THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JULY G50 ' 2a, 1896, 3 OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT. A Column of Interesting Personal [tems. HOME NEWS PARAGRAPHED. Interesting Events and Happennings from About the county—Doings of our Briefly Told. People ~-Everybody is going crazy on the money question, will be collected be- tween Bellefoute and Milesburg. - Bellefonte is well represented at the Lewistown encampment this week. The il picnic at Hecla Park, United Bretherns of Bellefonte on the + tat JISk. Go and see the Midway Plaisance, at s+ +1 yg ith the Natious,'’ at th and 2th. Admis- a number took in the excursion 75 from Bellefonte, Mr. and Logan A four-months old child of Mrs. James McCafferty, of street, lied on Wednesday morning. hou.e Edward Schrom has returned after a three mouths, trip to Atlantic City. Hall, was in town on end one of Milesburg's Mon- a few mo- i our sanctun. has a Ais V. J. Bauer now lete to Shoe kinds of repairing will be promptly done. it sale at the Globe conti nues 1 is to attract the crow an be found at their store. A. W. Hafer has a tree bear- ug ripe peaches on l This peaches so 11s lot is an unusual thing, tohave ripe early in the season. Itis a curiosity. -Wil lelphia Monday mornin Wel after a two week's visit liam Toner departed for Phila. g to resume his isbach Light Co. to his parents duties with the The mienbers of the United Brethren ehurch will hold a festival in the McClam block Friday and Saturday evening July 24 25, ice cream and cake will be served. Mrs. iss Gertrude Bloomingdale, of Phila- Simon Loeb, Mrs, Strause and delphia are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. Fauble on East High street, Mr. A. W. Reese, a prosperous merchant, of port Matilda, transacted business in town, on Tuesday and re- ports the silver sentiment growing in that | section, at a wonderful pace Chairman W. E. Gray devotes much of his spare time to buttonboling silver republicans and trying to bring them He finds it 1 weather, back into the party lines 4 hard work this war During the past week a number of improveinents were made about the Gar- The proprietors keep their man House 11 that con. hotel up to the standard, in all tributes to comfort and entertainment. The ladies of the United Evaugelical at Snow Shoe intersection, will festival for the Saturday, July asth church hold a benefit of their church. on he festival will be held atthe Intersection. ~The corner stone of the new Meth odist church at Milesburg will be laid on Sunday, the 25th. New churches have started at Kenneda, the Howard charge; and Hunter's Run within the last on mouth. Mr. R. G. Askey, of Munson, propri- ctor of Askey's Celebrated linement, was the first person to drive through the toll gate between this and Milesburg, free of toll, under the new regime Tuesday afternoon. «This issue contains a large amount of local news sent in from various parts about the county. Our correspondents have done quite well this week. Some points have not been heard from for some time, —On Monday evening a carriage load from here went to Centre Hall, to hear Hou. W. R. Bierly, of Dakota, deliver an address upon the siiver question. A large audience was present, er severely criticised the administration, Mr. John Waite, the bicycle man has removed his family to Lock Haven, He has rented the skating rink at that place and is devoting his attention to teaching the art of riding the bike. He has a large class and is doing a good business. The speak. | ADDITIONAL LOCALS, WW, W, to Pittsburg on Monday. Walker made a business trip --Herbert, son of Rey, Houck, of Hazle- ton, is visiting friends at this place. ~-Mr, Joseph Hoy, of Marion town. ship, was in town on Saturday and gave some of the republican heelers a few pointers on Bryan aud free siver, Mr, and Mrs Ira, left Thursday mor A. S. Garman aud son ning for a trip to Niagara Falls, They will be gone about a week. The DBelic tion held th Park, At the tine Furnace Comp the cusuing year. Mr, Lewis place, but now fonte Lutheran congrega- annual picnic, at Hec on Wed: esday, xr aunual meeting of the on HOS lav old officers were re-elected for Miller, A