Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 28, 1895, Image 2

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' 111 Fi \ i / a A ITY NTT Bo hd {1 \ ) DOB: 14d NTUIQ IANAPNAP | hake, Woe #63 ST
111 ——
) |. i 4) [).\ ERP : i t . \ , Af How the Quaker City Is Chented by Wednesday. Nov y, a Hamohreyes Bperifien i
Pn honest Contractors, ning Soi
nostrmastor of th city, died Pinay PHILA N Yost | Fon J A y, Mo,, has Private pr
NT | 1A "Ww i ( ordn maple with f y f
ernoon. al month's ill inted Unlved States minister to pono lb re for the di
: vr not 1% “ o \'Y v h ' BOSON of th nate investieating comm
Five Lives Lo Hoi ol a { wilnted hy V " : bom : land They cure without drug
oe at the eity hall was ou
in 0 bee a : hall was pi i the Ky stem and are in foot
ison, | rim would |} { . a | em Pasha, for many year tid
. . most sensational stimony yet ! : | Remedies of the World,
«d Deo. 18 Vie Donald I ‘ ¥ . minister to the court of a i 1
FIOUS Charge wring made ngain 114
ms in the legislature Mol
| we conga
voy Loe, a enrpenter amd ba or, | London liste night | 1~P4vors, Cangestions, Inia
FOUR OF TI | D AD Whith Pik id NEWTON 1 o Y ’ embloved iy | OreIiAG h Cardinal lLacien on arte died in | L-Warmns, Worm Fever, V«
tv and’ Taras Aa ; he od . : Rome lust might Ho brother of | 3-Teething Colle, Crying, V
y and James I work. The | wie oot, [1 hi 4 A bro 4 “1 4-~Diarrken, of Children or 4
. R storm int , \ 111 Wi y wil 4 " t ”" } Lh . BQ WM oereatea a yf} ¥ Cleriad Bropehitd
temarkable Act of Gallant Fire Cap " ' : i ong, Lana, hd
The Remarkable g tht company's plant f { [ale } | | S~Neuralgin, Toothache, Face
$-Hendaches, Fick Head
all on ‘a Ladder He Cang y " \ ’ i» ane of testi . fh atl y rk, occupigd by 10-Dyspepsin, Dillousn: Ce fn
we x ‘a Bore VW ! A y d wont ' A Tw | 11~Buppressed or Painful Periods
Girl and Carried Her ‘ at] a ay ' \ § vd Oma an an ised the death of « nal 12-Whites, Too Profuse Per
. \ 0 rhe Interior La ) wij hh Holl, f ploy ns ably fated Injuries to two other 13-Croup, Laryngitis, 1
CHICAGO ov. 10 int y th stab in the grol: ! abo | o A ‘ to t ast mall train on the New k Cor 14-8Balt Rheum, Erysipela
ilding., a seven stor stm PITTSBURG oh 4 a . v ot A : Rad 1] . Wk col cus al rom recked near R 15-Rheumatisnm, I
: 4 . 16-Malnrin, Chills, Feve
19-Catarrh, Influenza, Col
oe 20 - Whooping Cough
: wh : ) ; I | ] ] v io acknow ’ Liat a | 27=KRiduey Disenses
owners [ an i" 10 i 4 \ ny f ' 0" ‘ ’ +i t Di RO ok WAY “U8 Nervous Debillihry
ng the l ve lives, the ad ' 3 ’ ’ ‘ . | 30-Urinary Wenkness
0 Ww ) ) V \ A Thursds Nov. 2 | 4
o others and the injury ol k " : : : h : ay, oy 34-Bore Thront, Quincy, Ul !
} h and u Her o WoL Md 4 HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL G11,
lars of Scheneotad are the sons {| ** The Plle Ointment.” Trial Size, 28 Cis,
oy . ul Tl ' " s \ ‘ I A of well-to-do parents Bold by 1 piste, or sent prepaid t of
The dead an i CK + mn i R Shae : 13641 R —- A | ba Hen M
| n i ! 4 3 It rted that " "n ’ . rusEYs’ Mar jon
HUBPHREYS AED. CO, 111 A 313 Willem BL,
tain Hermanson While Balancing ii vrose and they en . { in ha \ " M1 tory building
starr a
tv tv
tenant of § repo
ably d
third st
Saturday, Nov
Dumas Fils Is Dying
a SE
Closin Ountations of
the mur
ms wh
; : -
Two Children Meet ‘ Flame CS Ow To those who
Mam C . Khe State gives so cents
t Tenth ; . : aud 50 dollars at graduati
Tuition, $1.25 per week; (State
75 cents per week
kA ak rot a i ’ child fe Vi Heat, light, washing, furnished room .
