THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER £ 28, 1895. OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT. A Column of Interesting Personal Items. HOME NEWS PARAGRAPHED. Interesting Events and Happennings from About the county—Doings of our People Briefly Told. Saturday to town, Scholarshi days old, at ine stock, will Haag's Hotel Car load of cows, offered at public sale, Saturday. John house stone block. — Hugh | has been quit with diphther ng over soft mountain mains. now making arrange! Wanted house for several day \ N 3 1 Lav. Rasinyis Wik foi 1] last tet ote is fever, and was Sewn. fined to the Executive mansion for scv- eral Gays. home from all ou tl > an open air > programme will » selections You will notice that Lyon & Co, have something of importance to say in their They have ing to tell i you, wdvertisement this week something interest A 10D Ana i ar load rtham cow offered be at publi ler’s hotel, 3 place Among the by the departm for a pater one taken out by tandard Lodge Order Odd Fel Hows, A. cane, d Unit Rev gold heac Gran uted Grant with a On last Tuesday, the 16th, Tussey celebrated his 25th anni ary as a railroad Ever si forte driven a pas enger engine between the two place D. F a bit of § Pennsyl the to Lewi ania engineer, nce road was built from Bell burg he has Fortney, FEsq., is jui nterest in the coming ann A 850 Thur Important meeting of the School Directors tion county, « the 19th, of institute ia of Centre 1 lay, week topics and timely matters will be cussed. Some of our ¥. M. C not like our A. friends did week in re. gard to the military drill connected with that institution. traits of humanity to hold different views, and as long as one may be 1o fault should be found a frank ex- pression, comments last It is one of the marked sincere mn ee us before buying your overcoats our pric es will be an agreeable surprise to you, FAUBLES, Brockerhoff Block. A. GOOD INVESTMENT. The Stone Crusher in Building Roads, A.C Archey, attendance Value of a of Pine Grove Mills, | Monday. subject of Mr, was in at court, on In conversation with him the them came the roads and how to make As Mr visors of Ferguson township, that is enthusiastic for using modern HOC yl up. Archey is one of super- he natural- ly takes much interest in topic and machin ery. In road build 1s had Archicy has made some st of when built by hand, some experience calculations, as to the relative macademized roads the A piece ol roa lin aud by use of stone crushers Ferguson made of hand-broken stone completed, $4.00 per cool wave fi Eat ALIS LI The gr { takes place oom | | kK I E ) ng man, handsome, i 1 € ng of the « They their future hon it 7 | make ion, yur most he Bally for Hughes of | psburg day that he H. | "ii Miia eCceive t had fallen | | through the death of a r | He at nl working al ih lives on Eigh i | do itany more Senior Class Assembly taking quite | Senior clas The ual | vening ial train will leay after the m. returning Pp Got one Deer, Saturday the Haupt, Alexander, McMutrie three Green woods with a nice their credit, On Blag hunting kford, party stay in the came in from a weeks’ large deer to Public Sale At the mile h, 1 Des farn residence of Geo of cember rd: 1 horses, implements, etc, east Nittany, on Tuesday, I cow 2 pigs, | coming back from the woods rather de- | footed | not having seen any [a | hast party SHOT FOUR DEER, A Successful Hunt in the Green Woods—The i Best Kecord, | This year deer hunters have been spoudent and invariably report the fleet animals very scarce, in fact some at all, the Gentzel Last Saturday party, hunting returned the 1d coun from Spring township, after spending two weeks in Green woods ron ‘learfie T he ght of the chase, with them, tro three deer. y brou as fine bucks This and the party lo phies doe, all is cord for the ason 15 11 Of I large reported Hog ( ny sd by fire on Monday Mr and its content is true that H who came to foate M about two weeks ago and ed to be arranging for the opening of a whole » grocery I hurt leaving an ung House as succeeded 1 worked his Mi sale 11th, will offer property, omplete outhit of at public at Pl 1 fur les to Gap, a « bonschol« niture, consisting all kinds of artic i) be found in a well equipped household, everything is in first-class Sale at 1 o'clock sharp Badly Beaten 47 were the Jlefonte team On Saturday High schoo! foot ball burg to play the that place, O teeth cut by mi te 0. They ha the game, dear boys got their eye rwhelming score of 52 ry little to say about took in the famous horse show, at Madi. son Square garden, more dresses, women, great throng of wealth, bet famous Duke of Marlborough, from Fp five fellow, { store, skipped out last | paid board bill | game | lcasant | condition, at Philips. | High school boys of | terres 0000000000000000000000000000000 Saw the Duke. Col. Shortlidge was in recently on New York City business, and one evening In his mind, it was of a society affair in which fine handsome In the aristocracy and rare jewele, and were the attraction, all wuty, the centre of attraction was the fortunate million dollar bride, The Col. Duke as a modest-looking, land, who was in securing ¢ exch inge the mn for a name describes genteel young without any assumed airs or self of disti onsciousness his nction, Shortlidge was hor ered in the bardle Change of Atmosphere Al. Da and took tl 7 Iie tori h The Plain Facts loads - Sarsa- Ppp parilla iy. Mywss f° UIPCS 2% Feel Mr, H Geo. 10 Years. | . a is — . wil { § for Tha mg. H. Dixrren: Fired Hood's Plllg are « aSTNtan MINGLES sror STORE. MR i a i Ml -Royal Worcester Corsets- sessed Beautiful Boucla Dress Goods LALLA LL LE Celebrated ALs (r1.4 GARMAN'S Ole sewing bar best for the best ege beat. er in the world. Granite ware at half price. 2400 matches 10¢, worth 20, Ladies under vests for 2be¢ worth 50, Tb envelopes for 10e. 10000 cakes Brownie soap 1 cent cake. Monkey soap-—something new Garmans. 000000000000000000000000 be WOW silk full pound bo RIM ol COOP VIOIVOOVVVPVOICOVODIIPPVOPOP0000O0P00000QR0CO0COO0® DON’T _m Freeze and Shiver this Winter NAAM AAA AALAAA AMAA AMRAALA ARAMA AAARAAARAAAAAMAAAAAAARIAALA ARAL ~ | i 3 i i 3 w» sve TSTSeeTTT SS TTT TeTT STOTT“ :2T eT“?! 99S “e022 T 2ST :|2 U9. SAOMAAAAMAOMMAMAMLA0AAMA0040000L00L0000000000000000000000000000000 0440 WINTER OVERCOAITS WINTER CLOTHING SS. I. WILINS, Allegheny street, Bellefonte. “HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS PAINTS, OILS, AGATE AND TINWARE, HORSE BLANKETS SHOVELS, FORKS, RAKES, POCKET AND TABLE OOKING AND HEATING S TOOLS. TLERY GASOLENE, OIL, TOVES, and od cannot ung Goods, thousands 18 om ple te in everything, 1 mention all the bargains offered, but if you want to buy anything in the hardware line come and see—such an opportunity may never come again. If you are wise yon will lose no time in taking advantage of this sale McK EL.