THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, he Centre Democrat, & PROP | ED SUBSCRIPTION was made against ertain repub- le. Robt openly « vot him if He was a popular candi licans in Bellefonte, The clared they would not support nominated this bitter These date, as the vote showed, but opposition was too mug h for him, same politicians will expect Robert to take off for the election of their candidates. i ——— - his coat and spend his money Wi can safely look forward for some lively events in the coming national Democratic convention to assemble at Chicago July 7th. The struggle over the monetary question may cause some of the castern delegates to withdraw. The silver mien have the strength, and are confident and determined to force the issue. It may be a winning policy, but we fear the result of its application, the Demo i A DEMOCRATIC SUMMING UP REP TICKET erritories and District of! NOMINATED. | | allon. 30 bia are each allowed six votes in sratic national conventi will ye composed of g24 delegates, o 10m - will represent states and ies, » territories will 1 number lelegates, as they | ver. 3 101 : er Ol deiey violated Such a thing could hard 1 at such a time without aud promptly corrected Ou had was Thursd; ay afternoon last, just as we completed the following brouglit to our office for publication Our issuc, and will settle the matter: Milesburg, June 15th, 1866, EDITOR OF DEMOCRAT. DEAR 81k ~The infamous report pub- lished and circulated by a certain repub- | lican paper of this county, to the effect | that d bolted my instructions on sheriff | sactern, HD Loe at the recent Democratic convention held | poy W Hosterman in Bellefonte on the gth, fust,, is utterly | poster, n peAndrew Gregg. false, and without foundation, [ was in. | Allison, structed for Mr. Geo, BE. Parker, of Phils | Rush, n p- 1pabuiy ’ ond voted for him on every bal. | Feorge Monek. ot while his name was before the con. | © Fo. : 4 . ' Show wiavid Chambers, James vention. In support or proof of this fact Unie J a Yamal. w pJohn A Yerger. I refer all concerned to Mr, Henry | , Spring, n p-Marry Hull, George C Miller, Heaton, who sat at my side when I cast | James Rit monds 8 pr inte Wo leming, my ballots, and further I will also make | Ephriam Keller, Frank Seeter, = p= y - William Ginter, athdavit to the same if it is necessary. Pardue, Harry Piack, William to i Taylor-(hrist Sharrer, J A Walk, Hoping that this will be satisfactory } Untoned D Mitohell, Jason Underwood, E reman M Luens. HK Mattern, Ira Davis, T I! Way " W IB Haines, W 8 Holter, 8 H , James G James Marios Milos, & pi ( W pC 8S Grimm Patton—W G Furst, R E Cronemilier, «8 11 Bennison, Goorge Russell Wohlfort, M p-W 5 Miller, JK B p=Edward Thomas Askey, Thomas James, sp=H I Yrooman, David Yours Democratically, : Walkor«Oliver Yameil, William Grenoble, Hexny Unt.’ Nelson Robb, i Are now s the bad outcoms World. al system Tur Republicans in the North Ward divided for and against. They are appropriately named the ** Coal-Oils’”’ and the ** Anti. There is a wonderful amount the administration, Coal oil.” of meaning in these names — - — Tux Harrisburg came home to attend the republican primaries in the North ward on Saturday, Tue people jumped in and licked the Hastings, Fleming, Malin, Harris Coal-O¥! pang out of their boots. Coal oll statesmen evidently are greatly in disfavor, contingent oo CoA oil is becoming an important factor in Centre county politics, Here. tofore “soap,” *‘fat,” “grease” and such like were the popular ingredients, i i Cl EE NS ees MOST HEAT! :- LESS COAL! xn W. H. MILLER, Midlddtddiddddstabdatdsitasdzia 25 Per Cent eduction 9491.0 44040044 6440044 4 lakeaAARRAAL ay Ea . ; 3 Thi Abddatdbdaad boi LARA yy OOOOCOO0O0000D Fre rereed S19.9.9,608.0,0,,9,8.5.9, a"e’e"s PTET ETRE FRR REE] CCC IN W) ro YOO. DOOO0O0 . A OOOCOOOCOOOOOOOCCOC IX OOOH ICICI IC) MOCHCOCION) JOCK BA a a A aa OOOO OO) asssosssssssd MONTEOMERY & Co Bellefonte.