her and caress und Kissed het p » rotelved A wr Ad fire on the B chit ) retinay] ie ' 1aa.25: d and good board, only $3 per week hia hadroading at : ost bound
arose and sent a et int s bral: H : PP d= , ABRRY N hing be nite k L@A.36: western t lon The net cost for tuition, board, heat | at a. ) "ull arior - Day
was 0 years ole Fen te ) 0d | {nforming him of tho award to the ate # . 2 hutned : b ‘ el. of r, with and fumished room for the fa ¢ | trains between Williameportand Philadelphia
FAR Fotiny gf lie B Cary tho award to the com wn, § yon | nd G3%c. asked fo vember. Core fran He in : J. W,GEPHART
well res 1 in the villag pany by the Husclan g wernment of a oon. be ae, 3 ! ur gift } i. Ww y t 1 naked for No 16 weeks 1s only $6 ; for the winter term General Sapt
tract for the manufact { nearly 1 80x in) he d ' } ! R b ata « ‘ tod, with Dib of 12 weeks, only $45, and for the spring
tons of Hary red armor plate. The plat | oars whe © Hght wid | for Novem Hay firm; | Yer of 14 we CKS ouly $52.50. The net :
I ih ay ; ised on the new battleship Rost burne ce timothy, $15. eel steady. Pork | cost of the whole Senior year of 42 weeks ma CENTRAL RAILROAD
. et. Lard steady: western steam, $5.33. But. | is only $107.40 ) To take effect May 2, 15%
Aav (‘a veel Oo rey " . ‘8
any i ' lav Thisi ne of the largest contracts | the buliding | : ‘ " but . |
Bocretary ( ter steady. western dairy J0@ 15. do cream The } aculty of the Central State Nor. | gasrwann WERETW ARD
Joseph W he work is to bo completes Mall Caine Indignant, at) : oY fou i FR yt ¥ ’ h mal School is composed of specialists in | 124 & 1 ’ 1 4 1
filibustering ) i ately Informe p a . Ao THD ONTO Bove amily Bd Ny ut their several depa nts ‘ive leading
} i K i next fal Fhis will kes ' Ont Nov ’ Hall Calne dairy. 16@20.; do. creamery, 1T@R0. : Penn hes several da partments. Five le ading
colleges are represented
A well conducted Model Sohool fur
vessel I ner } § the flag at the ordni ey vith him wl : ared in an : Jobbing at 263.2 nishes superior training to professional
ernn rorks W Fun 4 wl ! y f giving what rk large, 74 smal ’ students. Graduates command good po
Sl 3: heal } to or \ jolted throug "1 rports to be bis Impression of Holmes I Scan, BQ ei iad i Sitions and mic et with excellent success
An ii ri sil ai nst } : i y SIT PR “tt vier ‘alne k ! " hug he 1 Banas wy ding "pe .
ment : Buyin % hlladaphin i Tutor He I or fee house, MQ at a co on Ia br pry oo vo 3 |
wha ] WILKESBAT kh. N 26. «A strang iscinims overy passage and overy line o as a Cos ared and twentiy-av
ction has ny } witv of Fa interview. He threatens to bring suit Stan thousand dollars, is now finished and oc.
n lon ha pon the family of Ja w Live Stock Market,
ALBA N ¢ » Cantal Henry W cob Kline, 1 : rell-todo dairyman of th or libel New Yonk, Nov. 35 «Steers slow, but prices fupiea. 8 Accommodations first class. Inn : 5 n bs bd
a * ul RA ao Ah city. L Th lay Katie, his 12 yoar.ol wt Coanterfelter Sentenced steady to firm; oxen 100. lower, bulls 10e YIeCLIIC light in every room, carpets, | 5; State College TR ba
Howgate, the shursing officer of the | qouohter, came home from school suffer mp i ; . higher, dry cows steady: native steers, poor to | Spring beds, wardrobes, new furniture, | Rit hau ru -
signal service, now weather bureau, who | (oo with very sore eyes. Her mothe: AUBURN, N. Y,, Nov, 22 In the case of prime, $5.25@4.55; half breeds, $3.75; oxen, $2 | fourteen bath rooms. Hot and cold | Morning trains from Montandon, Williams
y F Moet | Mrs, Mary T. McMillan, alias Mary T. | gq20, bulls, $232.75; dry cows, $1.05@255. | water on every floor. Fan system steam port. Lock Haven and Tyrone connect with
- iteneed to olght yes imprison .
