2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL yy 1806, BARON DE HIRSCH DEAD. The Noted Philanthropist Falls a Victim to Apoplexy, HIS PRINCELY BENEFACTIONS, For Years He Had Given Fortunes An- pually in Charities, Mainly to People of His Own Persecuted Race His Many Colonization Schemes, Os ter t fer thos vided should Dtates But ! h learned reports { United States that it would be very easy to overdo the thing In brnging out Rus slan Hebrews It would be unwise they thought, for could be prep support themselves 8a the baron sent agents to South Amer fen and Mexico to negotiate for the pur tracts of land. In the Ar were con from sileagues in the } the ntea and them to come faster than they wed to chase of Inrge gentine Republic neg: cluded government looked very favorably upon the colonization scheme, But the people and made tiations and the were bitterly opposed to it, such manifestations of angry hostility that the plan had to be aban- doned hen Mexico waa settled upon, snd President Diaz promptly gave his as purance of co operation Since 1800 Haron de Hirsch's expenditures for charity had exceeded $15,000,000 a year, He had established” offices in all the cap- itals of Europe on the system of charity organization socletien. The committes in charge of these offices has authority to In vestigate each case of poverty presented The Hirsch fund for the assistance of the Russian Jews has a capital of ten millions, It is operated by a stock company known as the Jewish Colonization associat.on, and is a limited liability company. The shares are $600 eaci;, and all but ten were owned by Baron de Hirsch. The Ameri can branch of the Hirsch fund holds 82. 400,000 of the baron’s mouey in rust, The voted to establishing colonies and edusat- | thought, fatally, ing the Russian Jews in republican prin. | eiples and the ways of the country, One of the Iargost colonies is located at Wood bine, N. J. | ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, NINE SAILORS DROWNED. Larirz, Pa., April erty, who it Is believed wife at thelr home of this borough 20. «Joseph Dough fatally shot his in Warwick, a suburb Friday evening and then put a bullet in his own brain, died on Sat urday WILKESRBARRE and John Bonsta nandilla, N. Y., charg dor of Nice nt Plymouth wrod from ¢ lack of evidence, Pa whiny who April wero 18, Martin arrested at the mur John Pu.. wer tody vost rday owing r crime A pt the women at bay t likely have lynched Iving in a crit in the poorhouse id mos miner is now and is un Hance pending an inquest April 22 m tt state R will be a gathering he chosen for all the of the wm himself for president publi distin MI ONY MNOrrOw tively Quay Mn ator's friends will be 4 to be filled, and indorsed ba a hop s minority and at the meeting of Its loaders will prob mpt to the plans nator Quay and his friends. Thore Is no sentiment among aay of the delegates we for Me assorted by his sentiment Ohloan, it has nator strongly PPOs ’ wN ment fiitton ably make no att upset , 0 or politicians now on if there the » Kinley has b friends i= a strong through the state for the not made itself felt hore na on PHILADELIIIA, April 20 «Fire on Sat urday afternoon destroyed the old Penn sylvania ralirond stallion, st Market and Thirty second streets, and immense ear sheds in the rear. Seve Pullman (ars and thirty day conchen were also dostroyed Two firemen were Liiied by falling walls and eight were injured, two of them, it is A number of other fire men were overcome by the intense heat, and had to be taken to the hospital. The tae loss will probably cmount to $400,000. The | income is $195,000 a year, and this is de | dead are William Staiger, district on gineer, and Hugh MeGranigan, of Hook ond Ladder Company I. The most seri ously Injured are George R. Preston and Bamuel Sneyd, who wera buried un falling walls, Wreck of the Fishing Schooner Camnbell Off Long Island, NARROW ESCAPE OF BURVIVORS. The Fatal Squall Which Sunk the Vessel Lasted Only un Minute, but in That Short Time Both Masts Were On Soapped Close to the Deok, Fifteen hy Persons Colonel Nunez Sarrenders, ( } yn Cuban A warrant weotion with the al 4 pedition of the Ber irrendered imself to United yissioner Bell yesterday, He bail the sum of §1.000 Appearance mirt In Now York nn was admitted to in for his on May 18 nt « Five Children Dead in a Tenement Fire, TursEr's Faris, Mase, April 18. This manufacturing village experienced its sad dost fatality rday, when five children of French nationality were suffocated Ina tenement house on “Li ‘he dead are: Josephine Courmaline, aged 12 yoars; Edward Courmaline, aged 10 yoars; An