Ll THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1505. ————— - A SERMON FOR WOMEN 'REV. DR. TALMAGE DESCRIBES THE NEW WOMAN, Me Mas Faith In Evangelistic Triumph and in Right This Is a Good World For Girls Direction, Moth- Progress the ers Too Often Forgoiten, WasHINGTON, Nov. 17.—Rev. Dr. Tal mage took for the subject of today's ser mon ‘A Word With Women,” the text far the occagion being the following lot iter received by the distinguished preach lex: REVERR: fn answer t Fayott mon O01 fled view to man mening added intellige: tilat exercis many forms of more longes same characteristics dradgery may allow her ill have the which God gave her ol v ’ but she w Ppa fore me wants advice to young w Get Right With God, with OG attitude! was of travelis ing the | book rinting igh to enchant ul in grunt y mel w hi 28 1% nm invent , ny : ) ny thom } with God there has not been an tion for 6,000 yon It is on RUIN Bae of repentance that David exercised about his sins, and the same old style of prayer that the publican used when he emphasized it by an inward stroke of both hands, and the same faith in Christ that Paul suggested to the jailer the night the penitentiary broke down Aye, that is the reason I have more con fidence in it. It has been tried by more millions than 1 dare to state lest I come far short of the brilliant facts. All who mgh Christ earnestly tried to got 0 with God are right and always will be right, That gives the young woman who gets that position saperior- | ity over all rivalries, all joalonsies, all on But in the 1 tter of gett r right nven the misfortunes, all health failings, all so- cial disasters, and all the combined tronbles of 80 years, if she shall live to be an octogenarian, If the world fails to appreciate her, she says, ‘God loves me, the angels in heaven are in sym- pathy with and I can afford to be patient until the day when the imperial chariot shall wheel to my door to take me up to my coronation.’’ If health goes, she says, ‘1 can endure the pres ent distress, for I am on the way to a climate the first breath of which will make me proof against ¢ven the slight est dikcomfort.’' If she be jostled with perturbations of social life, she can say, “Well, when I begin my life among the | of wd t kings d shall my a me, he and heaven OCIates, who 1 the invitations o out,’ All with difference Good World For Girls ther, writing a letter of friends SAVIN, who Appreciate Your Mother, A > Api n herwhile § rve her most um It is the al UNE Wom en who | lost m they did not realize what she was to them until exit from this | Indeed mother is in the f many a The maternal 3 versal testim nyof y ive ther that after her appreciation young lady a hindrance Nery : which is improper muaci the re many giris know at mothers h what an elab with The wmternal fore n to the recent seminary that today or tonight appreciated head is rather an indica graduate f the female the circumstances of t fully } Wise the m ughters the te Are ne 1 that pupils How ho fifties Wwaing thers wore the whors! haperon ] unt to much ayn Ww always askis jaost in the way and are ut I stage tters, and asking, ‘Who is that Mary D and “Where did you form that acquaintance, Flora?"' and “Where did you get that ring, Myra?" For mothers have such unprecedented means of knowing everything--they say “it was a bird in the air'' that told them. Alas, for that bird in the air! Will not some one lift his gun and shoot it? It would take whole libraries to hold the wisdom which the more than her mother have this?’ "Why cannot I do that?" And the question in many a group has been, although not plainly stated : '* What marks of dangliter knows “Why cannot 1 | shall we do with the mothers anyhow? They are so far behind the times. '’ Per. mit me to suggest that if the mother : ——— + had given more time to looking after herself and less time to looking after you she would have been as fully up to date a8 you, in music, in style of gait, in mwsthetie taste and in all sorts of in formation. I expect that while yon were studying botany and chemistry and em- broidery and the new opera she was studying household economics. But one from sitting wp of or's sick child, or a the west wind, on which pneu- y horsed, mother is sick, Yet ghe will goon be well, been sick so often, and al well, and the physician a dayagnd thers is a he doctors, and the broken that recovery ven in the words ** While re is hope.’ And the ver which are strewn the ith overwork, or phts with a neighl t of Ent becomes all the family Ww The Disinterested Friend, pathet when her child CORSON, CAM the oon give how n up her Pray of her a by thed voice had tremble rning put ohbed queen went “My poor he children disturbed I will hear their show you u atl ry, the 1 said Wu i ain = in an child ! you lessons today, and have not forg anniver I bring you this gift And the « clasped on the girl's wrist a mourning bracelet with a lock of her mother's hair. All youn your n the world around who m rrow, and sometimes § and sorrow “Mother! on your wrist this golden y:, ‘As whom his mother comforteth so w comfort you Advice the fourth pass without sone Ono's life walk of yon there is some one in a tragedy compared with which Shakespeare's *‘ King Loar" or Vietor Hugo's “Jean Valjean'' has no power (+0 out body's life with ress 118 tten the fad Hs on in y and Joss iret out orving, ane ini Allow no time to brights ning Within five minutes’ and brighten some a cheering word or smile or a flower. Take a good book and read a chapter to that blind man Go up that dark alley and make that in valid woman laugh with some good story. Go to that house from which that child has been taken by death and tell the father and mother what an escape the child has had from the winter of barth into the springtime of heaven. For God's sake make some ons happy for ten minutes if for no longer a time, A young woman bound on such a mis- glon—what might ghe not accomplish! Oh, there are thousands of these manu facturers of sunshine, They are “King's Daughters’’ whether inside or that delightful organization. more good before they are 20 age than selfish women who live and they are so happy just because they make others happy young woman who feels she ha mission with who vanities, cardcase po ple for whom cept for some sufferably be h turned, and trying to l and outside They do years of 090, h a such a und of Compare sud one Jive ire living 1a | make others The Scale of Life, i A { Te | Wanted Salesmen TA rs we be t but dying and w Life ter we nll and we 1 me say ther has been od G is a now man, ate] wom ing, transforn ant § rior to all called for: than wheel quicker thm the pay lightui the revolut y tH Cab etart ut i defying both « alm and cyclone with Dean Alford ln Mt wer ol over nm Wy i , saying One who han known in storma 10 sail I have on board ; Above the roaring « I hear my Lord f the gale He holda when the bil 1 shinll not fall; If short "tin shary He tempers all if long "tis High The Salject Kulted, Visitor-