holding a positio Pittsburg brief vacation visiting foraiely the 945 office of Dispatch, spe friends section. Mr, Isaac! Mills and ad. He of Spring was an ear Monday TC~ * being thrown All the or street PoC ket who has gained niture dealer, takes great pounding the money que fit of his numerous friends uncommon 5 Ig 10 f hi re hi 3 of his store blockac front ing by crowds of eager liste the should take could do effectiy Prisoners Exc 3p Thr ers named ec Huntingdon ref ruatlory prison john Walton Frank Roach, of Washington county lz ing outside t Keeper Charles Kuepps, late Saturd; 1 afternoon, overpowered their guard, and after gagging him nding his hands Tab ¥ em fn, carried him to pumping where they and feet, the station, him down a thirty foot however, After ta their minds, cin the engine house ing Guar Knepp's coat the Juniata portage by where they secured compelling another | to row them across the stream. For this service they relieved Guard Sears of his | ’ | friends with them and spend a pleasant wearing apparel. They have thus far eluded arrest. New Bicycle Factory A corporation was organized at Phil. ipsburg last week, under the name of the Welivar Manufacturing u with a capital stock of £30 company, all of which Ww. the company, structed to take the necessary LOO, has been subscribed. Geo. Zeigler, Esq., attorney for was in. measures A meeting for the anent be new fac. The special attention to of woodworking ma. to procure a charter election of pern held on Friday officers will the at once. Work on tory will be commenced company will give the chinery used in the of which the We holders, are the manufacture making of bicycles, Brothers, stock. Philipsburg livar nventors. Journal The The Patriot Says: State Zoologist War. ren started for Centre county Friday with a cartload of chemicals to make war on the army worm. These destructive little pests have made their appearance in various parts of the country and are causing great damage to the crops. The latest point of attack is the farm at the Pennsylvania state college. Dr. Warren says vigorous measures are necessary to exterminate the pest, Died at Mill Hall, Mrs. Chales Weiss died at the residence of her sister, Mrs, H, W. Garth, Mill Hall, Monday afternoon of diabetes, Mrs. Weiss was formerly Miss Emma McKean, Lock Haven, She was married six years ago. She is survived by her husband and daughter. Army Worm, Festival, On Saturday evening, August ist, the members of the Weaver M. FE. church, | at the Oak Grove school house, cast of | Bellefonte, will bold a festival at which | the delicacies of the season will be served, | A fine gold watch will be awarded to | yome fortunate person, holding the pro. per ticket. revolver they fled to | ‘ ! | their picnic from Thursday of this week | to guard | named Sears, at the point of a revolver, | | Park atga. m. IN THE COURT HOUSE. Intelligence Gathered from Offices. Legal MARRIAGE § John H. Wilson, | Minnie E, Saylor, " LICENSES. Jersey Shore { George W., Thomas, Philipsburg Ella M. Seigfried, . LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. To Marshall D. township. Cox upon Rufus Evans, decd, late of Bis To J. Linn Mattern upon the estate of John B. Mattern, decd., late township. REAL-ESTATE TRANSFERS. to Rush Charles Lupton, executor, Lupton, for tract of land in ship for $1. Fred Brighton to Hannah Lupton, for tract of land in Rush twp , tor $150 00. Han Brighton for certain James and ah Lupton to Fred ract of land township for $150 Herbert E. ring town- ret ux to Bilger tof land in act for tract re County johr G to Hon, Mackey Was 3 tached was building is £ JULIGIDE 18 32.