LU 1896, LAME ON BOTH FEET. Dr. Talmage Meophibosheth. We Wilh of the of Heaven If We Approach God "With Humility. King Compares Sinners to | All be Welcomed in the Palace | | But go | come to King David's palace, he trem | bled. The fact was that the grandfs- { ther of Mephibosheth had treated Da- vid most shockingly, and now Mephi- { bosheth says to himself: ‘‘What | the king want of me? Isn't it enough | that I am lame? Is he going to destroy | my life? 1s he going to wreak on me { the vengeance which he holds toward | my grandfather Saul? It's too to the palace Mephibosheth does had,” | must, since the king has commanded The subject of the Washington's meoting « f King hom latest sermon of popular divine was the David with Mephib- for the sake father, Jonathan, He’chose as his text: II. Samuel 9: 1 and 13: Is | there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake? od So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem; for he did es oc king's table; and was foet. Was t ever osheth, w he honors of his ® » t the ntinually a lame on both his here anything more re- 1s than the love > At one time up and Dav d J¢ 1 } 1 1d chivalro Jonathan 1 was down. mathan’s family 1p ar you heard of into battle ave oiten is shot the , And he one than made i nature nd are netimes does needs a little spiint, a ctification. have; it Man is He is salve of and the | have his Man isonly half wrong, erwrong. In whatis man's ? In hiswill, his affections, . «NO, come in 184 . not all Wrong Bring the ivine pain one foot cured not alsoget! nature righ his grace the ointment, extract and we will : ] judgment? book that sick, and There is an old | “The whole head is whole heart faint ™ Mephibosheth lame in both feet. Our belief of the fact that sin has searified and deformed our souls increases as we go on in years When you started life you thought that man was a little marred by sin, and he was about one tenth Wrong. By the ‘time you had gone through the early experience of your trade, or occupation, or profes sion, you believed that man was about half wrong. By the time you came to mid-life you believed that man was three-fourths wrong, But within these past few years since you have been so lied about and swindled and cheated, you have come to the conclusion that man is altogether wrong, and now you can say with the prayer-book and with the Bible: “There is no health in us.” Now you believe with the prophet, “I'he heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Whatever you may have believed be- fore now you believe that Mephibos- beth is lame on both feet. SAYS the | it. and Me- stairs With helped by phibosheth going of the palace. I hear his staff and crutches rattling on the tessellated floor of the throne room. No have these two persons confronted each other—Mephibosheth and David, the king-—than Mephibosheth throws him. self flat his face before the king, and styles himself a dead dog. In the east when a man styles himself a dog he utters the utmost term of self-abne- gation, It is not a term this country, where, if a dog has a fair and crutches friends, 1 nee up the staff his sooner on so strong in shows more no some human yf: but the as 1 chance, he sometimes than wot « bility of character that mangy curs of the oriental cities, by my fete stable. de wt term of specimens we know own observation Mephibosheth ’ eit terly sel mthing + Ther parish wi mheth's posturing does When a soul st upright es of the neck relax and bow his head After almost superhuman ef. pray After n God and prostrate he prays s down to has see seen rows himself flat on his eet of the King The fact is, 1 sees us, we would You to overhaul other people. d be, “God be ust like if we could a as Leon spectacie would mereiful And tands for 1 for again: Mephibosheth in my text the human the sake of Mephi- ver have got into the slace on his own account. Why did vid ransack the realm to find that wor man, and then bestow upon him a great fortune, and command a farmer by the name of Ziba to enlturs the es tate and give to this invalid Mephi- bosheth half the proceeds every year? Why did King David make such a mighty stir about a poor fellow who disabled soul another Ave . she Would ne t : [3] | . : | would never be of any use to the throne of Israel? It was for Jonathan's sake. It was what Robert Burns calls for “Auld Lang Syne.” David could not for get what Jonathan had done for him in other days hins it that all this kindness on the part father Jonathan's sake The most important part of every of it—"For Christ's sake.” tle off those words as though they were merely the finishing stroke of the prayer. part of the prayer. Wuen in earnest. ness you go before God and say, “For upon God's mind all the memories of Bethlehem and Golgotha. When you you hold before God's mind every groan, every tear, every crimson drop of his only begotten Son. If there ia anything in all the universe that will | tion, it Is to say, "For Christ's sako. Ifa little ehild should kneel behind Again, Mephibosheth in the text stands for the disabled human soul humbled and restored. When this in- valid of my text got a command to God's throne and should say, “For Christ's sake," the great Jehovah would turn around on his throne to look at her and listen. No prayer ever gols say before God “For Christ's sake” | . | to Heaven i but for Christ's sake: No soul is ever comforted but for Christ's sake. The world will never be redeemed but for Christ's sake. Our | name, however illustrious it may be | among men, Three times this chapter | | of David to Mephibosheth was for his | prayer is the last three or four words | Do not rate | | invite Mephibosheth to come up. They are the most important | before God stands only for inconsistency and sin; but there is # name, a potent name, a blessed name, a glorious name, an everlasting name, that we may put upon our lips as a sacrament and upon our forehead as a crown, and that is the name of Jesus, our divine Jonathan, who stripped himself of his robe and puton rags, and who gave up his sword and took our broken that now, whether we are or sick, whether we are living or dying, if we speak that name it moves Heaven to the cen- ter, and God says: come in, reed, so weil “Let the poor soul Carry him up to the throne room of the palace. Though he may have in though sin may have crippled him on this side, and sor- row may have erippled him on the other side, he is lame in both his feet, bring him up into the palace, for I want to him ness fi been exile, and show kind- everiasting r Jonathan's sake.’ Again Me I hibo stands for the lifted to the King's table it heth my text disabled human soul It was more in those times even than itis COMI men to into a om. The sublects m 41 get ght i the rail have seen the rht have heard 08 Saxe, 1 with the hope King we must be § SAO 2 ¢ sre are distil mare intro “This Is luced vorid ti That banquet meant more to Mephibosheth than any because he had been poor and and jected in ga an to Ine eae erippled, and despised, And that blind will { Heaven had man who better Heaven than we who in this world had good hearing. And those higher appreciation of the easy motion of that land who in this world were Mephiboshetha 0 man who world is better the lighto this world api who i And was deaf than wy good eyesight in this world that will appreciate 1 musie of will have a OOO a magnificent gos pel! It takes a man so low down and raises him so «igh! What a gospel! Come now, who wants to be banqueted and empalaced? AS when Wilberforce was trying to get the emancipation bill through the British parliament, and all the British Isles were anxious to hear of the passage of that emancipa- tion bill, when a vessel was coming into port, and the eaptain of the vessel knew that the people were so anxious to get the tidings he stepped out on the prow of the ship and shouted to the people, long before he got up to the dock, “Free!” and they erled it, and they shouted it, antl they sang it through the land, "Free! Free!” 80 today 1 would like to sound the news of your present and your eternal emancipation until the angels of God hovering in the alr, and watehmen on the battlements, and bell men in the town cry it, shout it, sing it, ring it: 1" 1 come out my soul, what “Free! Free! now as the messenger of the palace to Iam here to-day to tell you that God has a wealth of kindness to bestow upon youn for His Son's sake. The doors of the | palace are open to receive you. The Christ's sake,” It rolls in, as it were, | i i i i | move God to an act of royal benefao | cup-bearers have already put the chal foes on the table, and the great, loving, tender, sympathetic heart of God bends over you this moment, saying: “Is there any that is yet left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?" Oxford Bible The Oxford Bible is still turned out at the rate of 20,000 volumes por week, Elephants Religion. 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