrance of the crime 8} | pugiils | Aight Saturday, Feb, 6 {ily ha re Wednesday, Feb, 10 AA ) Clowing Onotations of the New York and Fhiladelphia Exchanges General Markets ¥ Flour ston i May Eidos Ha bande Heed | firm; hood hame, S18. 2¥@ 18.75 Pork dull: family wen berry ml. 8 Wi factory, Ti $10all. Lard steady 4. Butter quiet He. Blgins, 21 creamery imitation cremmery, 11 ik LEAL fancy extra, wholesale, Be prints johbing wt Wade. : do lyon fancy, 09 120.; part skima fall skims, Mado Egus quiet’ New York and Pennsylvania, hg wentern, fresh sotithern, 144180 yaw 12a 15 Live Stock Markets, Now York, Feb. 8-Cables quote American stoors at 100g@11e., dressed weight; sheep ab Wade. ; refrigerator hoof Sago. Calves steady | veals, 87.50 barnyard, $2028. Sheep firm ; Jamba quiot; sheep, S3@4I0; lambs, SM Hogs steady at 82.6004. a8 t JOHN M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-daw Al | JAMES Ww, RAILROAD SCHEDULES GRANDEST OF ALL MEDICINES AND BHANCHES In effect on and after Nov, 16, 18 J? ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WESTWARD r. (Greene’s | Sa re Blood and Nerve Remedy. fyrone u". rat il Tyrone ladel Tyrone Makes All Who Use It Strong and Well. Guaranteed Purely Vegetable and Harmless.) ¥ 1 14 Bon nde t nervous, io Sands uj we, Weak and Irritable N. ind and Exhaustion of ze the dangerous grav POOR BLOOD, NERVOUSNESS and INSOMNIA, WEAK, TIRED and EXHAUSTED BODIES, GLOOMY DEPRESSION OF MIND, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and HEADACHE, KIDNEY LIVER COMPLAINTS. and Do Not Despair, Sufferer, Neglect Alone is Dangerous. r - Dr. GREENE'S NERVURA nam Will Make You Well. Price, $1.00 at Druggis L#~ All persons using Dr. (Greene's Nervura have the privilege of cone sulting Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th st., New York City, the discoverer, who Is the successful specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases, ABSO- LUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. personally or bv letter tL. CARDS PROFESSION — LAYAYAYAY AY > » NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL! Th FAIA IAAI Pa” . A THOMPSON'S DIPHTHERIA TTY Vv AA a at / A) 7; AS ATA AEA EEE EE EY EA EA EN EN EX EYEE) - NY 7 AVAVAVAVEVAVAVAVAY ETT rr SIP TRT ATARI are —- " Ninh haria 10M] Oil vipilaeria Lire Lo WILLIAMSPORT, PA UA A RL EE EE ER RL ER EE rn CAV AVANA AS wv LAVA AWA THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE. \ * W LEADING DEPARTMENTS of STUI Office | 1. AGRICULTURS and AGRICUI CHEMISTRY BlOLAMY BOTANY Altornev-at.law Exchange German MEYER, in Crider's Fix -distric attorney and Enaglish Prompt attention to all . : nd HORTICULTURS Rao Th Oreak Mill Hall Flemington Lock Haven 80 2 BRIN td NEERING i AL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING + ENGINEERING HISTORY and POLITICAL SCIENCA INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE; Lavin Kpanish and [talian, (optional) Vreneh German and English, (required) MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY MECHANICAL ARTS: combining shop work with study MENTAL and MORAL SCIENCE MILITARY SCIENCE theoretioal and prae tical, , PREPARATORY D:PARTMENT: twe Ars ail term opens September 12, 190. Regular Yor catalogue of other in ‘6 Office In the and Justice of the Peace Opera House court house block, opposite BYLLEFONTESR SNOWSHOE BRANCH Time Table in effect on and after ! Nov, 14, 18% | Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday, Arrive at Snow Shoe " ALEXANDER, High street, Practices in attorney Near | the 5 wort 00 A at-law-office, POA. Wm Court House Courts. 1 a Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday, Arrive at Bellefonte ~ *, > wh ~anted-An 10ea a Te DORN WEBBER TR To ratent Aver. Vinshingion, D.C, for thelr [1 hundred Laventions ASp.m s:pm ENTRE COUNTY - COMPANY, Corner of High and Sprin Receive Doposita: Discount Notes, J.D. Snvesnt, Cashi BANKING formation, address, GEO. W, ATHERTON, LL. D,, hs sy ; State College, Centre ty. avd Jit of Awe : i i i i street. | courses four years ed