THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY 20. 1896, OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT. A Column of Interesting Personal [tems. HOME NEWS PARAGRAPHED. and Doings of pteresting Events Happennings from About the county Told. our People Briefly snowed a {ter -And the next day it Tuesday's election bills ofhice, body admires the sale Democrat AY cry Centre workmen good material, good ind ask reasonable prices The wonderful Hindoo jugglers are making a successful tour of this be at the nm Monday Fi b country, wil Hous Garman 24th, Opera Th Find ‘akeers to be Opera House next Monday eyening will 1 1 5 "on r . " hinge | give a vel entertain: nt. something and entertaining. at the O be a ation of ths NS lay evening under Ellery Johns ross such a nstead of ile talki SIX nC eb al $3 wih aout it ng In almost every section of Centre ounty religious revivals are in progress, this season. We hope the world is grow. ng better as there are many of us =e who can endure a bit of improve- ent to a great advantage. poor Ex-Treasurer Adam Yearick, of Walker, who had been on the sick list for some time, was about on Monday and in the best of humor, We need men like Mr. Yearick to keep down republi- can majorities in Marion township, —Dr. R. G. Hayes of this place has been qui‘e ill during the past week. He had a fall by which he injured his head and at the time he was not enjoying the best of health, A severe fever set in and there has been some apprehension as to his condition. —A fire on Sunday evening came near destroying James Noll's lins Furnace. The roof on the kitchen was burned off and the side of the house Timely as. sistance of neighbors succeeded in ex the flames. was considerably charred tinguishing ~The revival Court House, attracted large audiences during the past week. The evangelist, Rev leonard Weaver, is an enthusiastic services, in the speaker and has awakened a religious sentiment among our people that cannot fail but hav Mr.] business at ¢ a good and lasting effect. S.Ewing, recently in the drug Tyrone, and formerly of snow Shoe, is frequently seen in Belle. fonte, For some years Mr. Ewing was a confirmed invalid from rheumatism but he seems to have completely It is ite at Snow Shoe again A. Baum, the at the same old I.yon's store ered from his ailment likely that he will Jox liveryman, stand at the On account of refusing to rear rent in time, another party leased and considerable stuff A stitch and this was one of it required, some say, to get the lease in his control, m time the times that brother Baam got left, SAYER nine, The "Missionary Tea,” to be given at the home of Mvs. L. A. Shaffer, Friday evening of this week, has been postponed until Tuesday evening of next week, That refreshments, consist. ing of wafers cake, chocolate and coffee will be served, at five cents each. Both vocal and instrumental music will be rendered during the evening. All are invited, and will be welcome. 5, who | { in Haines twp | a certain at the | | pera House | house at Col- | | 8iC { all my time to the recov. | r 1 ments of any description, particularily : | procurable, will remain | of | IN THE COURT HOUSE Legal Intelligence Gathered from Various Offices, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Martin Janseki, Clarence Ieressa Papcum, . i J. A. Corman, . Miles Susan A, Hosterman Aarousbury Oak Hall Lemont, twp. fohn A, Stamm, Lucy E. Garduer Frank I, Melissa M Edward W Virgia M. Hoffman, - Philip shurg File 3, - hs Hawood, - Fink, . Philipsburg Chester Hall RFAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , toMissAuna M for certain lot of g Oscar Crotzer Crotzer round in Liberty twp., consideration $300 Michael Harper, Ser or one acr to Michael M. e and 130 perches of ] , consideration $277 Johu G, Platt, to Barbara Cowher, for ground in South $500. Charles M. Waple , for tract of land in lot of bu: g, consideration Ierrman { consideration $1¢ Catharine Gep and parts heim Borough cons Clement Dale adminis Garman Kindly Keme adjec soothed our feelings nown fair dove the writ. In order to reduce pressure, er started out for a bit of fresh air, a unconsciously drifted in den at the Gazette there were to Francis Speer’s On aps mutterings that closely resembled profanity. He ra like a demon that was aflame with in. dignation. '‘Gol-darned the dog-goned, blasted fools; think [ must be a dod-blast- ed gilly! I know em; dont you forget it. Nothing but a dirty son.of.a-sea-cook anyway, that did it. Dog.gone their dirty pictures anyhow,’ and other words, more forcible than appropriate. our roach significant ged This strange jumble of words aroused curiosity and upon inquiry found that poor Speer had been the recipientof no less than sixteen valentines, and many of them were beauties Misery always loves company and here we forgot our own trials in trying pour oil over brother Speer’s exceedingly Bat Upon departing, he was raging and tearing worse than ever and to his misery and wit to lacerated feelings, and cousole him. it wasall in vain h his valentines we left him, Announcement [ am with great sorrow compelled to make this public announcement, that by the advice of the Country it best occulist in this becomes necessary for me, owing to increasing difficulty with my eye sight, to give up the teaching of mu. After I have entirely carefully deg ided sale of musical instru. reviewing the situation, to devote Yianos and Organs, of the best Any one wishing to pur make chase an instrument will save money by calling on me at room 28, Crider block, and learning particulars Miss 8 312% OHNMACHT To Our Correspondents, There are a number of sections of the county from which we have not received any communications for some Don't know whether our correspondents are away, sleeping or dead. Try and send us the news next week without fail, fet us know what is going on in your community. It will be interesting read to many of our readers