tev aviIvsaaay 5 Me ¢ 5 Cts. a Month a The Centre Demoer: vill ¢ be MY 10a t rat will @ than 3 or more than 6 months [] at these terms in Centre county, during the tem avieoe aay campaign, for Sets a month Nosubseription taken for less CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. SCHOOL DIRECTORS IN SESSION. Prof. C. L. Gramley Re-elected County Superintendent. SALARY INCREASED TO $i8oo. A Raise of $300 that Will be Taken From the State Appropriation to Centre County Other Minutes of the Session. There Were 122 Directors Present. Pursuant to County > La. school directors of Centre Superintendent ( Gramley, the county assem - bled in the Court House, on Tuesday May sth, for the purpose of eclectin County Sug of our ate for chairman who has the record of twenty servic He the Lin > state, er the could do s would be ded: from the annual stats appropriation. > then cited the follow increase and 48 against, and it carrie The the nex essity ol County Superintendent explained propeny siimg oul certain blanks after which the convention f. Gramley made men- the Six TO t that director adjourned. I ion of the fa there was in audience a who in the last had meetings, vears attended 103 school board made 225 visits to the schools of a board during his Hall, ecretary term It w of Howard township. . Will be Married The wedding of Gilbert oldest son of Gen. James A. this place, will take place in Harrisburg on Tuesday, May 12th at 12.30 o'clock, The bride will be Miss Simonton, daughs ter of Judge Simonton of that city, The groom is employed by the International Y. M. C. A. commitice in doing work among the colleges, .——— - Death of Mrs, Henderson, On Wednesday morning Mrs. J. C. | and was r of as J. Newlin ¥ Ol A. leaver Beaver, of : M Henderson died at her home, Julian Pa. The deceased was 60 years of age. The | funeral will be held on Friday moming, services in the M. BE. church; interment in Gray's cemetery, Halfmoon, STATE CONVENTION. The at Allentown last week, Democratic State Convention, hel was a ls enthusiastic gathering, convention consisted in the selection the this Sixty-four delegates to the Nation- The Pattison was named as the choice for the Presidency. Presidental electors for ticket fall; Convention, unit al Democratic rule was adopted and Gov, The following is the DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. “Weare in favorof a firm, maintenance of the gold standard. While we favor the most liberal use of silver with the enforcement of we are absolutely op- coinage of silver and (8 rchase of sil ullion aavarymng rad “yr stent consistent a gold standard, posed to the free the compulsory by the gove “We believe Copic to p trade, commerce and pposed to all l debasemen ll evasions and « 50 closely ii Falling Off Of Passenger Traffic. * Petinisylvania railroad 7/9590 passengers ty, Chicago and This Is a falling off, between New Yor St. Louis, as com pared with previous years, of ne arly 6, which decrease is accounted for * Severe competition of the trolley The trolley systes arallels the Pennsylvania lines many places, and the drain was so great upon the local travel of the company that early in the year reductions were made in fares to a The almost number of the suburban points, passenger traffic the trunk suffered in the same manger. decrease in is universal, as all lines have —— Pa - The Digger 1 sedihy Butlinger. The Gazette says: “The dagger or knife used by Ettlinger in cutting the | throat of Constable John Bammer was | found last week by Wes Hosterman who { of Daniel Nestlerode, an heir of Christian was hunting around in the ruins of the Ettlinger home. It was sticking in the cellar wall, where, no doubt, Ettlinger | stuck it before coming out and so tragi- cally ended his life. Hoth edges were sharp and several places on the blade there was found blood. Part of the handle is broken off and it is a very val unable relic.” BELLEFONTE, PA, T ALL THE COURT PROCEEDINGS. For Our Carefully Compiled Readers. CASES TRIED AND SETTLED. All the Unfinished Business of Last Week How Wer the Second Week Causes Disposed-—Doings in The Civil List, % R. Holne I. Halev, Charles A Canchlev Milton sins Caughley, Milton therton, Fe | tow: : cutor Washint cutor 1 ye i Bill he costs IENoTe vs. Jasper Holt, charge betrayal prosecutrix Maggie Hoover. True Bill Otto Gumper, charge furnish wor to men of known inte mperate pr Mary ER charged by “Habeas Corpus’ osecutrix Sexton. Dis. proceed. mgs before court Com. vs. J. T. Clabby, charge perjury; Settled. Clark E. Whiteley, charge bx trayal; prosecutrix Gertrude M. Kerstet Settled. prosecutor George Gates, Com. vs ter, Com. vs. Charles Robb, charge assault and battery; prosecutor Mike Vaughn. True Bill. Com, vs. Charles Robb, char (rev gC assault and battery; prosecutor George Gares. True Bill, SECOND WEXK. Court called on Monday morning, and ; Ks after hearing motions and petitions, the | first case taken up was Commonwesnlth of Penna. ex relatione (in trust) for the use Bowman, deceased, vs. John 8. Nestle- rode, Nelson Miller, and Frank T, Wal- lace, plea assumpsit. Veraict in favor of the plaintiff for $29.92. William A. Hartsock vs, W. F. Reeder, Anna Myers, Joseph W. Myers, John Myers, James Myers, Elias Williams, John Milton, Milligan Richards, William HURSDAY, MAY 7, 1806. Henderson, Flick On William Milton, , and Sanford Kinney motion of counsel names of W, F, Reeder, Milton, Milligan R Henderson, John Flick, and Sandford Kinney stricken from the record and of the en in favor Anna Myers, nt, for laura A. Mu € join the ' use Il, and Hal ilamber C nein Mii 1, plea assumpsit Ww Brockerhoff, Andrew J Fred Reynolds vs. Margaret ¢ Brockethoff Henry Brockerhoff, plea trespass the CAsSC on jury was challenged in Tuesday afternoon, all jurors not empannelled in this case and in the MceNitt-Lingle case, were discharged This suit is brought to recover damages to the sinking the foundation for Cou dan Reynolds bank ding in the “Temple i HH hier buildin Ke .——— A Lzrge Enterprize The Morrison-Cass Paper company, at Tyrone, Pa.. are preparing to enlarge the piant at that place by the erection of | additional buildings. Paper is not only shipped from the Morrison -Cass Paper company’s milly in Tyrone to all sections of the United States, but much of its product takes the | ocean voyage to Europe, an extensive | order from London, England, being on file at present. They supply the United States government with much of the pa- per used at Washington, Itisa splen- did plant, doubtless profitable to its own. ers. A ———— «Five cents a month—The Centre Democrat, during the campaign. THE GYPSIE CARNIVAL. Held in a Grove near Mileshurg during the past week. A BEAUTIFUL GYPSIE QUEEN A Tal sathering land Imposing People ) Costly § juipages gE P ir Posts so that make the arrange round trip from other regular fare one way for the F. Punrgs Ores, Commander of Post at On phia Branch, See x ) » -— be Will i i the nex Jellefonte will be in it to k this year. On May 7 and 8, the district | Epworth League for the counties of | Blair, Clearfield and Centre will meet in | convention in that town, On May 10, the tenth semiannual mecting of the up Homoopathic Medical society of Central | Pennsylvania will be held there; July 14, | the State Dental association will convene Pennsylvania will hold its sessions here. Our town has a splendid reputation for its hospitality and we presume that on all of the above occasions it will sustain its reputation, Every body come. i —— EN ~HRverybody goes to the Philadelhia Branch. in Bellefonte for a three days’ convention, | and in October the PresbytesianSynod of | PT % WUT HDD # LOOK AT THE LABEL! é : = = how they w But { that they enix lewing' eve Sigoon IN GOLD GIVEN For Selling “Story of Spais The International News more, Md. offer 2150060 to three months 175 copies of pel Story of Spaln and Cuba Mremiuvms and Hiberal commission given for any quantity sold Thisis one of the greateat selling books out. Many agents make from & to £104 day A graphic asoount of the present war and the struggle for liberty ts given. 100 beaulital us. | trations. M0 pages. Freight pod and oredit given: Se outfit free If 10 cents is sent for | postage. Write them Immediately 1 i Hing In We MUST HAVE HELP. ] i We men and women $10 to #18 per week Yor aay work. No books or peddling. Jk ag : At ones, HERN A Filo Sixth Street, }