i 4 AMert Cor 4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1896, — — —_—_ FROM ABO THE COUNTY Interesting Paragraphs Irom Many Localities. PERSONAL AND SPECIAL CHAT News Collected by the “Centre Democrat's Correspondent Limely where y mat- a western He rot recommenda- pa was vowed to 11 neine taba y iit using tobace together with his photo sent them at on For over about a desire to 1 he a week he was talkin g0 West, and it nate would sell his cane, summer suit and winte to raise sufficient to purchase a ticket are blighted, his photo ar dations wer ] “‘unkuown.’”’” The whole out a hoax, but some of the girls | of the shy of him that he 1 1 a backy ards or dae Gowl “Dude’s int doors anymore PROSPECTING. —A. G operating his mines, and says the pros- pects are still good for finding a body of mineral. Mr. Frank M. Fisher has i postmaster, the of the taken position as late J. B. Mr. A. CG. Bun has ck list for the Messy Ek: RB. Weaver, made a iu place Jurrell last week Howard Bell and Showers business ry to wood on Monday C.D. Weaver Wolfs Store irday F. M. R Monday to do some coach trimming and Ww Edwin, of in town last Sate went to Loganton on painting for J Cole LEMONT HAPPENINGS There around in the spring will be considerable moving several families are leaving town the Houtze's Crack Marksmen in tocallat C. A shop and see some of the papers that are country are invited shoe on exhibition there Miss Ella Bottorf, one of our pleasant young ladies left for Altoona where she will remain a while, and then take a trip out through the West, mg at the home of W iast OAK HALL PERSONALS, Miss Nellie Gray, of Woo! H. Close Mr. David Canipbe of Lind ! Pus tthe Sabbath Mrs, Wm siting at the home of A, E n Hall on iter Myer, Seliers was olf saturday. good u i making MILESBURG NEWS BURGLARS rode was Thursday ev ing with them, palr of gloves assisted Ly Mover | family have | wen just out of town and th cupied by J. M. Bo since Mr ber the house Borst went to has b It is reported that Rev tor of the Baptist Church expects to leave Mile sburg in the near | If the re port is tru ec of its best citizen and 4 . nur our town will lose ot as be man did a great deal of good the com. munity - - COBLRN EVENTS Ed. Campbell, of Shamok mother a visit on Sunday James Harter and wife, visited friends in Brushvalley oun Sunday Mr. Musser, the guest of Mr Ohio. lowersox, on Saturday of Bucyrus, was and Sunday Rev, lohr, very able sermon in the 1 of preached a church to | a good audience, Little snow fell on Sunday make good sleighiog IMPROVING, ~A numbr of the 1 uln our citizens the fat SICH who have been on list for past month, we are 11a te ly improving Mr, Tressler, of Linden Hall, made a business trip to this place Friday and | Saturday | pleasure to be in their company | dinner | has five or six hounds and we ads | more closely | either LINDEN HALL JOTS. Many p Sunday ople wet SHOW O11} David few days ay Arthu home to re A. E large and n 1 rides hn coutinues to receive excelent flour, chop, nanufacture been a bad cold, is | wown | M. Hewett Monda y lo FURNACE PICKUPS peedy recovery Some drunkards cros 1 the ridge Christmas night and saw two moons rise when there should have been bat one The Star Oi this tment Co. ms of month The writer had and take with them. The company ar ranged to build an extention tothe build | ing and putthe works in first-class shape The company is 3 Hing on an average about one gross per day The dogs of late cut up mullion. James him that he had better keep them penned up se We don't want our sheep killed or bitten by these dogs take warning mn time We around ses Wm, sporting the He is not backward widow about it You may succeed in the end. ’ Take Notice All a ounts due Samuel lLewius, cently sold out by the sheriff, are as. | 1 to me, and