MOST NEWS........ © LEAST MONEY 000000002000 COLLEGE LIBRARY, fn ¥ ' ~ al - al CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. NOVEMBER TERM OF COURT in the What Being Done Temple of Justice. IS CASES TRIED AND VERDICTS of Hon made Resolutions the Rich, of Members of Death Ad Bar Grand Jury—Civil upon Benj Unionville dresses by the Findings ot (he and Com monwealth Cases, Court called Mon love the at nine o'clock on day moming with Hon. John G and Associate Judge Faulk bench. on Considerable time up by the different members of in wi and motions. and presenting petitious The list of grand jurors was called twenty-one answered to their names Col. Andrew Gregg, of Potter township, wi hosen foreman of the same, after which the mstables port. arose and Court to the Of Centre minute upon the death of Hon set fil! an uprt and 1 the 1001s Byes { memoers of th uduct he C WAS ROVE ed by good commu : n Ss of the rights of suitor to do right lified fd his deportment on the hench was digni- fied and courteous, quiet and unassum- ing. He recognized the g labor counsel in the t and he was not diss labor 1 conld reasona therefore he to concede a necessary in the business of th It was with noticed at a re the Ar 1 which 1 +h re pr! oO! Of Lie age Of Hf remain tion of 18 aad distri We extend tothe | our heart-felt s; ment which has and children, ar we URST, Wu. C. HREINLE, C. M. Bower Errs LL. Orv: JOHN BLANCHARD of the Cc nminu AO After the reading speec hes were made by Hon Ellis L. Orvis and Hon After which court adiourned at a John G o'clock till two in the afternoon Of the Centre county Hon. Samuel Hon. Chester and Hon burg Charles A. Mayer, of Lock Haven J. B. McEually, of 1 of Clearfield, A.O. 1 of Bellefonte ex-Associate Juds court, NM ILsSon, Thomas i Of the Preside Hon Hon and Hon Judges urst Court convened at two o'clock of traverse jurors called an answered to their names jurors were then excused on account of kness 3 The afternoon session, until after three o'clock, was then consumed in hearing petitions and motions in Court, The following Ct & the Orphans’ then disposed of before taking up the quarter session's list Ww William Wolf; plea assumpsit; continued at the costs of the defendant Mary McCullum of the Poor of Boggs township; plea assumpsit ; non-suit entered 8. Lind Fox vs. H. P. Korman ; plea assumpsit, Judgment confessed in fav. or of the plaintiff for £54.94 E. Joseph, 8. Joseph and H trading as Joseph Bros. & Co., vs. Wm, F. Reber; plea assumpsit. Judgment confessed in favor of plaintiffs for $1309.55 S. IL. Ehle vs. H. P. Korman ; plea as- sumpsit. Judgment confessed in favor plaintiff for $27.27. Lyon & Co. vs. Rosanna Miller ; plea il cases were George Campbell vs Overseers Holtz, 18Sunpsit Tudgment confessed O1 lajutiff {or Wall Of National H.P Sit Judgment the plaintiff Paper Co 1 assumj 1 fOr ).00 Wainwright & Co. v H it, Judgment P confessed in Korman ; favor of th laintiff for The first cas Harry F $19 ofy called Com. wv was Lh Charge Thomas rantz, of Sandy horse Hi stealing; prosecutor, Slormstown lefonte; ecuton on Tuesday lor twp Mary y prosecutrix, dict not guilty , 1 and costs divides jually between the defendant and the prosecutrix. Com, vs Witmer, Benner twp charge, Robb prosecutor, George , Ruilty of assault. Sen. tenced one dollar and utor, Charl A. Bottorf, Verdict first count. All A TUS guilty jurors were discharged atl 4; ROVE MILLS “et MCAGOWS | mpty-handed 1day lly who bad morn i YCArs, until about ur years ago when he ac 1" cepted a ca preach n another field and ec their labor, morning Hey at the inclemency ening Ermentrout being pastor the church The present time Despite of the weather the it eyville have reason t was filled to utmost capacity people of Bail- ) feel proud of their church which presents a fine appearance and free from debt DEATH oF H. M. Merk of this community were very much prised to hear of the sudden death of H. M. Meek, who had been living in Altocna for the last few years. Not many years ago Mr. Meck was one of our most ener- and He to their loss a wife and four children all of whom getic most influential citizens. leaves mourn are married, | Two sous and one daughter living in Al | toona namely, David, Bilger and Mrs Lilla Gillaford and Mrs. George Miller, | living near this place. His death was caused by a stroke of paralysis, Inter | terment was wade at Altoona, Sunday | at 10.30 a.m, *uerisa rarity, arc hunted out, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 180s. Cras "THANKSGIVING OBSERVANCE Jecome a Very Holiday. Has Popular INSTITUTED BY THE PILGRIMS When'they Landed at Plymouth Rock in 102s Now a National Holiday and how itis Generally Kept Religiously Observed Ameri Ts: A I RTOW ving is purely an | in concer ’ } inning ¥ whose piet I pluck, oring their Deity came more general the New Eng sevolence which has become very nota “009 anle. to whol a and in an anostentatious way are helped fo +1 ’ { WOODWARD iy ITEMS By what we Huntingdon All plant, cal dort Mr was to this } lace on We were glad t him he Our sportsmen always et those wishing to see a 1 on our merchant I, Lather Miller, from K re: op with the