( y $1, the tenant farmer, k covered b ments and thi year's hay crop Postponed The Reformed Sunday school and cou gregation of Bellefonte, have postponed Wednesday July 29. Extra trains will leave Central R. R. station for Hecla Everybody is cordially invited and are requested to bring their | day in the woods. Will Drill Another Well The capitalists who have been prospect. ing for gas and oil near Pennfield, have decided to drill another well. Two wells thant LAL were put down in territory last fall without success, but the indications were such that it is believed a third well can be drilled in the right spot. Operations will be commenced in a few days. You Might Try It. A victim of hay fever claims that he solution effective. has found a of olive oil and camphor gently warming some olive oil and a very Prepare it small lump of camphor together for a long time, until thorougly mixed. Ap- ply it by oiling the inside of the lower part of the nostrils, Died of Inflammatory Rheumatism Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs John Frazer, living east of Linden Hall, died Wednesday afternoon 15th, after a long flliness from iuflamatory rheumatism. He was aged about fifteen years and two months, and was a very bright lad. Found an Old Coin. J. W. Rhine, while digging a post hole on the Sperring farm near Mill Hall last week, found a copper cent dated 1812, and Mr. Sperring found one dated 1830. The coins me bothin a good state of preservation, Silk Mill Chartered, The Susquehanna Silk mills at Sunbury were chartered by the State Department Thursday. The capital is $150,000 and the directors are Heinrich Schuiewind, Julius Schniewind, Elberfeld, Germany; Heinrich Schifewind, Jr., Sunbury, Building 2 New Opera Honse. Ridgway is to have a new opera house, The size will be 66x 150 feex, and so feet high. Theptructure wilf be built of Ridg- way's buf brick, solid walls, and trim. med with cut stone. It is to seat 1400 people. Various | | nineteen year old son of Mr, Mrs. Wil yell { Monday afternoon. Bellefonte | 9 | was the oldest son of William and Mary estate of | : ’ the estate of | ,,,4 acquaintances in this city Bogus | {ot | places i taken ill he was of Patton | | fonte band and James | , town- | noon at 3 « « the Reformed mm Kush | | completed | been A SAD DEATH, A sad death was that of Walter O., the of North Penn street on The deceased had liam Derstine been ill but a little over a week, A week previous he was compelled to take his bed with billious fever. Walter Derstine and had a large Lost of friends He in different | had | years been employed of business and at the time he wa work! for Jared Har. | pes Deceased w for ustrument in The were he funeral Wednesday : from his remains Id on on north Pe Death of Miss Elizabeth Humes Miss Elizabeth Humes ] William H. Hu resiaence ol $ daughter of ate mies and Cathrine fat 1¢ MT few days xl nost The , but the wire Ow munication with the worl line to Spr ALLIS across the tra cu! by the railroa company. Pike Condemned. The Bellefonte an Philipsburg tur and Milesburg, has and hereafter upike, between Bellefonte condemned will be free from tolls. The viewers appointed by court have assessed the damages at | two thousand dollars which will be paid | out of the county treasury. The pan condemned over two miles and is located in Spring and Boggs townships. CMa NGL OF NAMi In the matter of the petition of Henry Mun driek tor decree to change name from Hemfry Mundriek to HenryHaag in the Court of Common le County, No 1#0, April T. 1% And now, to wit : June Sth, 18 This cause came on to be heard upon petition and it ap | pearing to the court that the original petition | of application was filed on the 4th day of Maren, A.D. 18% Th pursuance of the decree | of this court and after due consideration it is | ordered, adjudged and decreed that the name | of Henry Mundriek the petitioner be changed | to that of Henry Haag, and itis further ordered, adjudged and decreed that he shall hereafter assume the name of Henry Haag as well as all the members of his immediate family. his wife and children hereafter to bear the name of Haag instead of Mundrick It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the aid Henry Haag and his wife and children shall respecti vely have the advantage of the several acts of Assembly in such case made and provided : and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the sald Henry Haag the petitioner shall pay the costs of this proceeding together with the $10.00 povided by he act of assembly of the hol April, A.D, 2, The Prothonotary is directed to give notice of this decree acrording to the directions of the several acts of assembly in such case made and provided and make the proper record of