tl mediate settlement Louis FARIAN, Nn Bellefonte, Pa. | | i i | | housed | Better | HUBLERSBURG ITEMS. Some of the Happenings In Walker Town ship Mit Ds the « who were to oucert the other rather a " 2 tur muddy trip Winn Move Jane Reber 1 He inten We are Graml Tae Century Cyclopedia of Names. rele betical order, defined are NAMES OF PERSONS Authors, Artists, State ties, Characters in Fiction, el NAMES oF Pracns Modern and Ancient Geographica Names, Imaginary Places, et Popular Names and Epithets Names of Notable Streets, Parks, Animals, Ships, Buildings, Institu tions, Parties, Clubs, Works of Art, Stars, Constellations, el Names of Books, Operas, Plays and Important Characters therein | HisToRICAL EVENTS e- | | oly jose owing same are | | requested to call at store and make ime Wars, Dattles, plots, Riots, Crusades, Alliances, etc, A book to which one may when in doubt as to any name met with one's reading : bar 3 Piice, from $10 to f15, according Sold only by subscrip- | to binding. tion-not in the bookstores, For particulars address the publishers : THE CENTURY CO, Unton Square, Niw Yous Congresses, | turn | SACRIFICE! Tee TaNtesawan A AD STOCK OF CLOTHING! PHILADELPHIA BRANCH! MUST BE SOLD i Ie CLOTH ANY STT@EaETRffthTesTsETét+ ss: eaTTTT|Ta|T"TL|TSTTYS SS "T|STRL,|TTLTT|TUT ST TOLD ww ALINNLHOddO TIVH V - GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ST Sh a I a a Sa PPIRICM TT STeetTeSTW"S TSO %Ttf fe" S. OBERNDORF, Proprietor. Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Profusely llustrated and Free from Technicalities Published monthly by BEN). LILLARD, New York. ARTIFICIAL EYES POLISHED. ARTIFICIAL EYE POLISHING ( DD. Post OfMiee B Sew York Om HUMPHREYS’ Dr. Haomphreys' Specifies are sclendifoally and oarefuily prepared Remedies, used for years In private practices and for over thirty years by the people with entire success, Frery single Specific 8 special cure for the disease named They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the Bovereign Remedies of the World, wo CrRea, 1 «Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. %-Werms, Worm Pever, Worm Colle 3-Teething Colle, Crying, Wakef dines f-Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 7 “Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis S-Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache P-Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo 10-Dywpepsin, Nillousness, Constipation 11 «Suppressed or Painful Periods 13-Whites, Too Profuse Periods 13-Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarsenom . 14-8Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions 13-Rhenmatism, Rheumatio Pains T6-Malaria, Chills, Pever and Agus 19-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold tn the Head D0 Whooping Congh 7 =Kidney Disenses UN -Nerveus Debility 1.00 30-Urinary Weakness 425 34-Sore Threat, Quincy, Ulorrated Throat (38 HUMPHREYS WITCH MAZEL OIL, “The Pile Olntment.”- Trial Slee, 28 Cin, Sold by Drappiete, or seal prevald on reelpt oF poles Fm Hewrnne rs Marta (100 page, Matin Fee BURPHREYS 250.00, 011 & DIR WHhem 0, M00 YOuL SPECIFICE. 23 Aa THE SI Year Vem The Sunday Sun wapaper iu tse BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET ALLY HENRY keer Pork, none in i Mutton, y POTK Sausage steak goto BEEZER VICK’S " ) Sweet Peas 3 Lb. 40¢. Hall 1b. 28a. Mixed Varieties > #4; Half i. 2 Bride of Niagara, TRI) I'O NAMX Packet 25¢. SWEET PEA Half packet 15¢ The Wondorfal CRIMSON + RAMBLER + ROSE Only 15 cents. These Floral Noveltic re de A The Pioneer FLORAL he of the us, | Lherries, Vegetnhben, ae. TRIED AND TRUS NOVELTIES... Tochaing Roses, Pearl Goosrarry, Hinckbervy Lander Tomas, Potatonr a ELE I EE GUIDE aly wale bo RR Rochestor, WN. JAMES VICKS ———— vd he Only DOUBLE bod im Vicks Seed Calalopwe, SUAS