prepared Isn't it funny wrong animal, whem they are for deer, the y meet bear John We forgot to mention in our last re port, that our barbers face Jooks field af} It's shorn - harvest - . » A Desireable Place he Harrisburg Patriot says: Miss I Mary Rhone, of Centre Hall, reported for duty yesterday as clerk to Dr, B. H. Warren, state economic zoologist. She is a daughter of Worthy Master Rhone, of the State grange, and will receive a salary of $1,500 a year. The office is a sinecure and she will have little else to do but draw her salary Hon. Jom H. Holt, of Burnside township, was in town on Tuesday, He | is enthusiastic about the test wells for oil, sunk in the vicinity of Karthaus. Stock is being subscribed for the third | well, which will be located in Centre | county. rood di 2 | | Modocs are Badly Left prop- IN THE COURT HOUSI Legal Intelligence Gathered Offices from Various LJICEN Pp Haines tw Benner twp twp Snriny ! 15 Zion Cowan pring Mill Mt. Eagle Howard Philipsburg FATE TRANSFERS ux. to Tracy f Ol ground in sideration £26¢ er ux {Of lar BOALSBURG EVENTS, Big Porkers—Sing A Good Time “tA NO a ing Class 1s A Un all the churches Luther ic held in the 1e 4 caurca Goon Tian The bloods of our town, and their to Potters Mills, last chicken and best girls, were ittending a They ished up with music and dancing Friday night, fin. They waffle supper report having a good time .— New Telephone Line ‘he Central Pennsylvania Telephone company have largely improved the ef ficiency of their system at this place by securing the telephone line of the Belle fonte Central Railroad, that extends from Bellefonte to State College, Wad. dies, Scotia and other points, Pay sta. tions will be established at these various points equipped with metalic circuit and long distance telephones. excellent almost Bellefonte today has telephone service that reaches every portion of the county. Powell will be in Bellefonte, | Monday evening, December 16th. | gives a splendid performance, an on He | from 8.40 10 10.45 A. | i | | JAPANESE COMPETITION » Preparing to Undersell our Pro ducts, AN INGENIOUS SET OF PEOPLE Who Can Many Ship them to this Country for About Manufacture Articles Half what They they Cost in Am are Doing % Children died were discharged a There were the adm ana or rth 1 of which is STAT COLLEGE NOTES munication so s MAXY HANKS «The hunt 1 with the spoils ing ones had to down before the unerring aim of our ex- Pe the tables of the sportsmen and friends, of rt marksmen. They will grace which your scribe Tox Mrs. Julia ¢ is one. Many thanks , many thanks, . Gray has returned from Philadelphia and resumes her duties as secretary of the expe ri nm ent station Harry Haywaest, the assistant agri culturist of the experiment station, has just returned from a protracted vacation in the west t is said that Esquire Thompson is hoped that he may is very low and it soon recovet A. A. Miller has returned fro: a trip down the valley to see friends, -— Bara Burned. - . The large barn owned by Isaac Walk. | er, who lives on the farm just beyond | Stormstown, was burned Tuesday night. They were threshing during the day and it is supposed that the fire was of incen. diary origin. A valuable machine be. longing to Waite Bros, besides some stock was in the bam and burned. i ——————— - Post Office Hours, The post office will be open to-day i m. In the after. noon from 4.45 to 5.48. The carriers will make the usual moming collection and forenoon delivery. and | last regular | Board of Officers L. A. W | gives Mr, Bush same voice and vote in | has an elegant : A FREE .. SCHOLARSHIP... PAGE » SEE VOL. 17. NO. 42. Obituary obser uies deri Ihe ( Yu ler net 1 ( i y 1 VE and fricafds L last tribute to his in Mill. 1528, died ME. 53, he Bodie, Pa., who sur- I made emula- ) were friend roness ich little virtues upon light from 1 sun glory and of heart YOR ng hildren to arcsses and x pressed it as art to be able re his child cmula he Maitland works, #1 a pairof about fifteen fect, } was picked up unconscious. He was rally bruised about the and shoulders, and has been confined to the fre 13 4 Ne PDASt Week, In OOn ad sequence few 2a Kan d the meet ica of TO might Dree © Should shown the en ked to play a re Wednesday kindly proceed ompact form ettio tig very led court omg To and to this we tis in a the point is one of our ablest young attorneys, who is ae- of near Several ago Mr. McCoy had his hand in n a corn husking machive, which He was abon Potters Mills, died on Monday. WOCKS jured § finally caused his death. 78 years of age. The Beliefoute Wheelmen, at their mecting, elected Geo. I. the Pema, This election Bush as representative to the meetings as though he had been elected in the district. On Saturday G. Wash Reese had his new grocery store, in the Pruner block, and was doing business. He location and a hand somely furnished room, and is quipped to handle groceries in the very bested style. His stock will embrace every. thing from the purest plainest and best in that line. Mr. Reese is an coergetic young man, and is deserving for Hs pluck and enterprise. We predict that he will be successful in his new ventare. opened