Correspond, ents who have used up all their stationery «hould notify us at once. Send us the news, time, { John ( | he will reside RB gine tl {| managing the | been an active | chair, | remaining members cong Mus- | land | Philips- | ELEGANTLY BANQUETED Miller Given a Pleasant Surprise By Council Mr, Miller, ell known citizens, try his day he flitt street, one of Beliefonte John C has concluded to hand at farming and on Wedne sant home on Fred Rey Jenner township. Here his attention to that d from his plea Lann toone of Col. W nolds farm's in and devote » Col's farms in vicin- | ity Mr. Miller, for a number of years, hat and prominent member wn council and for the past year the was the of our t« had the dents last and the honor of filling Monday present pres evening session of the council, luded to show their sreciation of their worthy presi ap { p dent by giving him a banquet, and to t express their regret at fosing him a few farewell the citizen by AL 8 greetings members adjourned and the to Ceader where Ir way 5 parnior Spravg a surpn upon Nr, Mile showing h wud banquet sed before that The case was not arge reason the suit by Thus | r the ward, won Supen Ww cour i oellar ye vie ldin or appe ant dropped yielding and paying the costs Meyer his first without ap- Esq allorney case in the Superior court pearing. His brief must have complete. ly converted the opposing council-—some thing unusual, indeed. Charming Hostesses, Miss Isabella Gentzle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Gentzle, visiting friends at Ceaderville, Spring twp., is Ill., for several months past. She was one ofthe hostesses at a party at that place of which the Freport Ill. Bulletin says “There was a large attendance of guests from Freeport and Ceaderville Misses Neidigh, and Rockey proved to be charming hostesses.’ Gentzel Trout Fry Scarce The Pennsylvania fish commission an. nounces that it is receiving applications for brook trout fry for distribution in the free streams of the state. Only 1,000 fry will be allowed toan application, because 3.500, - Blank forms of application may be had frou the entire output will not exceed 000 1 any of the commissioners Do Not Pail to Read This The noted Dr. M. Salm, who bas been 50 successful in the treat. specialist, ment of private diseases of both sexes, and all kinds of chronic diseases, may be consulted in Belletoute, at the Brock. Feb four weeks thereafter erhoff House, on Saturday, 220d and every ou the same day. Consultation and examina. tion [ree Bel efonte Grain Market Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson &0s Ked wheat perbushel Kye, per oushiel ow orn, ears per bushel, new Uurn, shelled pe: pusnel Unlawnew per Gushel Barley. por bushel Hoek wheat per ushel Group: plaster perton PROVISIONS UN ERIES 80, weekly by Bauer & Co.) Apples died perpound RR — Cherries dred per paund sweded ———— Beans por ume, oom en Unions, per Sushel Butter, per pound oem. fallow per pound Country Shoulders Sides Po ree Hams J. Hamesugar sured... Breakfast Racoon, io 0 IY Lard, jer pound —- “ - wren i. . Ce — DrieddwestOnrn FIRLLEE simon oh (a8 corrected a — a ——— ———— a » | should be such things as corns, | ATTACKED BY HIS DOG white dog on him whil and hildren, Mr, rubbers wile stooped to get his the upon his back Mike brushed the dog off stove, when the dog and bit him neck. with a swing of hi , and the brute mq another spring fastenivg his teeth one of Mike's elbows entering coat and shirt With a kick Mike but the and tearing h agal rove the dog from him; now infuriated brute a thir and for the of his d spring teeth made man's face, one tering the upper lid of the left eye, causing wound witl Ars t Hall had Arm broken, al thrown from a sleigh that upset oman’s ork 8 nEver eo. and RB =» especia tn those whose blood is 1y wearing an wWeAr mputre and iain and ren The only ow tired, sin building up by taking a good nerve 1 ¢. blood purifier and vitalizer like Hood's Sarsapariila For troubles Pecwliar to Women at change ho season, climate or life, great cures are made by Hoods Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Rurifier. All druggists. $1 Prepared only by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass mnfit properly 0 tone, nerve, muscle and rw Lhe wast r of tinsise remedy weak, Derveus women do p Hood's Pills give. Au urugants # ¥ No Corns Here There is no good reason why there There is a reason, however, but it isn’t a good lone. The reason is that people buy and | wear {11.6itting footwear that makes corns faster than chiropodist can cut them off All this is caused by not beginning right If vou will bring the children to me, | and take the Shoes I recommend, and keep on bringing the children year after | year, those boys and girls will never | have to spend a cent for corn medicine, , MINGLE'S SHOE STORE THE GLO —————sDRY GOODS and MILLINERY fa Keeping Down the Prices Keeping Up the Quality. Keeping the crowds coming Everlastingly at it. In a manner thatstamps our business methods inimitable sorts of rivalry. « AS precluding all lar always has, and : will, bus elsewhere, 51) fig res | he rga We | Winter alrea y y FOOous | " al HAVE the must go Li ipments of our 5 ...0hoice of any Ladies Coat.... --TCTGH'T & 90) DOI A RS CLOSING - OUT S I am going out of the hardware business, : Commencing Monday, Sept. 2nd, 95 will close ont my entire stock, consisting «HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS TOOLS, PAINT AGATE 8, OILS, ND TINWARE, HORSE BLANKETS, SHOVELS, FORKS, PY KET COOKING AND RAKES, AND TABLE HEATIN TLERY GASOLENE, O11. V (3 ha 1 { WwW ] o House and The stock is complete in everything. | Ranges, Stove Furniture, Furnishing Goods, thousands of other articles, cannot mention all the bargaing offered, but if you want to buy anything in the hardware line come and see-—such an opportunity may never come again, If yon are wise yon will lose no time in taking advantage of this sale McK EE, \