said notice, by ™e COUny W. F. Suir, Prothonotary, July 16 19 RPHANS COURT SALE Extate of John M., Wagner, deed ., late of Boggs township, Centre county, Pa. By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Centre county, the undersigned will offer at public sale, at the court house, Bellefonte, on BATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1508, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following property DOUBLE DWELLING HOUSE and stable and other outbuildings, on fot No, 11 in general plot of Central City, fronting on turnpike road; property in good repair. A LARGE FARM located about one mile north of Unionville, in Unlon township, known as the Hunter Dale property, thereon erected a farm house, large bank barn, and outbulldiogs n goow, repair. This comprises (wo tracts, @% acres more or less, A good portion of which is covered with fine oak, pine and hemlock tim. bar. The farm is In a high stato of cultivation, TerMs~One third at the purshase to be paid upon confirmation of sale, one third in one year thereafter with interest, and the in. terest on the remaining one third to be paid to i w i wow nually daring her he sald is as of Centre | of sald decedent, a fier natural 1ife and at her deat : \ Aeterred od ne of Joh agner, deed 3rd week Mighty Nine Cent Sale 3rd week A THN GLOBHA. pe . Ar— ded TY roods and DL inery BE — ‘KS Of our sweeping reducti oree, and ti * Knit ) of Dut ne Cott , i Small Wares. Loar sd 1 Writing Paper. ¢-Caps--AA Big Barg en a : L. ce Lg On Opie 1 hi Ladies’ Gauze Vests. hbed Ain Gillie i AD Brushes Handkerchiefs. i Embrolderies. KATZ & CO. Ltd, § Makers of Low Prices and Terrors to All Competitors. OAK HALI Decker an ywn on Sunday d company are , which needs it | Miss Jenuie Meyer, of Boals! the guest of Miss Jennie Stam Master William Selle Harry Waguer, of Rock, B Did you hear that was visiting at the home of E. Peters, last Sunday. drop? What? Pri. Ces on Linware, and sister Katie, visited friends at Shiloh last Sunday Lather Dale Some threshing has been done in this vicinity already John Weaver, fi g at the home of Lu yrmerly of this place, was visit ther Camp- bell’s, Sunday nu Theatre out of 2 Church The Baptist been seized by creditors and is now be. The build- of which at DuBois, has church, theatre £22, a ing changed into a 00, all ing originally cost | amount had been paid except £8,700 | Barley, per bushel Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson &0¢ Red wheat, perbushel Rye. per bushel . Corn, ears per bushel, new Corn, shelled per bushel Oats—~new per bushe) Buckwheat perbushe Groundplaster pertor PROVISIONS GROCERIES weekly by Bauer & Co Apples dried, perpound Cherries dried per pound seeded Beans per quart Onions, per bushe Butter, per pound n AS correcles SERA i Tallow, per pour Country Sh ae Sides Hams Hamssugar ed Breakfast! Bacoy Lard pey pound ges per dozen Potatoes per hushe ried Sweet Carn ne 5 Nw 4 Cures Prove the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla — posi tive, perfect, permanent Cures Cures of Scrofula In severest forms Rheum, with intense itehing and 1} ing, scald head, bolls, pimples, et Cures of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Catarrh toning and making rich, red blood Cures of Nervousness and That Tired Peeling by feeding nerves, inuscles and tissues on pure blood. For book of cures by Hoods Sarsaparilla Send address to C. 1. Hood & Oo, Lowell, Masa Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, ald digestion. 250. salt Bh TS TE SE SS Campaign Rates uum The Centre Democrat will be sent 10 any mew address in Centre county, for Cts. a Month B.~No subscription will be ac. cepted for lees than THREE months--15 cents; or for more than SIX months 30 cents, N. i i i | i gy Women's Feet Are Growing Larger! a prominent newspaper has just made the discovery, and shoc men sustain the opinion. But what's the difference’ Because the women are weanng good, sensible shoes, it is not cost ing them any more, and are free from many of the foot-llls so prevalent before. . Good, roomy shoes for women's wear can be had here at $1.25 up— in all styles, any sort of toe, any size or width, MINGLE'S SHOE STORE.