UA ct the Republican rai} gedea ton ae . 34 aa pears standard Bearers, EE SILVERITE BOLT, senator Teller 1 Twenty-three Others Refuse to Remain in the Party After the Free The the Defeat of Silver Flank Addicks Dele Men Prasented b hem gation Ruled Out, and Higgins Represent Delawareo—Sketches of the Party's Chosen Leaders—Hanna Elected Chalrman of National Committee, Major MceKli Listens to a Rather Personal Sern tanh and Monta and Manth the ter gubmeribe to their alloglanes delegntos, only fow of whom any bitwrness to be the leagues, breathe # { wos over The silver men who bolted immediately perfected plans to | Ince Senator Teller In nomination as an Indep ndent silver can didate for president in the hope that the Democrats ot Chicago, if ¢ ontrolled by the gliver men, would plaze his name at the fiend of thelr ticket After this whsational Incident the oon vention turned with evident pleasure to the work of selecting the standard bearers It was a foregone conclusion that Me- Kinley would be nominated, but the pent up enthusiHsm of the friends of the Ohlo eandidate found full vent. The speech of Baldwin, of Connell Bluffs, lows, nominating Allfson, of Sen- stor Lodge nominating Heed, of Hastings and the displayed believed col relief when it {f their | that state { turn | which the ¢ | abroad oy have already wo declared, ne OF weet gt in all the all the sections of r conntry, frown coean oooan, and from the gulf to the Inkes, They ox pect us to give them a chance 10 vote for him If we dlscharge that duty we will give Joy to thelr hearts, enthosasm to the campaign and triumphant victory for our oanse, and he in will give us an administration ander antry will enter upon n new ern of prosperity nt home and of glory and honor By all these tokens of the present, all these promises for the future, in the name of the delegates of Oblo, he olsims your consider ation. McKinley's vote exceednd the expecta. tions of his friends, as he received 801%, within a vote of a vote and a half more fin this or wtntos and as many ns his five opponents. The full vote wos as follows: MoKinley, 061); Reed, 84%; Quay, 6134; Morton, 84: Alll- son, 86). The nomination was immediately made ananimous with enthusiastic speeches THE PARTY NOMINEES Sketches of the Chosen Standard Denrers of the Republican Party. Ae tha neat ¢ Ni IAN it L | : 3 man Hahn of Oh the executive « Hat MAJOR MKINLEY'S St NDAY, Pastor Edmunds Preaches a Somewhat Personal Sermon, June 22. Sunday brought we and quiet to the citizens Aside from the profuse decor ations that greet the eye on every hand, there hae boon no sign of the stirring goones of the past week It was bright and beautiful when Governor MoKinley and Mra. General Russell Hastings, accom- CAXTON, O temporary x of Canton panied by Captain Helstand, the major's | right hand man, drove to the First M. E | church, a handsome structure two blocks | from the public square. than a majority, and almost three times | Governor MeKinl superintendent of t thirty years ngo wns o Bunday school of | this church, while his wife was Sunday school teacher in the First Presbyterian shureh, two blocks west, in which they were married twonty-five years ago. The shurch was crowded, and Governor Me ve hima | A WEEK 3 \ W BK OF 14 | Exploding Boller Kills Seven, WOODVILLE eotte. thre tordn Nebraska Lum ompany explo killing seven men outright and seriously if not fatally injuring three others It seems that the engineer was just ready to start for the log eamp when the explosion took place, some ix of elght men being in the cab. Bix of these tims had thelr heads entirely torn from thelr bodies pad utilated beyond racognition seven vi were otherwise n Benjamin I. Bristow Dead, New York, June 2 Benjamin H, Bristow, secretary of the treasury during | President Grant's seo nd term, died at his | home in this city yesterday of peritonitis | Mr. Bristow was taken {ll only on last | | New Youg, June #.~The jury gave David Belasco $16,000 in his suit against Fairbank of Chicago for training Mra Leslie Carter for the stage. TRY CY V8 CONDENSED otations of tindeliphia § General Markets, PrILAl tor paw Pent straight Wa inactive; J A Ha Pee! etondly Ary family $10. 2410.00 Lar steam, MELE Butter dairy, Lx do. eroamery, western dairy, S811. | do, creamery, Nd 14. ; Elgins, 1840. ; Pennsylvania and west ern creamery prints, strictly fancy, 1To.; do choles, 100. do. fair to good, 18@ibo. ; prints Jobbing at 18@2e. Cheese dull; large, Big #ve small, BgTigo part sicdims, BEA full skims, 1ig@@o. Eggs steady: western frosh WEI; New York and Pennsylvania 120 12% — Live Stock Markets, New Yonk, June 88«Buropean cables quote Amerionn stoors at Sg@oige., dressed weight Onlves dull and Jower; poor % prime sheop, F. " mon to cholo lamba, $8.20, ” Bia Pa, J Mm Ontt) fer LanEnTY, , June Ie A changed | extra, MBPS; prime, aA: common, SEAN; bulls, stage and cows, 0. weak; prime Ught weights, "0: medium S.0G4M : common orkers, KI. 4: heavy bogs, Porshe d238 Sheep steady | market RAILROAD SCHEDULED a Flemington Lock Haven nd : BRLLEFOXNTES SNOW SHOE BRANCH Time Table In effect on and after May 18 18x Leave Bellefonte, except Bunday, Arrive at Spow Shoe © " Ga. Mm. Hea m Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday ....d 51 p.m Arrive at Bellefonte n p.m rite on het