was sentenced #h ye Ars impr bathed the ayes In warm milk, and th 3 } ir torfolt { wit t ‘ul : 1 sit 1 LOR ‘ rain No. 7 for State College Afternoon trains
ment for forgery and falsifiention of am ma the counterfeiter of two.cont post: | Calves steady! poor to prime veals, $5¢ heat, Smead system of ventilation from Montandon. Lewisburg and Tyr ” ¢ con
MM Ww syste + I 1 \ SITE ANd Oe ON
towel which she used was thrown bac 3 tAcd at NO)
counts, was b it to the penitentiag the rack. Bome tine after Mrs. Ki age stamps, the jury rende rod a vordiot of | gra Hi, - ul a . hiss how : oy w nlow Everything is new and convenient. Stu. | pect with Train No. 11 for State College. Trains
esterday to sorve his sentence ine | guilty, and Judge Coxe sent her to the | lower, RCPS OF CAG On THIRDS! pape 0 prime | de ' enter : . | from State Ocllege connect with Penna. R. R
yest? haha ipod her face with It ’ ’ ’ . 2039 101 on $i 8 il 44 dents may enter at any time Tock # i :
wij wr fa ith It, and John. the 10 Erie county penitentiary for oclghteon sheep, $208.10; lambs, $3Q4.50. Hogs steady ’ yi K 1 trains at Bellefonte
| year-old son, did kewl The ttle gir) i} . I at $3.0004.20 Haven is accessible by rail from all di. Daily except Sund
. waa better next day, but the mother's eyes rida KAT Lanenry. Pa, Nov. 25 —Oattle receipts | rections, ¥ pt Buk
wi D: kt JHE ; began to pala her, and continued growin Lothalre ta be Court Martinled, fair prime, ry i: Sood ut ham $5004; We shall be glad to COTTeS] ond with
case of 1) nulenn., who sho : " - L ng i roughs, fat, Ma3.50 oge slow; prime | any wi Fi ” 1 "
worse until Thurs when bocam InUssKIS, Nov, $.-It is announced A any who are interested. Send for free
ot b SOF “ " his opis A om . $55.7004.75; medium weight, $1.6803 70, ". - ™ \ XT, ha a >
omon H myst of h blind. The eyes of the boy wore also af | that the authorities of the Congo State light. § it Hy Rian $603.0 catalogue and secure rooms for next ENTRE COUNTY BANKING
last night in a verdict of “rot y & heavy grades, $1.003465; common to falr t ‘ : nh
My com of | ke 3ad fected, and today fe blind in ono and the | have decided to court martial Captain Lo: | Yorkers, $4.00; roughs, $2. 7503.95, Sheep slow | CT / COM EA ia
guilty oa the ground of insanity,  JUGES | yther Is weakening, The g " y : 2.6082,00 BHRLH0 orner o and Spring street,
ming. The mother cannot | thalre for hanging the British trader | and lower; extra, $2.6082.090; good, $2.202.50, JAMES ELDON, A. M_, Ph. D., Principal, Receive Deposits; Discount Notes,
Ingraham will commit Hannigan to an 8 10: a
. recover her sight, and the boy may be por | Stokes, his summary action boing held to | falr, $1.5002.10; common, Mk @8); lambs, 828 | oon {
wl { itd ah ’ y : A > tal State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa J.D. SuvenRy.
BAF hts S61 SE Bliti fin Rauently blind ( have boon unjustified. i & Veal calves, 2030.7 pha Cashier
1 term ©
Refused to Accept a Relenss
awarded by any nation in
Captain walton he ’ The ) ’ ‘ i " " PMPM AMAT AM PM
1 { " ploy of the ordnance dept Faglish anthor greatly an sylvania and western creamery prints, fancy 04 AN : nt a 4 N
tain refuses } ! it eadily vork When the ne wi at the publicati { an all " holoe, 24¢.: do. fair to good, 2)
2 188
1 138
were Waddle,
Scotia Crossing
western fresh
Mowgate Begins His Imprisonment
a a
Murderer Hannigan Aequitted, “¥ ni