THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 18906 THE BLACK TURKE A Long-Established Popular in Ear Variety, ape, ular, for its wear always beautifu dice in view, we black turkeys The bis ack throughout. number. POULTRY # feed the nd when r. in Urant AMONG THE POULTRY. the be 'g pro for their a variety as useless card « peonomy to stint the feed chickens, hickens ncipal when ¢ sold point is earliness, Ke ep the Fresh earth in the poultry quarters for scratching and dusting is indies pensable, When the young chickens soem droopy examine them closely for lice, especially around the throat and under the wings, As a general rule fowls of two years old make the best breeders. They should not to sold until others can take their places. ~8t Louis Republie, 1 supply of ground bone where fowls con help themselves, i Heo Kept Mis Promise, | to blow out the A BOY HERQ. Though It Cost Him His Life, The Confederate Veteran in a noble work in its « to th ( the « erected the AION 1h are hearts suffer and cial-Appeal loyal Teeth, 1 his habi r of the and co it : does not kill : gf { : 1 pn : N EE lat blood poisor fter maul his foe the other Of late years, s has bee Oo mor ng ften as y Afric ' fecessible us frequently of of it and leaving rly well mangled, 2 I have heard whereas in season and oting, « re several me alo deaths, | f the 1 LIger [H usually went to ny tn “Murtherin™ Work. a small country 'W sont gaslight- cum bers in the day h repia ladda i ladder, a son « fore mo £1) which ongagoed w, for Hog on night ‘clock the next extinguish the ho w Accordingly, at 11 « night, ho sallied forth, ladder on shoul dor. A fow minutes later the attention of some passersby was attracted by the unusuel spectacle of a man on a ladder, his bead thrust far ax it would go 18 LO receiv as | jnto the luntern of a public lamp, and his cheeks inflated, vainly endeavoring gaslight, Half an hour later the irate Hibernian again appeared at the gasworks, and on being asked for an explanation of his early return ho replied : “Och, bedad, it's murtherin wok Alrm not goin to blow me inside out for a shilling a night. "'~S8trand Magazine. ret Y HIGHTARIFF AULTS NT LAW. MADE THE PRES! That It Favors Trusts shown Imports of Iron Falls Off Exports Tuereas ng. n ight on the Question hout bri ury At tariff rai #0 08 LO pron two facts, the pr Kinley tariff and the part of the weny od per i Rroats under old tarifi bit the irimn iibiti 1IT108, 0X1 lly img the new responding Thi of” free raw prificant in trad The nu the Proto shall the tariff the more highly will it shine in comparison with MeKinleyism Yous indienne analy new A Saperfiuity of Leaders, © Says the Providence Journal (Ind) “There is truth, of course, in the decla ration of a prominent public man that the supreme misfortune of the Dem oeratio party nt the present time is the want of a leader. It might be retorted, however, from the Democratic side that one of the chief embarrassments of the Republican party ix a superflaity of as pirants for leadership. '’ (TON seeeecescecesson DVI LIVRIVOVR | | 20H VONS > 2 » others claiming to a‘ ‘just as good,” “ just and “ equal Emulsion ions, without w é ¢ ® 0 $ # : : $ : ’ ¢ A 4 ¢ ® 0 \ ’ # ’ ¢ é et TR RRR as ead — ———— —— GAL NOTICIH hereby § nade to the Court Jing onnty., on Lith, day for the appointment of view and condemn. that : Helonte and burg t y, Which extends from the borough of Iefonte, to the borough of Milesburg, being ly the limits of the borouch of lefonte, Spring township and Boggs town Pr insald county or within Ina C. Mirouers Attorney for Petitioners fito.on IN GOLD GIVEN For Selling “Stor, of Spain and Cuba The International News & Book Co, Balti more, Md. offer $15.00 to anyone selling in three months 1758 copies of their new book, “Story of Spain and Cuba” Premiums and liberal comn tssion given for any quantity sold, This is one of the greateat selling books Many agents make from #& to $104 day. ErApRe mecount of the present war and the struggle for Wberty 1a given, 100 beautiful ins. trations, 9 pa relight paid and eredit given; be outfit “tree if 0 conta is sent for postage, Write them immediately. 51 | AAA AAAI AA AAA AALARAAAAAA LA MARIAM GREETING: FOR 1896 ALS 1, 1 re on { | Hill 0 0 0 © © 6060506 4 ) 4 ATIC RHVADS ¢ $000090006009000400809000009QPVIVPF9C0000O0C 3 900 000009 Good Inve stment SECHLER & C0. LOO LILLMELLAL LaL00RLAL LOM LEMME CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ors. AW 4 ¥ ’ ’ 2 TT § Srienfific American JAMES ELDON, A. NF JIGINVOVSSUIFIITIOEPVPO0E “Gems of Religious Thought. By Rcv. T. DeWitt Talmage GREATEST SELLING BO JQ TG OK PUBLISH! these maken Its weight In gold book of intense here in ev ery home, and It Is worth WHAT OUR AGENTS MAYE TO SAY: We give below a few samy es of reports =) i {Welling this great book. They show that ther |pud every fmmnily desires it | Ma Jia Bxynen KY { Another order for 30 hooks once, as | wish to de mn vase, Y month lan 1 send ' Miease forward at | van ver these 10 keep up the Th on know 1 have sold within the last | bods books, This is pretty good for | market Ma « m “cany writes Ma Frawe N. Hexgivsos Va, writes: «1 have but little trou rg this new book br Talmage. Every mother swishos § Give bom ny me the entire « ints i I cnn apd] 4% within the pext three meonths ble In wm ve Oopion Mus Axa for 55 books } ¢ Fnciomed find check In Jess than 3 weeks “Your bool Every one wl eel Mave taken th ieder oried only 3 Hexay OC. 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Write Immediately, We also want more Agents for + Talks to Children about Jesus.” The Grentest Selling Rook of the kind Pabiished 1 1a hi ten Th hy Rd pold, Samo # nn R. H. Woodward Company, Baltimore, Md. oe # Boeenta. Write immediately. 2900090000000000 ~ Od ve r. S 000000000 000000000 a a a YE 100000000