THE CEN"'RE BLL LEK AY, FEBRUARY 13, ‘ant ' AWEEK'S NEWS CONDE » : | Prosidens Thursday, Feb, 6, 5 Rev. Michael J. Ho pointed by the pope as O'Hara, of = Lady Wilde, widow of Robert Wilde, M. D., and mother of Oscar Willie Wilde, died in London Father Fitzgerald, a Catholie pr WILLIAM H ENGLISH DEAD Hancoo''s Ranning Mate in the tinl Campnign of 1850, Feb. 8% illlam H, En who In 1880 was the Democratic cans didate for vice president on the ticket with General Hancock, died at his rooms in the Hotel English yesterday aged 73. The end came gradually and peacefully William H born in Neots county, Ind., his father being a ploneer of the Hoosler state, He was educated in the common schools and studied law at Ha over college. He was practicing in BRAITLROAD SCHLEDULES 0 GELS WALLER, France Consents That the Ex-Con- sul Shall he Freed, INDIANAYOLL glish f anton, Pu Well noua (teneral, noon, HIS GUILT CLEARLY ESTABLISHED OAMPA English was IGEN convicted of arson in the second d Rochester, N. X The munx is twenty years’ imprisonmer \ . Endeavor to Vrecipitate a “Decisive 18 + argo Ambassador Eustis Declares That Waller imum } Av Dd His Vrodeeessor, Te Wil Doubtless Is Proven by the Evidence to Have Con- » Con the K rout spired with the Enemies of France He Colorado Springs. Co fliet” Calling for Reports of Subords May Sue for Damages company of Commande rs tenesd to five yea | y In Mey Was nr Friday, Veb, father, was sor to life img Fels wman, the eo inesday, Iss lis n " i aL Les ders r N Turkey has DOWOTS t ze Prince Fe » cuse univer Balgaris Professor Bug tographs are light I'l nment of a seri punishment wf Wa LAUDING GENERAL MARIN, illy justifying severe Upon the re sador at Paris range for furni of any suit which Waller may be advised the the case will warrant. Mr. E ready been instructed to supply him w the means of transportation t States, should he desire to « It may be added part of the of the case, the family of Waller left in destitute circumstances, the depart ment instructed its representatives to pro vide for thelr present necessities and to furnish them the means of getting to the United States. That relief was accord ingly extended to them Morrison which this government Hart we put amounting t 317.1 tee. J ¥ 4 J } | MeCart His Friends Claim That He Did Work for Spain's Canse, HAVANA eral Salas Marin are cals Vigorous Feh. 12 he friends of (ren ant ¥ ACLS Of . rye el ad rail " " v ; : th y the United th . » . “weg ’ on the el | - | £ ol 4 1stis has MARK} Sew York and 3 : changes me here 13] . . f tha as history being tor battle i Talrona, alma Pas 1d Poze Reds } { while " under AZT alo urday ndo, seneral Marion's , r al, Candelaria a the charges to Te re fought t hmater yas thus far been said to at Luz Rea admin ation, while Gomez is was destroy | Erie & W i Nav Ww West wi GX in the engage Augustin Godoy has J have ments San and Logia Twe Children Killed by Falling Ruins, BroogLYX, Feb instantly killed and on ously injured as the result of a fire which destroyed a cottage Fort Hamilton . vAh v ) avenue yesterday. The victims are Minnie | 3 A sight. 83 Specht, 9 years old, and Harry Botzen, 7 | eanly Kiva y oth W 4 B10 years old. Edward Hill, 18 years old, re bid and celved a fracture of the thigh, severe scalp | t. pasle The | cottage was unoccupied, and the fire started | from an unknown « Later in the | day, while a crowd of children and others | were viewing the ruins, the fell without warning, burying the three men tioned ight the bands of nt ‘ oi ¢ Alvarez and Nunez on the | Lehigh Valley 4 LET eater hildren were Man seri 10. Two « * Dally. + Week Days 10:10am Philadelphia Sleeping adeiphia & Readin Willamspt east Iv at 6.5 " i train O81 Imcret, Cayito and it is suppos With the General Markets, : field of Cinco Palmas and took their posi he erfered ) ‘ Hight de : fn ) ’ 4 40. ox tions The Insurgents retreating left fourteen killed wounded, | kills tog oar | rying off the The | troops lost a two soldiers | killed an and eight soldiers wounded ¥ Captain General Weyler has announced the following appointments: Lisutenant general, Segundo ( to command the | provinees of Pinar del Rio, Matanzas and | Havana, M Ahumada; setting | military governor, Suarez Valdez; chief of staff, Federico Ochando; to command the Second in Puerto and General Pando young 4 PRILADELPHIA, Fe ng tras, $2.0 Mistery, d: w ’ upon Barto, foreman of The on OI and thre and Peter Strom was with arms and ammunition of their w sergeant ! wall and seriously Herald foro started Wes ounded was lower Fel and oily steady, with SNe bid February. Hay steady; eel Pork lower Ay and {or riAY n que paked 1§ Fel CHESTER wounds and contusions of the hody "wy Miss Hollings £0) n Indianapolis on Jan 1 fact that ith and 25th i! ile hoi mess $ Creamer) NTRAL RAILROAD ar ‘ May 2», 182 hild mur y ELLEFONTE C} ondit ‘ » To take effect I} ofy Heise pears to be in a dying « Als establish he ms absolutely ex steady in the Chester county prison i weak say that it would not be surprising if he Y : wot th present week o” Eo — has refused all sus r : WESTW A yestiern steam v0 Lid ie. fa 22 12% Klgins : New York cream 10g Pennsayls exira 11s Lar EASTWARD steady mney chimne) Mort through the Since his convietion he weostorn dair » Id not live 19 mitation dairy, 201% ania and west 20% do. choles prints Jobbing steady New York fancy, 66 10g part skims Pb Eggs firmer; } York and Pennsylvania, 1514c. : ioe house, J 3 154 1 Hg southern tual attempted de rques creamery, | » I'he univer ‘ wisoning tenance. and the belief is growing that be has decided to starve himself to death. As far as known he has ¢ last Friday morning a verdict of guilty will not ge and prosecution accepted William H. Pen nypacker aan juror : : 1 voli {1 the In anapolis gli ern I Seven Years for a Murderess, SALEM, Mass Feb. 12. Miss Maud Brewer was sentenced In the rior criminal court here to serve years in the house of correction for Killing | Gideon W. Lattimer, Jr., of Lynn Dec. 18, 1894. Lattimer and Miss Brewer had been engaged, but owing to his mot} reAmMery rints ir DA rincipe fair to good np Princ Annie ape gOvYen wen nothing sino found believed hie ) at 21424 { Santa Clara, OBI 4 Wis Ed be args when the jury It is now t a new trial, since both defense Fell Sixty-five Feet, wma Dunraven Has Not Apologized. Feb. 12.—Mr. Dizon Kemp, the well known yachting authority, informed the press yesterday that Lord Dunraven Brialy ws J addle ' Seotia Crossing. 7 Krumripe H Struble Inn. hire temporary full skims ing tod ne AK Bedford octric railroad, ton miles " . LONDON ross on | 33; western fresh Tinker's « for he and Cl dand K south of thi mn 1x Srrovtentng, Pa, Feb, 10.