6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1805, ——— - - DAVID AND ABSALOM. DR. TALMAGE®' PREACHES A GREAT SERMON TO YOUNG MEN. The Parent and the Wayward Son Love Industry and the Christian the of Home, Religion ns Safeguards of Young Men Keeping the Lord's Day. WasHinGTON, Nov. 24.—In his mon today Rev. Dr. Talmage, preaching to the usual crowded audience, + ok up a subject of univ l interest ty young men. His text ved from II Samuel xvi young man Absalom safe The heart wrapped up was a splend af wor \ his head t not a that he hair tha what was poun brill boy, w Was | He had his fa battle gun. Dav gat i ings his h rer decided cont ar aw of the runn spoed ann and t at the thing life those 1 cial disgra nity eomo | dollar earth mount rocks w da, and the g and | and m not kee; That ot of the rock the 1 parts them n not by 1 midst of be a fool Home as a Safeguard, "As the yatcheth hes and the Now, young which I+ There are ple asnre word carly abode 1 or pov- erty. Harsh words a tulance and sowing 1 the SRnetity « f tha w1 Lon and self sacrifi nilt their altars in = m bodies, were gers in 3 } you, ¥ hone may ve destroyed all | BH | kindness h have | : tran God pity ng man; mever | roof, but without soon not your soni. A stranger passing along that place might & hing remarkable about it ; but, much it means to you. Fresco on palace wall does not mean so ranch to as those rough hewn rafters. Parks wers and trees on fashionable water oe or eountiry seat do not mean you as that brook that ran the plain farmhouse nging under the weeping willows. The barred gate way swung open by porter in full dress not mean a8 much fo you ne that ing gate, yoor sister on one side of #8 and yon on ther, she gone 15 oars ago into glory; that scene com fag back to you today, as you swept You have itirred a dash ing om rth that so oh! how You much to in front of and the © backward and forward on the gate, ginging the songs of your childhood. But there those here who have their second dwelling place, It is your adopt ed home, That als sacred forever, There you estsblished the first family There your children were born. room flapped the wing of the nder that roof, when you expect to lie down and die. There is only one word in all the language that can convey your idea of that place, and that word is ‘home. "’ Now, let me say that I never knew a man who was faithful to his early and d home w» given over at rim of wick yment in Hite altar, In that death angel. 1 your work is done, ho was ) ANY Kross I u find more en) A Rotten Beam In the Palace. A or the fen n oegin m to x has in his in, every capital t of his h the And yet many men who start ot of Lure without ng to be a Mark's ca no life pl iparisoned, they has ;, and I run out and say: ‘Hel Whither away!’ ‘‘ Nowhere!” make every g up of eat life plot. J that there should be on this sea of | many ships that bound for no port! They ery whither by wind and wave, up by the mountain They sail w no stan ton n lo, man! they say Oh, young man, day's duty a fillin the g geom swept eve and down by the valleys th no chart. They gaze on long for no harbor. Ob, young man, have a high ideal and press to it, and it will be a mighty safeguard They | There never were grander opportunities opening before young men than are go in. Fe ngain started for home and wont home, The other young man went in. He went from one degree of tempta- tion to another. Caught in the whirl of frivolity and sin, he lower and lower. He lost his business position. He lost his morals, He lost his He died a dreadful death, not one star of I stand before you ‘“to th have boen per opening now. Yeung men of the strong arm and of the stout bLeart and of the bounding step, I marshal youn today for a great achievement Ar sank et for the ith 11 me how a young his Sabb ire his pro I tell yon what hi ther suf un: resp man ith, and I will tell you treet soul in bugine and | merey shining on it today,’’ said that minister, Giod that for 20 years 1 mitted to pre ach tl other young man."’ Oh, yom that point—-the one went 1 The great business life will 117 you, young Lord's Day. da h« ut the ink r the eternal world (dod nto our busy | red da au the 6 gospel. I feed hable this 8 Bi uld demand one day the im men, Keep the Ine i ¢ rher Wa on of Society. all ing out had a v¢ he we ing point bad busi and the upon me al 18 unt The Other Man, That Sunday night point of that young very Sabbath hot point in the hist int 3 (1 Doel ' alr VETROTY ond viralty and Horse Guards the ixth y he , fi oOrre on an anni : gyman who told He said : dragoons recently chang d their quar “Thirty years ago tars, a mare be started out to attend Park theater, New | troopers w taken x York, to i : ridiealous and by been brought up They started for { vile play, and 1 came back upon tho not right to go, but till i They came to the door of the tl et One of the young mon stopped and stat The (azotto ent of when writes that ill as to be unable to proceed on the journey the follow i Inter another de- tachment of the sane regiment, accom- panied by the band, arrived. The sick mare was in a Joose box, but hearing the ma 1] straing kicked a holo through the side of her box and making her way | through the shop of a tradesman took | her place in the troop before she was se sng LWoO dave morning | od for home, but returned and camo up | pured and brought back to the stable to the door, but had not the courage to LEGAL NOTICE SHI By virtus try longing to one of the | Closing Out Sale! Late! Late! Too T00 OING! OINGH ONE! [| oT eC Ee eae SHDS OTTO Te% TOTO" 9S TC es SOT TS TS SSS So OP DOI CDT DDPD™TDY > BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES, O = ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ M ¢ / ¢ / / «f ¢ / / / ¢ ¢ / ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ / / ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ f ¢ ¢ ¢ / / 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ "4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ; ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 Ba Sa Sh Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa A Bridal Chamber t Ww go far g another 1d sed room Se Baby Carriages. at in order to that line of baby mention we also carry a fine . at the most reasonable FUNERAL FURNISHINGS and EMBALMING a specialty. F. BE. NAGINEY, BELLEFONTE. Telephone No J212. Allegheny st