4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, FEBRUAFEY 20, 1896, H The Centre Demorrat, te CHAS. R. KURTZ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Regular rice 81 If paid it ADVANCE t JRL CLUB RATES: year | for $1.70 k World one year §* for $1.45 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT one and 3{imes awe Tue CENTR and Pilla DEMOCRAT one your { W Times one year \ coh COMMITTEE, 1806. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY Bellefonte, n ward ( Harper Bellefonte m 81] all dner 3 w (ieo Qentre Hall, Jno Daubern Howard Boro, WW R tal Milesburg, Homar Car Milihe Uniony Routh Philips Philipsburg ward. H D Ramberger J A Malton y Dr FK Mhilte Benner, n precing t M Henderson ' 8 ‘ John Isl Boggs. n prec ' : b Fillmore Bellefonte on Milesburg Wm Hipp Burns Collegt ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITORIAL PENNSYLVANIA wil + h at bre t I i AAS IW dates in tison and Quay THERE were in the Bellefonts for republicans and some few sSurprisc boro elections. Demo crats voted republicans yoted the democratic ticket - Frou the returns of Tuesday's elec- tion, in almost every district uf the coun - ty there were some petty squabbles set. tled. Spring election is a great time to adjust locrl differences ——— Tur Wilson Tariff is producing more revenue than the famous McKinley Tar- iff. Republicans and even some demo- crats lose sight of this fact. At the close of Harrison's term the U. S. Treasury was practically bankrupt and unable to meet obligations. Our present boasting republicans should remember this fact when denouncing the Democrats for mis- management - - ACCORDING to dispatches in some of the city dailies, from Bellefonte, Col. J. L Spangler will be a candidate to secure the democratic nomination for congress from this district. What authority there is for the statement can not be learned The Col. no doubt will state his position in this matter when the time comes. Our present representative Mr. Arnold has the reputation of being a poor excuse for His successor should be the place a democrat, by all means he - Ix another coluain an extended article, appears containing Col. A. H. McClure’s opinion of the leacing political parties of the present time Col. McClure is one whose opinions are worth reading on such questions. He is known as an in dependent thinker and when be feels like saying anything in the political line he seldom hesitates. He is tied to no politi. cal party or policy. Some years ago h 0 per year. | | ED. & PROP | people are aware ‘hia 4 | | years from now, because at the | { holds good for every day in | the davs have been 4o years ! ! i } e | miles rast of Linden ! was a pronounced protectionist, but later | the wool was taken off his eyes ‘and fell in line and did noble work to help elect President Cleveland. He is wedded to no ido! and that is why his views are worth reading. He is not an office seek. er and for that utterances come without fear or Col. Mec- Clure sees some great faults in the pres ent democratic party and also some com- mendable features. Eviden'ly he has uo use for the republicans whateve rhe abandoned that cause long ago. To be a prohibitionist is slightly out of his line; $0 that he does not know at present how he will vote, Much will depend upon the candidates nominated for president. Col. McClure's opinions are worth care’ ful reading and study. Don’t miss it. reason his favor, he | I mile west. of Zion February in Leap Year. nouth of February in a leap year has some peculiarities of which not many vr, 107} CX. ample, Fehruary Saturdays This has occurred just once in every 28 years for the last 124 years February will have hve Saturdays againin 1908, 12 of the 28th year period, which is reduced to 12 years turn the century there comes a break in Saturdays This we will again have § in month of February, same the leap year rie each recurring 5 times in the month of February every 28 years, with Wednes- years these 2 the exception of Monday and day. During the last 200 | ' | days have come 5 times in February at one interval of 12 years while the rest of apart once during the same period of 200 years What it Costs It costs $25 a day to run a passenger train for ten hours, and £30 a freight train, The difference ; \ h brakeman neces ¢e extra couain | the same abs administratios illion dollar con. gress plunged the national treasury PUBLIC SALE REGISTER Persons having their sale bills printed at this office will receive a free notice of same under this heading, until time of sale. This office has an entirely new outfit for printing bills, consisting of type, all kinds of cuts, etc., and our pri. ces are reasonable, If you want the best, neatest and most attractive sale bill, have it printed at this office. Sale notes furnished free with each set of bills, | WEDNESDAY, Marcu liJohn W. Eby will sell 4 work horses—one mateh team of greys; 5 rows, some will be fresh time of sale; youn cattle, full blooded Short Horm bull, § Brood sows, Poland China boar, If shoats new Deer ing binder, mower. grain drill, hay tedder, Heneh cultivator and corn planter, ete, alvwo some household goods, on his premises, i mile west of Zo, along main road. daleat va. m J. L. Neff anet FRIDAY, Marc 2-At the residence of Michael Shaffer, one mile n ath o’ Zim, at | ym. a large lot of househeld woods and some arm uiensils J. C. Derr, anctioneer THORSDAY, Mancn 8 One mile south west of Zion. at ll a. m , Isaac Stover will sell » large lot of farm stock, consisting of 3 good | work horses, driving horse colts 3 fresh ews shotthen bull, young eattle, hogs, new Far quar threshing machine, and all Kinds of farm implements 16 good repair. Jos. L. Neff, auct WEDNEADAY. MARCH 4-4 miles east of Relle fonts, along the Jacksonville road. at | avid Harter wili sell ¢ head of horses, ¢ milk cows, will be fresh about time of sale young cattle. Durham bull, Chester White sow 2 head shropshire ewes~fine ; 4 good wagons 2 double sleds, good new mower, reaper and mower combined. lot of new harness. sie Jos, LL Nef, suet pm fine THURSDAY. Marcu 19 south west of Zion, along road jesding to Fleas ant Gap. at 10a. mm, will sell 8 horses cows P young cattle 25 sheep, 2 Chester white sows, pigs and shoats, all Kinds of implementa Jos. Nell. aunet B. Kauffo an. 13 mile ele TURS' AY. MARCH VT —Robert on main romd beast M. Homan. 4 Y horses t«aquie family 2lreah cows and pigs, good Osborne binder, Hench enltiva tor double cornplanter, hay ladders and other tmplement Jos. Nefl, suet, saleat lp m WEDNESDAY one brown! nvm MANCH 1'-C Hall, at } lo of farm implements, nearly a god conditron. Wm auet Houser v n new, and in (Joheen FATURDAY. Manco 14