nle Dubois, aged 4 years; Lena Dubuls, aged 7 years; Rogle Bonmler, aged 10 yours y eats stroat Politieal Marder In Lenisinnm, TAxGiranoA, La, April 22 --A deplora Ble tragedy ocenrred hore yostorday Mr, A H. Goss, the Populist Bzpublican candi data for coroner of this parish, was shot snd instantly killed, and 8, OC Hyde, » Democrat and highly respected man, was mortally wounded. The trouble Lotween the men grew out of polities SKIT Upset and Three Drowned, CHARLESTON, W. Va, April 22. —Yester- day, while leaving work at a lock, a skiff which nrontained nine men upset and threo were drowned. The dead are: Henry Mahan, colored, Gallipolis, O.; Richard Dickinson, colored, former homs un. known; Jordan, white, aged 16, The other six swam ashore, Five Mandred Were Killed, Buakiy, April 22 Further advioos re oolved hore from Berber say that in the recent flight among the members of the | | khalifa's body guard, at Omdurman, 500 pen wore killed, instend of fifty, ns first reported. | | AWEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Thursday, April Missouri's Dumocratic declared for fr Bland for presid Presiden Burgholz, of Ney consul at Krzeron New York's st 14, slate « onvi and Ri ntion sliver hnrd P nt Wednesday, April A ~~ NY DEABHICE MAD KW TOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Closing Quotations of the New York and Philadelphia Exchanges, vEw Yonux, A he ' Sock Ex y we ts oof we nr re & Ohio Baltim Chesa. & Ohl Del. & Hudson D.L.&W Krie Lake Er Lehigh &W NAY hd “2 Ww General Markets, PrrranererntA Apel 21. «F $2 aL, Pennsylvania roller $3. 55@4. Wheat dull May wir steady win tor superfine £2.7509; otralght $1 am naked for bid and ge. asked for igo. bid and 2644 frm; choles timothy, $17 for large quiet $15@I5 00. Pork quiet; to new mess, 30. 250106; family, $10.5001075 short clear, $1011.50, Lard western steam. 85.2. Batter weak; western dairy, 8 ie. do, crea merry, 103140. Elging, 140. im tation creamery, #@lle.; New York dairy, #8 Ie. : do. creamery, 100Me. Pennsylvania and western creamery prints, extra, Iie. do. choles, 100. do. fair to good, 1961 5 prints Jobbing at 183210. Cheese easy: New York large, E100; small, 8810. part skims, 33 Sige: full skims, 2004c. Eggs weak: New York and Pennsylvania, 10001 western fresh, 10ge.; southern, $10 7% with asked for April bales beef hams steady: Live Stock Markets, New York, April 21 «European cables qu (s American steers at 10@1 le, dressed weight; refrigerator be ef at Qe. Calves slow and weak; inferior to good veals, $4G 455. Sheep and lambs firm for desirable weights; unshorn sheep, rood, ARLE; clipped, do. $4003.50; good unshorn lambs, $4.8004: Virginia spring jambs, $4.50 ench. Hogs lower at $3 9004.25 EAtr Line wry, Pa, April 21-Cattle in falr demand; prime, SL @ 4.45; good, # O40; butchers, $3. 0064.19; rongh fat, $33.7; | Balle, stags and cows, $1.90G8.70, Hogs dull; Daodivm and best Yorkers, $3.7004.75; com {mon to fale Yorkers, $3.0003.80: heavy hogs, | wory hard to sell, $5.5003.00; rough, $2.8548.28, | Sheep slow at Boul unchanged prices; cholo lambs, MBA; common to Kod Inmbe, | | KIDNEY TROUBLE The importan CURED | to do when one | steady d TTT TTA WikilOMe Tr ATP & vil wrerrm INVEST oY Lid E. H. FAULKENDER, Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, nd 42 Broadway 'W YORK CITY P. 8.~Peopl and sure large investment, send tory circular, mailed ¢ who desire 0 ha nmoome on A su 1 for out free HUMPHREYS’ Pr, Humphreys’ Specifics arm sclontifically and enrefolly prepared Bewedies, used for years in private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success, Every single Bpeoific & special cure for the discase nated They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the aystem and are In fact and deed the Rovereign Remedios of the World, ba crass, ares 3 «Fevers, Cougestions, Inflammations. D-Warms, Worm Fever, Worm Colle... 3-Teething Cole, Crying, Wakefulnes A-Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 7 «Coughs, Colds, Promchith S To take effect May 2, 188 WESTWARD — § 44 4 1 oN Mortis Whitmer Hunters Fillmore Brialy Waddie Sootia Crossing Krumrine Strubile ——— Inn ween RIALS Cllege Mtns m 2 WK Morning trains from Montandon, Williams tt, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect with rain No. 7 for State College. After poms trains from Montandon, Lewisburg and Tyrone oon net with Train No. 1 for State College. Trains from State Oc ope connect with Penna. RR. trains at Bellefonte SPally smtp: BmanL H. Tosa, Supt CEsRE COUNTY BANKING COMPANY, Oorner of High and Spring sireet, Receive Deposits ; Dissount Notes, : 4. D. Snvony Cashier